May's Munchkins 2015

Reading all your birth stories over the last couple days not sure if its helping me to relax a bit more with impending labour or freaking me out! :haha:
I'm hoping to stay at home as long as possible and just use gas and air but I am not ruling anything out! If I feel I can't manage then I'm not gonna feel bad about pain relief though I would like to try something in between rather than just going straight for the epidural - something about a needle in my spine that scares me almost as much as labour!! :)

Well it appears that nesting has kicked in this morning - bout time too, its been bugging that I haven't sorted the house ready for baby and all their parafanalia! Though not sure why I felt compelled to sweep the garden path first thing this morning!!!!! :rofl:
I just need to complain a little... Sleep is hard these days. My hips hurt so bad at night. I lay on one side wake up in horrible pain in that hip and lower back. Then turn over (which hurts really bad to move including under my bump) and lay on the other side. Then repeat like 10 times in the night and wake up sore. Add in going to the bathroom 3-4 times. I don't want to be a whiner and I say little things to my husband but really no one can do anything for me. So I thought I would tell you all because you understand!

On the up side my dr told me he won't let me go past 37 weeks! I feel like the end is in sight! It was hard because with twin I knew I would deliver early probably but not knowing when was hard to prepare mentally and emotionally. Only 6 and a half weeks left.
I just need to complain a little... Sleep is hard these days. My hips hurt so bad at night. I lay on one side wake up in horrible pain in that hip and lower back. Then turn over (which hurts really bad to move including under my bump) and lay on the other side. Then repeat like 10 times in the night and wake up sore. Add in going to the bathroom 3-4 times. I don't want to be a whiner and I say little things to my husband but really no one can do anything for me. So I thought I would tell you all because you understand!

On the up side my dr told me he won't let me go past 37 weeks! I feel like the end is in sight! It was hard because with twin I knew I would deliver early probably but not knowing when was hard to prepare mentally and emotionally. Only 6 and a half weeks left.

Sounds awful. I struggle sleeping but its not due to any particular pain so can't imagine how awful it must be to be in pain and losing sleep. 37 weeks doesn't sound like far all of a sudden (although i'm sure it's different if you are in pain). Seems like 5 mins ago that i reached the 24 weeks point at which they say the baby is 'viable' and that was 7 weeks ago now!
My daughter was an emergency C-Section because after 19 hours of labor I wasn't getting passed 6 centimeters and she was in distress. It turns out she was head down but facing the wrong way. In the US, OB's won't typically let you try for a natural birth for the next child due to liability factors-- Tearing of old uterus scar, rupture and possible bleeding out. I could have gotten a midwife, etc but I would have to go to a birthing center versus a hospital and it wouldn't be covered under my insurance.

The route my baby is delivered doesn't matter to me as long as the baby is safe and myself as well so I am not going to take the risk. So they have scheduled my C-Section for May 19th. Only 10 weeks to go from this Tuesday! :)
I feel your pain curly. I'm sure yours is way worse than mine with twins but my hips hurt so bad and rolling to the other side doesn't help. Iay have said his before but I did get a maternity pillow which does help. Only 6 1/2 weeks for you sounds great!! And really to carry twins that long I think is kind of rare. My sister carried hers to 34 weeks and they were both over 5 1/2 lbs. so could be even sooner.

I don't have a scheduled date or anything but only just under 9 weeks until my due date. My dr will schedule inducing no later than 10 days after due date so really it won't be too long. Although I'm not sleeping well there is much todo to get the house ready. I hope to get it do e by my kids spring g break. I'll be 36 weeks then.
Today we moved the crib into the nursery! It is still new as dd cosleeps, but really going to try and get this one to sleep in the crib. Dd naps in her room now on a twin bed, but hated the crib and still sleeps at night in our room. Don't think I can handle two in our bed lol. Ds will be in the bassinet in our room the first few months, but I held dd when she was a newborn. I am not doing that again either. I couldn't sleep because I was a nervous wreck of a FTM.

I still need to wash and organize ds clothes, blankets and towels. I need to clean out his closet, clean all NB gear and wash the carseat cover. Hang the pictures for his room. Goodness I am sure there is more.

I really only need to buy a few Pacis and bottles and some crib sheets. So that's nice. With dd we had so much to buy last minute.
Well we had a successful nesting weekend too. my 2 year old's baby girl clothes have finally left the house and i've washed the unisex stuff ready for her little brother to arrive. Such a relief to have got that done! My OH even seems to have got the nesting bug and cleaned the oven, made a start on tidying the garden and clearing out some stuff (this was unexpected but welcome)!

Our car seat cover may well need a wash - i found the newborn support cushion a few months ago covered in mould - the highchair was the same. i hadn't thought that anything which may have remotely touched a bit of dribble / food would go that mouldy in the loft so bear that in mind everyone as you may find things need a good scrub! some of the old bottles look a bit like they need a good soak too.

we have some waste mattresses being collected tomorrow and our spare room bed can then be chopped up for firewood to make room for the room to be decorated so my daughter can move out of the nursery. She will have the toddler bed for a while still so i can use the larger single bed with the cosleeping cot in the nursery. I also spent a couple of weeks sleeping with her on my stomach as it was the only way she would drift off so hopefully the bedside cot will mean i can keep my hand on the baby to soothe them to sleep rather than have them on me. This time I will do whatever it takes to get me through the first few weeks as i know that as long as i can sleep, i can deal with any bad habits later on when i'm recovered and more sane! Theres alot to do still so glad there are 9 weeks left (in theory)!
I'd love a carbon copy of my first birth experience. It was pretty amazing (I have a link in my signature if you want the details). The biggest concern for me this time is timing when to go to the hospital. My first labor was fast so my doctor told me to expect a faster one this time. I didn't have a big buffer first time so I'm a bit worried about making it on time. Conversely, I don't want to jump the gun and go too early and then end up laboring a long time in the hospital as that will increase the likelihood of me getting interventions.. sooooo I don't know..

