May's Munchkins 2015

I will also point out that after eating 4, yes 4, whole pineapples in the span of 2 weeks my dilation hasn't changed once so ever.

I call shenanigans on pineapple having any effect on anything othed than my tongue.
If my mother in law asks me one more time, how do I feel?, I think I might scream. I'm like geez, I'm fine. Stop asking me everyday. Apparently I am fine if you don't see me in labor having a baby. Even then I will be fine. I wish I had a responsible mother in law so she could move out!!! Sorry for the vent.

Here's to delivering healthy babies:hugs:
Well ladies I'm in the hospital for at least 24 more hours.

I went to my appointment today, my BP was high as always, but the past week it's been creeping up a bit at home too. No protein. We did a growth scan and I was hoping all was well, but my fluid was measuring really low (although she did have a nice full bladder). She was measuring a couple of weeks behind on everything as well, although I know growth scans can be off. She was estimated at 4bls7oz, which I was sure she'd be over 5lbs by now. I know it's just an estimate, but with ALL the measurements being low, the fluid low, I believe the low weight estimate can't be too far off.

Anyway, she had me go to the hosital for IV fluids and to go ahead and do a 24 hr urine catch again, as well as see a high risk OB for a higher resolution scan after I've had more fluids. I'm not dehydrated, as I drink plenty of water and pee plenty of nice clear pee (trust me, I've seen women's pee samples at the doctor, some of them are definitely dehydrated...). It has to be due to my high BP, which hasn't been high all the time.

It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

Oh she checked me, nothing happening down there. Baby is head down and closer than she has been.

At least I finally got the bag packed this morning, mostly. It just sucks. However my BP was stellar when they took it here, 125/72 :)

I've been here 3 hours, they did put me on the monitor for 2 hours, but no IV yet and haven't started my 24 hr urine catch yet, so I'll be here 24 hrs after whenever they get started, which has pretty much secured me a 2 night stay at this point.
I've also had a bunch of pineapple, but nada. Also, I have been walking a crap load which people swear by, but ya, still nothing.

Gonna bust out the breast pump tomorrow and try the nipple stimulation. Getting so uncomfortable. Bless you ladies who have gone two weeks over before. Ugh. I am hoping not to join that list.

As far as induction goes, we have a scan Friday morning at our 40 week apt. He's gonna check fluid, baby size, baby position, etc...then discuss induction. If all is fine and baby isn't huge I will be holding out too!
Well ladies I'm in the hospital for at least 24 more hours.

I went to my appointment today, my BP was high as always, but the past week it's been creeping up a bit at home too. No protein. We did a growth scan and I was hoping all was well, but my fluid was measuring really low (although she did have a nice full bladder). She was measuring a couple of weeks behind on everything as well, although I know growth scans can be off. She was estimated at 4bls7oz, which I was sure she'd be over 5lbs by now. I know it's just an estimate, but with ALL the measurements being low, the fluid low, I believe the low weight estimate can't be too far off.

Anyway, she had me go to the hosital for IV fluids and to go ahead and do a 24 hr urine catch again, as well as see a high risk OB for a higher resolution scan after I've had more fluids. I'm not dehydrated, as I drink plenty of water and pee plenty of nice clear pee (trust me, I've seen women's pee samples at the doctor, some of them are definitely dehydrated...). It has to be due to my high BP, which hasn't been high all the time.

It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

Oh she checked me, nothing happening down there. Baby is head down and closer than she has been.

At least I finally got the bag packed this morning, mostly. It just sucks. However my BP was stellar when they took it here, 125/72 :)

I've been here 3 hours, they did put me on the monitor for 2 hours, but no IV yet and haven't started my 24 hr urine catch yet, so I'll be here 24 hrs after whenever they get started, which has pretty much secured me a 2 night stay at this point.

I am sorry!! :hugs:

Glad your Bp was good when they checked it there. You are so close to 37 weeks! The end is in sight!
Well ladies I'm in the hospital for at least 24 more hours.

I went to my appointment today, my BP was high as always, but the past week it's been creeping up a bit at home too. No protein. We did a growth scan and I was hoping all was well, but my fluid was measuring really low (although she did have a nice full bladder). She was measuring a couple of weeks behind on everything as well, although I know growth scans can be off. She was estimated at 4bls7oz, which I was sure she'd be over 5lbs by now. I know it's just an estimate, but with ALL the measurements being low, the fluid low, I believe the low weight estimate can't be too far off.

