May's Munchkins 2015

I guess I passed my 1 hour. They said they'd call this morning is results were abnormal and it's now 1 pm. "No news is good news" and all that. I met my new OB for the first time and liked him a lot. He is THE natural OB in my city so I'm excited about that. He was very friendly and kind. I also got my TDaP yesterday so my arm is a bit sore. Oh, and I started reading a new childbirth prep book (Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way). I really like it so far! I read the hypnobirthing book last pregnancy. I had started Birthing From Within this pregnancy but didn't like it so since my doula is a Bradley instructor I decided to read up on that instead. Going well so far!
I guess I passed my 1 hour. They said they'd call this morning is results were abnormal and it's now 1 pm. "No news is good news" and all that. I met my new OB for the first time and liked him a lot. He is THE natural OB in my city so I'm excited about that. He was very friendly and kind. I also got my TDaP yesterday so my arm is a bit sore. Oh, and I started reading a new childbirth prep book (Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way). I really like it so far! I read the hypnobirthing book last pregnancy. I had started Birthing From Within this pregnancy but didn't like it so since my doula is a Bradley instructor I decided to read up on that instead. Going well so far!

I'm doing the opposite, my midwife last pregnancy did the Bradley method and I just wasn't a fan, I don't know why. I didn't get to do all the classes though because of my pre-e.

I'm doing hypnobabies this time and I LOVE it (although I heart is a bit different than hypnobirthing) even though I just started it Monday, I already think it's going to be GREAT.
I guess I passed my 1 hour. They said they'd call this morning is results were abnormal and it's now 1 pm. "No news is good news" and all that. I met my new OB for the first time and liked him a lot. He is THE natural OB in my city so I'm excited about that. He was very friendly and kind. I also got my TDaP yesterday so my arm is a bit sore. Oh, and I started reading a new childbirth prep book (Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way). I really like it so far! I read the hypnobirthing book last pregnancy. I had started Birthing From Within this pregnancy but didn't like it so since my doula is a Bradley instructor I decided to read up on that instead. Going well so far!

I'm doing the opposite, my midwife last pregnancy did the Bradley method and I just wasn't a fan, I don't know why. I didn't get to do all the classes though because of my pre-e.

I'm doing hypnobabies this time and I LOVE it (although I heart is a bit different than hypnobirthing) even though I just started it Monday, I already think it's going to be GREAT.

I really liked hypnobirthing and will use that again. I'm just adding in Bradley though I guess I did a lot of Bradley stuff last time with my doula since I had all back labor. I do know hypnobirthing and hypnobabies are different but I imagine they have a lot of similarities. I've never done class. Just read books and have a doula.
I guess I passed my 1 hour. They said they'd call this morning is results were abnormal and it's now 1 pm. "No news is good news" and all that. I met my new OB for the first time and liked him a lot. He is THE natural OB in my city so I'm excited about that. He was very friendly and kind. I also got my TDaP yesterday so my arm is a bit sore. Oh, and I started reading a new childbirth prep book (Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way). I really like it so far! I read the hypnobirthing book last pregnancy. I had started Birthing From Within this pregnancy but didn't like it so since my doula is a Bradley instructor I decided to read up on that instead. Going well so far!

I'm doing the opposite, my midwife last pregnancy did the Bradley method and I just wasn't a fan, I don't know why. I didn't get to do all the classes though because of my pre-e.

I'm doing hypnobabies this time and I LOVE it (although I heart is a bit different than hypnobirthing) even though I just started it Monday, I already think it's going to be GREAT.

I really liked hypnobirthing and will use that again. I'm just adding in Bradley though I guess I did a lot of Bradley stuff last time with my doula since I had all back labor. I do know hypnobirthing and hypnobabies are different but I imagine they have a lot of similarities. I've never done class. Just read books and have a doula.

Ah I see. Hypnobabies has a book, but it's mostly audio. I have a doula as well, she is not super experienced with hypnobabies but is excited to work with me on it.

My hypnobabies book really stresses not learning ANY other methods, even Bradley, if you are committed to hypnobabies (the hypnobabies creator did Bradley for 10 years, she does appreciate the method, just thinks it would confuse). There aren't any classes around here for hypnobabies, my midwife from DS1 did a shortened Bradley course (6 classes over 12).
This talk of labor and dealing with pain has me nervous! Some say you forget the pain but I haven't. I have never studied a method to deal with pain of natural labor and made it through my last natural birth ok. Barely.... But I made it. Maybe I should have been looking into something g for this time around. I only have 9 weeks left though so may be a little late.
Hm, I seem to have forgotten the pain of my induction before my c-section, but I have a high pain tolerance. The only thing I remember is thinking "this isn't any worse than period cramps" at first, and the only thing I thought after they kept upping the pitocin was "I wish I had a few minutes to rest between them" but the contractions were not that bad.

