May's Munchkins 2015

I am going to do team yellow with the next one. Since we will have one of each I feel like I will be okay with it lol. This time I couldn't!!
Thank you RubysMommy. May really isn't nearly as far a we may think! :winkwink: I didn't know what I was going to have with my first pregnancy right up until she arrived. I had a really powerful feeling that she was a girl, (did with this one too! I've been calling her a her for weeks now) but I didn't actually know until she was born. There is quite a bit to be said for waiting to find out. Not to mention it tends to drive most people crazy that you decided to wait! (added bonus!) But finding out early enabled the acquisition of gender specific sale merchandise! :haha:

Now a whole new problem arises for me, I'm terribly picky about girl names! We had a boy name picked out long before we found out the gender, but I've hated every girl name that has been tossed out so far. I didn't have a name for my oldest daughter until the day before she was born. I still swear that she would have had a different name had she come a few days later! I don't know why, I just struggle with girl names so much.
That's a great looking scan sjd! Congrats.

I'm counting down to my second trimester: only two days left :)

I am very much looking forward to Christmas, and even more to Christmas with a bump :) I already went to buy some Christmas decorations this weekend.
My doctor offered me a 16 week scan to check gender (December 10) but we're staying with team yellow! I'll have my 20 week scan early January.
Finally almost done with progesterone suppositories (just finishing up the box) and excited and nervous at the same time. My next scan isn't until January but I do have an appt with my doctor on Dec 1st where we will hopefully find baby's heartbeat. Starting to get nervous again but hoping for good things. I can't wait to see baby again.

As for names, I am having a hard time with them also. Nothing is really jumping out at me this time and DH is no help until we find out gender and even then he usually just plays off of my suggestions.

I truly wish I had the willpower to stay team yellow but I do not. I just need to know! In fact I'm getting very anxious to find out. I'll be happy with either gender. If I were to have a third, and we already had one of each, I think team yellow would be more fun and probably a bit easier for me. I am pretty certain that this will be our last baby though. We have a small house and I think that financially, with my being a sahm until they are both school age , it is the best idea to stick with 2.

I hope everyone is well!
Hello ladies! I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to really sit down and catch up. I hope all of you are doing well. I see several of you have already found out the sex. Congrats to all of you. DH and I did find out what we were having a couple of weeks ago, (genetic testing) and had it confirmed via ultrasound this week. We are officially team pink, and I'm really excited. (I was hoping for another girl.)

Goodies was having a half off the half off price sale on summer cloths, and we were able to get about 15 outfits for about 35 dollars. One of the perks of finding out the gender early. :happydance: Now I can't wait to get started on the nursery!

Congrats! I love catching the sales and clearance and stuff haha I only have about 3 outfits so far but I did stock up on diapers and just bought pacifiers, receiving blankets and a few bottles. (I plan on nursing but got bottles for expressed milk and if I need to supplement at all). Can't wait to do more shopping! I don't want to get too much until after the hollidays. We have no storage here and what space we do have is being taken up by christmas presents! haha. We are planning on buying a house right around the time baby is due.
Tomorrow is op day!! So nervous!!. Nerves combined with pregnancy hormones is making me a mess!!.

As well as the chance that it could make me lose the baby im so emotional, I hope this isn't the last night I have with my baby :(.

We are leaving for the hospital really early in the morning and I may have to stay in overnight depending on what time they get me into surgery as my surgeon does all the emergency c-sections and deliveries that come into the hospital fingers crossed for me it's a quiet day and we'll get done early and I'll get to recover in my own bed.

Wish me luck!! :s
Lots of luck and best wishes coming your way!! Really hope it goes well for you tomorrow! Stay positive!! Xx
Good luck tomorrow! I knw it's scary, but it is a pretty common procedure now and the drs will take great care of you!
I had my 12 week (+6) ultrasound today. They did the Nuchal scan and along with bloodwork, my chances of having a baby with genetic deformities is very low. When I had my daughter, they Maternity 21 test was not covered by insurance but this time it is! So I opted to have that done, mainly just to find out the gender. We should know by Monday. I am so excited!!

Baby looked well today. Not as active as my daughter at 12 weeks, but he/she moved around a bit and waved at us a few times. LOL It was wonderful to hear the heartbeat too. This is all so real to me now!

They scheduled my 20 week ultrasound for Jan. 5th but I will already know the gender by then. :) That one is mainly for the anatomy scan though. I don't have a gut feeling either way about this baby. I am thinking boy but I would love a sister for my daughter. I will be happy though with any gender as long as the baby is healthy. Exciting times ahead for us all!
13 weeks today, woohoo! Starting to feel more and more real. I can't wait until my next u/s.
Our name list so far:
Boy: Parker, Jack
Girl: Clara, Charlotte, Madison, Amelia
12w4d and I'm wearing maternity pants at work!:wacko:Feels so weird - and SO much better! lol I was getting pinched in my regular work slacks. Next appointment is tomorrow and I'm super duper anxious to hear the heartbeat again! And to see the pictures with something that looks a lot more like a baby than the last time! Plus I've been telling DH that once we have this scan out of the way we can start telling people - I'm going to have to fess up at work here shortly because I'm starting to feel like I'm getting pretty fat looking!

We're still working on names too - for a boy I think we're pretty settled on Arthur (calling him Artie). For girls we have a little longer list that includes: Vera, Meara, and Adelena (Lena or Addy for short).
MItoDC, I've been wearing maternity for a shame, we ARE pregnant, no reason to put it off and be uncomfortable ;)
Haha! Thanks, misspriss! It's my first one, so all the reading I've done said I'd "pop" later - so I was just a little surprised to be sooooo uncomfortable in my regular pants already! Not complaining though! I can't wait to have a noticeable bump - especially once I'm in the 2nd trimester!
Good luck on scans tomorrow!

I am in all maternity or stretchy pants as well.

We are on decided on names but like...
Boy: Michael, Henry, Benjamin, Ethan, Caleb
Girls: Riley, Sarah, Juliette, Kayla
Soooo many choices!!
I hardly ever wear pants so for now I'm still comfortable in my dresses and skirts, although I have quite a big bump already. But I ordered some maternity wear online. I hope that with maternity pants and a very wide shirt on top, I can hide my pregnancy a bit longer at work. Not from my colleagues who know already, but from our clients at the office, even if they mean well, I really hate it when the ask me about my private life.
I came out of hospital earlier this morning

They successfully inserted a shirodkar suture into my cervix! I'm healing well and baby is doing great :)
Glad you are doing well MissZoie.:winkwink:

I wear maternity pants or belly bands, which are a life saver.:thumbup:
Our names are for boys: Maysen, Myles and for a girl Kaydence, Kimberli, Kyleigh. Dr appt today, hoping for an ultrasound and an uneventful, nice visit.:cloud9:
So happy for you missz!

Good luck mrskcbrown! Love those names too! I like that the boys are m names, and the girls are all k. Cute!

I have my glucose test on Friday since I had gd with dd. not looking forward to that nasty drink! Really hope I pass so I don't have to do the three hour!!

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