Yes, please ask her I'm very curious what mg she was on

As far as temping goes, I have considered trying it out. Everyone I know who has been ltttc temps, I guess I'm just the odd ball and don't wanna do it really. And I swear I could be a waaaay better doctor than the one I have now. I feel as though I have to tell THEM about PCOS and Metformins effects on it. Very sad. Okay, so here's my LONG history of idiot doctors

Brace yourself, its a long story.....
In November of 2010 I went to a doc here (not my current one) because me and hubby were wanting to start trying for a baby. I had been on bcp for almost a year, and had craaaazy weight gain. When I came off bcp, the weight stayed and my cycles left. So of course I decided I should maybe go to a doc and see if I was pregnant or what, especially since I hadn't gotten a period since being off bcp and was getting neg tests. (I stopped taking bcp around the end of August to early Sept, not exactly sure of the date) When I got to that doctor she told me some amazing things, really broke my heart. First, she told me that I didn't need a pap every year unless I was over 22yrs old. Even if I were sexually active, which confused me but I'm no doctor so I went with it (I was 18 at the time, we started off young lol. Got married in May 2010). I hadn't had a pap since I was 16. Anywho, so she continues on to tell me that since I was over weight, (Gained 75lbs on bcp, later found out it was the great PCOS) I might as well give up with ttc. She told me to try the "South Beach Diet" or "Weight Watchers", and until I had lost some of the weight I wouldn't have any chance of conceiving. I explained to her that before taking bcp I was a normal weight, had periods irregularly but atleast every other month, and that I had been trying to lose weight but nothing seemed to work. She said "try harder" and left me crying in her office. They then did blood work to test my thyroid, and multiple other things. I still have never gotten the results of that bloodwork! My hubby was of course upset as well, we were both so young, had done no research on ttc as we were just starting out, and were lost. So it took me a while to come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be able to have children because I'm heavy, and neither diet nor exercise was helping me lose the weight. I mean she's a doctor so she would know what she's talking about, right?
I feel like you need a small pause to catch your breath, there is MUCH MUCH more lol. SO, fast forward to JUNE 2011. I called a different OB because I felt like I was young and I shouldn't have to give up yet. We'd only been unprotected for a few months, and although I had had no period, I had gotten back on my feet and ready to try another route. And get a second opinion. So my first visit with my current OB went incredibly well. I left there crying tears of joy because I felt soooo good about things looking up. He did a pap, and said that you should DEFINITELY have a pap done every year if you are sexually active. Then I told him all of my symptoms/issues. He listened, ordered an u/s and told me he believed I may have PCOS. He explained that it is not a death wish, and depending on my desire to become pregnant immediately would decide the course of action we take, i.e. clomid, bcp, whatever. So u/s confirms PCOS, and he started me on Clomid (Took Clomid Oct 2011 - Dec 2011). I took 50mg for 3 cycles. Every cycle I had to take Provera in order to get my period after taking Clomid. (As you said about OPK's, I'm not sure if I really did O on Clomid each time or not because I never got a true +OPK. I did have one miscarriage during my time on Clomid, so I know that I atleast O'd once

Here's another breath catcher for you, there's MUCH left to go. So, after the 3 rounds of Clomid doc decides he doesn't want to do Clomid any more, even though I did get pregnant one time. He said that there's a high risk of it causing over stimulation and yadda yadda yadda. So I asked what our next step would be, he wanted to do a semen analysis on hubby, check my tubes, uterus, ect ect. (My insurance does not cover infertility, so I was looking to start somewhere a little cheaper) So of course we say lets do the Semen analysis. This brings us to where we are now, in Sept of 2012. In May of 2012 I called to have the doc call an order for the SA (apparently you have to have an order for this), never happened. The missing time between Dec 2011 to now would be where I TRIED to get in contact with this doc to see where we can go next, and could never get a hold of him. And didn't feel as though I should have to make an appointment to ask my doctor one question, and to have him call in an order for an SA. FINALLY GET A HOLD OF HIM. He put in the order for the SA, and agreed to starting Metformin. SO, we do the SA on 9/14/12. I had an appt with doc on 9/13/12 (The Thursday before SA was scheduled) for my annual check up & to be started on Metformin. His office is downtown, worst place I've ever been in my life. I have an SUV, had to parallel park on a small one way street, total nightmare. Anyways, so at the office as soon as I walked through the door I knew it was going to be miserable. There had to be 7 or 8 women ahead of me, some had been there since 9am waiting to be seen. The receptionist keeps telling all of us that the doc IS coming in today, and to please be patient. Long story short, I had blood drawn, vitals taken, and went home after 3 hrs of waiting for a doc that never showed. THEN when I got to my car, there was a man writing me a ticket

I had been in the parking spot too long. THANK GOD he let me go.
Here's another breather for ya. You asked for it

Okay, so after my vitals were taken and blah blah, the RN says she'll have the doc call in a prescription for Metformin later that night so I wouldn't have to wait any longer to get started. I was very anxious after doing all my researched and wanted to get the ball rolling. We had NOW been ttc since Nov 2010. So later that day when I called back because there had been no prescription called in for me, the RN tells me to just wait until next Wednesday when I had rescheduled my appt for....

