May's Munchkins 2015

I just used a long body pillow with dd. Really cheap and easy to manoeuvre at night.

I also find that I have to keep reminding myself that I am preggo this time around. It is going so fast. If I'm being honest I'm also freaking out a bit. Going back to that newborn stage was not all rainbow for me last time. I couldn't breastfeed and I had the blues....hoping this time comes abit easier
I just used a long body pillow with dd. Really cheap and easy to manoeuvre at night.

I also find that I have to keep reminding myself that I am preggo this time around. It is going so fast. If I'm being honest I'm also freaking out a bit. Going back to that newborn stage was not all rainbow for me last time. I couldn't breastfeed and I had the blues....hoping this time comes abit easier

Same here. Having a newborn again is going to be a little scary for me. Especially with my toddler running around. I had a tough time with breastfeeding and I was so tired and just not myself for a long time. I'm hoping it'll be a bit different now that I have more experience. Even if it's not I can keep telling myself that it gets better, because now I know that it does.
My back and hip pain is mostly when I've been sitting or lying down for too long or walking long ways. So either extreme is bad for me. It happened when I was pregnant with my daughter as well but this time it has struck earlier. Perhaps my body, having not so many symptoms, is a sign that other things are happening in this pregnancy than my body knew how to do in my first. For instance my breasts aren't very sore, maybe because they've already grown and stretched a ton the first time. But maybe my hips and back are already sore because I'm already stretching out there? It's hard to say but it certainly is kinda different from my first time around.

I too keep forgetting I'm pregnant. My lack of symptoms mixed with the business of everyday life is just keeping me from enjoying this as much as I did with my first. I'm also constantly worrying that something may be wrong which isn't helping. I have an appt coming up soon and I'm just hoping for a good report so that maybe I can relax a bit and start to enjoy this, maybe tell some people.

Baby will sleep in our room for 6 mos or so and then go on to share with our daughter so no nursery here. I'm not even going to do a bedding set as I never used our daughter's. If it's a boy I will have to buy some sheets and clothing, maybe a few blankets and toys. And they will share a room forever if they're both girls, and until they are old enough to need a room separate if it's a boy. In which case, hubs and I will be moving to the finished basement. We aren't looking forward to that, but we are looking forward to baby so it evens out...
Beautiful scans atx! I can't wait for our 12 week scan - even though we just had our 8 week scan last week!

I've also been having some back and hip pain - but I think it's due to sitting at a desk all day at work. I have to keep reminding myself to get up and walk around - and usually take another pee break! I've started trying to do a few minutes of yoga at night too in order to try to stretch things out.

MrsMandy - that's too funny! We painted our guest room yellow too when we moved in so we could easily convert it! I haven't gotten much further along than that either though. I think we're actually going to leave the guest bed in there for the first few months because we'll probably move into it with baby since it's on the main floor next to the only bathroom. I'm thinking that towards the end of this pregnancy I'm not going to want to be stumbling down the stairs 6 times in the middle of the night to pee! And then once baby gets here I don't really want to be stumbling down the stairs with him/her in tow either! We have picked out a crib - but haven't purchased it yet!
I also use a body pillow. I love it! I feel bad that I am hogging it all to myself though haha but hubby doesn't seem to mind. I have back pain all the time =/ but I'm not surprised.. this is my 3rd pregnancy so I'm used to it haha.

Anyone else feeling movmement yet? I know I am in the earlier part of the month and that its still early on even for me but it seems when I have a full bladder and am laying down (especially on my back) I can feel a little karate kid in there haha.
I also use a body pillow. I love it! I feel bad that I am hogging it all to myself though haha but hubby doesn't seem to mind. I have back pain all the time =/ but I'm not surprised.. this is my 3rd pregnancy so I'm used to it haha.

Anyone else feeling movmement yet? I know I am in the earlier part of the month and that its still early on even for me but it seems when I have a full bladder and am laying down (especially on my back) I can feel a little karate kid in there haha.

I felt my first rolling at 11.5 weeks! Felt like my stomach was dropping.

Today (9.5 weeks) I could feel where the baby was. I pulled out my doppler and found the heartbeat right where I thought it was!

If this one is anything like my first, I'll be feeling LOTS of movement. My first was soooooo active. Painfully active. But it's nice at first (until they get too big!!).
Sometimes I think I am feeling baby, but not sure yet. Can't wait to know for sure!

