May's Munchkins 2015

Congratulations on all the little ones! It's so nice seeing those baby pics. It's making things feel quite real for me all of a sudden. Still 30 days to go for me though...

I'm having my strep b swab tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but I guess it'll be done quickly.
I have my swab today too eline, I'm feeling the same way! Fingers crossed for any form of dilation!
Lol sitting at the dr with my pants off, turns out I am getting my swab today too! I think they have me about a week ahead based on my LMP or something, or maybe they are just worried with my BP that I will go early and they want to be prepared.

38 days for me!
1cm, cervix is soft open and low I believe she said. Positive for strep b as per my last urine. Can't inside before 39 so looks like I have 2 weeks minimally to go, unless she comes on her own
12 days for me and last day at work is Friday!!:happydance: Im so exhausted and happy to get some rest. Maybe she'll come this week. I pray:shrug:
19 days for me! But may go overdue at there is not much dilation and Ervin is still high. I didn't get checked at my 37 week apt as I didn't cramp or anything during the week, so I am assuming little to no changes since I was checked at 36 weeks.
11 days for me! Can't believe it's aalmost single digits!!! Seems unreal. I don't feel like he plans on coming any time soon. Next appointment is this Thursday, hoping for some change from my last appointment as I started epo.. though I'm not going to keep my hopes too high.

Sorry to hear that she won't even consider it Meagan. On the bright side two weeks isn't too far (I say this but I can't imagine being pregnant for two more weeks....)

ruby's mommy; congratulations! Hoping you and Oliver are doing well, and he's off the ventilators soon if not already ♡♡
I didn't know they could detect strep b in urine. Why do they make us do the swab then??
39 weeks today and getting fed up!! Backache. Stomach ache. Period like cramps (but had these on on off for the last week or so so I'm not seeing anything in this!) Hips hurt.
Just getting bored of waiting now, I finished work 2 weeks ago - I've done all the last minute prep in the nursery and washed everything so now I'm just bouncing on my ball and watching boxsets to pass the time! Every time I pop to the supermarket the ladies say ooo you still hanging on? Your so low I can't see it being much longer - you said that 2 weeks ago!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant just thought bubs was gonna come earlier after what my midwife said and bored of still waiting!! I think my mother in law jinxed me by being away on holiday until my due date!! If I end up 2 weeks overdue I'm blaming her!!! ;)
I guess it's 20 days until my due date, but about 27 more days max until they'd induce. I'm really hoping that this one will go early as I'm getting really uncomfortable, but my first was induced a week late so I don't have too much hope.
I didn't know either, but she swabbed me and then checked my chart on the comp and said "oh, looks like there was strep b in your urine from last apt, looks like your positive". Pissed me off, I could have avoided a q tip up my butt.
And the pain of her checking is unreal. It's pelvis pain, I can handle the cervix part. She didn't want to press to hard on my pelvis to check for babys position so she did it while she checked me internally. Yes she's head down but mother Frick that hurt. I'm wobbling around something ridiculous lol.

I'm soo done. No one here has slept in days. I can't sleep anyway, hubby has this horrendous cough that keeps up him up all night and now my kids are sick. I'm ready to have some energy back to deal with life!
My first was right on time and second was a week early, so there's some hope for me going early. Plus my insides are getting ready I hope. I have 24 days, 17 if I push to induce. But I guess she can come anytime in the next 10-24.

We can do this ladies!
Well at my appointment today, it was a lot of waiting for nothing really, lol. My BP was a bit high but I was really anxious about the appointment, it's still low at home.

The nurse had me strip waist down for the GBS check, so I got to sit around for like 45 minutes waiting for's a good thing I like her as a doctor because it's always a long wait there...anyway. The GBS swab was quick, barely anything, she barely swabs the bum, lol. She said the baby isn't come out of there, so no reason to go digging around.

Just because you have GBS in your urine doesn't mean it's in your vaginal tract does it? location location location!

