Mid-May buddies!

Sorry to hear you ladies are feeling a bit of discomfort! And we have almost halfway to go still...

Sometimes I feel that way and other times I'm good, not sure but I think the yoga's stretching some room out or something! Of course, I was roomy at the start :haha:

Hope everyone's having a good week!
I'm debating starting up some yoga. It seems like it would be useful for aches and pains plus breathing techniques! I've been doing lots of walking since Christmas to try and build my fitness back up. It's appalling, I was so fit pre-pregnancy, now I can barely walk up a hill.. doh!

Hope everyone is doing alright post Christmas! I feel like time is dragging a bit, 23 weeks for me today.. I always hate January, feels like it goes on for about 3 years! In the UK, it's cold, wet and dark mostly. Bleugh. Time to count down to 28 weeks, 3rd trimester and I've booked a 4D/HD live scan! Eek!
January is the depths of winter here. Today we have a cold weather warning because the windchill is supposed to hit -40 or -45. Over the past week it's snowed a lot. Most of you folks probably wouldn't be willing to get behind a wheel in this weather, but we never shut down our city around here, so most of us know how to get where we're going without ending up in the ditch. I admit to being pretty freaked out by driving right now too though. :/

I hate winter.
Haha, I still get winded walking up the stairs every day to work. I refuse to take the elevator until 3rd tri, though! I think the yoga really helps with the aches and pains, though I admit I'm not the best at staying in the moment and focusing on breathing. It would be good if I got some other exercise in but I never seem to be able to make the time!

So cool you've booked a 4D scan!!

Art, -45?!? I thought it was bad here. We haven't gotten a windchill down below the negative singles yet, though. Driving through freezing rain is the WORST imo, any kind of ice! I thought things would be less apt to shut down here due to weather, but the schools must have been closed at least 5 times already this winter, and LOTS of people in ditches...but that's not that different from non-winter for some reason.

I'm just glad the days are finally getting longer. It's light when I get up and when I get out of work. YES! Still get to freeze for another few months, though.
Arturia, you must be in Canada as well? I'm in Québec, and it's been pretty mild, lots of freezing rain, rain, and dreary days.

I'm 22w4d today, and anxiously counting down to 3rd tri as well. Had an appointment on Monday, and all was good. Baby girl is moving every day, and have even felt her from the outside a few times! Some days her kicks/movements are much weaker, and actually freaked out about it over the weekend. Dr said it's normal, she's still tiny, and they don't recommend kick counts until 28 weeks. I guess she's just moved into a different position.

As for fitness, I signed up for aquafit which starts in a couple weeks, and will start yoga as well. Also, probably sounds completely childish hehe, but I set up my Wii, and have played "just dance" for 30 minutes the past few days. Figure at least it gets me moving a bit, and it's loads of fun. Due to the weather, I don't feel comfortable walking outside, as the streets are sheer ice.

Anyone else still feeling nausea? It's not every day now, can have a couple days where I feel good, but then it's back to gross for a day or two. I'm thinking this might last till the end. Oh well.
Yeah I'm Canadian, I just list my province in the location field though.

Freezing rain is bad, yeah, but ice at intersections is probably my least favourite, since sometimes my brakes/acceleration don't work very well. Also I drive the freeways, one in which the speed limit is 100km/h. Last night the roads were shiny with ice for a good several km, that's fun. Go too fast you lose traction, or you can just pretend you're skating or skiing and pay attention to the feel of your tires, and hope you don't have to stop, while people are tailgating you. :) Luckily mostly people don't go the limit in this weather.

One of my friends who lives outside the city and drives on the highways ended up in the ditch due to cross-breeze from a couple of semis. :/
Oof. That weather is cold! The UK pretty much shuts down if we get a CM of snow :) we are quite pathetic! Take care guys, it sounds pretty treacherous!

I'm still nauseous Amanda, it come and goes throughout the day and some days are better than others but it's definitely still a pain in the bum! I think my rediculous heartburn makes it worse, got a constant lump in my throat and reflux. Gross.

My little one is a kicker. I'm starting to notice a bit of a pattern but still nothing concrete. I certainly know when she is kicking though! My whole belly jumps around! I'm still not quite used to the sensation!
I grew up in Quebec Amanda!
I always laugh when we get snow in the UK, we really can't cope with it!

I feel fine physically but I am still always so tired. I met a friend for lunch today and a bit of shopping and i am shattered!
Hi ladies, I haven't posted in awhile. I just had my 20 weeks scan and baby boy looks perfect.
I've also started walking and got my Fitbit back out now that I'm not feeling like puking 24-7. I was a runner before I got pregnant and now my fitness has gone downhill.
I do still feel some queasiness from time to time. I still take a unisom/b6 combo at night, if I don't then I'm gaggy the whole next day.
It's cold and icy here today!
Oh my goodness ladies! What hectic weather. We have the opposite here -it's the middle of summer and can shoot up to 38 degrees Celsius. Luckily I haven't struggled in the heat yet. This is the first pregnancy I've had where I've been in 2nd tri over the hottest part of the year. With DS1&2 I was due in the hottest part of the year. Not fun! So it was stinking hot in first tri when you are feeling so ill and then winter in 2nd tri and then hot again approaching delivery. Ergh.

