She's a beauty Bea! But then so are you, so that's not a surprise!
We don't have anything planned unfortunately. Moving house has wiped out our savings and its looking more likely I might have to go back earlier. Boo. With a bit of luck we might go to France for my 30th in the Spring and I am hoping to convince hubby to go on holiday with my family. He's not keen though!
Snow I'm another one who thought would show sooner. I had a tiny pop belly around 17/18 wks but nothing obvious for a while after that. I didn't tell my colleagues until 22 weeks and in a coat or a jumper, strangers were shocked when I said I was pregnant at 31 weeks and he ended up 8lbs! Perhaps you have an anterior placenta too? My sister who pp was a good 7-10lbs lighter than me and 5ft 2" is massive at 25 weeks
She doesn't have an ap but the trade off is she feels her baby moving constantly. Finlay would nudge, shimmy and prod but never that strongly and rarely on demand. 
We are okay. He has a stinky cold and that is making the nights even worse. Last night I felt I was up constantly.
Hands don't feel bad about finding it tough. The lack of sleep makes us all less patient than we like. Many a morning I have had to take a deep breath and put on a smile to get Finlay up. Your hubby owes you lots of lie ins and breakfasts in beds! Development wise Dex will be doing so much soon and you can start helping him to discover what he likes, which will make all the adventures you want to have seem even better. I take Finlay to Baby Explorers which is a sensory class and he loves it. There's a weekly theme and the lady does songs to match the theme, some with actions, others with a puppet show, or a parachute game as well as some tactile or messy play. Tomorrow 's is bonfire night do I'm expecting lots of sparkles and lights which he'll love. (He's such a magpie!) it's given me the confidence to invent games to help his learning and we can do little trips together. Last week we went to the park yo listen to the wind in the trees and we picked huge leaves which I decorated the stroller with. Hubby thought I was nuts, but F loved it.
Before I forget why do you guys call it Trunk or Treat? We call it Trick or Treat. xx

Snow I'm another one who thought would show sooner. I had a tiny pop belly around 17/18 wks but nothing obvious for a while after that. I didn't tell my colleagues until 22 weeks and in a coat or a jumper, strangers were shocked when I said I was pregnant at 31 weeks and he ended up 8lbs! Perhaps you have an anterior placenta too? My sister who pp was a good 7-10lbs lighter than me and 5ft 2" is massive at 25 weeks

We are okay. He has a stinky cold and that is making the nights even worse. Last night I felt I was up constantly.

Hands don't feel bad about finding it tough. The lack of sleep makes us all less patient than we like. Many a morning I have had to take a deep breath and put on a smile to get Finlay up. Your hubby owes you lots of lie ins and breakfasts in beds! Development wise Dex will be doing so much soon and you can start helping him to discover what he likes, which will make all the adventures you want to have seem even better. I take Finlay to Baby Explorers which is a sensory class and he loves it. There's a weekly theme and the lady does songs to match the theme, some with actions, others with a puppet show, or a parachute game as well as some tactile or messy play. Tomorrow 's is bonfire night do I'm expecting lots of sparkles and lights which he'll love. (He's such a magpie!) it's given me the confidence to invent games to help his learning and we can do little trips together. Last week we went to the park yo listen to the wind in the trees and we picked huge leaves which I decorated the stroller with. Hubby thought I was nuts, but F loved it.
Before I forget why do you guys call it Trunk or Treat? We call it Trick or Treat. xx