Metformin & PCOS

I'm up in Canada so medical stuff and prices are different here but my Met with my hubby's work prescription plan is $5 a prescription (think its a 90 pill bottle). Without the insurance plan 30 pills would have been like $12 so not too bad.

As far as symptoms, definitely weight gain. I've always had a tendency to be overweight but when I did birth control I lost about 20 lbs without even trying and when I stopped Otto start ttc I found those lost 20 lb once more in the first month! Again I hadn't changed anything really though I had been eating a bit better and exercising more to help with ttc so if anything I should have dropped a few lbs! I was so mad. That was or of my tip offs that I have pcos. Wasn't normal.

Also I have the body hair issue and I despise it! I get hair on my chin and sideburns and Lao get it on my stomach and back. It's sick. I have to shave and pluck and wax everything constantly. Luckily my DH is very loving and understanding. Inside he's probably horrified by his wife's man hair!! Ugh! On birth control this symptom improved a lot though but now I'm off it the hai is back and worse than pre bc time. :dohh:

Those are my 2 big external symptoms. The rest is mostly the internal periods or ovulation, long cycles and irratic periods. In the past even just a little weight loss, like 20 lbs or less (not much when you have 100 to lose!) has really helped my cycles regulate. But I'm finding it very hard to lose weight now. :( Hoping the met will eventually help with this.

In terms of bad foods for met...I've heard sugar and carbs but for me carbs seem to be okay. It's more sugar and fat/grease. Heaven help me if I get fast food! Had burger king one night and that hit me really bad! But if I stick to low fat carbs I do fine on them.
Oh also, question for everyone. Has anyone taken soy isoflavones before? I started them last night. Planning to take them cd 5-9. Last night though, about an hour after my first dose, I felt very cold and was shivering. I checked my temp wondering if I had a bit of a fever (I've read soy can give you hot flashes) but rather than high my temp had dropped big time! I was at 95.9 degrees! I don't remember my temp ever reading in that low before. The lowest my bbt has been is about 96.8 and that's my pre get out of bed temp. During the day it runs higher of course. I read today that anything below 95 degrees I considered life threatening so now I'm pretty worried wondering if it was just a fluke or the soy. Has anyone heard or experienced anything like this. I this a normal soy reaction??
We share a goal weight hippiekinz! :winkwink: In high school I always weighed anywhere from 150-160lbs, and when I started bcp I gained and gained!! I'm down to 220lbs now, I started working out in July and started at 236lbs. I think thats why I got AF so heavy last month, it had been 5 months since AF! :dohh: But of course after losing that weight I can't seem to get the other 60lbs off. I'm hoping too that the Metformin will help with that.

I've heard too about the carbs and sugars, but so far I haven't had a whole lot of trouble with either. I mean, some things yes. But I ate a candy bar the other day (which I'm sure had more sugar in it than my strawberry milk!) and I was fine after that. So who knows :shrug: As far as the soy goes, I have no clue! I was considering taking it, but like temping I never have :haha: Sounds scary though! I hope it was a fluke!!
I have taken soy twice. The first time I was an emotional crazy person. It was so bad, I started crying if my husband looked at me wrong. I also tried it the end of August. I did OPKs from CD 9-now and have never got a +. However, I have had sensitive ovaries and bbs. So I have no idea what is going on. I just wish AF would show up so I can work on something else. With soy I tend to run warmer, I had a hard time sleeping because I was so hot. That lasted for a couple weeks. But besides my sensitive stuff, everything seems normal.
Hi everyone,
I have read through some of your posts and thought id post you my stories.

I have 1 ds (from another r/s) who is 7, he took 18 month ttc. After meeting my dh we decided ttc in april 2010 knowing it might take a while. My cycle were ok, ranging from 40-55 days and mostly ovulating. Then all of a sudden they just went crazy! Lasting over 100 days. I had scans/bloods test ect and was diagnosed with pcos about 18 months after ttc. After having it confirmed I was told to loose weigh and given met. Started on it in May 2012, full dose in june. I got my 1st af since Jan a month later so begun doing opks and charting. I have since ovulated twice and due af/bfp in a few days.

I cant recomend metformin enough. Ive lost 17lbs too and my cycles are getting loads better. I was lucky enough not to experience too many symptoms either (just a few in the early days)

Good luck to everyone ttc with pcos x
wanna_bump I can't wait to hear if you get a BFP!!! Thats very inspiting that you've lost 17lbs on the Metformin!