Anyway, she has me as being due on the 24th, which is based off my LMP. I calculated the 29th based on ovulation and the scans said the 28th and 30th, so I'm counting on the 29th. But not much of a difference. Anyway I thought they did my GBS check a bit early, since she barely has me as 35 weeks not 36, but I am thinking they may think I may have to go early due to the high BP and stuff. Anyway she said twice she hoped I'd go into labor in a couple of weeks naturally so we don't have to worry about my BP anymore! I wanted to laugh, I doubt I will go at 37 weeks naturally (36 by my count!)...I'll probably go 40 or 41 and keep having to come in for Although I had planned to decline checks, she went ahead and checked me since I was all there for my GBS swabbed, no dilation at all of course. But it is kind of scary to think I could go into labor in a few weeks....eeek. I think at 37 or 38 weeks I will probably start walking, DTD, bouncing on the ball, etc....get baby in position at least...I don't think they will want me to go past due....I'm just glad to say at this point I think I will make it to May! I was worried I wouldn't make it to May. If I can make it to May, I'll be really happy. May 1 will make 36 weeks, which is great after having a 33 week preemie....May 8th will be 37 (my count), which was my mom's birthday. Also a good day....
Well at my appointment today, it was a lot of waiting for nothing really, lol. My BP was a bit high but I was really anxious about the appointment, it's still low at home.

The nurse had me strip waist down for the GBS check, so I got to sit around for like 45 minutes waiting for's a good thing I like her as a doctor because it's always a long wait there...anyway. The GBS swab was quick, barely anything, she barely swabs the bum, lol. She said the baby isn't come out of there, so no reason to go digging around.

Just because you have GBS in your urine doesn't mean it's in your vaginal tract does it? location location location!

Anyway, she has me as being due on the 24th, which is based off my LMP. I calculated the 29th based on ovulation and the scans said the 28th and 30th, so I'm counting on the 29th. But not much of a difference. Anyway I thought they did my GBS check a bit early, since she barely has me as 35 weeks not 36, but I am thinking they may think I may have to go early due to the high BP and stuff. Anyway she said twice she hoped I'd go into labor in a couple of weeks naturally so we don't have to worry about my BP anymore! I wanted to laugh, I doubt I will go at 37 weeks naturally (36 by my count!)...I'll probably go 40 or 41 and keep having to come in for Although I had planned to decline checks, she went ahead and checked me since I was all there for my GBS swabbed, no dilation at all of course. But it is kind of scary to think I could go into labor in a few weeks....eeek. I think at 37 or 38 weeks I will probably start walking, DTD, bouncing on the ball, etc....get baby in position at least...I don't think they will want me to go past due....I'm just glad to say at this point I think I will make it to May! I was worried I wouldn't make it to May. If I can make it to May, I'll be really happy. May 1 will make 36 weeks, which is great after having a 33 week preemie....May 8th will be 37 (my count), which was my mom's birthday. Also a good day....

My EDD is May 24 based on LMP but May 27 based on 31 day cycles, my guess at conception, and the early dating scan so I go by May 27. :)
Well at my appointment today, it was a lot of waiting for nothing really, lol. My BP was a bit high but I was really anxious about the appointment, it's still low at home.

The nurse had me strip waist down for the GBS check, so I got to sit around for like 45 minutes waiting for's a good thing I like her as a doctor because it's always a long wait there...anyway. The GBS swab was quick, barely anything, she barely swabs the bum, lol. She said the baby isn't come out of there, so no reason to go digging around.

Just because you have GBS in your urine doesn't mean it's in your vaginal tract does it? location location location!

Anyway, she has me as being due on the 24th, which is based off my LMP. I calculated the 29th based on ovulation and the scans said the 28th and 30th, so I'm counting on the 29th. But not much of a difference. Anyway I thought they did my GBS check a bit early, since she barely has me as 35 weeks not 36, but I am thinking they may think I may have to go early due to the high BP and stuff. Anyway she said twice she hoped I'd go into labor in a couple of weeks naturally so we don't have to worry about my BP anymore! I wanted to laugh, I doubt I will go at 37 weeks naturally (36 by my count!)...I'll probably go 40 or 41 and keep having to come in for Although I had planned to decline checks, she went ahead and checked me since I was all there for my GBS swabbed, no dilation at all of course. But it is kind of scary to think I could go into labor in a few weeks....eeek. I think at 37 or 38 weeks I will probably start walking, DTD, bouncing on the ball, etc....get baby in position at least...I don't think they will want me to go past due....I'm just glad to say at this point I think I will make it to May! I was worried I wouldn't make it to May. If I can make it to May, I'll be really happy. May 1 will make 36 weeks, which is great after having a 33 week preemie....May 8th will be 37 (my count), which was my mom's birthday. Also a good day....

