May's Munchkins 2015

Awesome idea! I'm not sure what we're going to do yet. Haven't thought that far but it's surprisingly not far away. Weird!
I had a bit of pink spotting Sunday night after a bm. I just had a scan today and all was well and lil peanut had a great hb. I know it is hard not to worry, but pink is common! I hope you are able to get an early scan to put your mind at ease.

I thought it was pink but it's more brownish pinkish which doesn't worry me as much. But my low back is hurting too which is a little worrisome. Getting bloods on Monday and scan on Wednesday... Hopefully they say something reassuring at the scan but usually they say nothing and you have to wait till your drs appt for the results! It's only a small amount of blood so nothing to warrant a trip to the emergency... Hope it stops soon. I never had any spotting at all with my first! So this is scary for me :/

I am glad you are able to get bloods and a scan! It is probably leftover from implantation since ts brownish. My dr said 25% of women spot inhe first tri so you are not alone for sure!
I spotted at 5 weeks and now again at 7.
AHHHH we just came up with the best idea ever!!! I think this is how we will announce on facebook now. So we are pretty big seattle seahawks fans....(american football for those of you not in the us) and they have this thing with the "12th man" So I'm gonna paint my belly with 12 weeks on it in blue and green, because it will be in the heart of the season!!! PREFECT!!!! I'm so excited for this idea!!!!!!!!!

Ahh!! Love that idea!! We may be in UK but my hubby is a HUGE Texans fan! He has decreed that if its a boy (I drew the line at little girl! :haha: ) its coming home outfit is gonna be a tiny Texans shirt!!! He's bookmarked the site to buy it and everything!!

I think I've decided our annoucment is gonna be a (as flattering as possible!) a close up shot of my belly holding a car 'baby on board' sign against it!
I also saw a cute Pic where someone had used Starbucks cups, a large and written daddy on it, a medium and written Mummy on it and then between them a single coffee bean and had put a note saying our little bean is roasting! I think that's so cute so might do similar and put it as a cover Pic on Facebook at the same time as our annoucment Pic! Xx
I'm so happy we're having another one but the thought of a newborn AND a 2 year old is starting to freak me out a bit. I'm not sure how 2 is going to work. Anyone else?

Yes, that is what is causing me the most anxiety! How am I going to care for two kids at the same time?!? My daughter will be 2 years and 7 months by the time #2 is born.

We got a cold here :(. Was feeling it last night and it's full blown this morning. DD has had it for a few days. I think I remember I got a cold around 5 weeks with my first too. Hope it is ok.

I have a cold too. It is the worst while pregnant! It lasts so much longer than if not pregnant. I use a Netti Pot which really helps in getting all the snot out! Feel better!

OMG I feel like a bloated piggy!! People are asking me if I'm pregnant!!!!! How am I already showing with this one?!?!?!?!

I feel so bloated too! I have been wearing baggy shirts so noone has said anything. I feel like my uterus is bigger too. They do say that with #2 you show sooner because your uterus has been stretched out before so it is more pliable.
Hello everyone! sorry I've been missing for a few days.. I've been SUPER slammed with homework as usual lol and my hubby got into spring cleaning mode on thursday.. I was SUPER annoyed because he kept giving me things do to.. he's not taking the dr's orders for me to rest seriously.. because I, yet again, have a subchorionic hemorrhage (for those who don't know this is a blood clot either where baby implanted or at the site of the placenta..) My dr put me on pelvic rest and told me not to do any heavy lifting or heavy cleaning and not to be too active during the day for a few weeks at least.. I think reality hit him when I told him that I had blood tinged mucous yesterday =/ nothing so far now though..
Hope you are able to rest more! I need to deep clean, but it's going to have to wait till second tri, lol.
I hear ya! I've been low on Energy too! My son Spent the night with my grandparents last night and they are keeping him again tonight because there's a huge storm going on right now and not very safe to drive.. hubby has been at work all day too so my daughter has no one to bother at the moment lol so its been pretty relaxing day.. just been watching tv mostly.
SJDsMommy, I have an SCH as well, but unfortunately my doctor said it's not a big deal and there's no need to slow down/rest more. I specifically asked and he said it was good to stay as active as I can. I was kind of annoyed since I specifically said that the spotting kept getting worse after activity and I feel like my body is telling me to slow down.