So, my doc appointment went great today. Definitely NOT going back to Doctor Quacko! My new doctor did an u/s to check my pcos and make sure my uterus and all was good to go. Also did a pelvic exam. Then he prescribed me Provera to induce a cycle, Clomid for ovulation, and upped my dose of Metformin to 1000mg a day. :happydance: It was a super productive visit, and I have a follow up visit on November 26th so see how the Met is effecting my cycles, if we need to up that dose and also if we need to up the dose of Clomid (Assuming I don't get a BFP before then!!!). I'm super stoked!! So I start on 1000mg Metformin tomorrow, bring on the stomach ache!! :haha:
Hi! I just wanted to share my experience with metformin :) I was put on met after my first loss (it took me 8 yrs to concieve) and was also given three months of birth control. Two weeks after I quit the birth control, I concieved my second (sadly also a loss) I am hoping they are going to put me back o the metformin as soon as I am able to start trying again. I had great luck with it and I hope you do too!
hi all! i was diagnosed with pcos in 2009 after ttc for 14 months. i was put on met and it wasnt until i reached 1500 mg that i had normal 32 day cycles and began to ovulate. I got pregnant with my second daughter after being on met for 14 months. so it is possible! I have been ttc for my third since feb of this year with no luck. been back on the met since feb since my body was trying for a period, i could tell, cramps and bloating and irratibility etc, but no period. after a week of being on it again I got my period. i have had regular 32 day cycles since but no bfps. i cant get in with my ob until march 2013 so my current doc might prescribe me clomid, although hes never prescribed it before so he might not feel comfortable doing it. i have an appt on monday to see if he will or not. fingers crossed as i really want him to. as for symptoms go, i have been on met for awhile a few years with the break during pregnancy, and i still get upset tummy aches every once in awhile. i think it depends on what i eat. or if i dont eat when im hungery i get soooo nauseas. it kinda feels like youre preg! oh and some advice, us with pcos have an increased risk of miscarriage, i myself suffered one in between my first and second daughter, and to reduce the risk i took met for the first three months of my pregnancy. the doc cant really recommend this but the studies show it reduces your risk and since my baby is fine, i will do it again once i get pregnant( if i ever do!) good luck!
Hunneytot, I am so sorry to hear about your losses :hugs: I hope the Metformin helps you keep your sticky bean!

meli1981, thats great to hear that the Metformin helped you prevent miscarriage!! I plan on taking it through my first trimester if I can ever get a stick bean!!!!! :wacko:

So today I took my first dose of 1000mg Metformin. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I had a little bit of an upset stomach but that didn't last very long...I also took another dose of Provera :dohh: I'm not looking forward to the heavy period that comes after taking Provera, but I feel like its going to be totally worth it! Here's to hoping we all get that BFP soon!

I'm becky, thought I'd share my story of pcos and metformin!

We have been ttc since June 2011, after stopping bcp. For about 6 months I hadn't had an af, so kept going to the docs who kept fobbing me off and said it can take up to 18months to return - seriously!!

I kept badgering and finally sent me for an u/s early this year where I was diagnosed with pcos, I then asked to be referred private as the docs were rubbish.

I still had no af so was given norathisterone to induce a bleed and given clomid. Had my scan to track the eggs but there was zero activity.

I was then given metformin, I have been on it for about 6months. Started on 1 tablet a day, then up to 2 a week later, then 3 the week after, it was gradual to try keep side effects down. I only had a dodgy tummy a couple of times.

I finally got my first af end of July, took clomid days 2-6, had a scan with a couple of eggs measuring 10mm. Finally something was happening!!!

Got my second af beginning of sept :( so it hadn't worked. My cycle last 34 days but at least it was something!!

I then took my 3rd cycle of clomid again, and was scanned a bit later this time on day 12, only measuring 10mm again so had another scan on day 14 and they were a bit bigger.

Have since had some symptoms that I could have implanted but trying not to symptom watch too much! I also have done 3 cheap hpg tests (I'm about 10dpo) which have all had 3 faint lines. I'm not going to get my hopes just in case.

But for me, I think metformin is amazing and has worked. I'm also having acupuncture as recommended and believ that is helping!

Good luck everyone, fx'd for you all!

Hi there. I'm in the metformin boat too. Started taking it three days ago 500mg then will be 1000mg from next Thursday.

Have bad horrid side effects... But I'm up for continuing if it gets me pregnant!

I have PCOS but regular periods (every 36 days)
I'm up in Canada so medical stuff and prices are different here but my Met with my hubby's work prescription plan is $5 a prescription (think its a 90 pill bottle). Without the insurance plan 30 pills would have been like $12 so not too bad.

