Mid-May buddies!

I'm planning on a med-free birth. I too am more afraid of the interventions and related complications than the pain itself. I am birthing in a hospital but using a doula and hypnobabies program for pain management. When I tell any of my friends, they tell me "we'll just see about that... everyone thinks they'll go med free and then caves because it can be pretty bad." It's frustrating and disheartening, but I currently have every confidence that I can do it, and everyone saying I can't just makes me more determined to give it my best shot.
I'm planning on a med-free birth. I too am more afraid of the interventions and related complications than the pain itself. I am birthing in a hospital but using a doula and hypnobabies program for pain management. When I tell any of my friends, they tell me "we'll just see about that... everyone thinks they'll go med free and then caves because it can be pretty bad." It's frustrating and disheartening, but I currently have every confidence that I can do it, and everyone saying I can't just makes me more determined to give it my best shot.

It is hard since there's little support for a medication free birth at least in the US. I feel like I could've done it last time so it is what I want this time. I need to order hypnobabies home study. Reading all the positive birth stories in Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth and in the natural birth section here has been helpful with my positivity.
I thought about the fact that the drugs can lengthen the labor process, but I decided the risk wasn't high enough to rule out taking them and the epidural.

Perhaps if they had more resources around here for natural birth (and they were covered by insurance), that would be more of an option for me. I don't understand the whole lying down in a bed to give birth thing, really...doesn't it make more sense to squat and let gravity help us out?

That being said, I won't take anything until I need it!
Doc is concerned about the seeming braxton hicks I've been having. Uterus goes hard for awhile, usually seems to happen mid-afternoon when I've been sitting for awhile. I get a scan to check cervical length and doc warned me about preterm labor. The thought of, on top of all the crazy stress from my marriage and parents' health, having to meet this baby much sooner than I anticipated, just fills me with dread.

EDIT: I'm also scared of having a baby with severe disabilities. If I thought my marriage wouldn't survive a healthy baby... you can darn well bet I'll be a single mom if she comes early enough to get diagnosed with something terrible.
Arturia, it seems a little premature (pardon the pun) for your doctor to imply that braxton hicks mean you may deliver early. From everything I've looked at it is totally normal. I've had some too and my doctor said, yep, it's par for the course. Nothing to be worried about. I hope your testing relieves your doctor's worries, and you don't even have to deal with a higher risk of premature labor. Good luck!

Jenzy, I love the stories in Ina May's book. I wish there were more natural birth in hospital setting stories, but it's really reassuring none the less.

Becca, I'm totally with you! I wish there were more good resources to help with med free birthing for healthy women. There is plenty of research that shows that lying back on the bed and being immobilized isn't ideal for baby and mom, yet with an epidural you have to be. That's annoying to me. I could probably deal with that though, the more fearful thing for me is a c section. Longer harder labors with reduced sensation are more likely to lead to bigger or surgical interventions, and for some reason those scare me more than labor. I mean, if I need it I need it (anything for a healthy baby!), but I'm scared of creating a situation where I'll be more likely to have those things. I am really hoping the money we're paying for a doula ends up being worth it! Sure wish insurance covered it.

Tomorrow I get to see the little one on scan and I'm very excited! The last time he was a stinker and wouldn't cooperate, so they're doing a repeat to get all the measurements they wanted 5 weeks ago.
MissDoc, I think he was just telling me what happens if the scan shows a shortened cervix, whereas the chances are good I was just experiencing stress and dehydration. I'm only just now finally able to drink water again without feeling almost immediately nauseous, and even then I'm not certain my 4pm nausea ISN'T from the water.
Well said Becca! If you've watched the documentary "The business of being born" you will see my philosophy about birth. Here in SA I am up against horrid odds for a natural birth. Everyone gets a section. They barely give you a minute to labour before they are wheeling you off to theatre. It's crazy. So I was incredibly lucky to get my VBAC. My gynae is amazing. The girl in the room next door to me during the birth of DS2 had the same labour as me but her gynae pulled the plug after only a few hours of labour even though nothing was wrong. The anesthetist who did both of our epidurals said I was so so lucky I was allowed to follow through till the end.

Wow Art that's tough. I'm sorry for the worry and upset you are going through. It is always so scary when a doctor gives you news like that when we are none the wiser.

Yay for tomorrow's scan Missdoc!
MissDoc there are hospital births in the natural birth forum here. There's a sticky with positive birth stories.

