Mid-August Testers

Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been pretty bad at posting lately.

Bex - so glad you had a nice time at the wedding. Are you feeling any movement yet?

Snow - aw Hun I know how you feel I didn't have any symptoms at all and freaked out most of my pregnancy. On the bright side it was a super easy pregnancy and she is a super easy baby do hopefully your LO will be the same when it gets out.
Unfourtunately I don't have any words of wisdom but I have a good feeling for you xx

Hi everyone else how is everything?

We had waterbabies today it was the 6th class and the babies swam on their own today underwater it was a bit scary but amazing at the same time.
Snow - I remember having a total melt down believing my baby was dead because i couldnt feel him/her anymore and was so sure i was having a misscarriage. Um.. yeah... hormones plus fears had me going crazy. Hang in there sweetie. First tri just sucks with insecurities.. it gets better though.
Hey guys. Sorry we're having another hellish teething week. Hurry up teeth. We want to see them!

Snow I've never got tired until the 2nd tri when you're supposed to feel better! The nausea doesn't hit most people until 6 weeks and not everyone does get it. Try to think happy, positive 'get comfy' thoughts to your snow pip. Xxx
Quick update from me, had my midwife appointment today. Baby has finally started to move down and was 3/5 engaged which is progress at least!! She offered to do me a sweep, so I said yes.

My cervix is fully closed and uneffaced, so she couldn't actually do the sweep, but it's useful to know that at least, its good to know its most likely not going to happen tomorrow. Booked in for a sweep next Thursday. I hope I won't be needing it, but I think I will be there.

In the mean time I am going to do loads more walking and spend a lot more time on my ball!
Bex - Great news that he should be here soon! How exciting! That is wonderful!

Things aren't looking too good still for me. My HCG went up again but my Progesterone is still falling. My levels have dropped from 30 to 20 in only 10 days time. I have a feeling this isn't going to be good. I don't have a single symptom anymore. The little ones I did have are all gone. So I am back to regressing not progressing. I woke up today and started getting ready totally and forgot I was even pregnant. That's never a good sign. That is how normal I feel. I have an early ultrasound on Monday - I will be 5w5d. I'm not expecting good news though. Just thought I'd give you ladies a heads up.
Can't they give you something Snow? A friend of mine was given steroids and Lisette weren't you given progesterone to take? Not feeling pregnant doesn't mean anything Snow. I started feeling sick on 5+1 but I knew I was going to have Pip at the end of May, so if I was right about him being due then, then it would have been 6+1 which sounds much more likely. Until that point I felt nothing. Also at 10 weeks once the sickness had passed I would regularly forget I was pg too.
Snow hunni how u doing? I'm thinking of u lots & hoping u can give us a good update soon! Believe me I know all about making yourself sick with worry about every piece of info, feeling or lack of feeling! There is no cliche I can tell you cuz I hated hearing them...just get through these early days & try to block out the noise in ur head any way you can :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: My dr had me on progestrone from the day ot my BFP...don't know if it helped but made me feel like I was doing something...anything!!! Let us know when u can love xoxo

Nic sorry to hear a hellish week for u :( hugs

Bex very exciting girlie! Hope u can stay as comfortable as possible in this last stretch!

Hands how have u been this week?

Bea that waterbabies class sounds amazing & terrifying at the same time! Do u have new pics for us?

AFM holding up ok - my system is still getting used to the broken up sleep & lil Melina has a bit of reflux so there have been a few hurl all over mommy incidents! Lol poor lil sweetie always looks so stunned :hugs: I will try to post some new pics from the PC later today - hope everyone is doing good xoxo
Ugh... im gone for a week and it seems like everything is in the pits.

Nic has teething issues

Snow is on pins and needles

Bex is still hanging on


Melina is a spitter upper teehee (Dex is too... i use his recieving blankets for burp cloths... we go through 3 to 6 of them a day plus blankets, sheets, and clothes).

Snow any news?????

Nic how is Finlay handling his teething? Does he get nasty diapers with it?

Bex is he here? I want a birth story and pics!!

Lisette - Hang in there sweetheart. Those few hours of broken up sleep a night will soon end. Dex started sleeping from 9pm to 4am by 8 weeks.... and now most nights he'll go from 9pm to 8am. (he occassionally wakes up middle of the night still... but usually i can just pat him right back to sleep once i remove his arms from the bars lol)
Lots of strong beanie thoughts to you for today Snow. Keep us posted! BTW today is my 1 year anniversary of Pip's first BFP. Birthday buddy I'm hoping it's another lucky omen for you. xxx

Bex - Any news? I've had two friends have boys over the weekend. Did you make it a hat trick?!

How's everyone else?

We had a great weekend staying at my Mum's and we've begin weaning. Finlay LOVES it!! He is so much happier and is beginning to do many more firsts. He sat on his own, unsupported, he drank from a beaker and he blew a raspberry on my cheek. :D
They saw a Gestational Sac and a Yolk Sac. RE was happy with that - she said it was still very early and that is all they usually see at this time. I go back next Friday 10/12 - hoping to see a Fetal Pole and Heartbeat. Since we moved on to U/S they will no longer be monitoring my levels which I am happy about because I think it was causing me much more stress than needed.

