Mid-August Testers

Hands - Great job on the weight loss. 1500 doesn't seem like much at all - quite a restriction on body! Hooray for teethies! Yeah Dex! Time sure is going by fast and I know that with Christmas coming the gender scan will be here before I know it!

Nic - Glad Finlay is feeling much better now. I bet it is alot easier on you too! Really hoping to have baby in the month of May! Wouldn't it be crazy if our babies were born on the same day just a year apart?!

Bex - I guess we'll see if my gut is right or not! Those stupid Chinese gender charts say Girl - they have a 50/50 chance of being right!

Thanksgiving went great (and yummy). MIL and her fiance came down to visit. I spent all day in the kitchen then the next 2 days shopping. It was a bit much for me. I needed to sit down a few times. Got some good deals too.

I am pretty much out of 1st tri - if you divide the 3 trimesters into equal parts. So happy about that. I've gained 1.5 pds so far - which goes up if I don't go potty for a few days. But once I do - it goes back down again. hehe! Anyways, I am still very tiny - can fit into all my regular pants but by the end of the day they are a little tight. Easily can still hide my pregnancy. I do want a tiny bump for Christmas though when my parents come to visit.

Hubs and I went shopping to Buy Buy Baby this weekend after MIL and her fiance left. Tested out some strollers. Much to my surprise they had an Icandy Peach there. I tested it out and it is on the top of my list. Very nice girls! Impressed!

Oh yea, MIL's fiance came down with a cold on Saturday night so I did some major disinfecting of the house yesterday AM after they left. I do not want to get sick. I still haven't gotten my flu shot. I am still up in the air about it as to whether I want it or not.
Snow - sounds likie you had a very exciting and busy week last week!!! As far as the flu shot goes... take your time and make the best decision for you. I know the docs tried to push the flu shot on me when i first got pregnant, and i waited till i was 16 weeks along... i wanted to be into my 2nd Trimester before introducing such a thing to my body and baby.

Your bump will be here before you know it and you'll be doing things like bumping the fridge and hot pots on the stove with it. Its a very wonderful time. I think being pregnant was probably the best time in my life as far as feeling good and having an upbeat vibe. The antcipation of the little one just comes over you.

A part of me is sad about not becoming pregnant again, but the other part doesnt want to have to lose the weight again and i definately dont want to do the newborn stage again! ugh!

I'm looking forward to being able to sleep through the night again and take dexter trick or treating where he wont be crying, but having a grand time and etc.

BTW if you end up having a June baby... there's nothing wrong with that either. Just means your little one will be smack dab in between Finlay and Dexter.

Have you and hubby discussed names yet?
My mom said the same thing - that being PG was the best time in her life. She loved it and felt great. She keeps telling me that I need to enjoy it more - I am still very fearful of a MC. At this point, I feel I should start to get excited soon. I think once I feel kicks and tell people and they are excited - I will be excited too.

We have thrown a bunch of names around. We have a few girl names that we like alot. But we really don't have any solid names we love for a boy. I like more "modern" boy names and hubby seems to gravitate towards "traditional" (aka boring to me!) names. I plan to get a baby name book when we find out gender...

I would prefer a May baby bc my insurance policy year restarts on 6/1. I will have to pay another deductible. My deductible is $3,500 per year. So I would have to pay $7,000 if baby is born in June. Don't forget the thousands of dollars I have already spent to actually get pregnant that wasn't covered by insurance and didn't go towards my deductible at all. Plus, the cost of the MC. It just sucks. So I am really hoping for a May baby so I could save $3,500. In the grand scheme of things - I won't really care but it would be nice....
*nods* i totally agree with that being the situation Snow. Maybe you can get a doc to agree to inducing before 6/1.

I guess with boy names you will have to do something that has a little of both.. like old traditional nams that are coming back with style Archer (Archie), Chandler, Levi, Maverick, Sawyer, and etc. Good luck either way. Names can take a while to decide on...

... take Nic for example. LOL
I have a feeling the name thing is going to be tough if it is a boy.

Well, the genetic OBGYN called me after work today to give me my combined NT results. They aren't all that great at all. I have a 1:270 chance of a baby with downs. Average for my age is 1:700. He said it was "normal". I am scared and worried. Have done a bit of crying tonight. Everywhere I read my results are right on the border line of positive/negative. It's very concerning to me that it is so close to being considered high-risk. I just don't know - I feel like I can never win and will never have confidence in this PG. I am just further worried now than I already have been. I have to do the 2nd part of the test around 16 weeks for the final result. I just don't know what to think.
Awww snow... take a deep breath honey. MrsBea had gotten "bad" numbers too and look at little Ari now! Try not to worry between now and 16 weeks. It won't change anything but cause you to be stressed out. My doctor wouldnt even give me my test results for downs. Just said it was normal and told me not to worry about numbers. At the time i was frustrated because i wanted to know the odds, but now im kind of glad that she didnt tell me.

