Mid-May buddies!

Amanda, glad your ER trip turned out to be nothing.

Hope everyone not feeling too great feels better soon. <3

I've been feeling definite kicks. Like, my belly is hugely more active in just the past couple days than it has been previously, so it seems obvious that it's little pokes and kicks and occasionally, a bigger kick. It's exciting but it also makes ME a bit squirmy too.

I've had a cold. I haven't had a cold in a long time. I think I had the flu almost 3 years ago, but barely ever any colds. > 1 year for time between colds for me, on average. I even missed out on the strep throat my hubby caught maybe 2 years ago, when we never really stopped kissing during it. As far as colds go it hasn't been all that bad either, only a half day of truly bad nose stuffiness.
Do you mind if I join? I am a bit behind this group EDD June 10 as a FTM. I know I will have loads of questions and my other thread is a bit quiet these days. A little background I had a mmc at 10 weeks last year (so of course I have been a partial wreck this tri) and we are 12w4d with our little IVF miracle this time around. I feel good about this pregnancy this time and part of me is still is shock we are going to have a baby...not just a bloat baby :haha:
Congrats MDC! As you can see in my sig I'm an IVF success after loses too. 16+4 today, and still seems so unreal :)
Thank you for the welcome! We have a NT scan tomorrow and I feel like it is such a big milestone.

Lanet, congrats on your little boy!

Amanda, so glad your ER trip was only good news. I heard RPL can be really bad. I have had a twinge or two but they went away, so I can imagine how scary it must be to feel to have it for 24 hours plus.
Hey everyone! Man, This has not been a great week. So after my ER trip on Monday night, the pain was starting to subside. Wednesday nights get as I'm going to bed, I feel pain JUST in one spot on the left side of my belly. Figure it's just more ligament pain, and go to bed. Had a hard time sleeping, and was kinda tender to the touch. I google it, and come up with possible gas/constipation pain. Which makes sense. Anyways, call my clinic yesterday morning to ask the nurse, hoping she can tell me what I can take for it, or confirm that it's ligament pain. Instead she says, I have no idea, get yourself to the ER. So I panicked. Full blown anxiety attack. Anyways go to the ER crying, triage nurse consoles me saying it sounds like ligament pain but that they'll check me. Sure enough, baby's still fine, moving around, tested for uti, all clear, dr says it could be many things, none concerning, but most likely ligament pain. I do NOT want to be that pregnant person who freaks over every ache and pain. That nurse scared the shit out of me. I've got my next appointment on Monday, so I'll speak to my dr then. Sigh.
Oh, and sorry if TMI, but sometimes when I wipe, I get the faintest brown tinge on the toilet paper. I'm hoping that since baby, placenta and uterus seemed fine on ultrasound, that it's nothing to worry about. I thought I'd stop stressing after the first trimester. On a plus side, I'm pretty sure I can feel baby move now :)
Amanda, hopefully once you feel movement it will be easier for you. Round Ligament Pain really hurts and you will start getting it more and more. Try not to stress. I get it if I make a sharp movement. I keep thinking I couldn't afford all those ER bills, then notice you are in Canada. :haha:
Oh Amanda, that's sounds rubbish. It's so easy to worry about everything! Its hard but try to relax the best you can and remember that chances are everything is OK! And at the end of the day, don't worry about getting as many checks as you need, yours and babies well being is most important!

One of my worries at the mo is the size of my bump! I still feel really small and people keep telling me you can't tell I'm pregnant! I'm glad to have not put much weight on but it makes me worry I'm behind!

Welcome Mdc & congratulations! How did your NT scan go?

I think I felt baby moving for definite today! Was a strange sensation! But exciting!
Amanda, what a roller coaster. I am sorry that mean RN made you more worried that you were already. Sometimes I wish they would take a min to think about the stress of saying something like that. On the plus side yeah for baby movements! I agree there are many more positives than negatives, but so hard to not worry I know.

Sonny wonderful news about you little one's movements too.

My NT scan was today and all well HB strong at 158, great numbers for DS and T18, but boo for anterior placenta. Little one was all sleepy so not much movement. Oh well small price for a healthy baby. Any gender guesses?


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Welcome mdc!! It's never too late to join us. It's so wonderful after all your treatments to have entered this more reassuring stage. I've only ever had one MC at 6 weeks and that was still enough to freak me out throughout this pregnancy. I am 17 weeks on Monday and check the TP every time I wipe!

Amanada medecs sometimes don't realize the power they have over our sense of safety and they can make really silly decisions with how they pass information on to us. I am sorry you've had such a scare. You definitely do not sound like a paranoid pregnant lady and even if you go over and over again to the ER for nothing, it's a human life you are protecting.

