Mid-May buddies!

I hear you.... Every time I think that I am growing a miniature person inside of me every minute of the day, it just feels so surreal
So those of you that say you have tons of boy names please share! I've always been able to think of lots of girl names but no boy ones! I'm very excited about my little boy, and have just one name in mind but I'm not set yet.
I have a Kylee, Everlee, and Oliver now, so no real theme or anything.
oh wow, i haven't been here in a while. congratulations to those who found out the gender already. :)

had a scan at 18 weeks last thursday, and found out we're having a boy. :) this is our first so we really don't have a preference. baby's measuring 19w5d though at that time, but we were assured everything is still within range.

i still don't feel the baby move though, but he moves a lot whenever we have a scan.
Amanda, glad to hear RLP are subsiding, but sorry about the cold. Hope you're feeling better! Yay for a good scan!

Sonny, that is a hilarious story! And the dad...omg. I wonder what kind of talk they had when they got home. :haha:

Mdc, sounds like a wonderful day of baking! What kind of cookies did you make? My fatigue calmed down around week 14, but the last couple days have been rough! Must be a growth spurt or something...went to bed at 8 last night.

Ninja, Sonny's right, lots of people do have a preference! There's nothing wrong with that. You'll love the baby no matter what, so don't be too hard on yourself!

Hi Mary, nice to see you! Glad your bump has appeared!

Lanet, I like traditional boys names like Jack, lol, I'm probably no help!

Moonstar, congrats on a boy!! I'm sure you'll feel him moving anytime now!

AFM, I am feeling a lot more movement since the weekend! It's so weird. There are definite kicks. Is it a dumb question to wonder if they ever start hurting later on in pregnancy? The movements are so reassuring! Our 20w scan is on Monday, hoping the week flies by and we don't get snowed out of our appointment!
Movements definitely can hurt later on. There's lots of sensitive things to kick or to mess with your ribs. :haha:
Hi ladies! Such a flurry of activity in here with so many finding out the sex of the baby (congratulations!!) and starting to feel and look more pregnant. Yay for all of the development!

Nothing too notable here. I'll be 18 weeks on Thursday, and we have our Level 2 scan on Friday afternoon, so mostly just waiting for that. Not feeling any movement yet, even though I'm so ready to! I have a little bump now which just popped within the past couple of days. But like Ninja's experience, is not quite big enough for people who don't know me to know if I'm pregnant or just chubby. Lol. I did have one of my patient's mothers ask me today, and her teenage daughter was like "mommmm, don't ask her that, she's probably not!", so I guess I'm at that is she or isn't she stage where it's hard to tell.

As for names, I may have mentioned that my husband is getting to name this little boy as I was so adamant about girl names if it would have been a girl. The top contender right now for our baby is Lucas ("Luke") Joseph. So we'll see if it stays that way, or if my husband chooses one of a few others that have been kicked around.
MissDoc, I love the name Lucas.... My husband hated it though because in his words "Luke Skywalker is a huge pussy..." .... My husband ladies and gents. -.- We decided on Jack for a boy (my grand-pere's name was Jaques and his grandpa's name was Jack) but we have no middle name yet. If it's a girl, she will be Jaesa Mellanie Ryan.
Jenzy, I figured as such! Even those little tiny infants have strong legs, plus less room to move later on!

MissDoc, it is wonderful everyone's checking back in now with further developments! Yay for your bump popping! I was laughing at your story...I think most of us are still in that stage! I told one of the Physical Therapists at work today, and she was like "I had NO idea!" - halfway through! :rofl: but I know later on things will even out (probably!). I haven't even bothered to take weekly pics yet...lol!

I love the name Lucas, especially nickname Luke, always reminds me of that Paul Newman movie :)

Ninja, :rofl:!! @ your hubby! I think I already mentioned here or on another thread, Jack is my favorite boy's name! I love your girl name, as well <3 Everyone has been picking such lovely and unique names lately!
Oh wow! Jack is my DS2's name! And if we were having a 3rd boy I wanted Luca. Very similar! And my fave girls name is Kyla or Kylee! But DH doesn't like it so I literally have zero girls names that I like. At all!

Yes, movements can hurt but only seldomly. When they kick you in the cervix it pinches but that only happened a handful of times for me. And then if they get you under the ribs it feels a bit unpleasant. But otherwise it is pure magic.

I am starting to feel strong little taps despite my anterior placenta. So exciting.

