Mid-May buddies!

Oh Mary, that is extremely terrifying! I'm glad that everything is ok, and I hope the UTI clears up quickly!
Mary, sorry about the scare with the hb! That's always a hard moment, when they have a hard time finding it. Glad nothing came of the blood - hope the infection clears up quickly!

We've made a bit of progress in the nursery with painting. I'm feeling a few more kicks (one on Saturday actually made me gasp!) now. How's everyone else doing?
Mary, that's pretty scary. I had blood in my urine right around New Years but since I felt my baby kicking about as usual and didn't feel feverish, I decided to wait until I could speak to someone in the morning. Went on an antibiotic for 5 days. I've been getting a little more pain/urge over this weekend, but since it's intermittent I'm not convinced it's not my uterus pressing on my bladder. She moved a ton on Friday and I felt her less over the weekend (still feeling wriggles, but softer) so I think she re positioned.

I told my husband off about being a better partner to me around a week ago and he seems to be coming around for now. We'll see how it lasts.

I'm also trying to be better about boundaries when he's insulting or spewing criticism all over me, which has had a serious effect on our relationship as is. Nobody needs to feel like they can't do anything right when their partner has to keep 'telling them how to do stuff'. I'm not incompetent, but I've had to remind him that I do things differently and see things differently than he does, and that it needs to be OK.

The grandmothers-to-be seem to want to spoil me. We went out yesterday to get ideas for my registry which turned into MIL and my own mom buying me a bunch of stuff. I bought candy. :haha: And now I own a baby carrier and an umbrella stroller I can't use until she's 6 months and a bunch of cute booties.
Art, it's good to hear your DH is receptive to your complaints. I hope he comes around and stays around.

I'm stoked for you about the registry/shopping trip! No better time to get spoiled :)
Mary- Glad everything is OK with baby and it is just a UTI.

Art- I hope he starts treating you nicer. Glad you got to register and get spoiled. What stroller did you get?
Mary- Glad everything is OK with baby and it is just a UTI.

Art- I hope he starts treating you nicer. Glad you got to register and get spoiled. What stroller did you get?

I dunno. It was something hanging off a rack and as I'm not at home, I can't check the model. It's some shade of blue so maybe people are gonna think she's a boy. (she's likely to end up with more blue stuff because it's one of my favourite colors though... lol)
Oo, that sounds super scary Mary. Glad everything was OK and hope the UTI clears up quickly! They found blood in my urine around 15/16 weeks ish although nothing as scary as you! I had no sign of infection, so they said it was probably just normal for me! :-/ I do find it hard to wee these days, I think baby must be smack on my bladder as I have to really try hard to empty my bladder! It's very odd!

Art - hope your OH treats you better. No-one deserves to be badly treated, even more so when carrying their baby! I'm glad you got spoilt :)

I'm pottering along and desperately trying to avoid catching the vast range of colds going around my office! It's like being sat in a doctors waiting room at the moment, everyone is coughing and sneezing! :( my little one is a mega kicker, the last 2/3 weeks she's been booting me all evening and after lunch! You can see my belly jumping around! :) although now I get really worried if she has a quiet day which she seems too every few days!
Yikes Mary what a horrible experience. I know exactly how YOUR heart must've felt when they were searching for baby's. So so so glad everything is alright.

I also had a UTI at 18 weeks. I still feel weird whenever on the loo -it's like there is so much pressure right on my vag and I know it's impossible but it feel so like baby is going to pop right out!

Art I'm glad you explained things to your DH and I hope he comes round to seeing how difficult pregnancy is on us. And we feel guilty cause we wanted it so badly but it's still hard to be happy and energetic when all you want to do is crawl under the covers and hibernate! My SIL told my DH off about how he must be gentler with me and understand that I am tired. He does EVERYthing for the kids and for our home so I feel so bad when I am grumpy and tired and moaning but at the end of the day I am useless!!
Ughhhhh, nurseries! I feel so far behind! I still need to clean our room out and then paint over the hideous pepto bismol pink in that room. Lol, it feels like there is still so much to do and time is going by quick! As for spoiling.... my Mom has definitely been spoiling our little man already... mother in-law, not so much. She is insistent on getting us a crib and originally was planning a girls weekend trip to the city with me in Jan but now it's pushed back to March because her schedule is "soooo busy". I don't mean to sound whiny but she does this all the time. She makes plans and cancels them last minute like I have nothing better to do even though I am swamped both at work and at home! I swear, it would just be easier for me to go buy it since I have to go to the big city in Feb anyways.
Mary that is so scary, so glad all is well.
I have a nasty cough, but doing well otherwise.
My MIL is insistent on helping with the crib and stroller. I feel uncomfortable, but when I asked a friend who's good at social etiquette what to do... she reminded me that it's a grandparent's prerogative to spoil the first grandchild. She's spoiling my daughter moreso than me, and it's rude to reject it. But when it comes to help, I can still make sure I'm not asking her to chip in on expensive stuff.

That being said, the actual purchase of big ticket stuff for our child is pretty close to done, aside from the above mentioned items and a dresser from kijiji. So afterwards I guess I can just assemble what's left of my registry (mostly clothing and receiving blankets and diapers and bottles and little stuff like that) and get ready for my shower. We have a date set for it too! :)

EDIT: It occurred to me I should probably look for a sale on baby themed thank you cards, but I'd also like to see what colors MIL is thinking of for the invites.
Ha, ninja, ours was a terrible dark mini-golf green! I agree, so much left to do! We barely have any of the big stuff bought at all and I know some ladies who are already running out of things to plan.

