Gorgeous photos Lisette! You looked fabulous pregnant and even more so now! You're a new mummy poster girl for sure. I couldn't even find my makeup bag for the first month and I sure needed it. Glad that you are loving athe Wonder Weeks. It's such a helpful book. We try the games they suggest at each stage, and I'm sure that's part of the reason why Finlay is so alert and keen to try and master new things.
Talking of new things, Finlay took his first ambulance ride yesterday.
He's been a grizzly boy recently and Sunday morning I noticed a strange pin prick type rash on his chest that didn't disappear when pressed. I couldn't get hold of OH, and he had the car so decided to call 999 to request an emergency GP. What I didn't realise is that any call relating to a baby is considered high priority and an ambulance arrived within seconds of me ending the call! We went to the nearest hospital and spent the day being passed to various drs. As he had no other symptoms and the rash wasn't worsening we were allowed home and they called to let us know his bloods were clear too. The dr thinks he may have done it himself by retching or coughing, or it was the tail end of a mild viral infection which his teething hid. He also said that some children get benign rashes for no reason. Spoke to my mum and apparently my middle sister used to get rashes all the time! He seems unaffected by y'day. I think he rather liked the attention
though the excitement or the bug (if he had one) has worn him out and he's slept more today
Talking of new things, Finlay took his first ambulance ride yesterday.