My EDD is May 24 based on LMP but May 27 based on 31 day cycles, my guess at conception, and the early dating scan so I go by May 27. :)

My only worry is them saying I'm overdue when I'm not, since they consider me high risk because of the hypertension. Hope it doesn't come to that!
Well at my appointment today, it was a lot of waiting for nothing really, lol. My BP was a bit high but I was really anxious about the appointment, it's still low at home.

The nurse had me strip waist down for the GBS check, so I got to sit around for like 45 minutes waiting for's a good thing I like her as a doctor because it's always a long wait there...anyway. The GBS swab was quick, barely anything, she barely swabs the bum, lol. She said the baby isn't come out of there, so no reason to go digging around.

Just because you have GBS in your urine doesn't mean it's in your vaginal tract does it? location location location!

Anyway, she has me as being due on the 24th, which is based off my LMP. I calculated the 29th based on ovulation and the scans said the 28th and 30th, so I'm counting on the 29th. But not much of a difference. Anyway I thought they did my GBS check a bit early, since she barely has me as 35 weeks not 36, but I am thinking they may think I may have to go early due to the high BP and stuff. Anyway she said twice she hoped I'd go into labor in a couple of weeks naturally so we don't have to worry about my BP anymore! I wanted to laugh, I doubt I will go at 37 weeks naturally (36 by my count!)...I'll probably go 40 or 41 and keep having to come in for Although I had planned to decline checks, she went ahead and checked me since I was all there for my GBS swabbed, no dilation at all of course. But it is kind of scary to think I could go into labor in a few weeks....eeek. I think at 37 or 38 weeks I will probably start walking, DTD, bouncing on the ball, etc....get baby in position at least...I don't think they will want me to go past due....I'm just glad to say at this point I think I will make it to May! I was worried I wouldn't make it to May. If I can make it to May, I'll be really happy. May 1 will make 36 weeks, which is great after having a 33 week preemie....May 8th will be 37 (my count), which was my mom's birthday. Also a good day....

My EDD is May 24 based on LMP but May 27 based on 31 day cycles, my guess at conception, and the early dating scan so I go by May 27. :)

My only worry is them saying I'm overdue when I'm not, since they consider me high risk because of the hypertension. Hope it doesn't come to that!

I switched OBs mid-pregnancy and just said my EDD is May 27. Ha!
LOL since mine is only 5 days difference, they usually don't change your EDD based on your scan dates unless it is over a week, so I'm just operating on my own knowledge.

Although I'm all in favor of keeping LO in there cooking as long as possible, I'm going to do everything I can get to get ready to have her sooner rather than later, encourage labor, etc - just because I am almost certain they will want to do more to me and induce me and "worry" about me the further I go....So lots of DTD for me and DH ;)
Anyone have any good labor inducing ideas? Gonna start around 38 weeks as I know they aren't really effective. I have heard of sex, pineapple, spicy food, and bouncing on the ball.
Anyone have any good labor inducing ideas? Gonna start around 38 weeks as I know they aren't really effective. I have heard of sex, pineapple, spicy food, and bouncing on the ball.

I'm wondering the same thing?? Although this is my fourth nothing has ever worked but I'm still hopeful lol! I don't even mind if I go over due I just don't want induced (ask me in a few weeks and I may change my mind). I went for a very brisk walk today and had contractions speradically for a few hours but nothing major and not much of a pattern. Sooooo...... Who knows. Its too early for me I know and was only trying to get a decent work out in. By in about two weeks I'll be trying just about everything g to avoid induction.
Anyone else ideas??

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