May's Munchkins 2015

My nurse told me to stop pushing. I just ignored her. haha

Hahaha, this was me too! Maybe I should have listened cause I did need stitches. I was in the moment and wanted baby out though!
My nurse tried lying to me and saying I wasn't complete. I called bull shit and pushed anyways. Of course I was complete. If I wasn't it would hurt to push. My doctor got there with plenty of time to deliver. Also, I was going to tear no matter how long the pushing phase took - my daughter was sunny side up. You pretty can't not tear with that presentation.. haha
38 weeks. I'm so done. Every twinge cramp ache I hope it's labour starting only for it to stop.
I hate this part.

:hugs: for everyone, I'm a bit cranky today.
My nurse tonpush with my.last labor. I was like.... Umm my body has completely.taken over. So it wasn't even an option for me.

Had my 39 weeks appointment today. 2-3 cm but not effaced. She did a sweep and I had a bloody show later today. I have cramps now but so far its not turning into anything. So I co tinue to wait but its actually not too bad yet. Just some back pain. I mostly just can't wait to see my sweet little girl.
I was kinda the opposite! Lol I could feel I was complete and it was so time to push but I didn't want to because I wanted more time for my epidural to get fixed! Lol. My nurse wanted to check me and I kept saying no. Lol but then I couldn't stop my body from laboring down so I let her check me. The doctor barely had time to gown up to catch the baby! Lol
I think nesting may have kicked in. I got some new blankets and a couple of outfits for the baby from MIL and her mom, so I was going to wash them, then I decided to re-wash all the newborn items I already wash (most bought used so I planned to wash twice anyway), all the cloth diaper burp cloths I had left over from DS (they were clean when put up, but have been in a drawer for a year), rewash the covers for his cloth diapers....all so it will be nice and clean to pack her hospital bag....
So went to dr. I'm now 3cm but still no real labor. So if she isn't here by next Thursday, they'll schedule a csection. Due to previous c section, I can't be induced😟. So just a darn waiting game! I'm due Saturday.
So went to dr. I'm now 3cm but still no real labor. So if she isn't here by next Thursday, they'll schedule a csection. Due to previous c section, I can't be induced😟. So just a darn waiting game! I'm due Saturday.

Why can't they induce with previous csection? What does it do? I really hope you get your vbac!fxd labor starts on its own ASAP!
So went to dr. I'm now 3cm but still no real labor. So if she isn't here by next Thursday, they'll schedule a csection. Due to previous c section, I can't be induced😟. So just a darn waiting game! I'm due Saturday.

Why can't they induce with previous csection? What does it do? I really hope you get your vbac!fxd labor starts on its own ASAP!

Augmented labor is more likely to cause a rupture. If they do induce, they would probably use a foley bulb, which only gets you to around 3-4 anyway, then break your water and MAYBE low dose pitocin, but they can't use the gels on your cervix or anything and have to be really careful with the pitocin.
We're next!

Of all the months in the pregnancy discussions for mamas to be due in, we're next!

It's like finally being first in a really long ass line. And we're next!

So good it's worth saying 3x.
Hahaha that's how I felt at the time but looking on it now I'm glad they told me to wait because maybe that's why I didn't tear. (Or maybe it's because he's a small fella!) And the nicu nurses needed to be in there as well as my OB since he had already had his first BM in me so if anything had been wrong with him I would have wanted them to be there. So I understand why they said wait but good god it was hard! I felt the pressure and was like NOPE he's coming!
So true Meaghan. I am getting so excited! Max of two weeks for me so the count down to meet her begins. And my kids are super excited. They ask me multiple times a day when she's coming lol.
So went to dr. I'm now 3cm but still no real labor. So if she isn't here by next Thursday, they'll schedule a csection. Due to previous c section, I can't be induced😟. So just a darn waiting game! I'm due Saturday.

Why can't they induce with previous csection? What does it do? I really hope you get your vbac!fxd labor starts on its own ASAP!