If it's a boy, my dh wants to do a nursery. I am not sure why because dd still sleeps with us and her nursery is basically a playroom. If its a girl the kiddos will share a room when they are ready!
Just had my 12 week scan! So in love :) <3


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Cute pic tibbymomma!! Scans are the greatest! Minus the worrying before hand, lol.

So this evening I have terrible pain in my right calf. Has anyone had this before? I was on my feet nonstop today so guessing that's why. Going to take it easy tomorrow and hope its gone by morning.
Beautiful scans atx! I can't wait for our 12 week scan - even though we just had our 8 week scan last week!

I've also been having some back and hip pain - but I think it's due to sitting at a desk all day at work. I have to keep reminding myself to get up and walk around - and usually take another pee break! I've started trying to do a few minutes of yoga at night too in order to try to stretch things out.

MrsMandy - that's too funny! We painted our guest room yellow too when we moved in so we could easily convert it! I haven't gotten much further along than that either though. I think we're actually going to leave the guest bed in there for the first few months because we'll probably move into it with baby since it's on the main floor next to the only bathroom. I'm thinking that towards the end of this pregnancy I'm not going to want to be stumbling down the stairs 6 times in the middle of the night to pee! And then once baby gets here I don't really want to be stumbling down the stairs with him/her in tow either! We have picked out a crib - but haven't purchased it yet!

Our bathroom is on the ground floor down a flight of very steeep stairs from our bedroom!! I slipped down them last year I'm terrified of it happening again!! Needless to say I hold onto the banister very tight now!!
We have picked our cot too but I dont feel brave enough to order yet either!! What style are you going for? We like a sleigh cot which turns into a junior bed!
Beautiful scan tibbymomma!

I was at a works event last night (celebrating 100 years!!!) and some how managed to dance in heels all night! I can't even do that when I'm not pregnant so not sure how I managed that last night!! Seriously paying for it this morning though!! Back hip knees are all very painful!!! Such a great night though!
Our plan for the nursery is to do a "You are my sunshine" theme. I think I'll do grey walls and yellow accents. We aren't finding out the gender, though I love this theme anyways. My 13 month old's bedroom is decorated in woodland creatures with the main colors being pink, green, and brown.
We are renting right now, my husband graduates college in December and we plan to buy a house soon after he finds a new job with his degree but we would need to wait atleast 30 days after he starts inorder to prove the new income and get approved for a loan.. so it won't be until right around the time baby is born that we can actually get into a new place, just depends on how long it takes to find one we like and for it to close (I REALLY hope we get into the new place before baby comes!!!) I think if the baby is a girl we will do her room in disney fairies (I had wanted this theme for my daughter's room and already have all the stuff for it but while she does love Tinkerbell, she is much more into frozen now..(what kid isn't these days haha) so if its a girl I will probably give the baby the Tinkerbell stuff and get my other daughter frozen stuff. My son will have a guitar themed room for the most part (he has disney cars right now so we might mix it a little with that..somehow haha). If the baby is a boy then I have no idea yet.. I want to do stuff they can grow up with, at least for a while... I don't want to have to change it 3 years later haha. So while planes and dogs and fire trucks and teddy bears and mickey mouse are all cute and stuff I just don't know how long that would last =/ I would probably just leave it simple with wall stickers until we get an idea of what the kid is interested in so that it would be simple to spruce up after a year or so.

My kids will not be sharing a room.. I just think its important for kids to have their own space to go when possible (I wish I had my own room some times! but I can't kick hubby out :p)
We will hopefully be moving in December to a much bigger house! :) We're renting now but buying that one.
Zoie that does look like a girly skull.. :) My husband didn't want a girl either because he didn't want a princess.. he is trying so hard to make our daughter a tom boy haha he wants her to shoot and wants her to ride dirt bikes (along with her brother) but she's such a girl! haha she's tough though, her dr told her her shins looked like a boys because they were all bruised up haha.

I think it looks girly too :) not long until we know for sure :D

Anyone else struggling already with back and hip pain?
Mine is really hurting!! Mostly when I first stand up and start walking - I'm fine once I get going!

Meeee!!! It is bad, I didn't have much pain at all with dd, until about 30 weeks. Now I have back, hip, tailbone, and sooo much stretching pain!