Sorry about your MIL, it's such a pain when people don't get their priorities straight! Doesn't she realize how much missing that big piece of the pie could stress you out?
I'm feeling behind, I need to clean out our last extra bedroom, and that will require finding storage space for all that stuff, then I need to paint. I'm going to move my twins to toddler beds and use one of their cribs for the baby. I have a double stroller so I'm just going to get a Tula carrier and wear the baby. I have a few clothes and blankets and 2 boxes of diapers. I'm getting excited and want to get started
Oh my goodness, lol I haven't really started anything! I know what colours I'm doing, but that's it. Still have to clean out the room, paint, and shop. We bought the stroller and monitor on Boxing Day, and have been given a crib (which we have to pick up in Toronto), a bassinet, bouncer, and pack 'n play. Just starting to put together a registry for my shower in March. It still feels far away though, sigh hehe. Also, we're thinking of cloth diapering, anyone else? Or does anyone have experience or views on it?
We are not doing to bad for organisation I don't think. We started quite early as it's our first! We've been incredibly lucky and had SO much bought for us. Pretty much all the bigger items bar the cotbed & chest of drawers, which we've paid for! I honestly feel quite overwhelmed with everyone's generosity!

We've not started the nursery yet, my inlaws are coming up in Feb to paint it for us! Yet more generosity but they desperately seem to want to do it so they are welcome!

I think once that's done, it'll be time to start thinking about more basics, like getting some nappies and wipes etc! Oh and breast feeding stuff etc! I'm kinda reluctant to over buy nappies etc though until we know what size she is! My OH's sister bought so much newborn stuff (clothes and nappies) and he popped out huge and never fitted into any of them! Keen to try and avoid that I think?
Yeah, for the more expensive items I think we have most of it taken care of. I got a swing and pack n play handed down from my uncle which they had gotten for their nephew, I bought a mamaroo on kijiji for a great deal, got a glider from and antique store for $35 (just need to recover it because the color is terrible but it works great!), my MIL insists on buying the crib while my mom and grandma got us a bassinet, we got a jogging stroller/car seat combo through a black friday sale in november, and I have a dresser waiting to be picked up at my parents' house. I think now the most expensive thing we need to get is a high chair and a breast pump. Lol!

I will admit, since finding out it's a boy I have gone a little crazy buying clothes. My mom keeps telling me not to buy stuff till after the shower but the shower is in April and I like being prepared in advance. I hate to just assume that people will get me stuff and I want to get the bulk of it out of the way while I am still receiving a full paycheck!
Amanda, I like the idea of cloth diapering, but my OH is firmly against it, so I guess we'll be doing disposables.

Sonny, it's wonderful people are being so generous! Enjoy it :) I love how kind everyone is. You make a good point about nappies, I didn't even think of that! I was planning on requesting people bring various age ranges to the shower because really, how many newborn ones will you need in the long run?

Haha, Ninja, with the clothes! I have to stop myself from buying more tiny mary janes...but you know, I probably should stock up on bows and cute hats...never can have too many! I agree with you on assuming people will buy - definitely a no go! April seems like a long time to wait. My shower is in March and I don't even want to wait until then. I figure get the big stuff and let people bring whatever little stuff they want to.
It's so hard to judge sizing I think! The majority of clothes we've bought are 0-3months as I figure no matter what size baby comes out, she will get some use of them! But I feel like we should have some newborn stuff as it's likely she will need that size at first. But my nephew has thrown me as he was such a chunk! I keep having to remind myself that I can buy baby things once baby is here and we know her weight! We have a Mothercare and many a supermarket very nearby.. Or I'll be at home to take a delivery of online shopping! :) same with nappies, obviously we need plenty for the hospital and first few days but we will be able to easily get hold of nappies once she arrives!

February next week.. third trimester is creeping very close! Annoyingly, I've been diagnosed with anaemia this week :( so I'm stuck on iron for the next 3 months, doh :( My body does not like pregnancy, it's one thing after another!
I honestly received very, very little newborn clothing at my showers last time and I had to buy more. I think everyone bought 3 or 6 month clothing. I have enough 6 months for like 10 kids :haha:. My 6 pounder was in newborn for about 6 weeks. For diapers, at least keep them unopened as walmart will take anything they sell back or target exchanges. Pampers burned my Henry's butt so I had to return them all but it wasn't too hard.

I have the room mostly organized/cleaned out as it was a DISASTER. It's already blue so I'll just keep that for ease lol. I made my husband help me during Christmas break as I saw how big I was getting already and thought it'd be hard after too much longer. It isn't perfect but it is much more manageable now.
Thanks for all the well wishes, feeling so much better and finish my antibiotics tomorrow.
The midwife was very professional and didn't say she couldn't find baby, just that baby was still small and maybe a different doppler would be better but DH and I could see the look on her face of panic!

Our baby's room is just full of baby stuff! We have started calling it the baby's room though so thats a start I guess.
I painted it green last year knowing it would hopefully soon be a nursery. I want to get a few wall lights for it and some photos up.
We have a chicco next to me crib for when the baby is born. Baby will sleep in our room for at least 6 months.
DH's aunt is buying us a pram and I think she will order it in the next few weeks. It is the icandy raspberry, we chose it because we live in London and its quite small and light, also the handle extends a lot which is a must for my tall husband!

Amanda we are going to use cloth on our baby probably from 6-8 weeks onwards.
I am going to use a british brand bambino Mio solos.
My sister who is in Canada has bought a starter pack of Lil Helpers from costco.ca for her baby. They are a Canadian company with great reviews.
I know a lot of people who have used cloth and they really say its no bother, an extra 2 washes a week.

ETA these are the diapers she got ay costco. She said the prints change every few months at costco. You can of course buy them elsewhere too just that costco is a good deal.


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