So sorry some of you are still feeling naeseous. That is the pits. I really hope it does go soon.

At this gestation with my last pregnancy my sides were so sore I had to wear a support belt. So far so good! No aches or pains just my pelvis feeling very bruised so I just get up carefully and changing position at night I have a special technique!

Baby is wriggling around and kicking big time which I can see on the outside so even with my anterior placenta I am still seeing it all. Hooray!

I am still doing my normal workout at gym 3 times a week. It's started to get really tough so I have taken it down a level or two for the cardio machines speed as I get heavier. I even have a chart on my wall counting down how many more workouts left till baby is born. I plan on stopping exercise about 2-3 weeks before my due date.
Is anyone else planning a pain medicine free birth? If so, what are you doing to prepare?
Good question - I'm in two camps. In a perfect scenario, I'd go med free and I'm going to go into labour with that mindset. However, in reality I know I am rubbish with pain and I suspect I totally won't cope. In which case, I'm all for a full on epidural! One of my biggest worries about labour is not actually the pain but the pain relief. I have a huge phobia of being sick and I know from experience that even coedine makes me throw up :( so I'm really concerned about needing anything stronger. I've had gas and air previously and I hated it. I instantly felt like the point of being drunk when you've had too much and feel dreadful. My midwife said pethadine is not good for sickness either. So my thoughts are if I can't cope with the pain, I just want to go straight to the epidural and skip the nausea inducing medications. But it seems in the UK that you really have to fight to get one .. :-/ I feel very anxious about it..

So I'm trying to prepare and see if I can go pain free. I'm halfway through a hypnobithing book and about to start my 'homework' from it. There are breathing and hypnosis practices and a few tracks to listen too several times a week. I can't afford hypnobirthing classes so other than my book and the regular practice it suggests, the rest will be my mental strength!
Sonny I was very sick during my first labor, I vomited every hour. I really think it was bc of the iv pain meds. My second birth I had just an epidural and no vomiting.
I will for sure have an epidural again
Sonny I'm like you, pain killers make me feel like death, and throw up. Percocet after my wisdom teeth removal was the worst experience. I've also been nervous about the nausea part. I'm all for the epidural (does that have the nausea side effect?), and I think it's pretty standard here if you want, never heard of anyone having to fight for it.
I'm going to go pain free, until such point as it appears pain is stalling the labor. I have no particular fear of the pain, though, so it doesn't feel like it's going to be an ordeal. I have way more fear of interventions.

EDIT: I meant to say pain-med free. Heh.
I am hoping for a drug-free birth. I'm busy reading an incredible book about natural birth and the spiritual side of giving birth -how it takes you to the deepest part of your soul and can be such a connecting experience with Source/God/your inner self.

All that said, I am an amateur even though on kid #3. DS1 was a section after 24 hours of inactive labour cramps that never got painful. DS2 was an easy-peasy VBAC with an epidural that I took only 2 hours into the serious contractions. I was too scared of being too tired and so just wanted to let my body do what it naturally felt like doing without being controlled by my fear and anxiety and pain. Still, I know how I felt after only that very first real contraction and I honestly am going to have to do a lot of work mentally preparing for the marathon. At least I now know that my body is capable of a vaginal delivery -so that factor is no longer an issue.
Hehe, I noticed I said I'm going to go pain free :) I wish! By that I mean pain medication free!

As far as I've read, the epidural isn't a nausea causing drug. Everything else they offer seems to have it listed as a no.1 side effect! I do acknowledge that I can't actually control being sick naturally which I know some people are and I imagine when I'm in so much pain, perhaps I won't care! But my phobia brain tells me to avoid anything that may cause it (pregnancy was not ideal for my phobia lol)! I'm going to discuss it with my midwife some more, she said they can make it very clear on my notes that I must be given regular anti-sickness in labour which should help! I've heard the drug for a managed placenta birth makes you sick as well.. doh! I wish I wasn't so worried about sickness, it's silly really! I'm very rational about it when I'm not feeling sick but the minute I feel sick, I go to pieces!
Epidural didn't make me sick last time but it seriously hurt my pushing. I pushed 4 hours and I blame that on not feeling things a good portion of that time. Then I felt all the pain but couldn't change positions because still restricted movement. It was traumatizing... I don't blame anyone who gets medications/epidural as it hurts a lot. I called it pain medication free vs. natural as I think all birth is natural.

Sonny, I think it is common to throw up in transition and its a good sign but hopefully they can manage that for you.

I read Ina May Gaskin's book and I really liked it. I need to look into Hypnobirthing. I just can't afford real classes with a toddler now.
I admire you ladies for trying pain free. I know I couldn't do it though.
I want to give birth in my midwife led unit at the hospital and you can't have an epidural there.
I am open to having one though so if I feel like I need it I will ask to move down the hall to the area where they do give epidural!

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