Art, sorry to hear about the concern. I hope everything turns out ok. Sounds like your doc is being very cautious, which is good, but also causing a lot of anxiety. How soon do you get the scan?
I'm definitely wanting to check out this Ina May book after hearing you ladies talk about it!
I've been doing a bit of checking, and our hospital does offer a few amenities - birthing balls, tubs, but I have to talk to them to find out what my insurance might actually cover. It seems like they will pay all kinds of money for drugs but when it comes to anything holistic forget about it. I'm also hoping to avoid a c-section. It's already enough trauma to add more if you don't have to! I'm sure your doula is a great investment
Looking forward to hearing about your scan!
Danny, I'm shocked at how easily they will go against natural birth there! I'm glad you got to deliver the way you wanted! It's so strange they would go for that, I'm sure they must have some justification, but like Jenzy said I thought they reserved it for as-needed! That being said, I do see the hospital I will deliver at does 40% c-sections, which still seems high to me.
Sonny, it is interesting to hear about our various birth experiences! And they don't even offer gas & air here, but always the option of the epidural and IV drugs. So strange!