We are going home to NY this Thursday to Monday for my cousin's wedding. I'm super excited. Both my sister's will be home. It's been over 2 years since we have all been together. I am super excited. One sister will be going back to Tanzania the week after - her eyes were cleared by the Ophthalmologist here in the states.
Hands - teething has upset his tummy. His trapped wind has got worse and we had huge screaming bouts. He became really constipated too. I asked the GP and I was advised to wean so that we can balance him out. So far it seems to be working.
I'm still waiting here and thoroughly fed up! Went on a couple of long walks at the weekend but no signs of anything so far. I think I'll end up making to my appointment of a sweep on Thursday! Come on baby! It hasn't helped that all the rest of my NCT class had their babies last week, one baby every day last week, so now I am the only one still waiting for baby to complete the set. Argh....I never anticipated how frustrating being overdue would be!

Snow - great news from the RE, that must put your mid at rest at least a little until your next appointment. But I full well know you will never properly relax until a long way down the line! Great that all your sisters will be together again, I can tell from your post how excited you are!
Bex if it makes you feel any better i was 3 days over due with Dex and the only reason i had him when i did was because they accidently broke my water.

You aren't alone... but yes going over due is really really frustrating! You know that it HAS to happen sometime... but it feels like its never going to happen.
Bex my NCT class was like that. Of the 7 babies 6 were born in 10 days. It was like our waters went / labour started every 2 days. 2 babies ended up being born on the same day. The final baby arrived on it's due date 8 days after Finlay (who was the 6th baby). It's nice to have them so close. I'm sure you'll be soon. Statistically you're not late yet. First babies are most likely to be born at 41+1. ;)

Snow - great news. Keep growing strong Snow Pip! :)

Bex - Thinking of you and the sweep today! Hope it all goes well and Elliot comes soon for you!! Can't wait for pics!

Nic - Hope Finlay is feeling better with his teething! I can't believe he is already getting teeth - what a big boy!

Lisette - How is motherhood treating you??!!

Bea - Can't believe she is swimming underwater already!

Hands - What's the countdown til DH comes home? How's baby Dex doing?

I had a bit of nausea on Tuesday night but haven't had any since. Don't really know what to think of that. Hoping it comes back though to give me some more reassurance that everything is going OK. Not much else going on with me! We fly out tonight. I can't wait!
Yay snow you are a pea!!!!! Don't worry about not feeling a lot of nausea. I had it come and go a little bit, but quite honestly i didn't have much of it with Dex... at least not like i thought i would. I threw up a few times here and then but it would just hit me briefly and then go. I'm still having good vibrations snow and im so excited for you and lil sweetpea! Have fun on your trip!!!

Nic - How is introducing solids going? I really wish i could introduce them to dex but he's not 4 mo yet. He can sit up on his own, but just doesnt do a very good job of balancing himself LOL We still have to hold onto momma's fingers so we don't fall down.

Next week i think im going to introduce him to the bathroom. My kitchen floor doesn't have flood insurance and he splashes way too much during bath time to be in my kitchen!!!

As far as countdown goes... its 81 days till Christmas and 132 days till Valentines day.. and hubby should be home somewhere between those two holidays.
Wow Hands he can sit on his own already? Good work Dex! Finlay can sit if he has his hands on his knees but it's not the most convincing of attempts. ;) Weaning is going great. He loves broccoli, cauliflower and went crazy with carrots and swede today. We also went for lunch today and he kept reaching out for my food, holding on to my sandwich and picking chips up. He was a pest! :) I think he is going to get the hang of eating solids super quick.

Yay for OH coming back. My sister is pregnant right now and she is due on Valentine's Day. Your
hubby will be home before I meet my niece. :). xx

Enjoy your trip Snow. Where are you going again? Xx

Bex - any news? Xx

Bea and Lisette hope your girls are treating you well. xxx
Another failed sweep yesterday...cervix still closed and unfavourable so wasn't able to do it. I was so disappointed yesterday :nope: I feel like my body just doesn't know what to do.:cry:

Attempt again on Sunday then after that next Thursday. If not it will be induction, which is obviously not what I want BUT At least I know my baby should only be a week or so away.
Hey girls :wave:

Snow I'm over the moon for u :happydance: Enjoy ur time with ur sisters!

Bex I feel ur pain darling! It was honestly the most frustrating time when I was overdue & everyone kept telling me to enjoy or relax or rest & just wanted to scream!!! Here's a happy vision for u to keep in mind, ur LO will have had those extra days & be all that much cuter & alert for u :) Hang in there hunni...come on out vibes ur way xxx

Nic sooo adorable about ur little man being ready to eat momma's food :)

Hands u must be sooo excited to be in countdown mode! Gonna be such a special wonderful time for your family :) How's Dex been this week?

Bea we need new pics pls :)

All is going good here....Miss Melina is 4weeks old today & can not believe how fast it zoomed by!!! She's been through some growing pains but all in all she's a happy lil baby & is growing by the minute here! 10.6lbs as of Wenesday :O Must get to my PC & show u new pics!xo
Lisette - oh how time flies!!!! It really does go quick.

Nic - I'm so glad that Finlay is ready for solids! Sounds great.

AFM and Dex... well... we are doing good. We have transitioned to faster flow bottles, and the basinette to the playpen (for naps during the day), and to footed pajamas.... next week im introducing him to the bathroom, the week after that im introducing him to his highchair, and the week after that im introducing solids!!!! Wow what a busy time 3mo is!!!

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