Mid-May buddies!

Congrats!!! Yay first baby born, let's get the rest of them out now :)
What she said ⬆️
I have been walking and walking and I think I'm having less Braxton hicks now. Not my plan
Lanet I can relate!!! Had LESS contractions yesterday. Like umm, nope! Supposed to be getting worse, not better! Lol
Same with me today! I've had a very quiet day in terms of 'signs'! Feeling relatively comfortable annoyingly! Even her head didn't feel quite as bowling ball like on my walk today!

One of my cats is acting very oddly this evening and hasn't eaten or drunk all day :( so now I'm all worried she's ill and I'm going to end up going into labour and not be able to get her to the vet if needed! :( Not good timing kitty cat! Although I'm certainly not expecting a baby tonight..!
I'm 39+3 today.

Sonny, sorry to hear about your cat! Hopefully it's just that she senses something is coming?
Could be I suppose.. she's spent the evening hiding under the cot upstairs which is very unlike her. She flinches back if we go to stroke her :( she looks so sad!

I was really hoping baby might come on her due date, just to beat the odds :) you have just over 24 hours little one.. !
You guys are so close it literally has to be any second now!!
Mine was born May 9 at 4:28am after I went into labor on my due date at bedtime. Absolutely forgot to update as I am enamored with her! Long labor but I am absolutely glad I was with a midwife at a birth center. They probably would have intervened otherwise. Full story when I'm not on my phone at bedtime.
OK here's how it went.

I started having contractions on my due date in the evening, but didn't catch on that I needed to be timing them until after I'd crawled into bed. They weren't really close enough together but were enough to keep me up so I went to take a bath. After a couple hours they did seem to be, so I called the midwife. She chatted for a bit and told me to see how I felt in an hour.

After an hour I called saying I felt a fair amount of pressure in my bum and we went in. I wasn't that dilated when she checked me and my contractions weren't all -that- strong yet so we went home with a shot of gravol to help me sleep some. (as since this happened at BEDTIME I was already exhausted) Hubby was tired and irritated too. He goes to sleep after passing his work responsibilities off for Monday. I try, but end up shaky while drowsing. The heating pad is the only thing keeping me from falling over when I get up. (apparently I'm cold or something.)

I manage to rest a bit during the day, sort of. Really light sleep. Contractions ease off a lot while I'm resting, and I get a couple 1/2 hour breaks. By 2pm I feel up for some food, so I grab a bowl of cereal. Don't really remember too much about the few hours afterwards, but I do end up in the bath again for awhile. Also, my plug started to come out. SO GROSS. A few hours after that, I'm in a ton of pain, not coping too well, want to cry through a contraction, shaking, ask hubby for help because I also need to pee. He comes in, gets me out, dries me off, observes more plug which I never noticed. :haha:

Water isn't helping here so I get out and walk/lie on the couch. Not coping so I call the midwife. She's busy with another difficult birth so her alternate (an awesome lady) agrees to come check me at home. It's 9pm at this point. Start timing again at my dh's insistence. Turns out my time perception is messed, they are close enough. MW arrives, checks, apparently I've HIT TRANSITION and didn't know. lol. (She just said I didn't have much cervix left though, but told hubby my progress) We are going to the birth center. :dohh:

I get there, crawl into the tub again, enjoy relaxing in it (it's AWESOME) but after awhile it's apparent my contractions are slowing down again, so we get out and have me walk around for an hour. I get to hang on to hubby through each one. It's extremely helpful as pain management. Walking gets things going a fair bit, but she's not descending completely because my water still hasn't broken, but I still feel a bit of urge to push. We break it and I get back into the tub. I'm trying to push but my position isn't too effective. So she has me try a different position, which works marvelously.

Pushing feels weird. Also that moment of shock when she pops out and then you're holding her. First thought: That fit inside me? WOW. :happydance:

We named her Robin Willow. DH actually picked the middle name, finally. Also he appears to have bonded with her already. 5 seconds of skin to skin while I was getting stitched was all it took. (first degree tear)

It DID take a long time overall. (10-11 pm May 7th to 4:28 May 9th) Shockingly I managed to keep my energy levels relatively good throughout and as I'd been sleeping well up until that night the broken rest I got was enough to carry me through. Mostly I got calories through liquids and only threw up twice. XD (unfortunately once on the midwife because I missed the bucket. SORRY) If I'd been in the hospital, almost certainly something would have been done to 'hurry it up' and I am sure I would have gotten an epidural at some point. So basically, I'm really glad I was with a midwife at a center because, other than being long, this turned out to be the birth experience I wanted. :)
What a wonderful birth story arturia!! You are so brave! Pain scares me so much, I don't cope well, that's why I have the epidural.
Congrats and what a beautiful name! What was her weight?
Sounds like a long but successful birth Arturia! Congratulations again! I'm hoping to cope as well as you did..I'm not too great with pain though :-/ as someone with a sickness phobia, what do you think made you throw up? Just the sheer amount of pain? I'm honestly so worried about being sick in labour :( it's really silly I know! I probably won't care at all at the time!

Her name is fab, really love the name Robin 😊 Hope you are really enjoying your first few days as a new family!
Lanet - 6lbs 6oz. I was never scared of the pain. It still was worse than I expected by the end, but nothing I couldn't handle. Mostly I remember wishing it was over already. :haha:

Sonny: I think it was just I'd tried to eat something too close to transition the first time, then was sipping a powerade the second time. At least the powerade was a huge help, for what did get through my system. I needed the electrolytes. It's not uncommon to vomit during transition though.
That makes sense, I've certainly been warned it's common to be sick at transition! My doc/midwife have given me anti-sickness to take at the start of labour at home and it's well documented in my notes to jab me with some more as I progress.. hopefully it'll help! Sounds like you did a excellent job!

No sign of a due date baby .. spent the day with my friends from antenatal class having a complain about it & eating cake :) made me feel much better!
Congrats ladies!!

Ha ha Art my waters broke on May 10th at 4.30am!!! Had a shower, hair wash and calmly went to hospital with my mom. DH stayed home with the boys so he could do the school lifting that morning. My contractions only began to kick in around 730am and DH arrived at the hospital 10 mins before she was born.

I literally started pushing as he walked in at 9.40am. Born at 9.50am!!!

Will update with full birth story later but no drugs, not even gas and air and was the only one in the whole hospital to have a vagina delivery. Feeling so elated and relieved
Congratulations Danny! Sounds like a great birth! Hope you are enjoying your new addition :)

I'm so jealous of you all...I feel so fed up today! Hurry up baby!

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