May's Munchkins 2015

Thanks ladies! I feel like he is a normal size, but will gladly take the scan for reassurance!

Misspriss, that is so sweet! Wish my hubby would say that on his days off even! We take turns sleeping in on his off days and tomorrow is my day. Sooooo excited! If he works, I get up though. Not so fun when she is teething. But good practice for may when lo is here!
Hey ladies. Anyone else have dizzy spells and seeing stars or light splotches. I have a bp machine and bp is fine. Just not sure what's up with that.

I actually experienced this for the first time ever the other day. It was so bizarre. It was almost like there were fire flies buzzing all around me. I wasn't dizzy though. It passed after about a minute. Very weird! I didn't have that with my first pregnancy with my daughter.

I have my 1 hour glucose test tomorrow.. I failed the 1 hour with my daughter and went on to pass the 3 hour "with flying colors" They say that you don't need to fast for the 1 hour, but I plan to anyways. I am convinced that is the reason I failed it last time. Plus, with a busy 14 month old, I just don't have the time to do the 3 hour test.

Have you ladies had your tests yet? If so, did you fast for them, and how were your results?

I have my 1 hour tomorrow morning. I did fine with it with my daughter but this time around I am nervous. I have developed an intolerance to sugar (even fructose) and saturated fats. I am glad I scheduled it on my day off in case it makes me sick. I get diahrrea and then my stomach is raw for the next 3 days. Not fun!
I have had a WONDERFUL valentines day, despite having to deal with DH working a 13.5 hr day and not getting to see him all day.

DS woke up at 2:45 this AM, was still awake at 4am and I had to get up to pee, which sealed his awakeness, he got up and peed and then wanted to get up. I was VERY frustrated as I needed sleep, so DH, even though he worked 12+ hours yesterday looking at 13+ hours today, said "Just try and get some sleep honey, I'll take care of him"....sweetest words EVER. Unfortunately, due to insomnia, I tried to sleep for 30 minutes then got up, peed again, and took DS from DH and finally got him to go back to sleep by 5, then I got some sleep. At least for a couple of hours. Just the sweetest thing I think he has EVER done for me...

Then when DS was napping, I got a nice, looong, hot, lovely shower. Shaved and everything! So far, great day....

Weird. My little one woke at 2am last night too. i went to see her then tried to ignore her on and off grizzles for an hour before surrendering and taking her downstairs to watch One Born Every Minute. Finally got to sleep around 5 but at least she then slept till 8ish. No doubt i'll have insomnia tonight whether she's up or not. 11 weeks left at work and counting!
I have had a WONDERFUL valentines day, despite having to deal with DH working a 13.5 hr day and not getting to see him all day.

DS woke up at 2:45 this AM, was still awake at 4am and I had to get up to pee, which sealed his awakeness, he got up and peed and then wanted to get up. I was VERY frustrated as I needed sleep, so DH, even though he worked 12+ hours yesterday looking at 13+ hours today, said "Just try and get some sleep honey, I'll take care of him"....sweetest words EVER. Unfortunately, due to insomnia, I tried to sleep for 30 minutes then got up, peed again, and took DS from DH and finally got him to go back to sleep by 5, then I got some sleep. At least for a couple of hours. Just the sweetest thing I think he has EVER done for me...

Then when DS was napping, I got a nice, looong, hot, lovely shower. Shaved and everything! So far, great day....

Weird. My little one woke at 2am last night too. i went to see her then tried to ignore her on and off grizzles for an hour before surrendering and taking her downstairs to watch One Born Every Minute. Finally got to sleep around 5 but at least she then slept till 8ish. No doubt i'll have insomnia tonight whether she's up or not. 11 weeks left at work and counting!

He did better last night, woke up at 5, I just nursed him and got him to lie quietly until 6, and then we got up. I wish he would keep sleeping until 8 like he used to...
My scan was amazing!! He weighs 2lbs 9oz!! <3

We got an amazing DVD and 40 amazing pictures.

Here is my beautiful little boy

As for measurements I measured 25weeks at 25weeks but she said a few weeks either side is normal. X
Awwww such a sweet pic. Looks so peaceful and perfect.
Your OH sounds like a great guy misspriss, glad you had such a nice Valentines Day!

Awww, that's such a cute pic, MissZoie! I wonder if I'l get a 3d scan as well. Normally we'll onyl have scan at our OB visits. Do they use the same scanner for both the normal scans as the 3 scans?
Ugh, failed my one hour test. Now I have to do the three hour one wednesday. Hoping not to join the finger pricking club this pregnancy too, but not looking so good.
Your OH sounds like a great guy misspriss, glad you had such a nice Valentines Day!

Awww, that's such a cute pic, MissZoie! I wonder if I'l get a 3d scan as well. Normally we'll onyl have scan at our OB visits. Do they use the same scanner for both the normal scans as the 3 scans?

The scanner did both regular and 4D but it's a more high tech machine than what the hospitals have I believe. I don't know how it works over there but this was at a private ultrasound centre not a medical scanning centre. X
Zoie, great picture! He looks like such a cute little boy there. :)
What a cutie zoie!! Glad it went well this time!
Atx - fingers crossed for Wednesday for you!!

Anyone else finding that babys movements are getting stronger and occasionally take your breath away? It's weird I love feeling bubba move but at the same time it's a bit painful!
My sweet DS2..... Last night he came up to me looking a little bothered. I asked him what was wrong and he asked me if Ian can hear him. I said "yes, Ian can hear loud noises" - then then he asked if he talked really quiet if Ian wouldn't be albe to hear him because he wanted to tell me something and didn't want to hurt Ian's feelings. I told him to go ahead because if he was loud Ian could hear that he was talking, but can't understand what he is saying anyway. DS2 told me he worried that he wouldn't be a good big brother and worried that he would miss being the youngest too much. I gave him a big hug and told him that he will be a good big brother and if he misses being the youngest we can talk about it and make sure he knows how special he is. What a sweet boy that he was worried about hurting the baby's feelings. <3 Hopefully we will be able to make sure he knows how special he is always so his worries never even surface.
Awwww how sweet Kaja.

I told my daughter awhile back that she would sleep in brothers room for awhile when baby came. Well my step mom is coming to stay for the week so I moved her bed into their room. She says "oh does this mean my baby sister is coming in just a minute?!" Haha. I had forgot I told her that and can't believe at 3 she remembers. Needless to say she was a bit disappointed.
I love how kids process all this. It's too sweet.
Kazy - It is crazy what the little ones do and don't take from it all. Sounds like your DD is excited for baby to come :)
That's so sweet Kaja :) What a lovely boy you have!

Afm- I seem to have gotten into the very vivid dreaming phase. I dreamt last night that a family member had passed away, it seemed so real, it really took me some time this morning to realize it was just a dream...

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