Anyway, we are on holiday at my sister in law having the best time ever. Until I landed up in casualty yesterday morning from the most debilitating headache I have ever had. The tears were just pouring down my face. Had to go on a drip to get my temp down and the doctor gave me way TMI by telling me that a temp over 37 degrees (mine was 37.5) the baby is in danger cause the same hormones from a high temperate trigger labour. She said so I could miscarry except it wouldn't be a miscarriage i would have to go in to labour. All I needed her to tell me was that they wanted to keep baby safe.

Anyway, they sent me off with antibiotics (it is sinusitis) and paracetamol. Which does ZERO. I was back in agony that afternoon and luckily got hold of my obgyn back home who immediately faxed me a script for anti-inflammatories and a very strong pain killer. Sorted me out in 30 mins. Am feeling like a different person today!

The bonus was getting to see my baby again on the scan! I even cheekily asked the doc to check if she saw a willy and she said nope nothing there! So turned out well in the end.
Glad to hear you are on the mend Danny!

DH and I have agreed on a boy's name that we like, I can't believe it as we have such different styles.
I casually mention "how about x?" And he said he liked it!

Now to think about girls names.
Oo, I think I just had a Brixton Hicks contraction..! My belly just went rock solid for a few moments, not painful or anything. Is it normal to get them at 19 weeks?

Glad you are feeling a bit better Danny, sounds rubbish! Sinusitis can be nasty, I'm somewhat prone to it. Its hard to treat, often it's vital and if it is an infection (which yours sounds like with a temperature), the bacteria are in the cavities in your face which the antibiotics have a hard time getting too! If it lingers on, I highly recommend a nasal wash! It's a slightly uncomfortable thing to do but it seriously helps with the pressure pain! And let's you breathe for a bit!
Hello everyone! I'm 19 weeks now. So close to half way already!! I'm experiencing some pretty horrid nerve pain in my back and totally random stints of nausea. I've also totally popped! I feel huge. I can't hide my stomach at all any more!

So does everyone else have a nursery already? We have nothing. We have the empty room, but that's it. No crib, no changing table, no car seat, no stoller etc. It's so over whelming. Can anyone suggest good brands? Things I really need to get asap?

Also, what's everyone's general thoughts on baby showers? Is it rude to ask for big ticket items, or expected? I've no idea at all.
Sonny I experienced them very early (14 weeks) with the twins. It alarmed me but I was told that your uterus contracts often but we just don't feel it, so occasionally we do feel it and that's ok. As long as it not regular and doesn't go away.
Butternut I have 1 extra room in my house that will be the nursery but I have no idea where to put all the stuff that's stored in there! It's overwhelming, maybe I'll get to it in the spring.
I'm not planning on having a shower since I had one 2 years ago with the twins, but I think it's perfectly fine to register for big ticket as well as small items. Some people like to pick a big item and go in with a few people to buy it.
I'm almost 17 weeks, struggling with feeling like I've gained way too much weight! I've cut sugar out of my diet and I hope that helps. But this seems to be how my body reacts to pregnancy, it's just hard to accept.
Whew what a busy week at work!

Becca I made loads of cookies 6 types in total. My fav are the sugar cookies with icing. Gaining weight is fine since I am pregnant right :winkwink: Good luck on your scan on Monday!

Missdoc, love Lucas! How did you scan go?

Danny, omg how horrible and I hope you are still feeling better now. Glad you got another sneak peek at LO.

Sonny, that does sound like BH.

Butterbabe, almost half way? Huge milestone. I have nothing, nada, zilch for the baby yet. We have a small place in the city so my office is going to have to double at the nursery so I should start planning. I think after my 20 week scan then we will start buying. Still seems surreal that I am actually preggo. Interested to hear opinions on what everyone is getting.

Lanet ugh it is so hard in pregnancy to keep weight where it should be especially this time of year. Good luck with limiting sugar...as above I would fail miserably. Ha!

We got our Panorama results finally. They were drawn before Thanksgiving and there was a mess up. All is good which we expected because we did PGS but they included the gender (I swear I did not check the box..oh well). Anyways we are happy to report it is a GIRL! Level 2 ultrasound is forever away for me it seems. Jan 17 and then the fun begins!
Keeping a healthy weight increase is impossible this time of year! My serious heartburn is restricting my portion size a bit as it hurts so much after eating but I'm snacking on rubbish all day long! My current love is chocolate eclairs (the toffee sweets, not the pastries), I got through 3 bags of them this week! :( Terrible! Ah well, what will be will be I suppose! I'll get back to better eating in January like usual!

