Mid-August Testers

Gorgeous photos Lisette! You looked fabulous pregnant and even more so now! You're a new mummy poster girl for sure. I couldn't even find my makeup bag for the first month and I sure needed it. Glad that you are loving athe Wonder Weeks. It's such a helpful book. We try the games they suggest at each stage, and I'm sure that's part of the reason why Finlay is so alert and keen to try and master new things.

Talking of new things, Finlay took his first ambulance ride yesterday. :( He's been a grizzly boy recently and Sunday morning I noticed a strange pin prick type rash on his chest that didn't disappear when pressed. I couldn't get hold of OH, and he had the car so decided to call 999 to request an emergency GP. What I didn't realise is that any call relating to a baby is considered high priority and an ambulance arrived within seconds of me ending the call! We went to the nearest hospital and spent the day being passed to various drs. As he had no other symptoms and the rash wasn't worsening we were allowed home and they called to let us know his bloods were clear too. The dr thinks he may have done it himself by retching or coughing, or it was the tail end of a mild viral infection which his teething hid. He also said that some children get benign rashes for no reason. Spoke to my mum and apparently my middle sister used to get rashes all the time! He seems unaffected by y'day. I think he rather liked the attention ;) though the excitement or the bug (if he had one) has worn him out and he's slept more today
Lisette - Thanks for the suggestion.. though im not sure if i have any spare time to read.. I'm so far behind on getting things done right now.. BLAH!

Thank you for posting pictures of her... its hard to believe she's here!!!!

Bex - How are you doing ?

Nic - No i can't hardly sit... im like a hot potato over here with Snow's news. I'm just so excited and happy about it. I'm sorry about Finlay's rash. It's so scary being a new momma. Let us know if something worse comes of it... but im glad he's doing okay now

Snow - So where is my BFP picture? Where's the tickers? Oh i am soooo EXCITED!! Demi is gonna be a big sister!
OMG OMG OMG Snnnoooooowwwwww YIPEEEE :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: BEST news ever!!! How u feeling girl? H? Talk to us here! Eeeeekkkkkk awesome DD as well :cloud9:
Aw snow Congratulations that is great news so so pleased for you :hugs:. Do you think it was the IUI or the bd the night before O? I guess you will never know. Oh that is amazing I really am wrapped for you.

Lisette - She is just too adorable and I love her blanky. I am so ready for another lol. I will try and get on the computer and compress these pics ASAP.
Nic - omg what a nightmare I am glad he is ok the poor mite, I can only imagine how stressful that must of been I hope you have managed to get some rest as well I find that stress like that exhausts me :hugs:.
Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! I just picked up the exciting news! Congratulations snow! I'm am absolutely over the moon for you, it makes all that heartache worthwhile! I'll update on me later today (I have some nursery pics to post) but just wanted to post my excitement!!!!!!
I've attached a few pics of our finished nursery - we just need bubs to arrive now as we are all ready for him! I've also put on a couple of bump pics as I havent done any in a while - ready to pop - ignore the stretchy marks which are ALL OVER my belly!!

Nic - sorry to hear about the scare you had with Finlay but glad to hear that he is ok. Its also good to know that they take it very seriously when there is something wrong with baby - much better safe than sorry.

Snow - are you doing anything with hubby to celebrate your little bean? I'm still super excited here!

Lisette - beautiful pictures of Melina, you really do look like a very proud mummy!

Hands - how are you feeling at the moment, have things calmed down a bit now with Dexter?

Bea - hope you are doing well :)

AFM - I dont think that I am about to give birth any time soon, I just dont feel any different. I have had the odd tightening, I think, but that could just be bubs push against me, I'm not sure. In reality I dont want to give birth until after the weekend, because on Saturday it's my brother's wedding so really I want to hold on until after that!! After that it is all systems go....I am talking vindaloo, pineapple and :sex: which hubby is quite pleased about! I'm ready to meet my our little man!


