May's Munchkins 2015

Hi gals :)

Just came back from my 30 week apt. Not a whole lot going on sadly. Lady bits are swollen but no dilation. No infections. Glucose is good, iron was low so I'm on iron supplements now. No high risk considerations so far.

I'm concerned about my weight though. I saw her at 7 weeks I was 230 (or 229 drawing a blank now lol). As of my 24 week apt I was 217. I'm now 225. So technically I'm still down 4 or 5 pounds after 31 weeks. But now it seems I'm gaining 2 pounds a week.
Logically, it makes sense. I have no food aversions or sickness anymore so I'm eating normally (occasionally a bit more, but honestly not that often). My activity however is much less if not non existent. The pelvic pain leaves me immobile most of the time. I was taking daily small walks to take my daughter to the bus but now I'm driving her because it hurts too much.

I guess it's a good thing I lost so much for the first half if I'm gaining it back pretty steadily at the end. My Dr says everything is good, baby's size is good and she's head down. I guess the pain is worth it to be high risk free so far.
I have 6-9 weeks to go without complication, and then maybe just maybe I won't have to share a God damn room lol
yay for a normal apt!!! My lady parts are all swollen and owchie too.... just not fun at all! So, normal gets you your own room and high risk gets you a shared one? That is odd, but I seem to remember you telling us this before. So FX for more than just that reason that everything stays "normal"!!!
That's how it's suppose to go yes, but there's also a capacity factor too if I'm not mistaken. My fingers are crossed, it was such a wonderful birth experience with dd1 and my own room. My own shower, hubby had a place to sleep, room for visitors and I didn't have to pay for TV. Bloody fantastic!
Kaja this swollen bits thing is new to me, I had no issues with dd1 and hip pain with dd2. Lady bits were normal until labour started both times. Needless to say the area has been closed for business for quite some time. Poor hubby! :shrug:
Kaja this swollen bits thing is new to me, I had no issues with dd1 and hip pain with dd2. Lady bits were normal until labour started both times. Needless to say the area has been closed for business for quite some time. Poor hubby! :shrug:

I didn't have swollen bits with DS1 or DS2 either - my last apt I was like "What they heck is wrong with me!!" and they were like "oh ya, thats normal" -- Sometimes I think I could be like "Oh crap my arm just fell off!" and they would be like "Oh ya' thats normal.... it will grow back after you have the baby" :dohh:
I know that feeling!! Just about everything seems to be deemed normal lol. My doctor wasn't concerned much with swollen bits, discharge, fast heartbeat etc.
Baby has been moving a lot less for me the last 24+ hours. He used to have big movements at least every couple hours, and now I'm just feeling small movements every couple hours. The sheet I got at my last OB appointment said to call if there there were any large changes in movement for 24 hours so I called, and they just said I had to do kick counts (10 movements over 2 hours, laying on my left side) and if the kick count was okay then they didn't care. I really felt like the nurse wasn't even listening to what I was saying. Well, I can't do a kick count until after I get off of work, but I think he'll manage 10 little movements over 2 hours. If not, I guess I'll have to drive myself to go get checked out at the hospital since my husband will have to stay with the toddler.
Kategirl- i hope everything turns out ok. Don't you hate it when they act like that?!? Watch for this watch for that... oh it happened? Meh, that's normal. Or they tell you "better safe than sorry" but when you do try that they act like you are being a pain.... makes me crazy!
Hey kategirl, hope its all OK. :hugs:
If its reassuring my bubba did the same a few weeks ago - went from 25-30 movements through the work day (9-5) and suddenly went to barely 10 in a whole day! Scared the pants off me but every time I was about to call the midwife bubba kicked out. Now can't keep still! Loads of people, inc my midwife said that so long as your feeling some movements, even if its small, its OK, they have quiet periods as they get bigger with growth spurts and less room for big kicks.
He still hasn't been moving like he was prior to Tuesday afternoon, but he moved enough to satisfy the kick count. I guess I'll just ignore what they said previously and just have to do a kick count every evening.
If you're genuinely concerned just go straight to the hospital! Better safe than sorry :hugs:
Or maybe you can get a Dr. apt? Just to make sure all is well????

