May's Munchkins 2015

atx, my lower bump is sore too! I notice it feels that way after standing for too long or doing too much. With Mother's Day yesterday, I was at the store, my parents then my in-laws and didn't get home until after 8PM. My bump was hurting so badly and I could feel the baby squirming and squirming! LOL I am bit better today after resting. I hope yours feels better too!
My induction was "ok" all except the part where my epidural ran out then they broke my water and I ended up going to full dilation and pushing with no epidural. I won't lie - that hurt... BUT I was not prepared in any way to do it without pain meds.... Also I did not feel the difference when they turned off my protein, but I was fully dilated then.

This is almost exactly what happened to me!! I told the nurse I was starting to feel things again so she checked me and my water broke. That's around when the epidural stopped all together and I felt the entire thing after. The contractions were nuts! I wouldn't want those kind ever again.
Aww congratulations to all those who've had their babies!!! Xxx
Congratulations Meagan (and picksbaby and any other mummies if I missed you?)
Just catching up with everyones stories whilst battling through an endless night of feeds!
William has a tounge tie which is making it difficult for him to get latched and take enough from me, he also has lost too much weight from birth so I'm still in hospital with a tough routine of feed as long as possible (getting about 20-30mins) then top up with what I have been able to express, and a little more top up with formula and then back on the pump for 20-30 mins to have it ready for the next feed, which by this time is in an hour! This has been my last day and night and I'm exhausted!!! But hopefully it'll get his weight back up and we'll be allowed home once the tie has been checked and treated if they feel it's necessary!

Hope it's not too much longer for those of you who are still waiting!! Xx
Congratulations for all the new babies!

I'm still waiting patiently over here! I was monitored this morning and baby is doing fine! I did have a few BH while monitored which according to the midwife might be a sign that baby will come early as BH are less common in the morning. But we'll just have to wait and see. I'm still hoping to get a couple of days rest before giving birth. Tomorrow is my last day at work.
Congratulations Meagan (and picksbaby and any other mummies if I missed you?)
Just catching up with everyones stories whilst battling through an endless night of feeds!
William has a tounge tie which is making it difficult for him to get latched and take enough from me, he also has lost too much weight from birth so I'm still in hospital with a tough routine of feed as long as possible (getting about 20-30mins) then top up with what I have been able to express, and a little more top up with formula and then back on the pump for 20-30 mins to have it ready for the next feed, which by this time is in an hour! This has been my last day and night and I'm exhausted!!! But hopefully it'll get his weight back up and we'll be allowed home once the tie has been checked and treated if they feel it's necessary!

Hope it's not too much longer for those of you who are still waiting!! Xx

Sorry breastfeeding has been so rough so far!! Is he getting a revision for his tongue tie?
Ladies that have gone past due dates in this pregnancy or previous ones, t what gestation did you have your baby? We're you induced or did you go into labor naturally?

My dr. asked about inducing me Wednesday. I am so uncomfortable and it's tempting, but I really want to go into labor on my own and think I can last longer than wednesday. Also going to the accupuncurist tomorrow, so hopeful that will help.

I went over with my first. I was induced at 41+1 and had her at 41+2
So, I had pain for about 7 hours on and off yesterday, they even got to be regular at about 10 min apart... and then they stopped. Horrible sporadic pain this morning, then that stopped and I just felt awful (weak, exhausted) and went to my OB appointment. My OB asked if I was in labor since she thought I looked really pale and just "looked" like I was in labor. She had me go home instead of back to work (though I'm working from home) because she really thinks I may go into active labor today, though I've been feeling better since I got home (go figure). I've been having some really mild rhythmic pains, but they are just annoying and nothing stronger. My OB wanted to induce tomorrow but the hospital doesn't have any appointments until Saturday! So I really hope I either start feeling better or go into labor soon!
Nothing much happening here. 37 weeks dead on I got BH on and off all day and lost some plug...nothing since. We DTD twice Friday, and DH wasn't feeling well the next two days so I was hoping when we DTD last night thins might pick up again. Nope, nothing...So today I went shopping and walked fro 1.5 hours straight...lots of movement, no BH, far nothing but a little softening of the cervix when she checked me last. Hoping to see some progress soon!

I am due the 29th, we have out of state family visiting the 23-25th, who really wanted to see a new baby, not a really pregnant lady :haha: I figured with my luck, I will be in the hospital all weekend and they won't really see either! LOL
YAY! Loving all the baby updates!! I'm due on the 29th too - and no signs or symptoms besides some BH. Literally nothing else (still just the super pregnant symptoms like pitting edema and the inability to sleep!!!). Just twiddling my thumbs and hoping she doesn't make us wait too much longer - I don't think I can take the suspense!!
Congrats to all!! Patience to those who are still waiting. In a lot of ways I wish I was still preggo then I wouldn't have to share my baby with family who want to hold and see her (besides hubby and kids). I'm selfish. I'm also 40 and deciding if this should be our last baby or if we should have one more after Koreena makes a year. Hubby is fine either way. We will see. Hugs to everyone!!
Still no sign of baby here. I still have hope I will go into labor on my own, but I will be induced Monday if he hasn't arrived yet. I will be 9 days over then. I really don't want to be induced, but at the same time I am SO done being pregnant lol.
Still no sign of baby here. I still have hope I will go into labor on my own, but I will be induced Monday if he hasn't arrived yet. I will be 9 days over then. I really don't want to be induced, but at the same time I am SO done being pregnant lol.
I know the feeling. I was 6 days overdue and no sign of baby. Had to have waters broken to start labor. Good luck!!
Thanks mrsbrown! I am working on patience for sure, but it is hard! I am excited to know the end date though!
atx, I'm right there with you! I'm 4 days late right now and have an induction appointment for Saturday. I can barely wait two more days until I can get this little one out...

My husband and I had some adult fun last night to try to see if it would help. It did bring the cramps back and I have even MORE discharge now (which was already up to a disgusting level) and some blood again, but no actual labor. Boo.
The amount of discharge one can experience during pregnancy is alarming..
Haha it's so true kiss! I feel like I am constantly changing my panties or liner haha.

Good luck Saturday Kate! It sounds like your body is so close to starting labor on its own! Either way, two days! You can do it.

I think I am more nervous about him having melconium poop before he's born with me going 9 days over. It makes me really nervous!
I literally feel as if I have been kicked in the bits, after walking a little bit. School/nursery runs are a nightmare :(
I think I am more nervous about him having melconium poop before he's born with me going 9 days over. It makes me really nervous!

My daughter was 8 days over (induced the evening of 7 days over) and she managed not to poop before she got out, but pooped literally about 4 times in the first 10 minutes she was out. There was poop EVERYWHERE! The nurse and I eventually decided it was best for her to take the baby and get a diaper on and get her cleaned up a little instead of the normal 45 minutes of immediate skin to skin they try to do. I never even changed a melconium diaper; the nurse changed the first diaper for me since I was still numb from the epidural, and my daughter had already gotten it all out by then. :)

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