May's Munchkins 2015

Mines been moving less too. Running out of space I suppose!

I don't think I got BHs during my first pregnancy but I've gotten them since about 20 weeks this time!
Oh no :( usually they ship to home for free if it's over 100, not sure how it works if there isn't one near you though.

How's everyone feeling? I have had caffeine for he first time this pregnancy yesterday and today due to tiredness! I am exhausted.

Just to update, buy buy baby includes a free return label with every online I can feel free to order away! Now it's just to decide on a color, seeing as I have a 20% off coupon...
Yesterday Ian decided to make up for all the freak outs he has been giving me! lol I think he shall be an expert break dancer :)
I have been feeling ok. Tired and I cannot stand more than half an hour before my back starts to hurt. I have all the usual aches and pains too but I can't complain. I do get Braxton Hicks too. I am actually having one now as I type this! LOL The middle of my bump gets very hard and it feels tight all over. It only lasts 10 to 15 seconds usually. I am glad everyone is pretty much doing very well!
Glad everyone is doing good too! We are in the home stretch!!

I am finally nesting! But I can only clean/organize for like 30 mins before I need a break, ha. So not very productive and I still have a ton to do. Even when my hubby is off and can watch dd, I end up relaxing instead of doing things I need to cause I am so tired! Glad I am not the only one who can only handle 30 mins, leikela lol.
I'm with ya on the 30 mimute work plan. I work from home and have my daughter soooooo I don't get.much more done. I have nothing ready for baby but honestly I am not too concerned anymore. I'll get done what I can and figure it out as I go. Which is crazy for me because I'm a huge planner. Plus I'm done working one week from Monday. Maybe then??
Anyone else having horrible ligament pain? I only get it in the middle of the night but it lasts for awhile. I had it with my last pregnancy too but they were short stabbing pains. These last for a few minutes at least.
Last pregnancy my ligament pain just got worse at the end! They would last for hours sometimes :( so far I've been more fortunate this time. I only get pains when I move or roll over too fast. But that could all change in the coming weeks....

I've started nesting finally, as well. I did a load of neutral baby clothes and have started packing things for my hospital bag that I don't want to forget about, lol. My sister gave me her arms reach co-sleeper and it's pretty dirty looking. So I'm going to try to get that washed in the next couple days, but it's a bit of a process.
Does anyone else have more headaches and nausea? I haven't had nausea since the first trimester. It seems to get better with Tums but still super annoying. Also, the baby is so low and her kicks get uncomfortably strong.
I can't believe how close we are to our May Munchkins! :) Just a little bit more left.
Yep, i have been having ms again, more headachs, and ligament stretching pains :( bad cramping too. :(
I am not nauseated, but have been getting terrible heartburn at night. Sometimes I feel like my throat is burning so much I could throw up, but it's not really nausea.

I have been getting round ligament pain when I roll over, sneeze or move a certain way, but it isn't staying very long.

I feel like there is no more room for this guy, lol. My stomach looks bigger than when I had dd and he is estimated to weigh about what she weighed at birth. Not gonna lie, I am nervous about 7 more weeks!!!

We got the baby bedding today! Hubby has off tomorrow so I plan to wash the bedding, blankets, NB diapers, NB clothes, and 0-3 month clothes. Maybe a bit zealous but I will be so happy to get it done!
:happydance: its Dragonfruit week!! <3 (aaah, Durian Fruit! LOL)

Had to go to L&D wednesday night because of horrible cramps - I knew I wasn't in labor but I worried something was wrong because it hurt so bad or many it was the begining of pre-term labor in which I wanted them to be able to stop it ASAP. They said I was having "irritations" - so it did show a little bit of contracting but it wasn't "real" or even Braxton Hicks contractions. Said it was probably because I was getting sick. Rested yesterday and am feeling better today -- still with the cold and a little cramping but not nearly as bad! Whew!
I didn't know DS was born in the week of the dragonfruit! lol!

Being sick sucks :hugs:

I went on a shopping spree earlier this week, next week we have the king size bed (we are planning to all cosleep!) and frame, and the stroller. I am buying soon the changing table, and cloth diapers. We have the car seat enough for our car, we do plan to buy another so we will supply MIL with the second seat so she won't have to.
Hey gals!

Hope everyone's keeping it together, I know we're all in the "get this over with" stage, or at least I am! Haha. Hard to believe some of us could have our babies next month (hopefully the ones due at the beginning of May, no preterm labour wishes from me!)

I rocked the boat with Hubby a few nights ago, we now have no name picked out. He was set on Wynter from first trimester, I wasn't sold but I thought I could learn to love it. I haven't and finally told him. Back to the googling for names and making lists!

Fell pretty good yesterday, scraped up my knee/shin, elbow and palms pretty good. I think they all blocked impact to my belly thank God. Baby has been kicking up a storm so she's good. I feel like a bus hit me however! As if moving wasn't difficult enough let's fall and make it worse haha.

Anyways gals, have a great day!
Megan - take care of yourself!! Glad to hear your fall hasnt had an effect on bubba! Hope you feel better soon xx

Eek I had the realisation today - I have 5 and 1/2 working days left before my maternity leave starts!!!!!!!!!!! (And none of them are Mondays!!!! :happydance: )
Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing well. I will be getting my C-Section date on Monday.. It will be sometime during the week of April 20th. (37 weeks) I am SO not ready for this little one. My dd is just 15 months old and I worry how I will cop with such a small age gap. :wacko:
DebbieF - don't worry! You just will :) My DS1 was 19 months old when DS2 was born and by then I was a single Mom. People always asked me how I did it and the answer is You Just DO! :) You will find things that work for you, you will master the 1.5 min shower, you will find ways to engage your 1st LO in the care of your 2nd LO so you can look after the one while feeding or changing the other (I had my DS1 "tickle" my DS2's leg while I fed him to keep the baby awake! DS1 thought he had one of the most important jobs ever and it made it so I could make sure he wasn't tearing up the other room while I fed DS2!) and you will.... just do it! :)
Eeeep I found this thread a little late it seems but May 1st for me with my second little boy. Though the OB thinks I will deliver early. So we'll see if my May baby turns into an April baby!

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