Our house is a complete mess, and I have had to energy to clean it. My husband took our toddler for a long walk to give me time to clean up the living room without her in the way - it was a big help and it isn't disgusting anymore! I really need to clean the kitchen and do dishes tonight, but the living room totally wore me out so I'm listening to my body and taking a break!
They saw a small SCH at my 8 week scan as well. I don't know the numbers regarding size but the doctor didn't seem too worried, especially because I have been spotting. He didn't put me on any restrictions. I don't necessarily want to be on pelvic rest but now I'm worried. (Have to find something to worry about of course.) Good to hear some of you are going through this or have gone through this before and everything should be A-OK.
I too, am extremely bloated. I actually considered breaking out my maternity pants!
I have wanted nothing but sweets the last week or so. Chocolate...right now I'm sucking on a jolly rancher, I stole a bunch of candy from work (teehee) ice cream, ANYTHING sweet.

Danica has started to say dada and ki (her word for kitty, we have three) if you say ki to her, she'll point to a cat. I was trying to get her to say mama, and I said mama she looked at me and said dada, I was dying. shes so funny.

I'm so ready for this nausea to be over. I really hope it goes away during the 2nd tri, like it did for dani.

Hope everyone is well!
Due: May 26 (waiting for scan for final date)


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Ok ladies.. I hope you don't mind a vent here but I really need to let this out.. A good friend of ours asked me to watch her children, as I do on a regular basis often on a last minute notice.. fine - whatever, I don't mind, our kids are very close in age and they love the company! but last night she asks me very last minute if I wouldn't mind watching them until 2 am while she goes for drinks with some friends.. she knows I am pregnant and how tired I am.. and that my daughter wakes up before the sun! despite this I told her I would do it.. she said she was waiting to hear back from a friend so about an hour later with no response I told her I was going to bed and if she needed me to call but she finally said she would be on her way and would be here in an hour or less.. just over an hour later she did show up. By that time my daughter was in bed (poor girl was excited to see her friends too but it was 10:00 when they finally showed up.. well, she said she would be back to get them about 2.. here it is going on 2:40 and not even a single message on when she will be by to get them.. and in fact I JUST saw a photo of her that her friend tagged her in, eating at what looks like a burger place or subway or something.. (there were photos of her at a bar too so I know she wasn't lying but it would have been nice to know she was going to be later than expected!)

I'm not sure what to say here.. I don't want to be rude but I feel as if I am being taken advantage of right now!

I did plan on sleeping once her kids fell asleep (and just setting an alarm for a little before 2, which I told her this and to call if she would be early) but it took the older one until about 12:30 to fall asleep! (she's not one to like sleeping out side of her house..) by that time I figured there really was no point in me getting a one hour nap.. now I'm kind of wishing I had! I can barely keep my eyes open..

I don't know what to do here!
Wouldn't it have made more sense for the kids just to have a sleep over and them to be picked up in the morning as I would hate to wake my babies in the middle of the night unless we were getting an early flight or something similar.
yeah, and it definitely would have been easier on me.. at this point it might as well be a sleep over.. nearly 3:00 am and still nothing.. about to text her and tell her to either come and get them now or later on in the morning because this is BS.

I wouldn't be so mad if she had told me she would be later than expected, a simple quick text would be nice ya know?..
Ha well then.. I just messaged her and she apparently just pulled in when I did. She did seem like she felt bad (her friend was driving her so she couldn't just leave). Still.. a text or fb message would have been nice though..

Off to bed!
Well i have my first scan tomorrow. I am excited but super scared there wont be a hb like last time. The day today is crawling by and to make matters worse there is no electricity today! Who knows when it will be back on. I really needed the distraction of the tv. I feel like this heaviness today and its freaked me out. I dont know if its nerves or bloating or something bad. It doesnt really hurt but it seems so familiar like when af comes. It seems like it goes away when i dont think about it. I seriously need a distraction. At least i have internet on my phone til it dies.
Due: May 26 (waiting for scan for final date)

Welcome and congrats!

And about the "sleepover", you are definitely being taken advantage of! By saying yes to such late night babysitting, you are telling your friend that it is ok and she will no doubt ask again. Put your foot down and next time say NO. It is ok to say NO. :)
Well i have my first scan tomorrow. I am excited but super scared there wont be a hb like last time. The day today is crawling by and to make matters worse there is no electricity today! Who knows when it will be back on. I really needed the distraction of the tv. I feel like this heaviness today and its freaked me out. I dont know if its nerves or bloating or something bad. It doesnt really hurt but it seems so familiar like when af comes. It seems like it goes away when i dont think about it. I seriously need a distraction. At least i have internet on my phone til it dies.

Hope the day doesn't drag. Do you have a book you could read? Try and relax and not stress! I have mine on Wednesday, feeling nervous too.

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