Augmented labor is more likely to cause a rupture. If they do induce, they would probably use a foley bulb, which only gets you to around 3-4 anyway, then break your water and MAYBE low dose pitocin, but they can't use the gels on your cervix or anything and have to be really careful with the pitocin.

Exactly! If I labor on my own she will give me a little pitocin as she did with my son. She just can't start labor off. My body has to do it! I wish this baby would just cooperate!!
Anytime I don't text someone back for a bit they ask if I have one into labor, lol. Guess everyone is as anxious as me. I have my 39 week apt tomorrow. Last week I was 4cm, and I have cramped more this week, so thinking I will be more. My friend said if you are over 5 they will keep you and break waters there. I am not having any contractions though, so it worries me for intervention as I don't want to stall out if my body isn't ready yet. Anyone know if it is true if they keep you over 5cm? Makes me nervous to go in to the apt!
MrsKC good luck for your labour to start naturally! Are you trying anything to get it going?

I have a TMI question? I think I may have had a significant bloody show last night after we dtd, but I'm not sure if it is or just semen? I stayed in bed laying down afterwards to give it as much time as possible to do it's thing at my cervix, and managed to fall asleep I got up to the loo at about 1.30am and felt something fall out but I assumed it was just Hubby's stuff, left the light off and went back to bed. This morning my knickers are full of a stringy brown snot like substance. I'm fairly sure that's my show but I dont want to get my hopes up! It didn't wash off when I tried to clean my knickers either and I'm sure I read somewhere that semen dissolves in water?
Anyway sorry for the TMI but if anyone has any insights I'd be interested to hear? Also if it is, could labour properly start soon or do I still have a long waiting game ahead?
Atx completely depends on your ob and (hopefully) your preferences. There's nothing that says you can't just walk around at 5 cm until your body goes into labor on its own.

Don't know about the bloody show. It could be the sex caused a bit of bleeding so it's a combo of semen and that. Or could be your bloody show! Hard to say!
atx614, I don't know about policies for keeping women or not, but when my mom had me she was 5 cm, 100% effaced and zero station for 4 weeks before her due date, and they still ended up inducing her 13 days over. So unfortunately some women can be really freaking dilated and still not go into labor. :(

MrsMandy, sounds a bit more like bloody show to me, but it could be either. My OB said that DTD (or a pelvic exam) can something also encourage the mucus plug to come out, so it might have been partly due to the activity. However, bloody show doesn't necessarily mean anything since some women get it weeks before going into labor. But at least it's a good sign!

I'm a bit crampy and such, but really no change. No mucus plug or real BH or contractions. My OB "gently" stripped my membranes on Tuesday, but no dice. She said she wanted to strip them more "aggressively" next Tuesday if I hadn't gone into labor yet. At this point, I'm just impatient and want this little guy out! My parents get into town tomorrow evening, so any time after that would be great since they can come over to our house and watch the toddler while I'm in labor (they live 7 hours away but got a condo here last year, so they can have an extended 3 weeks stay while also not staying at our house. Win-win situation!).

The last couple days I have been pooping A LOT! It's normal consistency (not diarrhea like some women get before labor), but I've been getting a lot of cramping with it (definitely not contractions, definitely related to my intestines). Has anyone else been getting this?
Thanks! I am still 4cm so no changes here. For my 40w apt next fri he ordered an ultrasound to see how big baby is. I hope he comes this week still, but happy to have a scan next Friday if he doesn't!
The last couple days I have been pooping A LOT! It's normal consistency (not diarrhea like some women get before labor), but I've been getting a lot of cramping with it (definitely not contractions, definitely related to my intestines). Has anyone else been getting this?[/QUOTE]

I have had the intestinal pain you are talking about. Its been over a week now and is really uncomfortable especially in the evenings.

I still have spotting after my sweep over 24 hours ago. Anyone know if that's normal?? I am really cramoy too but not any rhythmic contractions.

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