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Nothing ever seems to stay calm for long.. just as soon as you think you got yourself and baby in a routine.. they change things up for ya! lol

Never a dull moment... gotta love it. I think he has hit his 3mo growth spurt a little early. He's eating 4 to 6 oz every hour to hour and a half and wants to sleep all day. Lots of fun over here.

Can't wait to see the lil man!
Fabulous bump Bex! I'm sure Elliot is bring a good boy and waiting until next week to arrive. A friend of mine's due the week after you. Her bump has dropped real low and she's praying that her baby won't arrive any sooner than next week as she is due to be a bridesmaid this weekend!

The hospital with Finlay was a strange experience. I knew there was nothing wrong, and felt bad for wasting their time and resources BUT I just couldn't be certain, and it was too much of a gamble waiting and seeing. It's great how seriously they took it and how reassuring the hospital staff were.

ATM I'm exhausted! The last two weeks I've seen to Finlay through the night and it's taking it's toll. Hubby is off week after next to spend time with us and get house jobs done. I can't wait to see of I can wangle a lie in! :)
I have so been trying to update my Mid-August ladies! Been so busy lately and wanted to make sure that I was fully caught up on everybody!

Awe LOVE the pics Bex! I hope Elliot stays put til the wedding is over! The nursery looks perfect!

Nic - So sorry that Finlay had to take a ambulance ride - so happy that everything turned out good though!

Hands - Yea, for growth spurts and lots of sleep for Dex! Like my ticker? I know you really like it and so do I!!

Bea - It will forever be our mystery - If we did it or if the IUI did it!

Lisette - I am feeling very well so far. Excited for the sickness to hopefully set in!

AFM, It's official that I am indeed PG!!! My HCG more than doubled. It went from 63 on Monday to 185 today - My progesterone went from 30 to 29. Still really good. They asked if I wanted to come back on Friday for the same tests - I said sure - It's more for my reassurance - I figure it can't hurt and will only boost my confidence even more. I still can't quite believe it. In a way, I am scared to get too excited but feel much more optimistic and positive about this PG. Not too many symptoms yet. Hope they pick up in the next few weeks or so. But all in all - we are very pleased and very happy.

I am so thankful for you ladies for sticking this out with me! I can't believe it has actually happened!
Bex - you look great in your pictures and i love what you did with the nursery. It looks so bright! The weekend is almost here... hang IN there Elliot!!!

Snow - I LOVE THE TICKER!!!!! Oh it is so nice to see it under your name and you'll hit 2nd tri before Christmas which will be a sigh of relief! oh yay!!!! Do you plan on telling family?
Hands - So far I have only told my mother and Best Friend and that's all I plan on telling for awhile. I think I'll let the cat out of the bag around Thanksgiving or a little bit after. I know I want to keep it a secret from work til my co-worker gets back from her maternity leave.

Bex - Yes, Elliot needs to stay INNNNN!!!
Hey girls :wave:

Thanks for all the kind words :hugs: believe me the makeup bag only came out one morning cuz we had a photographer coming over to take newbown pic (one is my avatar - ill need to get to my PC to post more) besides that its been hair in a bun & the goal is to brush my teeth before H gets home from work! Lol

Snow can't even tell u how happy I am for ya :) Enjoy every day sweetie...I know how u feel...I was very cautious & spent most of the first tri sleeping & truthfully holding my breath but in the end I didn't have nausea or "symptoms" either pg & it didn't mean a thing so try not to worry & just take super good care of u! Its a wonderful gift to yourself xxx

Nic how scary!!! Sooo glad you & the LO are just fine! Phew!