As far as symptoms, definitely weight gain. I've always had a tendency to be overweight but when I did birth control I lost about 20 lbs without even trying and when I stopped Otto start ttc I found those lost 20 lb once more in the first month! Again I hadn't changed anything really though I had been eating a bit better and exercising more to help with ttc so if anything I should have dropped a few lbs! I was so mad. That was or of my tip offs that I have pcos. Wasn't normal.

Also I have the body hair issue and I despise it! I get hair on my chin and sideburns and Lao get it on my stomach and back. It's sick. I have to shave and pluck and wax everything constantly. Luckily my DH is very loving and understanding. Inside he's probably horrified by his wife's man hair!! Ugh! On birth control this symptom improved a lot though but now I'm off it the hai is back and worse than pre bc time. :dohh:

Those are my 2 big external symptoms. The rest is mostly the internal periods or ovulation, long cycles and irratic periods. In the past even just a little weight loss, like 20 lbs or less (not much when you have 100 to lose!) has really helped my cycles regulate. But I'm finding it very hard to lose weight now. :( Hoping the met will eventually help with this.

In terms of bad foods for met...I've heard sugar and carbs but for me carbs seem to be okay. It's more sugar and fat/grease. Heaven help me if I get fast food! Had burger king one night and that hit me really bad! But if I stick to low fat carbs I do fine on them.

really quite informative post as i felt sumhow like mine own, i auggest you to cook your food in olive oikm plus try to drink early morning before brush light hot water 1 glass with half spoon honey and 2 drops of olive oil inside, take cabbage soup daily in lunch and everything in your dinner with brown bread, and fruit veggies in salad ate as much as u can

dis is wt m doing now a days too, although my PCOS still nt detected waiting for test date

best if luck dear:hugs:

let me clear one more thing please

if my PCOS detected so what Dr will do first?

coz next week probably will visit my Gyn after taking my n DH test results, and after tht we are flying on 17 Oct to celebrate Eid with our family in Pakistan, so we will together live there for 21 days aftertht my DH will back and it will took time to me may be 1 more month, so shoukd i start my treatment now if Dr suggests or wait till i come back here??
i say start the metformin right away.
RexyI, please let us know if you get your BFP!!! Fingers crossed you get a DARK second line soon!!! :hugs:

Hi laurac! Have your side effects been every day? I only had an upset stomach here or there, hope you get to feeling better!

Aein, if you have PCOS and Dr wants to start treatment I would!! Why wait? :winkwink: Just make sure you tell the doc you won't be home for a while, that way you can see what course of treatment will be best for you in your situation :) As far as what the doctor will do first really depends on the doctor.
Oh no :( I'm sorry! I think you're body will adjust! But I'm with you, I'll deal with whatever it takes to get a sticky bean at the end of the line!
RexyI, please let us know if you get your BFP!!! Fingers crossed you get a DARK second line soon!!! :hugs:.

Hello, sorry for the delay, I had a couple more days of lines getting darker. I just did a clear blue test that actually says if ur pregnant, and I got my BFP!!!!! I'm so excited!:)

I seriously believe metformin, chlomid and accupuncture made it all happen. Stick out and fingers crossed it will happen for u all soon!

RexyI, please let us know if you get your BFP!!! Fingers crossed you get a DARK second line soon!!! :hugs:.

Hello, sorry for the delay, I had a couple more days of lines getting darker. I just did a clear blue test that actually says if ur pregnant, and I got my BFP!!!!! I'm so excited!:)

I seriously believe metformin, chlomid and accupuncture made it all happen. Stick out and fingers crossed it will happen for u all soon!


woow m really happy for you dear, inshahAllah you will get good news soon, pray for all of us who are in queue May God bless us with healthy kids , Aamin :happydance::hugs:
:happydance: Yay RexyI!!!!! Sooo exciting!!!!! I love hearing about bfps! They give me so much hope, especially from fellow pcos sufferers. Best of luck to you and your sticky bean!

Babyjila - yay for the new doc! Sound sooooo much better than the old one!!! Hope all the meds work for you! I'm guessing clomid is my next step next month when I see my new doctor so I'm excited to see how they work for you this cycle :)

Welcome to all the newbies :) its so nice to hear stories from you all who understand and are going through the ttc struggle with pcos. :hugs:

As for me - I'm cd 10 today. I took my last dose of soy last night (cd5-9). I did 150, 150, 150, 200, 200 for my 5 days of soy. Also on my 1000 met as well. Fx!!!! Really hoping to get a confirmed ovulation this cycle. I had a crazy temp drop yesterday morning but temp was back up this morning. Very odd.

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