I'm doing hypnobabies this time though, and I'm fairly confident I should be just fine for natural labor, if I am lucky enough to get it!

(It is worth mentioning that before being pregnant, I had period cramps that had me lying in bed wishing I'd just die and get it over with, so perhaps I'm just used to the high pain levels in that area. I also pierced my own nipple, navel, and ear - and had my other nipple and my downstairs professionally pierced as well, so I'm no stranger to pain!)
I had immediate amnesia of the pain after she was born. I did actually really enjoy the birthing experience last time though and I'm excited for it again! I have a looooow pain tolerance but labor put me in a fog.
I had a crazy low pain tollerance when I had DS1 and DS2 - I didn't even try to go for it naturally! Actually, because of my history of seizures my Dr. didn't even want me to try to do it naturally but even if he did I probably would have done the eppidurral. Sence then I have had to deal with chronic back pain so I wonder if my pain tollerance is up more now, but I will still be having an eppidurral.
I have a low pain tolerance, but dd came so fast I couldn't get an epidural. It was painful and I did throw up due to pain, but after she popped out it was gone right away. Gonna try and do it again, but on purpose this time, lol.
I faint easily so epidurals are not recommended for me. I still fainted last birth but it was AFTER (due to normal blood loss) versus while in labor.
Anyone do pain meds other than epidural? I can't do anything that is similar to sleeping meds or nubane or anything that has side effects that make you dizzy. They generally don't make me dizzy only raise my blood pressure and make me anxious. Which is really weird because I typically have low blood pressure and am not anxious at all.
I'm assuming i have to go completely natural like my last birth but thought I'd ask if anyone here has experience with any other options.
All the pain for me during labour was on my coccyx. I'd be interested to know whether hypnobirthing or some sort of antenatal classes would have helped me manage the pain. The pain was like bowel cramps I've had in the past with constipation. My waters didn't break till the very last minute so maybe that's why it felt like I was having a losing battle giving birth to a bowling ball! Only place I could get comfy was on the loo. I now read that I should have tried kneeling to take the pressure off my back. The antenatal classes I did didn't even cover breathing techniques so maybe that'd help? I was 14 hrs into it before the hospital let me in so only had gas and air for the last 2 hrs. I'm hoping for a home waterbirth this time but we'll see what happens.
All the pain for me during labour was on my coccyx. I'd be interested to know whether hypnobirthing or some sort of antenatal classes would have helped me manage the pain. The pain was like bowel cramps I've had in the past with constipation. My waters didn't break till the very last minute so maybe that's why it felt like I was having a losing battle giving birth to a bowling ball! Only place I could get comfy was on the loo. I now read that I should have tried kneeling to take the pressure off my back. The antenatal classes I did didn't even cover breathing techniques so maybe that'd help? I was 14 hrs into it before the hospital let me in so only had gas and air for the last 2 hrs. I'm hoping for a home waterbirth this time but we'll see what happens.
I'm avoiding the epidural unless I need it for medical intervention!. I had to have one to have my stitch put in and I HATE not being able to feeling my legs and it made my blood pressure hit the floor.
I suppose I am lucky in the fact that I never had a bad experience with the eppidurral. Other than they had a hard time getting it in correctly, but once it was I was good to go. I remember every minute of labor (and the mins after the eppidurral were very funny!! LOL) and I even remember the look on DS1 and then DS2's face when they came out! (DS1 looked very shocked, DS2 looked kinda ticked lol)
I had an unmedicated natural labor with dd. It was the most intense and painful 7.5 hrs of my life, but so worth it! I was up in the shower within 1 hour after she was born. It was the best shower ever! I didn't do any methods for giving birth or have a doula. My DH was amazing talking me through the whole thing and I just trusted my body to know what it was doing. I'll be doing it the same this time, if all goes to plan!
I'm finally in the single digits for weeks! Hopefully 9 or less to go! Also, I get an ultrasound on Monday. Super excited to get another look at baby!
I've done labour both ways, naturally first and epidural second. I had no bad experiences either way. Naturally was actually hilarious after the fact: I had my own room with shower which I jumped in immediately and hubby came with me to rub my back. Well the nurse came into check hb and assumed hubby had shorts on and almost got a peak of him as oh natural as I was haha. She caught herself before she opened the curtain and asked if he was covered. She handed me a towel to cover him and checked me :haha:

I heard from my Dr today, passed the 1hr orange drink but I'm anaemic :/ Now I need this mega iron pills twice a day. Sure would explain my overall crappy feeling lately and the ice craving!

I am also 80% sure I will go into labour early. It's a gut feeling. There's a few "if this happened" things that have happened that can be linked to preterm labour. Also my braxton hicks have kicked into over drive, my baby is constantly low, I have epic pressure down bellow and had an episode of period cramps for 2.5 hrs before they subsided. I can feel an early labour in my bones ya know? Just hope it's not too early.

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