Anyway, she had me go to the hosital for IV fluids and to go ahead and do a 24 hr urine catch again, as well as see a high risk OB for a higher resolution scan after I've had more fluids. I'm not dehydrated, as I drink plenty of water and pee plenty of nice clear pee (trust me, I've seen women's pee samples at the doctor, some of them are definitely dehydrated...). It has to be due to my high BP, which hasn't been high all the time.

It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

Oh she checked me, nothing happening down there. Baby is head down and closer than she has been.

At least I finally got the bag packed this morning, mostly. It just sucks. However my BP was stellar when they took it here, 125/72 :)

I've been here 3 hours, they did put me on the monitor for 2 hours, but no IV yet and haven't started my 24 hr urine catch yet, so I'll be here 24 hrs after whenever they get started, which has pretty much secured me a 2 night stay at this point.

I am sorry!! :hugs:

Glad your Bp was good when they checked it there. You are so close to 37 weeks! The end is in sight!

That is one thing I'm glad they are so slow...they didn't take my BP until I'd been lying down super still on the monitor for 2 hours watching TV and nothing else.
I've also had a bunch of pineapple, but nada. Also, I have been walking a crap load which people swear by, but ya, still nothing.

Gonna bust out the breast pump tomorrow and try the nipple stimulation. Getting so uncomfortable. Bless you ladies who have gone two weeks over before. Ugh. I am hoping not to join that list.

As far as induction goes, we have a scan Friday morning at our 40 week apt. He's gonna check fluid, baby size, baby position, etc...then discuss induction. If all is fine and baby isn't huge I will be holding out too!

Tried pineapple over here too - and I really hate pineapple!! I'm now 41 +1 and getting really fed up!! Not too uncomfortable until I try to get up from either sitting or laying down.

Though I did have a thought that when I first fell pregnant I worked my dates to be 8th May as I don't have a 28 day cycle and if they induce me it'll be on Friday -8th may! So maybe I was right all along and the ultrasound made my date earlier because this is just a big baby!!

Miss priss hope it goes ok for you at the hospital.
My goodness I'm behind! Lol! Congrats on the new arrivals! I'm not due until the end of the month - so it's going to be hard to watch all the babies arriving while waiting "patiently" for our little gal!

Sending out hugs and well wishes to everyone as due dates arrive and birth days start piling up! So excited to see all the cuties and hear names! Anyone else have their name picked out already? We haven't been telling people in real life, but we can tell the interwebs, right? :winkwink:

Our little gal is named Alice MacKenzie! Looking forward to having her set on my chest and being able to say, "Nice to finally meet you, Alice. We've been waiting a long time for you!" :cloud9:

I'm an end of the month-er, too! Also, good thing William and Kate picked Charlotte! Leaves your Alice safe (that was the other front runner for the royal baby name in case you don't obsessively royal baby watch! haha)

I will also point out that after eating 4, yes 4, whole pineapples in the span of 2 weeks my dilation hasn't changed once so ever.

I call shenanigans on pineapple having any effect on anything othed than my tongue.

I think pineapple is a wives tale, but... It's not supposed to dilate you. It's supposed to soften your cervix so it theoretically should make you more effaced but not more dilated. I eat pineapple a lot all the time so I'm not intentionally doing it for the effacement benefit but I am eating a bunch of it! I'm not having cervix checks though so I have no idea how dilated or effaced I am (or not!).

It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

You can't really prevent pre-e if it's going to happen but sounds like you're doing everything you can!! Glad you bp was down by the time you left.

Gonna bust out the breast pump tomorrow and try the nipple stimulation. Getting so uncomfortable. Bless you ladies who have gone two weeks over before. Ugh. I am hoping not to join that list.

Breast pump worked for me last pregnancy! Took me from inconsistent pains to regular, more intense pains!
It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

You can't really prevent pre-e if it's going to happen but sounds like you're doing everything you can!! Glad you bp was down by the time you left.