Sleep has been getting worse for me, mainly due to baby being awake all freaking night. For the last several months, baby only bothered me if I laid on my right side but last night, I was being beaten up by baby no matter how I was laying. Annoying. Plus we had the time change in the US this weekend so I had to get up an hour "earlier" and DH is on a business trip so I'm all alone with DD. I'm exhausted. I typically avoid coffee while pregnant but I'm making an exception today!!
My first labor was 12 hours from "active labor" (strong contractions and dialated to 4) to delivery. My second labor was about 6 hours from "active labor" to birth. With any luck that will mean 3 hours for this one!! LOL

I had an OK weekend, I suppose. Did my 3 hour glucose test --- felt like serious crap by the end. Went to eat something and REALLY felt like crap! I took a 2 hour nap afterwords dispite the fact that I slept through most of the time I was there! It amazes me how tired I am lately! Ran some errands, started getting Braxton Hicks contractions so I had to leave a few things on my list un-checked so I could go home and rest - spent most of Sunday trying to get my house cleaned and orginized and laundry done but every time I was up for more than 15 min I got naucious and headach-ey..... bla....
I have been getting Braxton hicks this pregnancy too. I didn't have any with dd! They are exhausting! I am a lot more tired this time around for sure!
My first labor was 12 hours from "active labor" (strong contractions and dialated to 4) to delivery. My second labor was about 6 hours from "active labor" to birth. With any luck that will mean 3 hours for this one!! LOL

I had an OK weekend, I suppose. Did my 3 hour glucose test --- felt like serious crap by the end. Went to eat something and REALLY felt like crap! I took a 2 hour nap afterwords dispite the fact that I slept through most of the time I was there! It amazes me how tired I am lately! Ran some errands, started getting Braxton Hicks contractions so I had to leave a few things on my list un-checked so I could go home and rest - spent most of Sunday trying to get my house cleaned and orginized and laundry done but every time I was up for more than 15 min I got naucious and headach-ey..... bla....

haha 3 hours would be great! My first was 6 hours from active labor to birth and included going from 5 cm to 10 cm in a half hour (that's the part I'm worried about). When do you get your glucose test results?
I just got my results and I passed!!! Woohoo! No finger poking for me :) I think I shall go get one of the cupcakes my co-worker brought in that I have been avoiding :)
I just got my results and I passed!!! Woohoo! No finger poking for me :) I think I shall go get one of the cupcakes my co-worker brought in that I have been avoiding :)

Ah the post gtt naughty food!! Is there anything better??!!! :haha:
So I had my follow up ultrasound from the 20 week yesterday to get better pics of the spine and sacrum. I guess they double checked the kidneys as well and found cystic areas on the right kidney and it may have been slightly different looking.... Basically they don't know if there is anything actually wrong with it, but the baby will have to get an ultrasound 2-3 weeks after it's born to check it again. I'm hoping everything looks good by then. And I only got a pic of each foot bc baby wouldn't look at the camera. Lol.
I still have a lot to do but at least I've started getting things together. I'm getting very anxious to get things moving. Our 'nursery'/ toddler's room is all rearranged and there is an empty dresser for baby. Now I have to wash and put clothes away and make up the crib (which she won't sleep in for quite a while anyway) and get out the baby swing, car seat, etc. Still so much to do and 11 or so weeks to go.

I'd love a short labor this time. From early labor to delivery I was in labor 25hrs total and it was so tiring. It was otherwise uneventful but I was exhausted and then I couldn't sleep in the hospital anyway. I'll take 12 hrs and under this time.

Baby was so quiet last night that I got very nervous. I began feeling her again after a while but she's usually pretty wiggly in the evening so I started to panic a bit. Like my daughter was, she is normally pretty gentle but I do feel her. Today she seems to have perked back up but I considered going in last night.
I'm getting stressed out as well about all the stuff that needs to be done as well. We will be moving house before the baby comes, but we haven't set a moving date yet which is driving me a bit crazy. I'll probably be 36 weeks along by the time we can move. I really hope baby won't surprise us by coming early.
Add me to the "So much to do so little time!!!" list! We still have to swap rooms around (DH and I will be "moving" downstairs to DS1 and DS2's room and they will be "moving" upstairs) and we have to get a new bed, and a crib mattress, and set up the crib, and get a dresser, and all that fun fun stuff!

Last night I was having the BH contractions and I had some really watery discharge that made me think I might be leeking fluid.... almost went in, but I took a warm bath and the BH went away and the discharge got less and less and then eventually stopped so that is good :) Kinda frusterating though because it stressed me out and my vision gets all wonkey when I am stressed out which... well.... stresses me out! LOL aaaah - the fun of the 3rd trimester!!!

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