Bex ur looking awesome girl :) Love the nursery too! YAY new baby almost here! Yipppeee

Hands how's little man today? I hope things start getting easier for you xxx
I am LOVING THE TICKER Snow!!!!! Ah it makes me so happy that you got your BFP. I never doubted for one moment that you would and I love that you get to have the same sort of timings I did for my pregnancy. It might just be me, but being pregnant over Christmas really speeded things up for me. I was almost 20 weeks by the time Christmas was over - so half way through. :)

Lisette - The toothbrush goal is still something that occasionally comes in to play. ;) Some days I think I brush them at least 4 times as I can't remember if I've done it or not. :haha:

Thanks for your well wishes. Finlay is having an amazing 7 days - NOT! We have been up every night as he is teething and he still suffers from painful trapped wind, and then tomorrow he has his jabs. He was clingy enough today so god knows what tomorrow will be like. One order of calpol for him and a couple of ibroprofen for me!

Bex - How are you feeling? Do you have everything ready?

Hands and Bea - Hope your babies are being good for you.

CH - Are you still catching up? Would be great to hear from you if you can xxx
Yep, everything is ready and raring to go, but nothing to report here, no twinges or cramps or anything.

Last night I had my exercise class and there was a lady there who is due 2 days after me, and she was having contractions in the class!! Every 15 minutes as well, I'm positive she has her baby by now, all very exciting, although I have to admit that I was a bit jealous, I want to meet my little one too!

I'll warn you all now I am going to be horrendous next week until baby arrives, I can already feel myself getting impatient....watch out!
Bex - I've just noticed your status profile. I think you've gone more than halfway now. ;) Hope you're aren't kept waiting too much longer. Come on Elliot we want to meet you! :kiss:
Sooo quiet in here this weekend! Everyone must have had a great and busy one!!

Bex - Is Elliot still in??!! Still impatient??!! I thought about you once or twice this weekend! How was the wedding??!!

AFM, my HCG went up to 523 on Friday and Progesterone down just a tad to 26. Yeahhhh!! Again, more than doubled!! They gave me my 1st ultrasound appt on 10/12 @ 8am! I am so excited! A bit over 2 weeks away! I can't wait. I just have so many more good feelings about this one!! I don't know why but I do!! I really don't have many symptoms - just my sore boobs, gassy, some cramping, bach aches and twinges. Hoping the nausea kicks in soon though but I know I'm still pretty early! They said I could call and get more Beta's and P4 tests done so I think I might go on Wed for just some more piece of mind and self-assurance. I swear I might be a nut-case til I see an actual baby and a heartbeat!
Woop hoo snow , what great numbers, looks like you have a big strong beanie growing in there! :thumbup: I know that feeling though of just wanting to see baby and hear the heartbeat, it will be a long wait until then, then after that it will fly by!!

The wedding was fabulous, an absolutely brilliant weekend, my brother and his new wife looked absolutely stunning, and it was a great day all round. Baby behaved and stayed out as instructed...so now it is timetk get him out!!

Came home last night and had a very spicy curry followed by a bit of :sex: today I have nearly eaten a whole pineapple and spent an hour or so bouncing on my ball! If anyone else has any good tips then let me know!?
Hey everyone!

Snow- That's great news! Sounds like this lil one is gonna be a strong one. Does it seem real yet?

Bex - im glad Elliot stayed in this weekend... but we want to see him!!! Tell him it's time to meet his momma and daddy. I can't give you any advice on how to get him out as i went overdue and didnt go into labor until they accidently broke my water during a sweep. So i guess you could always opt for a sweep and hope they accidently break your water. At least i didnt mess up my floors at home that way! lol
Bex - I have heard lots of walking and Red Raspberry Tea should help.

I am having a bit of an day of nerves. I am just so scared today and nervous that I am going to have another MC. I just don't really feel anything at all. Again. Just like the last PG. I'm not even tired like everyone says you should be. I haven't had any cramping or twinges for days now. I'm not constipated. No MS or anything hinting to it. I just don't know. I am so very worried. I am going for another beta/P4 test tomorrow - I just really hope that the HCG is still increasing good and that the P4 rasied a bit. I just wish I could predict the future and know if this is my "take home" baby or not.

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