I have worn maternity pants a few times, but mostly just wear yoga pants around the house. I would like to get a few cute tops once bump is bigger, because it makes the bump look much cuter than my usual shirt. :haha:

Had my 12 week scan today and all is well! :cloud9: Heart beat was 158! I have to do my gestational diabetes test at my 16 week apt since I had it with dd. I am really hoping I don't have it this time!!!!

Here is my cute little one! I asked the tech to take a gender guess, but she wouldn't...ugh. Guess I will have to wait a few weeks for the private scan!

I think yours looks girly too :D

Just had my 12 week scan! So in love :) <3

So cute! Looks like a little boy to me :)

I posted on the Facebook group earlier that I hadn't felt any movement yet but I think I did tonight :D. We were at the movies and I really needed to pee but didn't want to miss any of the movie and held it so long it hurt lol I had to go pee because I could feel a little wiggling on my bladder! Baby way deffinitly being squished by my massive bladder :haha: it felt great!!!
Oh and any of you UK ladies NOT got your 12 week scan letter through yet?? If it's not here tomorrow do I ring my midwife of the hospital scan centre?
Mine hasn't arrived, but I'm a week behind you. My midwife told me to ring her today if it wasn't here by Friday. So I've now done that. I think it might be as my bloods aren't done due to the fact my midwife couldn't take them, then I had to reschedule due to my car breaking down.
I think I had my appointment through by 9 weeks for my first scan. I'd definitely give her a call and chase it up. X
Zoie that does look like a girly skull.. :) My husband didn't want a girl either because he didn't want a princess.. he is trying so hard to make our daughter a tom boy haha he wants her to shoot and wants her to ride dirt bikes (along with her brother) but she's such a girl! haha she's tough though, her dr told her her shins looked like a boys because they were all bruised up haha.

I think it looks girly too :) not long until we know for sure :D

Anyone else struggling already with back and hip pain?
Mine is really hurting!! Mostly when I first stand up and start walking - I'm fine once I get going!

Meeee!!! It is bad, I didn't have much pain at all with dd, until about 30 weeks. Now I have back, hip, tailbone, and sooo much stretching pain!

I have worn maternity pants a few times, but mostly just wear yoga pants around the house. I would like to get a few cute tops once bump is bigger, because it makes the bump look much cuter than my usual shirt. :haha:

Had my 12 week scan today and all is well! :cloud9: Heart beat was 158! I have to do my gestational diabetes test at my 16 week apt since I had it with dd. I am really hoping I don't have it this time!!!!

Here is my cute little one! I asked the tech to take a gender guess, but she wouldn't...ugh. Guess I will have to wait a few weeks for the private scan!

I think yours looks girly too :D

Just had my 12 week scan! So in love :) <3

So cute! Looks like a little boy to me :)

I posted on the Facebook group earlier that I hadn't felt any movement yet but I think I did tonight :D. We were at the movies and I really needed to pee but didn't want to miss any of the movie and held it so long it hurt lol I had to go pee because I could feel a little wiggling on my bladder! Baby way deffinitly being squished by my massive bladder :haha: it felt great!!!

Oooooo what makes you say boy? :) I was trying to guess from the skull, but I'm awful at it! lol Is anyone else good at looking at the skull? Here is the u/s photo again in case anyone wants to take a guess for me :) I tried in the gender predictions section but didn't get any guesses.

And I hear ya on the bladder! It's actually painful if I hold it in too long! Never felt that before!


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Our bathroom is on the ground floor down a flight of very steeep stairs from our bedroom!! I slipped down them last year I'm terrified of it happening again!! Needless to say I hold onto the banister very tight now!!
We have picked our cot too but I dont feel brave enough to order yet either!! What style are you going for? We like a sleigh cot which turns into a junior bed!

That's exactly how our house is too - our bedroom is in the converted attic and the stairs are super steep with the bathroom right at the bottom. I can only imagine how hard it's going to be when my center of gravity shifts! We're going to get a small crib from Ikea since they're a good price. I figure that we'll want to use the crib on the next baby too so we'll just get a twin bed for this nugget when they're ready to convert! :)

Also - I'm at 9w3d and my pants are seriously tight. I'm a little terrified because all the books say you don't gain weight in the first trimester, but I've put on a few and feel like I'm starting to show... anyone else?

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