My belly hasn't gone hard since, so I'll chalk it down to a BH! A peculiar sensation!

We've got some nursery stuff and our pram but only because we thought there were good offers available on Black Friday! There is still plenty of time :)

I'm always interested in hearing about baby showers abroad! We do have them in the UK but on a smaller scale I think. I've never been to one with a gift list or anything. Hope you guys have great ones!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies. Much better now! I never knew sinisitus could be so tricky to treat and get rid of so I shall keep that in mind and watch myself.

With DS1 my DH moved cities just before he was born so I was living with my parents from his birth till we joined DH a few months later. So never really got to decorate a nursery at all. And as a designer that was the pits! Then with DS2 we moved house again and only got the keys 3 weeks before he was born so I was frantically painting murals and hanging pictures. But I managed to create my dream nursery. So it can be done in record time!

I guess with it being number 3 all I need are clothes and especially winter ones since both my others were summer babies. So all my gender neutral stuff that I am reusing (about 4 huge boxes) won't help for the first 3 months.

Baby showers are a must! Endure the naff games if you must but it's a great way to get all the staple things. I would ask for the big stuff too and people can group together. For our 3rd babies all my friends are doing blessing ceremonies where we tie a long thread onto everyone's wrist so we are all joined as one and the pregnant lady cuts each thread for each lady and ties it for them. Then as you hear the baby has been born you cut your thread and send out a wish for her. Beautiful huh?
We have a spare room that we plan to use for the nursery but I am not climbing that mountain until Feb. I have no idea what we are going to do with all the extra crap we have in that room right now! As for baby showers, I haven't even thought of registering anywhere but I will probably include maybe one or two bigger ticket items and the rest smaller.
I'm really hating week 19 so far :( I've been having ridiculous heart palpitations for the last few days, they are very bothersome! And I can't help be a bit nervous about them!

On top of that, one of wisdom teeth has decided to try to come through and it's agony :( my whole gum is swollen! It's so painful to eat but I'm so hungry, aghh!

Sighh! :( in more positive thoughts, I have my 20 week scan on Thursday :) should hopefully be able to find out the gender! And I finish for my 11 day Christmas break on Thursday lunch time!

Hope you are all having much better weeks and enjoying the run up to Christmas!
Sonny sorry to hear you are having a tough week m. I've had heart palpitations, have they checked you for anemia or thyroid?? They are generally harmless usually though, but yes unsettling
Sonny-- I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like wk 19 has been rough so far for you! But yay for your upcoming scan and finding out the sex of the baby. That will be a nice little perk in a sea of feeling crummy!

Butternut-- Aww, yay for popping out and looking pregnant now! I agree with the others that it's okay to put some big ticket items on your registry, just make sure you have plenty of small and medium too to balance things out.

Lanet-- I feel you on the weight gain! I am trying to reign it in but I don't have a ton of willpower for modifying my eating habits very much.

MDC-- Those cookies sound wonderful! I could totally go for some of those right now! (which is why I'm gaining so much weight, haha!). Congrats on your little girl!!!

Dany-- That thread idea at the shower sounds really sweet and heartfelt, how cute! I'm sorry you've been stuck feeling ill but glad you're finally starting to kick the sinusitis.

Ninja-- What will turn into our nursery was the same... so much crap was in there. Even though we bought our house over 2 yrs ago we still had boxes in that room. Lol. We've at least moved them out (or shoved them into a spare closet) and we just now started making this progress.

AFM, my scan was lovely. Little boy wasn't the most cooperative though. He did not want to stretch out and face the camera. He wanted to stay curled up sucking his thumb. The sonographer kept trying to shake him and he would get startled flail around kick and hit against where she was pushing, roll over, and go back to sucking his little thumb. It was pretty cute but we have to go back in a month to better visualize his heart chambers since he wouldn't let them get a complete look. No reason to think there's any problem though.

I have a scan pic on my phone, maybe after I'm finished posting this on the computer I'll open to edit the post on my phone and I can add the photo. :) (edited: I think I've attached them now!)

Oh, and we bought a crib and a dresser for the nursery, so I feel very accomplished now. First steps toward actually preparing for baby.


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