May's Munchkins 2015

Ah! My house is such a terrible mess! I soooo want nesting to kick in. With dd it was around 33 weeks full blown nesting. Anyone nesting yet? If so I am jealous.
Not yet and really need it to!!!!!!!!! We have to sort the nursery out!!
Oh I really really really need to start nesting! But NO SUCH LUCK!! I just got over being sick though (UTI AND the flu) so maybe this weekend I can get some stuff done????
No nesting here. I haven't even started getting baby stuff together! It will likely be a few weeks before I have time. And motivation is a completely different issue!
Busy trying to clear out the girls clothes first. Luckily have found someone who is having them so that's a relief as we haven't sorted out storage yet for the room we are doing up. Have bought wallpaper though so that's a start just nowhere to put anything!
Have a midwife appointment tomorrow - looking forward to it as haven't had one for about 3 months I think!
Hi everyone. Its been a rather eventful week for me... last week I woke up wet and bloody.. at only 29 weeks at the time it was scary! so we dropped the kids with my mom and headed straight for the hospital. They determined I had some kind of placental issue (likely due to the fact that it is still low lying though not considered previa anymore) and possible rupture of the amniotic sac. They did a test to check for the presence of amniotic fluid which came back with a slight positive, I also passed a blood clot and had a small fluid gush at that time so at that point I was given steroids for lung development just in case, and was given an ultrasound soon after. They determined the water levels were still fine but found quite a few placental lakes, but no active heavy bleeding. They repeated the ultrasound about 6 hours later to see if there was any change. I had no more fluid leaking after that initial exam, but had still been having blood and mucus. The 2nd ultrasound showed I actually have a high normal fluid level of 19 (apparently between 14-18 is "normal" for 30 weeks) and there is a possibility the baby has swollen ventricles on one side of his brain (can't remember which side) but they aren't 100% sure because he was in an odd position and buried in the placenta (which is anterior rather than posterior like a normal placenta would be) so it could be swollen ventricles but it could just be bad positioning. I have to follow up with a high risk dr in 2 weeks to repeat the ultrasound in even more detail.. and will also be seeing my regular OB every week from now until delivery..

Anyway they kept me there for a few days to monitor baby and I and make sure there were no changes that would result in the need to deliver right away..the blood had come and gone over and over so it all got very confusing.. it wasn't fresh anymore but didn't look old either.. so the dr was debating on whether to send me home or not.. though I was still bleeding, the nurse decided she would attempt the tests anyway, she said she wanted to get an idea of what was going on anyway.. so she did 3 different swabs along with a few other tests, and a speculum exam.. everything came back fine though, but the speculum was full of bloody mucus.. so she kept that to show the dr. After a while they said everything came back negative, and that no signs of infection were apparent but to be on the safe side they wanted to send the swabs in for a culture just to be extra sure.. at that point they figured it was likely a small leak in the amniotic sac that has repaired itself, and a slight placental bleed. They figured the old blood had settled while I was in the hospital and was then coming out with my mucus giving it a pink appearance as the red blood cells broke back down.. the dr said that since everything else checked out there really wasn't any point in keeping me there, she was hesitant though because its a confusing situation but eventually decided to send me home on complete pelvic rest, and modified bed rest until delivery.

So I really have NO idea whats going on.. but I could end up with a preemie =/ No more signs of labor just yet so we will have to see how things go from here..

Hope everyone else is doing well and no complications!
Almost forgot. Was given this at the hospital, sorry its blurry, its a pic of the print out that I took on my phone but aside from what my phone took away, such an AMAZINGLY clear picture! and we FINALLY have settled on his name! Liam Jett :)
Oh my goodness sjdsmommy! That must have been terrifying. I am glad bleeding and leaking has stopped. I'll be praying for you and baby. Hopefully you can keep him in there a bit longer!
Oh my goodness sjdsmommy! That must have been terrifying. I am glad bleeding and leaking has stopped. I'll be praying for you and baby. Hopefully you can keep him in there a bit longer!