I was pretty pissed, and she told me I needed to "drink some hot tea and calm down"..... !!!!! SO, after fuming for a few days Wednesday FINALLY rolls around. Of course I had to wait forever to be seen, and when I finally was done with my annual check up I had to wait another 45min to speak with the doctor about my Metfmormin. When I was speaking with the doctor, he was going over all the benefits Metformin has on PCOS women and blah blah blah. (Meanwhile I'm thinking to my self: I KNOW YOU MORON, THATS WHY I WANTED TO TAKE IT!! AND IF YOU KNOW ALL OF THESE BENEFITS WHY IN THE WORLD WOULDN'T YOU HAVE GIVEN ME THIS A YEAR AGO INSTEAD OF CLOMID???) So he says he's going to start me on 500mg for the first two weeks so its easier on my stomach, from there we'll go up to 1000mg and so on and so on. I was instructed to wait until I got a period, and start testing for O on CD10. OKAY!
Now, while I was waiting to speak with the doc, his nurse was taking my vitals and discussing medicinces with me. She's telling me that they DID recieve the results from the semen analysis and they were normal

But then she threw me off a little. She tells me that Clomid and Metformin are basically the same thing, and if I had no luck with Clomid not to expect much from Metfomin. (So I ask you if theses are indeed the same medications, WHY do they not treat type 2 diabetes with Clomid??) Anywho, she ALSO tells me that you HAVE to ovulate to have a period (So I'm guessing that I mad anovulatory bleeding up in my own mind) and also that if you ovulate, you will have a period no matter what... Mmmhmm. So I asked the doc when I was in my consultation with him, and he says no they DID NOT get my SA results yet, but my bloodwork did come back and it was fine. So I was again, confused but I figured the doc would know.
I'm tellin you now, its ridiculous that I've dealt with it all this long. Fast forward to yesterday. I had a question for the doctor so I called. I wanted to know if it were possible for me to up my dose of Metformin early since it wasn't really effecting my stomach too badly, and also, how long should I wait to get AF before I take Provera or Prometrium or something like that? So the receptionist is telling me that the doc said yes, go ahead and take 850mg since it isnt effecting my stomach. So I respond that he has to call that in. So she goes and talks to him again, and now he says no, just wait until the 2 weeks of 500mg is up.

THEN, I ask if he recieved the results of the SA. She gives me the results of the bloodwork. (I only know this because she says: "Everything was normal, you're A+) I dont know about you, but I've never heard of sperm having a blood type. So I'm on hold AGAIN, and she comes back to say the doc has NOT recieved the SA results yet.... OKAY.... So I ask what dose they will be upping me to on my Metformin once my 2 weeks is up, because at the appointment I was told 1000mg and now its sounding like he's gonna do 850mg. So she says he'll be upping it to 850mg

We're going in circles here. I asked what dose would it be after that, she says I will have to come in and see the doctor to see where I'm at...... WHAT? This whole time she keeps putting me on hold between questions and "going to speak with the doctor" and coming back with answers. So I ask her, "Wouldn't it just be easier if you just transferred me over to the doctor so I can ask HIM? Because I really don't think you are understanding" She says NOPE. But I can take a message

So after a few hours of no call back, I CALLED THEM BACK. Got the nurse on the line this time, same one that told me about having to O to have a period and Clomid and Met being the same drug. I was thrilled, obviously to have another idiot on the phone. SHE tells me that after 2 weeks of 500mg doc is moving me up to 850mg. I asked why so slow, why not go to 1000mg like we discussed. She says if they make too big of jumps it can cause "all sorts of problems and they wouldn't even know where to start to fix them" I asked for examples of theses problems, NONE. So I ask HER about the SA results, she again tells me (as she did at my appt last wed) that they DO have the results which came back normal.....Clearly SOMEONE is making SOMETHING up! I have NO idea if they got the results back or not. No clue what so ever.Then she says, are you using OPK's. I replied No, I was told to wait until I get AF THEN start testing for O CD10. She says I need to be doing so now, that way if I O on 500mg they don't have to up my dose....

I told her what the doc said wed. She puts me on hold for a few min, and comes back sayin doc agrees with her. Oh, I bet he does. These people are a bunch of freaks. THEEEEN, I hung up after being put on hold again because I have been mind F***** for waaaay too long on this phone call. She calls me back about 20min later on her PERSONAL cell phone, and talked to me for almost an hour about things I could care less about. Her u/s with her son, how she got fired one time, I mean its just INSANE.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, I have now made an appointment with a NEW OB this Friday. I'm going in for a consultation, and if this man gives me even a slight hint of similarity to my current OB

I'm walking out lol. That isn't even everything, but I'm sure you're probably tired of trying to put it all together, I know I am!!