May's Munchkins 2015

Congrats mrskcbrown. That's that you had the vaginal delivery you were hoping for.
Happy mothers day everyone!!
Congrats, MrsMandy!

Increased discharge is normal. Waters leaking tends to be more watery/slippery and also has a distinct sweet smell.

Hmmm, mine is definitely watery and a little slippery, and it does have a kind of sweet smell. I hope it's just that my mucus plug is really dissolving since they have said they don't want me to come in to get checked out and I don't have an OB appt until Tuesday. :(

At your OB appt I think they can do a quick test to see if it's fluid or just discharge. Much more common to be discharge as leaking fluids without going into labor is pretty rare. I know you know someone who that happened to but it's definitely more the exception than the rule.
Hi ladies, happy mothers day to you gals who are or are soon to be mom's!

My Little one made her appearance at 8:17am this morning weighing a whopping 9lbs 11oz!!!
I had 12 hours of manageable pitocin with 2 shots of morphine before it got bad and requested the epidural. I was fine until it wore off around 7 or 730 and I felt everything. Contractions on steroids and it was terrible. I went from 7 to 10 in less than 5 minutes and in 3 gigantic pushes she was out.

I'm in pretty rough shape but glad it's over :) Time to rest. Happy Sunday xo
Congrats Meagan! Sorry the birth itself was painful but at least it is over and your baby is here! Time to recover and get your body back! :)
Thanks! The juice was definitely worth the squeeze although there were moments where I wasn't sure I could do it! I wouldn't ever want to be induced again!! Holy smokes.

Congrats to everyone else with babies the last few days xox
Ladies that have gone past due dates in this pregnancy or previous ones, t what gestation did you have your baby? We're you induced or did you go into labor naturally?

My dr. asked about inducing me Wednesday. I am so uncomfortable and it's tempting, but I really want to go into labor on my own and think I can last longer than wednesday. Also going to the accupuncurist tomorrow, so hopeful that will help.
Ladies that have gone past due dates in this pregnancy or previous ones, t what gestation did you have your baby? We're you induced or did you go into labor naturally?

My dr. asked about inducing me Wednesday. I am so uncomfortable and it's tempting, but I really want to go into labor on my own and think I can last longer than wednesday. Also going to the accupuncurist tomorrow, so hopeful that will help.

With my first I went into labor at 41w (didn't know I was in labor as I couldn't feel ccontractions) went in that same day to be induced and they told me I was already in labor my labor wasnt progressing after a ppint anyways so i ended up getting pitocin. Though I did start labor naturally it ended with pitocin haha
Thanks! That's good to know!! I haven't had any painful contractions yet either, but really hoping soon!!
I don't come on here as much as I use the Facebook may babies but thought I would give a up date Macy arrived on the 8th May at 10.45pm full head of hair.

My labour. I had to be induced as my fluid levels were just 5cms and we had no idea were the water was going. On Thursday night they started me off. Being induced didn't really work on my body they gave me some tampon thing and I was 1cm at 9.30pm Thursday started having contractions every 3/4mins but they were irregular. Started loosing blood but they did nothing at 11/12 this tampon thing fell out with my plug.
Contractions went down to 2 every ten mins but they refused to check me and said I had to wait to 9pm Friday to be checked. Called my mum asking her to come down at 6.30/7pm just to see a fresh face got checked by the consultant at 8.30/9pm she asked why I had been bleeding and nothing been done about it. She done a check I was 3cm, full effaced and bulging membranes.

Went down to clu and they popped my waters at 10.13 macy was here at 10.45. Took me 25min to go from 3cm to fully dilated and 8mins pushing.

All in all a pretty quick labour. My contractions and thick and fast after popping my waters I don't think I had a break between contractions.

I had a hemorrhage after having her my body didn't know what to do they think it was from having such a quick labour. I lost 825ml of blood. The rest is a blur my other half has to fill in a lot of the gaps since then
I know they aren't all the same, but if you can avoid induction do it. It wasn't worth it. Although my baby was almost 10lbs which would have been a shock to go to term or later with!
Try whatever else you can, that's my opinion.
With my first I went into labour at 40+6 on my own. Dr won't even talk induction until 8 days over, so I could be looking at another two weeks yet, which makes me want to cry.
Congrats, Picksbaby!

With my first I went a full week over, and they ended up inducing on the evening of 41+0 (so the baby was born morning of 41+1). I had no signs of labor except for 2 cm dilation and 75% effacement, but the induction was pretty easy. Contractions were intense and I did get an epidural, but that was in my plans anyway.

Today I'm 40+1. I'm still slightly worried about if my water is very slowly leaking; I called the nurse line last night again and they felt like I was borderline on needing to get checked out, but they decided I really didn't need to unless I felt any small gushes after laying/sitting down for about a half hour, otherwise it was most likely just discharge. I'm really looking forward to my OB appointment tomorrow so she can check me out and also plan an induction date!
I've not personally been induced but from what I hear from other moms, pitocin contractions are far worse than natural contraction. I'm hoping to go into labor far before this, but my cut off for when I'd be willing to be induced (assuming everyone is doing okay) is 2 weeks past my due date.
Ladies that have gone past due dates in this pregnancy or previous ones, t what gestation did you have your baby? We're you induced or did you go into labor naturally?

My dr. asked about inducing me Wednesday. I am so uncomfortable and it's tempting, but I really want to go into labor on my own and think I can last longer than wednesday. Also going to the accupuncurist tomorrow, so hopeful that will help.

I think it depends too on what you are planning for pain management. I was induced with #3 and it was difficult pain wise because there were no breaks in contractions. I was 2cm and 80% for her.
This time I was planning on waiting up to 10 days over to avoid induction. I was 2-3 cm and 0% on Thursday. Went naturally Friday am. Pain was much note manageable mostly because I had at least 10 seconds between contractions. Doesn't sound like much but for me made it doable.
I had a failed induction with DS, the contractions were bearable with no pain releif on pit, but the no breaks between was what got me.
My induction was "ok" all except the part where my epidural ran out then they broke my water and I ended up going to full dilation and pushing with no epidural. I won't lie - that hurt... BUT I was not prepared in any way to do it without pain meds.... Also I did not feel the difference when they turned off my protein, but I was fully dilated then.
With dd I had my membranes scraped in the morning at exactly 41 weeks and went from 2 to 3 cm. then my water broke at 11:45pm that night and she was born before 8am at 41+1.
Appointment today was peachy. BP lower than it has been, urine clear. She checked me, baby is lower and cervix is softening but no dilation. That is what EPO does, right? Soften and eventually thin the cervix? Guess it may be working.
Ya, with dd I was induced and had no breaks between contractions and that was rough. She did come quickly though which was nice. Just waiting it out. Today my lower bump feels sooo sore. Not sure if he is moving own, but I sure hope so!

Congrats picksbaby!

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