May's Munchkins 2015

I really hope he holds it!! If he does poop in me and swallows it, how bad is it? Has anyone had any experience?
Congratulations Meagan (and picksbaby and any other mummies if I missed you?)
Just catching up with everyones stories whilst battling through an endless night of feeds!
William has a tounge tie which is making it difficult for him to get latched and take enough from me, he also has lost too much weight from birth so I'm still in hospital with a tough routine of feed as long as possible (getting about 20-30mins) then top up with what I have been able to express, and a little more top up with formula and then back on the pump for 20-30 mins to have it ready for the next feed, which by this time is in an hour! This has been my last day and night and I'm exhausted!!! But hopefully it'll get his weight back up and we'll be allowed home once the tie has been checked and treated if they feel it's necessary!

Hope it's not too much longer for those of you who are still waiting!! Xx

Sorry breastfeeding has been so rough so far!! Is he getting a revision for his tongue tie?

Yeah they snipped it and now it's much better. He's still getting used to it and it takes a few attempt sometimes but now we're home he is feeding like a little piglet!! 😄
I really hope he holds it!! If he does poop in me and swallows it, how bad is it? Has anyone had any experience?

William had meconium in my waters. I don't know if it's different in the states but here they just do 4hr obs for 24 hrs. They checked his temperature and breathing. I think if they found any signs of infection they would have just treated that but luckily he hadn't swalled any of it.
I had a bit of meconium in my waters with my daughter I don't remember them doing anything out of the ordinary other than cleaning her off right away.

Still waiting for ANYTHING. The occasional cramp and BH is not convincing me. I've done a lot of cleaning today and hope to go for a walk later, if possible, but I'm afraid baby is hanging tight and may come even after her due date. Trying to have patience.

I hope everyone is well.
I had it in my waters this time around with DS2 and they had a nicu nurse at my delivery just in case along with observation time I believe it was four hours... I just remember they took him and I fell asleep (as I hadn't slept in 48+ hours) and won't lie it was possibly the last good sleep I've had since having him
Though when I was born they thought I had swallowed some of mine and they had me on antibiotics from what my mom told me
Congratulations Meagan (and picksbaby and any other mummies if I missed you?)
Just catching up with everyones stories whilst battling through an endless night of feeds!
William has a tounge tie which is making it difficult for him to get latched and take enough from me, he also has lost too much weight from birth so I'm still in hospital with a tough routine of feed as long as possible (getting about 20-30mins) then top up with what I have been able to express, and a little more top up with formula and then back on the pump for 20-30 mins to have it ready for the next feed, which by this time is in an hour! This has been my last day and night and I'm exhausted!!! But hopefully it'll get his weight back up and we'll be allowed home once the tie has been checked and treated if they feel it's necessary!

Hope it's not too much longer for those of you who are still waiting!! Xx

Sorry breastfeeding has been so rough so far!! Is he getting a revision for his tongue tie?

Yeah they snipped it and now it's much better. He's still getting used to it and it takes a few attempt sometimes but now we're home he is feeding like a little piglet!! 😄

How did the tongue tie procedure go? My lo has a slight tongue tie bit had been able to nurse ok. Only problem is that I hurt. Pediatrician says since she's gaining I don't need to do anything. But the lactation consultant said I should get another opinion if I am still sore.
Good luck to all the ladies still waiting on their babies! I have a scheduled C section for Tuesday, but thought baby was coming today! I was having regular contractions since the morning time. My Dr. then sent me to the hospital where I continued with them but my cervix was still closed and thick. With no action going on there and the contractions slowing down after giving me an IV, they discharged me and sent me home. Now I am on bed rest until Tuesday. There is definitely a difference (less contractions) when I am just resting. But when they do randomly hit, they are painful! I just had to take a break from writing this to grab onto the couch because it hurt so much. I don't know how these are not labor pains but they aren't. I was hoping to have an early section today. Oh well. This will be the longest weekend of my life!
Oh man, those sound like labor pains! I am being induced Monday, so I will be waiting the weekend out with you!
Good luck to all the ladies still waiting on their babies! I have a scheduled C section for Tuesday, but thought baby was coming today! I was having regular contractions since the morning time. My Dr. then sent me to the hospital where I continued with them but my cervix was still closed and thick. With no action going on there and the contractions slowing down after giving me an IV, they discharged me and sent me home. Now I am on bed rest until Tuesday. There is definitely a difference (less contractions) when I am just resting. But when they do randomly hit, they are painful! I just had to take a break from writing this to grab onto the couch because it hurt so much. I don't know how these are not labor pains but they aren't. I was hoping to have an early section today. Oh well. This will be the longest weekend of my life!