((((((((((((((((((((((snow))))))))))))))))) Lil Buster or Babs is gonna be just fine.
I have a friend who is expecting her second and her numbers were way lower than yours. She went to a fetal research hospital for additional testing and with a more advanced test her numbers improved. She refused the test on the amnio fluid because as she put it, her odds of miscarriage were higher than her chances of downs. Whatever the nt tests say, it doesn't tell you for definite if your baby is ill, just what the chances are. At those numbers you have a far greater chance of your baby being fine and I feel confident s/he will be. Big hugs honey xxx
Hi girls,

I'm in Aus the flight was pretty tough but we got through it. Was just checking in since wide awake at 2am lol. It's way hot here we are not coping to well but I'm sure we will get used to it.

Snow - I am so sorry to hear your results Hun I know it is super super stressful, when she was born I still thought she had it because her face was all mushed from the forceps but I didn't even care and would of loved her just as much.

I was 205:1 and my nt was .85 (I think). Your nt was normal and that really is the biggest indicator which I am sure you have found out from your research.
I think the main factor for me was the hcg it was crazy off the charts 3.5 times normal along with me being 34 which has such an impact on the results it's crazy.

It is super stressful and only you can decide what is best for you I had come to terms with it but still worried the whole way through the pregnancy. I read loads of stories including ch's which is worth trying to find in here.

Personally I'm going to get the blood test that is the same as the amino with my next pregnancy it is a few hundred pounds and I would have to travel to London but would be worth it for the peace of mind. I know it's more available in the states can you have that?

Sorry I hope this makes sense xx
Bea - you must look us up if you come to London! Where would they do the tests? We are referred to Kings for extra scans etc. I was very fortunate that when I was pregnant with F, our 12 week NT scan was done as standard there. As my youngest sister has a rare syndrome the drs looked at Finlay and decided that I didn't need consultant care. My middle sister got hers done at a local hospital and then ended up having two extra scans including a cardio at Kings and lots of consultant appts too. Hope you're having a wonderful hols. You've just missed a cold front. Minus numbers starting here this week. Brrr!
Thanks ladies for the reassurance. I am doing a bit better today. I am going to get my 16 week final result and go from there. I really hope it improves.

Sounds cold there Nic! It's starting to cool down here too - but not too bad yet.

I love that you are calling baby babs or buster. So cute!

Thanks Bea. I have heard of those tests from another forum. They are called Harmony and MaterniT21. That is the way I would like to go if my number decreases. I don't know if the Maternal Fetal Medicine place I went to for the NT scan has them but I live in a fairly big city so they may offer it or another place in town might...

I'm gonna be a lemon tomorrow and then it's only 3 weeks til gender scan! And Christmas is shortly after. We are getting our tree and doing Christmas stuff this weekend. I can't wait!!
Hey my loves :wave:

Eeekkkkk - I"ve missed you all soo much!!!

Ok first off snow congrats on being a lemon :happydance: I think this was the time I actually let myself start to breathe! I know with the recent nt numbers its just one more nagging thought but really try to enjoy the days cuz they do go so fast! Get yourself a cute preggo for xmas tee and strut around girlfriend! You deserve to just be happy love :) Sending lots of positive vibes your way!

Hands such much developments for Mr. Dex!!! They grow so quick hun :) Miss Melina seems to be teething hard already and not even 3months yet!!! Congrats on the weight loss and dicipline too hunni, I tip my hat off to ya! I was lucky to have the pg weight come off in the first few weeks without trying but I was a good 50lbs overweight to start with so I have a ways to go now esspecially with the thought of having a second baby in the next few years!

Bex hows the lil man doing? Great news on the BF and if you don't feel the bottle right now just go with it :) I spent waaayyy too much time reading and listening to the lactation consultants ect ect before I threw my hands up and said "SHE"S FINE, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I swear I almost went crazy a few weeks ago stressing about her weight gain and charts and diffrent positions blah blah blah!

Bea how is Ari doing in Aus? Must be nice visiting around and showing her off ;)

Nic boo too colds :( I hope everyone is back in great health now? We had a bad round of sickness at my house too and it was miserable!

I need new pics from all you ladies pls! I managed to changed my avatar before the baby called for me again :) LOL, she is a cutie but more and more demanding of mommy these days! Poor thing has had to share with my mom though cuz she got a terrible pinched nerve and slipped disk so I've been playing nurse and mommy on very little sleep! YAWN!!!! Hoping for some less stressful days ahead where i can actually get online more than once in a blue moon!
Hello everyone

We are doing well here. Elliot has had some eye drops as he has had a sticky eye from birth but that has now cleared up lovely so I am very pleased with that even though I hated having to give him the drops. I am on antibiotics as I have an infection in my wound from the section, but hopefully that will clear up soon and we will both be fit as a fiddle.

Elliot has now started to get into a bit of a routine which is nice. He is still in our room but we have started putting him down to bed about 8pm which gives mummy and daddy a bit of an evening! :happydance: he is very good and will then sleep till about 2 ish before he needs another feed, and then till 6.30 at which point I get up with him and start a new day :thumbup: I'm very happy with that!