What I mean is I lost weight and got healthier before this pregnancy, went from being "obese" to barely "overweight". I took baby aspirin, which has actually been proven to prevent premature birth from pre-e in clinical studies. I have avoided stress (women who work are 2-3x more likely to get pre-e because of stress). There ARE things you can do to prevent pre-eclampsia. They do not know what causes it, but there are things you can do to minimize your risks.
Hope all is well for you Miss! At least you're under care if something goes amiss. :hugs:

Still nothing to report. Nothing more than a few BH. I am getting sick however which is PERFECT timing. Not. Sore throat and cough. Can't be anymore more than a cold cuz I'm on a penicillin family antibiotic for uti so that would have kicked anything more serious. But common! I want to have a baby not the sniffles!!
My goodness I'm behind! Lol! Congrats on the new arrivals! I'm not due until the end of the month - so it's going to be hard to watch all the babies arriving while waiting "patiently" for our little gal!

Sending out hugs and well wishes to everyone as due dates arrive and birth days start piling up! So excited to see all the cuties and hear names! Anyone else have their name picked out already? We haven't been telling people in real life, but we can tell the interwebs, right? :winkwink:

Our little gal is named Alice MacKenzie! Looking forward to having her set on my chest and being able to say, "Nice to finally meet you, Alice. We've been waiting a long time for you!" :cloud9:

I'm an end of the month-er, too! Also, good thing William and Kate picked Charlotte! Leaves your Alice safe (that was the other front runner for the royal baby name in case you don't obsessively royal baby watch! haha)

I will also point out that after eating 4, yes 4, whole pineapples in the span of 2 weeks my dilation hasn't changed once so ever.

I call shenanigans on pineapple having any effect on anything othed than my tongue.

I think pineapple is a wives tale, but... It's not supposed to dilate you. It's supposed to soften your cervix so it theoretically should make you more effaced but not more dilated. I eat pineapple a lot all the time so I'm not intentionally doing it for the effacement benefit but I am eating a bunch of it! I'm not having cervix checks though so I have no idea how dilated or effaced I am (or not!).

It just sucks and it feels like I've been able to avoid pre-e so far, but now I have other problems. Like I just can't seem to have a healthy pregnancy.

You can't really prevent pre-e if it's going to happen but sounds like you're doing everything you can!! Glad you bp was down by the time you left.

Gonna bust out the breast pump tomorrow and try the nipple stimulation. Getting so uncomfortable. Bless you ladies who have gone two weeks over before. Ugh. I am hoping not to join that list.

Breast pump worked for me last pregnancy! Took me from inconsistent pains to regular, more intense pains!

Gonna try the breast pump fx!
I tried the breast pump this Sunday when I was having some random pains (about every 10 minutes for a while, but not strong), but didn't do anything for me. I think it might have worked better if it actually was the start of labor instead of random pains?

I just got back from my OB apt and nothing has really changed at all. She stripped my membranes, but couldn't do it very hard since my water was bulging a bit since she thinks I have extra amniotic fluid (since I'm measuring at 41 weeks). I'm crossing my fingers that something happens, but I'm not too hopeful seeing that it didn't work last baby or last week.
I did the breast pump today, but probably not for long enough. Had a few cramps but nothing after.

My bump is hard! Still seems high, though my sis says I have dropped some. It's getting hard to chase my toddler. I am achey and she is faster than me now, lol.
I took a bump picture while in labor last time and I was still SO high!!! Haha. That's just how my body carries babies!
Speaking of... How about some bump pics???

This is me at 36+4 and my daughter, who is 19.5 months, putting a soccer ball under her shirt!


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Hahaha, that's so cute kiss! I am failing on bump pics this pregnancy. With dd I took one every week. This time I have two, from way back. And I did maternity pcs with dd. my phone this time has a broken camera so I have to bust out the actual camera. I need to take a few this week though cause I know I will regret having none!
Great news ladies! My doctor just came by, my 24 hr urine was normal, my BP has been down at the hospital all except one reading, my ultrasound report was good, everything looked good. I'm free to go, after the nurse processes me out, I'm just waiting on my sister to come pick me up as DH left with the car....

Also my OB said that it reassured her a lot for me to have done so well in the hospital. I'm supposed to go home, focus on fluids, and do modified bed rest (kind of). (she started to say modified bed rest, then caught herself and didn' was funny).
Kiss08, very cute!

misspriss, I'm so glad you got to come home and things look good!

No changes for me after a membrane strip yesterday, not even a cramp (and I had been getting cramps before). I've been getting a little more blood tinged mucus for the past couple days, but definitely not my mucus plug. I'm getting really fed up with being pregnant + working full time + taking care of the toddler + not knowing if I might go into labor. I really want this baby to hurry up and come already!

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