That's how my.labor started. Had an appointment Thursday am and she said they must be BH because there was no progress. I went into labor the next am. So maybe you'll get o e early.after all. :) if not its nice to have an end date in site I'm.sure.
I haven't had much going on today, 38 weeks...I thought I had a real contraction tonight. I had been angry with DH for a while and huffing around all mad and stuff and then I had a real strong BH I guess, because nothing else happened after that...
Congratulations Meagan (and picksbaby and any other mummies if I missed you?)
Just catching up with everyones stories whilst battling through an endless night of feeds!
William has a tounge tie which is making it difficult for him to get latched and take enough from me, he also has lost too much weight from birth so I'm still in hospital with a tough routine of feed as long as possible (getting about 20-30mins) then top up with what I have been able to express, and a little more top up with formula and then back on the pump for 20-30 mins to have it ready for the next feed, which by this time is in an hour! This has been my last day and night and I'm exhausted!!! But hopefully it'll get his weight back up and we'll be allowed home once the tie has been checked and treated if they feel it's necessary!

Hope it's not too much longer for those of you who are still waiting!! Xx

Sorry breastfeeding has been so rough so far!! Is he getting a revision for his tongue tie?

Yeah they snipped it and now it's much better. He's still getting used to it and it takes a few attempt sometimes but now we're home he is feeding like a little piglet!! 😄

How did the tongue tie procedure go? My lo has a slight tongue tie bit had been able to nurse ok. Only problem is that I hurt. Pediatrician says since she's gaining I don't need to do anything. But the lactation consultant said I should get another opinion if I am still sore.

The procedure was fine. Really quick and it didn't bother him. He was more upset at being woken up!
I think it has helped a little bit but we had a different Dr interfere within half hour of the procedure trying to get a urine sample for something else and that got him so distressed he barely fed for the rest of the day and night after so it's taken him longer to get used to feeding again, meaning I'm still sore and my nipples are still recovering from all the expressing I had to do. I'm hoping that's the only reason I'm still in pain when I feed as I'm sure his position/latching on is fine.
I would definitely get a second opinion if your in pain.

William is a week old, yesterday he fed every 2-4 hours and for quite a while each time, then went from about 11pm to 4.30am without waking. Is that normal /ok? He has Fed 3 times this morning so I guess he's making up for it now? Xx
The bfing class I went to said you don't want them going more than 4 hours without a feed until 3-4 months old. A one off I'm sure is fine but not something you'd want to happen often for a couple weeks. Milk production is also most effective at night which is another reason you don't want to go a long span without stimulating production.
I have never woken my babies at night. Once you milk is in you don't need to IMO. Keep watch on your sopply as everyone is different but all my kids slept 8 hours a night by 8-10 weeks.
I was told the only reason I had to wake DS to feed was because he was a preemie, once he reached 8lbs and/or his due date (I forgot which) I was told not to worry about it.
Hmm, funny how everyone gets told differing things!!
I have my health visitor coming Monday and my midwife on Tuesday so I'll double check with them too
Thanks though, I think at the moment I wont worry too much so long as he continues to put on weight. Xx
Well, nothing going down so far. Went for a long walk this morning, had a little cramping but nothing more...I was thinking today would be a great day, DH is off, he's off would be a great time to be
Josh was born at 3:42 am on 5/15/15! I started kind of feeling like I might be having contractions while at work on Thursday afternoon, so I left a little early since I just didn't feel great. In the evening we went to the hospital but I wasn't dilating well even though they had me walk the halls for an hour and my contractions were 2 min apart, but they decided to give me an epidural and then eventually broke my water. After that things went quickly; I took a nap for an hour and a half, woke up and felt a little pressure, and I was 10 cm! A couple kin of pushing and he was out. Everything seems good except that his bilirubin is a little high (we're just keeping an eye on it) and his latch is giving me a lot of blistering/creasing (both things also happened with my daughter). I'm so happy he's out! :)

Oh, and he was 9 lb 6 oz, a full lb heavier than his sister and I never would have guessed!
MrsMandy, I've always been told that up to 5-6 hours between feedings is completely fine in newborns as long as they are feeding more frequently at other times.
Congrats Kate!!!

I walked all day today! I am now quite crampy and had blood twice when I wiped, but now nothing. Fxed he comes on his own, or induction early Monday. Either way, I am so happy he will be here soon!
Well it's my due date today. Not counting on him arriving today though. My babies are always late

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