

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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I feel so crap today

Im soooooooo tired to the point where i just want to cry. my body feels like a dead weight.

Feel sick all day everyday, thats starting to get to me too.

Just want to curl up in bed and not do anything

awww just remember this doesnt last long and will soon pass,poor you it was horrible I rememeber it well.
I used to sip fizzy ice cold water and have an apple at all times on me they were only things to make me feel a little better. Go and have a warmish (not hot) shower to invigorate yourself and hopefully will perk you up a bit. And dont do so much in the house it will still be there tomorrow.

hope you feel better soon
:hugs: hope it passes soon Layla hun!

Still worries me I'm not like this!
Hope its just luck - Still worrying stupid!!

OH said hes not surprised since I can drink a litre of vodka and be ok :blush: I'm half Irish what can I say :rofl: Plus when I was on hCG I wasn't ill either!
awww just remember this doesnt last long and will soon pass,poor you it was horrible I rememeber it well.
I used to sip fizzy ice cold water and have an apple at all times on me they were only things to make me feel a little better. Go and have a warmish (not hot) shower to invigorate yourself and hopefully will perk you up a bit. And dont do so much in the house it will still be there tomorrow.

hope you feel better soon

Thanks Bex,

Trying to eat little and often, that helps a tiny bit, Cant have a shower in the day coz Coby is so active, cant leave him for a second, so i have to wait untill Jase comes home, I have loads of washing i have to get done today coz the kids are running out of clothes, so i cant really leave it, everything else im leaving tho.

As soon as Coby goes to sleep im going too, im so shattered.

Were you the same with the others Layla?
on Charlie-Jane i was, Ethan no, Coby a little bit

Coby has just gone to sleep so im off to bed

Maybe it's a girl :D

Hope you feel better when you wake Layla :hugs:
Aww wish I was nearby would give you a hand with your washing,bless you hope you had a good sleep

BTW think both you and Char are having girls.
aww thanks Bex, but even if we did live near by you have enough to deal with yourself.

Didnt really get any sleep, coby slept till 1 so i could of had 2 hours but i couldnt sleep for some reason, so i just dosed.

Still havent done the washing lol, its all washed and folded, just havent got round to putting it on the raditors yet

BTW think both you and Char are having girls.

Im starting to wonder if this little one is a girl...

On Ethan and Coby i started showing at 9 weeks, im almost 9 weeks now and im not showing atall, can still fit in all my clothes fine, in fact today they seem a little loose!

On Charlie i didnt start showing untill after 12 weeks, altho she was my first.

symptoms and showing all seems to point to girl, but i have a boy gut feeling, its strange

just been to the chemist to ask about my sickness, she said vit b helps with it, not sure how or why but its worth a go!

Will have to take it at night with my folic acid, there is no way i could take 2 pills in the morning :sick:

really hope it helps


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