Arturia I've had Braxton hicks for at least a month. Try to stay as hydrated as possible. I think the doctor went a little overboard. I'm a nicu nurse and have seen many babies do great without disabilities.
DannyPop, it is confounding to me to section everyone. It is major surgery and has a higher mortality rate. I'm glad it exists for when needed but most shouldn't need one. I'm glad you got the birth you want.
I too am having Braxton hicks, they do concern me but I know it's just part of it.
My cousin just did an all natural birth, she was determined and she did it. It definitely can be done. I respect others decision but I know I couldn't handle it and will be getting an epidural again at the first chance. I have a low pain tolerance and then it makes me panic. I hope you all get the birth you want no matter what you decide!
Might be because the doc has an U/S machine in the clinic so it's no big ordeal to just take a look too. I don't know. I still think the doc is just being safe. Or it's because they did a check a bit after my anatomy U/S due to this 'cramping' that I think was just the start of the BH. I didn't know what they were and asked the nurse and they all -assumed- it was painful when I just said 'hard/heavy' and used the word 'cramps' because NO I didn't know what they were!
It's interesting to hear different birth experiences around the world. I think they are quite keen for you to cope with more minor drugs in the UK. Gas & Air seems to be handed to everyone straight off and water births seem fairly common so long as there is a pool for you at the time! But my friends and colleagues all had to fight for their epidurals :-/ maybe it's just our local hospital! Sections are certainly only emergency or pre-planned if there is an issue with a natural birth.

It seems more common to have a managed placenta delivery in the UK, as opposed to a natural one too. Does anyone have an preference on that? I don't really want the drug but I've heard it helps you bleed less afterwards? Which I'd be quite keen on! My friend had a natural delivery and then bled so much, they gave her part of the injection anyway to slow it down! I was then reading online that you do tend to bleed more without the injection?
Art, sorry to hear about the concern. I hope everything turns out ok. Sounds like your doc is being very cautious, which is good, but also causing a lot of anxiety. How soon do you get the scan?

I'm definitely wanting to check out this Ina May book after hearing you ladies talk about it!

I've been doing a bit of checking, and our hospital does offer a few amenities - birthing balls, tubs, but I have to talk to them to find out what my insurance might actually cover. It seems like they will pay all kinds of money for drugs but when it comes to anything holistic forget about it. I'm also hoping to avoid a c-section. It's already enough trauma to add more if you don't have to! I'm sure your doula is a great investment :)

Looking forward to hearing about your scan!

Danny, I'm shocked at how easily they will go against natural birth there! I'm glad you got to deliver the way you wanted! It's so strange they would go for that, I'm sure they must have some justification, but like Jenzy said I thought they reserved it for as-needed! That being said, I do see the hospital I will deliver at does 40% c-sections, which still seems high to me.

Sonny, it is interesting to hear about our various birth experiences! And they don't even offer gas & air here, but always the option of the epidural and IV drugs. So strange!
becca - Tuesday. EDIT: Also, that c-section rate is WAY too high. The WHO recommendation is maybe 15% of the population should be getting sections. 40% seems likely to actually increase maternal death, although of course that's just me wondering WHY. It's major surgery and you can have complications like infection. I've even heard the average US rate is 30% or something.
Arturia I appreciate a cautious Dr!
Sonny as far as I know gas and air aren't even an option in the us.
I was able to deliver my twins vaginally and am shocked when I see people say with twins it's an automatic c section. I had no problems other than they were a whole hour apart.
Art, you're right, it is high! I double checked the pamphlet and those stats are from 2014. The 2016 stats are actually 11.3%, according to the news. I guess they stopped doing them unless absolutely necessary, which I agree with. I guess they were doing scheduled C-sections on request for people like military wives whose spouses were going on deployment, or because the hospital was well staffed at certain times and thus it was convenient to deliver them then! BS. I'm super glad to see they have improved their C-section percentages so drastically in 2 years! They actually conduct a review on every single C-section they have and why it happened. And you're right, the US average is 26%. I'm so relieved!
11% is good. They probably stopped as many inductions too.
Ooh, arturia, I hope they don't find you have a short cervix on your scan. That one is a higher risk for pre-term birth, but Braxton hicks are not a risk on their own. This week my BH contractions have gone through the roof. If I walk for long they start and get pretty intense. But at my ultrasound on Thursday the doc said nothing to be worried about, just stop whatever I'm doing at the time and see if they calm down. He confirmed that my cervix is nice and long, so for me the contractions don't signify that risk. I super hope your scan goes well!!
I spent a few hours in the Maternity assesmemt unit yesterday.
On Friday I thought I may have had the beginning of a urine infection as I have a lot of pressure, I was going to the loo quite often but with a lot of wee and no burning so I thought I'd leave it and see if anything came about.
Yesterday morning I woke up and had pink tinged tissue when I wiped and then about 30 mins later quite a lot of blood.
Went in and had a urine dip,heard baby's heartbeat and the doctor did an internal to make sure the blood wasn't coming from my cervix as I have a low lying placenta.
Urine has white blood cells in it so they are treating it as a UTI and I have meds for 7 days.

Midwife gave us a scare as she couldn't find the heartbeat with 2 different dopplers and then turned to ask me if I had felt baby move lately!! Finally she found it tucked down very low,exactly where baby was lying during the scan a few weeks ago.
Oh Mary, that is terrifying! I'm so glad they found that baby is okay and are treating you for the UTI. Hope it clears up very soon!

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