On another note - DS2 had a day where he didn't move at all (around 35 weeks) that I could feel. Scared the crap out of me!! As soon as I got to L&D to be checked out he busted out into a break dance! For the rest of my pregnancy I had very few movements all day long. Sometimes they just do that. BUT its always good to make sure things are doing great because sometimes it needs to be checked.
Hope you and bubba are doing OK now kategirl?

I really dont want to complain as I'm so happy to be having our first baby, but oooowwwwww!!!!! My boobs/ribs hurt so bad tonight I'm actually sat here rocking back and forward to try and alleviate the pain, and my face hurts!!! My cyst that was checked at the start of my pregnancy and I was told wouldn't be an issue is now a huge, double the size it was painful issue!!!! Its gotten so much bigger that its now starting to get in the way! I answered my phone today and smacked it into the cyst - ow! Its roughly the size of a golf ball on my cheek! I have a DR's appointment to have it checked again Monday but I really dont know what they can do til after baby gets here. I'm just terrified that it could burst during labour, I was told if it grew it could burst but this was before being pregnant and it hadn't changed in years so they weren't overly concerned about it. Just hoping that they can at least give me some cream or something to numb the pain until after baby is here and I can have it drained and removed! :cry:

Sorry ladies, self pitying rant done now.
That's the big reason I hate running to l and D! The SECOND I get there, with the except of true labour, whatever I'm there for stops or starts. Baby starts moving, cramps stop etc. It's like my body goes haha sucka you came here for nothing.
I actually had a little
Different experience with my 2nd and movement. I was 39 weeks so obviously movement slows by them. But he wasn't moving at all. After non stress test and ultrasound he still wasn't moving and they sent me
Straight to the hospital
To be induced. Chord was wrapped around his torso. I delivered naturally with non problem so it wasn't a huge deal but he was much smaller than my others too.
Just thought I'd throw that out there. I agree that if you feel
Something could be wrong to go in. My dr never makes me feel silly for coming in. Even if the hospital did I would push to be seen if I thought it was needed. It's not worth the stress. Or your baby's health. Just my thoughts.....
Kazy, could they not tell the cord was wrapped round him in the ultrasound? That's crazy!!

Mrsmandy, sorry about the cyst! That sounds so painful. Could they drain it during pregnancy and just remove it after?
Kazy, could they not tell the cord was wrapped round him in the ultrasound? That's crazy!!

Mrsmandy, sorry about the cyst! That sounds so painful. Could they drain it during pregnancy and just remove it after?

Nope they couldn't. I was surprised too. I also felt him shiver in my belly too. Sounds weird but he would shake. So I don't know if he had it wrapped for a long time or what but they said that's likely why he was little. But he was pretty healthy. He had to be in a warmer for awhile and jaundice. But now at almost 6 he's still little so size may have had nothing to do with it.
That's so crazy! Worries me the things they can't tell on there!
Kazy, could they not tell the cord was wrapped round him in the ultrasound? That's crazy!!

Mrsmandy, sorry about the cyst! That sounds so painful. Could they drain it during pregnancy and just remove it after?

I dont know. I think they'd be concerned about the anaesthetic even if its just a local? But I'll find out on Monday. If they can and there's no risk to baby I'm getting it off!!
Kazy, could they not tell the cord was wrapped round him in the ultrasound? That's crazy!!

Mrsmandy, sorry about the cyst! That sounds so painful. Could they drain it during pregnancy and just remove it after?

I dont know. I think they'd be concerned about the anaesthetic even if its just a local? But I'll find out on Monday. If they can and there's no risk to baby I'm getting it off!!

Its all about benefit VS risk - I had a tooth pulled while pregnant and obviously they used novacain because the tooth was a high risk for infection and that would be bad for the baby. I also took pain meds after and I take pain meds (hydracodone) when I have a migraine. Yes, it would be bad for the baby if I took them all the time and expecially consitantly before his birth (because he would be addicted and then go through withdrawls) but the benefit VS risk weighs on the benefit side when it comes to occasional use for me.

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