Anterior placentas suck! I keep thinking I finally am feeling movement but then it turns out it's just gas as I doubt I would be able to feel it this early with the placenta in the way. With DS2 I remember so clearly the first time I felt him kick. It was so clear and around 17 weeks. Ah well, thanking my blessings it's not placenta previa and I am still on track for a natural delivery.
I'm curious about my placenta, no one mentioned at my 12 week scan and the midwife hasn't said anything either! Maybe they'll tell me at the 20 week scan, I assume it's relatively important to know!
Oh and I'm terrible at gender guessing, all looks the same to me! Hopefully some better guessers can help!
I think mostly placentas are posterior and more rarely anterior so if it's posterior they probably don't mention it. Not that anterior is a problem, it's just not as common which is why my doctor mentioned it I would assume.
Ahh. That would make sense! I can hear the placenta really clearly on the Doppler, can hear it whooshing away!

My bump has popped out this weekend! Hurray! Now I need to think about buying some maternity tops.. my regular jumpers are starting to look a bit odd! Although mostly as I don't own a single 'long' top, so you can always see my elasticated waistband of my jeans!
Hey there ladies! Welcome MDC and congrats on a great scan. I don't know how to do the skull or nub theory well, so no guesses for you.

Amanda, how scary! What that nurse SHOULD have said was that it almost certainly is nothing at all to worry about, and pregnancy comes with many bizarre aches, pains, and sensations. However, if you're feeling particularly unusual and it's affecting your ability to function, then you may want to consider visiting the ER. NOT "get yourself to the ER asap", lol. Thanks a lot nurse. I'm so glad it was nothing. Back at about 10.5 weeks I was in a minor car accident and had cramping, so even though I was at the doc just days before I took myself right back in and wanted to be sure all was okay. The dr was very understanding, and I hope your medical team is too. This caring for a delicate life is scary business!

Danny, sorry it's taking a bit longer to feel movement with the placenta placement. I am guessing mine is not anterior as I can find baby's heartbeat super quick and easy without much digging or searching with my doppler. But I'm not feeling movement yet. Hope it happens soon... I'm so jealous of the all the early-movement-feelers!

I have about 10 days left until my 18 week level 2 scan. I haven't seen the baby since 10 weeks, so I am really really ready to lay eyes on him and see for myself that all is well.
Yay for popping-out bellies! I also feel like I am only days away from a proper baby bump and not just organ shift and wobbly gassy bits!

And yay for your scan Missdoc. My absolute best is seeing that little person on the screen. It's like a coffee date with your baby that you only get so rarely throughout your pregnancy when you really get to say "hi" and see them respond.

With DS1 & 2 I couldn't wait for each scan just so I could see them. This time round I am so paranoid about the gender I want them to check that out each time! I won't believe that I am having a daughter until I hold her in my arms (even saying "my daughter" feels like total fraud!)

Well I have a 17-week scan tomorrow and my mom is coming with. When my doc confirms the gender we are going shopping! Also, I never worried about the health of my other babies, but this one I am always worrying. Since I POAS!
Thanks Miss doc for the welcome. Good luck in your upcoming scan. Are you finding out the gender then? That reminds me I need to schedule mine.

Sonny I am always wrong too. I thought maybe boy but the US tech said girl. Go figure! Congrats on the official bump. I cannot wait.

Danny, how did the scan go?

Is anyone else stuffed up? I am going through Klennexs like they are going out of style.
MDC, I've been sneezing for weeks, but actually have a cold now, which TOTALLY sucks.
Yes started sneezing and sniffling again a few days ago. Keep worrying its a cold brewing cause we can't take anything and I'm off on holiday on Tuesday.

My scan was great but so so so confusing! My OBGYN just wouldn't confirm the gender. It was a comedy! He showed me in detail the vagina and pointed out the labia, vulva, large and small lips and basically said well this looks like what a vag should be like, but then when I said ok so a girl then, he just wouldn't answer! With my boys at this gestation he proudly and overtly wrote "it's a boy" next to the genitals. I know this is totally normal in every other country but my doc has always been so open about confirming at this stage as do all doctors in SA. Perhaps because this is my last chance at having a girl I am extra sensitive so I am noticing things that I didn't see with DS2.

But baby is healthy and on track with growth so at least I can go in to the holidays worry-free. Silly me being so concerned about the gender but this little girl is my dream.
Danny, I'd go ahead and tell everyone I was having a girl if I were you. <3 That sounds unmistakable.

My scan is on Friday. Anatomy + hopefully sex. Not certain what we will do if they can't show us for whatever reason though, since we both want to know.

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