May's Munchkins 2015

welcome lisaalove :)

Thank you, though after I posted I looked at the list and I must have posted at some point earlier because my names already on the list from when my due date was May 4th! :haha: ld like to blame it on pregnancy brain that I don't remember posting on the tread! :blush: sometimes I wonder about myself...
Haha, well in that case re-welcome :) good ole pregnancy brain!
I think baby has dropped!! I've been getting pressure down low for days but tonight this pressure is all in my bum! Which keeps making me feel like I need the loo but there's nothing there! Plus baby is wriggling on and off my bladder which is driving me nuts!
I think baby has dropped!! I've been getting pressure down low for days but tonight this pressure is all in my bum! Which keeps making me feel like I need the loo but there's nothing there! Plus baby is wriggling on and off my bladder which is driving me nuts!

I am on the same page! I took my weekly picture the other night and looked at my DH and asked him If it looks like I'm lower to him and he said yeah (I thought I was imagining things!) But I constantly feel like I need to go to the restroom, yesterday when I had my ultrasound they told me he is head down!
Hey ladies. My chur church friends threw me a it was so fun. I got a.ton of diapers and wipes. I think im.good for a.few.months on diapers now and enough wipes for at least a year! I must have really.good friends. :)

How are you all? Other than tired I'm feeling really.good. I have to get through the 30th for my online business and then I can officially get ready for baby as I don't have much done.

Re welcome Lisa!

Yeah for babies dropping! One step closer to the da. 😊
I think baby has dropped!! I've been getting pressure down low for days but tonight this pressure is all in my bum! Which keeps making me feel like I need the loo but there's nothing there! Plus baby is wriggling on and off my bladder which is driving me nuts!

I am on the same page! I took my weekly picture the other night and looked at my DH and asked him If it looks like I'm lower to him and he said yeah (I thought I was imagining things!) But I constantly feel like I need to go to the restroom, yesterday when I had my ultrasound they told me he is head down!

Ha ha yeah when I was getting ready for bed last night hubby looked at me and said how much my bump had dropped and it looked strange!

At my last midwife app baby was getting into the correct position along my left side with head facing down but not in my pelvis, but since my little op on my face I've been forced to sleep on my right side so I'm really hoping baby hasn't now gotten into the wrong position, or if they have I will be able to encourage them back over! We gave a growth scan moro so I hope we'll find out then.

ETA: just sat and organised baby's hospital bag....:wacko: slightly terrified how quickly its coming round!! :baby:
OMG I dropped so crazy early -- like 2 weeks ago or something and I really really hate the feeling! With DS1 and DS2 I didn't drop this low until a few weeks before he was born!! I am hoping it is NOT a sign that Ian is coming early!
Fingers crossed for you kaja.
Our scan went well, baby all good and she said that bubba hasn't got hubby big head but does have a full head of hair :thumbup: and is still in the right position! Hurray!
Sadly though although I've now only put on 7lbs in my pregnancy, I still have what they consider a high bmi (only just though!) so I have to stay consultant led and not midwife led which means saying goodbye to the water birth I wanted :cry: so plan b - as active a labour as I can get!

Anyone else thought much about their birth plan yet?
I think I may be the only gal on BnB who is like - "epidurral....all the way.... thankyouverymuch!" LOL LOL Honestly I think about it a lot, I had so many faulse allarms with DS1 and DS2 that I just know it will be the same with this one and really would rather avoid that! It is so horrid to drag your cramping/contracting/miserable self down to L&D and have them be like "nope, not yet!"
I'm pro epidural!! Getting some sleep during labour was the best thing that could have happened during labour. My water also broke at 130am. So we were very tired getting to the hospital, hubby and I both got 3-4hrs sleep once it kicked it.

So.. In the long list of things going wrong now, I think I have some sort of spd or pgp. Or I'm having a bad day. We went grocery shopping and I felt off right away, by the time we were heading to the checkout (and it wasn't a large shop) I had crazy pain right under my belly/pelvic bone area. Seems to stop when I sit and do nothing but now I dread getting up. I already do next to nothing with my other various aches and pains I don't need anything else. I see my doctor tomorrow morning first thing, so that's reassuring. I'm sure I'll catch shit for not getting checked out at the ER after I fell.

But baby seems good, tons and tons of kicking, no blood or cramps etc. I took it real easy and watched for anything off. I was okay until yesterday but I figured the very mild discomfort was from the stairs at my mom's place which I spent at all day.