Lisette - lovely to hear from you, I know I find it really difficult to get online and post too! But I LOVE your new avatar...so cute!!! I keep promising more pics of Elliot...I will get there!

Snow - congratulations on the lemon. I agree with Lisette and that is about the time I also started to relax. Try and enjoy this second tri...I know everyone says it but it really is the best tri. You will start getting a bump soon and then then you can start posting bump pics for us all to see! I will be so proud when you post your first bump pic :happydance: for boy names, I like a lot of what I call 'first world war' names ....alfie, Archie, Arthur, George, and also J names which we couldn't use with our surname.... Jacob, Joshua, and of course Joseph.

Bea - it's so cold here now, barely got above freezing yesterday and hat was in the midlands so I bet it's even colder in Scotland! Definitely better off in sunny Australia! Glad the journey went ok, hope you have a wonderful time!

Hands - I'm hoping baby weight will go quickly, but at the moment I am not doing anything specific about it! My tummy has gone down, but it is covered in stretch marks and dark brown blotches! I think pregnancy has really ruined my stomach for good!

Nic - Co,ds are rubbish. I had a really bad one last week. Luckily it coincided with Elliot behaving with sleep on a night so I think that helped. Then yesterday, OH had some horrible vomiting bug and was throwing up all night....luckily no signs of it in me or the little man...fingers crossed!
Hey girls. My sleep pattern is so messed up. He got up for 15 minutes at midnight... and its 430am and i still can't get back to sleep. ugh! Oh wells.

Today i have a doc appointment to switch birth control pills again. Ever since giving birth my hormones have been messed up and i can't seem to get things straight again.

Bex... dont worry about Elliot ruining your tummy. Dex ruined mine too, but he sure was worth it!!! My hubby says that my tummy will bounce back in time.. but he hasnt seen it yet and is living in a fantasy world if he thinks that! hahaha

I hope everyone is doing well. Right now im just busy trying to prepare for Christmas, hubby coming home, and moving. teehee. busy time here.
Here's Dex in all his splender.


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Love the new pics Hands. Does he like the bouncy jump thing? He is so cute - love little baldy's!! I remember my sister loving the Johnny Jump Up when we were little! Sorry about the sleep - hope things get better for you real soon.

Super cute new Avatar Lisette! She is getting so big already! How long are off work for?

Bex - Hope your infection is getting better and Elliots eye is nice and clear.

Not much going on here. Ohhh. I bought a big tin of Quality Street Chocolates at a store here. I was super excited. I know Tim's Aunt who is Irish loved them and always had them so I bought the huge thing of it. I am enjoying them alot. I def love chocolate!!
Snow - He absolutely LOVES his jumperoo. It may have cost $80, but its worth every penny of it. He'll jump around in it 30 to 45 minutes by himself while i get stuff around the house done or take a shower. He used to spend that amount of time on his floor gym and he still likes it, but his favorite toy now is his jumperoo. Those teethers, rattles and etc may get his attention for a minute or two... but the big ticket toys is what really saves me!

chocoloate! Yum! How's time going by for you? Just 2 more weeks! YAY!!! I'm so excited to hear your news.
Ah Hands. Loving the Jumperoo! Finlay is getting one from my parents for Christmas. I can't wait! We were given a walker at the weekend and its brilliant. He wanders around the house with a silly smile on his face. He followed me to the front door today and pushed the door shut while I was outside. Cheeky monkey! Luckily I had the door on the latch! :) We also now have a clapper. Very slow and careful. He watches his hands while he does it and you can really see the concentration. Sleep seems to have improved since I've started putting the heating on through the night. Most of the time he is much better now.

Great to hear from everyone. Can you believe Finlay is 6mths already? Snow I'm loving the fact your timings are so close to what mine were with Finlay. I get to reminisce with you!!

Mwah to everyone. Loving all the new photos! xxx
I'm an orange today and that means 2 weeks til gender scan!! Aweeekkkk!! Next week I have to go and do the 2nd part of the NT scan which is just blood work to give me my final result. Realllllly hoping the number improve. Quite nervous.

Holy cow Nic. Can't believe Finlay is already 6 months! I love that you can reminisce with me with dates and events!! That means I will have a 6 month old next yr for Christmas! Some days it seems the PG is going fast and then some days it seems to be dragging! The next few weeks are def going to be flying by though with the Holidays!! Yippppppeeee!!!

We have an ugly christmas sweater party to go to next weekend. We are also doing a white elephant gift exchange so I need to go to goodwill and try to find us some ugly christmas sweaters or something of the sort to wear. I kinda want to show off my lil' belly (I think I woke up to a tiny bump the other morning) so I may get a turtleneck or something like that!! And I need to find some sort of gag gift!! I am excited for the party - going to be lots of fun!
Congrats on the orange snow!! I think Christmas will make the next month go really quick for you...before we know it we will be in 2013!!

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