It definitely was! I was freaking out thinking the worst.. I grabbed my doppler but had NO idea where to even look because I hadn't used it since early 2nd tri and the last time his heart beat was checked was on ultrasound and he's all over the place.. so glad everything is ok so far. But its still a scary, confusing situation. Hopefully my OB can be come some help in easing the confusion tomorrow
I am so sorry sjd! But glad everything came back normal and they will be watching you every week! Lovely pic!
Oh sjd! Glad it seems OK now, but that must have been terrifying!! Take care of yourself and bubba. Xx
Beautiful pic BTW!! ;)
I'm so sorry SJD!! Do they have you on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy now?
Thanks ladies. My dr appointment is in a couple of hours, I really don't know if this is going to be a normal appointment for the most part or if they will be doing anything extra/special.. I just hope I can get some kind of clarification =/ but yes, definitely feeling better now that things seem to have calmed down!

My family has been great, hubby cleaned while I was gone and my grandfather took my other 2 kiddos for a good share of the day yesterday so that I could get caught up on homework and stuff. (As if I wasn't busy enough before this happened haha).

As far as nesting goes.. I've been nesting this whole time pretty much trying to buy in bits and pieces, but honestly have NOWHERE to put it all.. we should hopefully be starting the home buying process in a couple more weeks but really doubting we will be in a new home before the baby gets here.. Especially if he ends up being early.. so most of its all stacked up in our closet unfortunately.. but at least not long after his arrival we should be moving and we can put all his stuff in his own room!

We are having a baby sprinkle next month. I didn't want to do a full blown baby shower seeing as this is my 3rd baby and I already have one of each, but I did want to do some kind of welcoming party for him so we are having a party at the park with friends and family.. and I told them gifts are optional and that there won't be any games. I'm sure many people who come will bring something though so I have to find out where to put it all haha.

I finished up the hospital bags for me and baby (I like to separate my stuff from what I bring baby because its easier to find specific things) got it all washed up and put away. All thats left is a blanket for baby (still trying to decide which one I want to have his name put on, that will be the one I take with us) and then a hair brush for my bag..

I think this weekend I am going beg my husband to get our seats shampooed in the car.. the kids walk all over them when they climb into the car so they look nasty! I've been telling him I want it done before we put the car seat in but he keeps putting it off.. I'm about ready to take our carpet cleaner and just do it myself!
I'm so sorry SJD!! Do they have you on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy now?

I am on complete pelvic rest and modified bed rest, meaning I am allowed my normal light activity level but am not supposed to be doing anything for long periods of time, and no lifting anything over 5 lbs, no long walks.. basically I have to be a home body as much as possible lol but better than only being allowed a 5 minute shower :p I'll take what I can get.

It doesn't seem like an emergency at this point.. they just don't know what caused this all for sure.. and since I am only 30 weeks they don't want baby coming just yet. What small contractions I was having stopped after they had me on fluids. (but they weren't strong enough to consider active labor contractions anyway, the nurse said it was something but nothing to worry about just yet) been starting to cramp back up though. We don't know if this for sure means baby will be early or if I will make it to term but best to be prepared either way.
oh my sjdsmommy - I hope everything turns out well and you can keep baby baking a bit longer!
How did your apt go sjd? Did they find a cause for the bleed?
Nope =/ It was pretty much just like every other appointment. The OB kind of summarized what they found at the hospital, said all the labs from my last appointment and the hospital came back fine, confirmed that I had a follow up scheduled with the high risk specialist to repeat the utlrasound to check on the possible swollen ventricles on his brain and thats about it.. nothing special. I thought for sure they would monitor me or do a pelvic exam or something but nope.. The heart beat was fine as was my blood pressure and she did feel my stomach and said it felt ok, baby was where he should be and all that so it seems things have gone back to normal for now. So yeah.. still no idea what happened =/ but she told me to look out for signs of preterm labor and said hopefully I won't need to be back before next week. Not sure if they will find any cause for the bleeding.. I think they are just writing it off as a random fluke for the time being, I'm sure they will look into it more if it happens again. Just a confusing situation that they don't really have a clear answer to.. their best guess is a slight separation of the placenta that caused a bleed but if so it appears to have fixed itself (as did the suspected tear in the amniotic sac) because they didn't see any issues with the placenta other than that its still low lying, but its not previa anymore.

Not sure what all the ultrasound will cover when I go back for that.. I have that scheduled for the 6th.
Oh SJD how traumatic!! Glad everything has settled down and that little one is staying put for now :) what a week, hopefully with the pelvic & modified rest things will go smoothly until he is fully cooked and ready to be born x
Thanks. I'm still having a bit of old blood here and there, and SUPER gassy since coming home.. Not sure if it was a result of the fluids and not being able to move much or what.. but its really bad today, I burp constantly and have heart burn which I am not used to at all! hopefully I can find some relief haha

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