Anyway, that's my mess of "now what". I keep thinking maybe theres only 4 weeks left, not 7. And that it could be worse, I could get obstetric cholestasis again. Ugh.
I'm having an epi this time. Hell yes. 3rd and last baby, I want all the drugs possible :lol:
I loved my epidural. I was induced, and they chose to induce me starting at 10 pm. Between the horrible pitocin contractions and the fact that I didn't get any sleep, once I got the epidural and got a nap I felt a million times better. My cervix also dilated a lot more quickly once I got it, I think because I was able to relax instead of feeling the pain. More power to anyone who chooses to go natural, but I plan on an epidural this time as well!
I tried to get an epi with dd but she came to fast! I am hoping to get one this time!
haha I was just going to say that I bet there's waaaaay more pro-epidurals that you just don't hear talking about it until you ask. If you go the non-epidural route, there's a lot of potential prep work involved so I think we just chat more about it but that doesn't mean we're the majority!
Anyone else thought much about their birth plan yet?

I've written mine up. It's pretty much the exact same as my first so that made it easy. I still need to discuss it with my doula and OB though.

Here's mine:

- please do not offer pain medication/epidural
- please do not offer Pitocin or other labor inducing drugs
- avoid IV, heplock in forearm is okay

- as infrequent as possible
- external remote to allow for mom to move around

During labor
- freedom of movement
- vaginal exams kept to minimum (upon arrival, before pushing, and otherwise by request)

- no episiotomy, forceps, vacuum unless deemed necessary by Dr. **(explanation must be given)
- various positions as needed
- no coached pushing unless requested by mom
- mirror out during pushing-

3rd stage
- expectant management for delivery of placenta – if trouble expelling, walk mom through steps of what is medically necessary

Baby’s care
- baby placed immediately on mom, want baby to self-latch for breastfeeding
- allow dad to announce the baby’s sex
- delayed cord clamping – wait until stops pulsing
- routine procedures (vitamin K, eye ointment) delayed for first hour
- avoid supplemental formula, pacifiers, or glucose
- no hepatitis B shot at hospital (pediatrician will administer)
- rooming in

For pain management techniques, I plan to do some hypnobirthing stuff and probably some Bradley Method. We'll see how it goes. Last time I studied hypnobirthing but barely used it. This time I'm studying Bradley Method.
I am suprised how many others are pro-drugs :) lol But like Kiss08 said I suppose it doesn't really take as much prep work so we just don't talk about it as much.

For after baby comes I have requested that he be given to me imediatly (as long as nothing is wrong) and to have all the exames and eye drops and such delayed until after I can get him to latch on for a short breastfeed and some snuggle time with Hubby and Brothers and Grandparents. DS2 latched on and "fed" almost immediatly dispite the fact that I had an eppidurral so I am hoping this one will too :) The doctor was actualy supprised because after about 10 min they really wanted to do his next set of APGAR scores and I had to break the suction (uaually they would be able to just pull him off) and I wasn't quick enough to get him far enough away the little munch mouth latched back on! LOL I made them wait another 5 min :) Cuz I am a sinker :) That was a different hospital and 10 years ago. My Dr. has it in my chart that they can do the initial APGAR scores while I hold him and as long as their is no problems with him or me they will not even ask to take him for the rest of his testing and eye drops and such for 45min. The hospital I deliver at also practices delayed clamping (as long as nothing is wrong) as a standard. My how things have changed!
I commend you all on birth plans, I'm not that organized. :haha:
Or really concerned tbh, she will come how she wants to and whatever is necessary for that I'm okay with. Guess I'm laid back?

I'll get the epidural if there's time, I didn't get the option with my first daughter she was in a hurry lol. I've always been asked if I want the baby first or looked at first, first baby I chose looked at cuz I was a first time mom and more worried then excited second time they gave her to me right away because I knew how things went if that makes sense?
Hubby knows I don't want any "you can do it, you're doing so good" bull from nurses. Just a simple push, keep going, stop breathe rinse repeat is fine for me.
I don't mind the checks because I like to know how I'm progressing. When I didn't have an epidural they let me move freely around so that wasn't an issue either.

I'll just go with the flow :)
I think I must be lucky with the hospital that I'm at, because they do the majority of the things mentioned in Kiss08's birth plan for everyone! They mentioned pain options when I checked in but said they wouldn't mention it again unless I asked, had few internal checks (I think just on intake, before the epidural, and then when I woke up after my nap), had roaming monitors, offered a mirror, baby came straight to me (they say they usually try to wait about 45 min before taking the baby to the side to get checked out, but we did it sooner since she pooped on me about three times once she came out, lol), and babies all room in. I'm hoping this time will be as nice in that respect!

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