mid term ttc!

bizy- no witch is not here yet... i hope she stays away another 2-3 days... fxd.
Lately i have had a 15 day lp and I hate it! I wish mine were 12 or 13 days! But thankfully witch has been smart, when I go for my fertility apt on sept 24 I will either get witch 2 days before 1 day before or the day of which means I am just in time to start meds for IUI!!!!!!! There is no wait list for IUI.. I was worried I wouldn't get my blood work in for cd3 stuff cause they mailed the form our friday but I got them today which is cd3 for me! So off I went to the doc and the blood clinic, things are working out beautifully for once! I am so happy, I want that witch to come the day of my appointment... I WANT her for once. I am so excited to start.. got to fill out our paper work and booklets tonight with DH.... So freaking exciting!!!
That is exciting! I'm glad pieces are falling in place for you:thumbup:

DH and I are off to the FS in the morning, so I will be letting you all know what's up with us tomorrow night!!!
yes good luck allison and you to nids, hope the witch stays away!
Ooh, aussie... I'm cheering for you.

Kelly, that's fantastic news that you can start so quickly. Love the PMA!

Allison, how did your appointment go? Hope all is well. xx
aww thanks for all the interest ladies! i feel so loved :hugs:

It went as well as I could have hoped. It was just a consult, and based on me and my endo and DH and his poor sample he seemed to think we were good candidates for IUI! Great news since it's cheaper :) 600$ a month for me here.
Because the house is on the market we REALLY don't have that money right now so we need to put it off, BUT (and this is the awesome part) we were telling my mom all of this and she offered to pay for it with the money my grandma left her when she passed recently!!! She said grandma would have slapped her if she didn't :haha: haha SO... we start as soon as I start a new cycle again :happydance: I already have my prescription for clomid and everything!

Also, just in case your interested...

DH results were:
10 mil sperm of 20 mil normal
5 mil motility " "
and morphology was only 2% well formed
80% with severe morph

The countdown is on!!!!!!!!!
I know! Unfortunately i'm on cycle day 5 :( luckily I only have a 24 day cycle, so it's not that bad....
Wow we'll be doing it together chicky! You a week before me! Your DH's results give me hope that IUI will work for us now!!!!! I love you alison!!!!! Whoot! mine DH's results were (as per second SA) 22.6 million count. Motility was 45% and morphology was 8-10% formed properly.

I am cycle day 5 today to although my cycle is about a week longer then yours.

So if I understand your results properly your DH has half the normal amount of sperm and motility right? Ours were done in percentages. Also DH's mom offered to help pay for some of our IVF if we had to go that far but hopefully we won't. I feel much better about IUI now.. a little jealous that you get to start so soon!!! But SUPER happy for you!!!!! Now I can't wait to be your IUI buddy if you'll have me!
ok Allison and Tiffany... now i feel left out :cry::cry:.. (kidding)
my prcedure is a long one and i will not be getting my :bfp: (if) until late october or early november.. but very soon ladies i will be joining you.. so watch out :haha:

so happy for you girls... group hug time ?:hugs::hugs::hugs:
No Tiffany, we cannot be IUI buddies ( said with sarcasm and a goofy face).
I need you girls to talk to because quite frankly a "uterine catheter" sounds like NO fun!!! haha I never ever thought I would be this excited to be cathed...weird.

Wow, this is really going to happen for us isn't it?

And Nids, my dear, my love, just cause you are starting later than Tiffany and I doesn't mean we still won't have simultaneous BFP's! And hell even if round 1 works we will still be close by.

Woot! I haven't been this positive in.... well long enough that I don't know when.:happydance:

I love you guys. Just though you should know :hugs:
Oh my god girls, wouldn't that be awesome if we all got our bfp's next cycle? Kelly, Allison, and I with IUI and Aussie through IVF...
We have waited so long for this! :hugs: xx
Bizy you're starting IUI to? When?

Nids don't worry I won't get my BFP till Oct if the first round of IUI works to. I won't be starting drugs till around the 24th of sept, Allison will only be a week or so a head of me to.

I never thought I would be so excited for a uterine catheter either but after many frantic calls to the clinic cause the HSG hurt so effing much they promised me it would be nothing like the hsg no clamp or anything!
I'm loving all the PMA in this thread!! I love you girls, I miss being an active member in this thread (even though I still post somewhat frequently :p), but I know I shouldn't stick my nose in ttc too much. I'm so happy everything is moving for all you wonderful girls. It is really going to be happening for us all. I'm excited for you girls to be in the pregnancy section with me... BnB isn't the same for me without having you guys in the same area. I don't spend nearly as much time on here as I did.. But once you all are knocked up too it'll be fun to go through that together. :friends:
chelsea - as much as im happy for you , im equally sad not to talk to u more often.. dont worry my dear.. we will be joining u soon.. u have to be our guiding star..:hugs::hugs:..

Allison and Tiffany - IUI will work for u girls.. it has to ... :thumbup::thumbup:.. we all are getting knocked up pretty soon now... and very soon we will be joining Chelsea and complaning about MS and all.. :shrug:

Bizy- ur starting IUI too? when??

This thread will soon be filled with :bfp: now... in 2 months from today.. if our prcedures are successful.. there will be a bean ot two in each of us... :happydance::happydance:
oh and Chelsea- whenever i see ur ticker... it brings me so much hope...
good luck babe xxx
Yea Chelsea, I love that you're the most recent "winner"! I think I can speak for the group in saying that you can be just as active in our thread as you want to be. We love you, bean and all :)
Hi there!

Sorry for the radio silence, I've had a very hectic couple of days. I was birth companion to a friend (also a BnB member) and she went into labour on Tuesday. I had a mad dash across London in a cab when her husband called me at work to say I was needed. Labour was hard work for her and in the end the baby's head was in an odd position and her heart rate was dropping so they whipped her into theatre and gave her a spinal block before using a suction cup to get the baby out.

Her husband was in with her and I was pacing around outside! :rofl: Mother and baby doing well. Of course all this happened at night so I didn't get home until 3am. I spent the next day visiting and picking up bits and pieces so I'm rather shattered now! I live just over an hour's drive away and driving in London can be stressful at the best of times!

Anyhoo, in TTC land all is rather rubbish. AF has arrived but not with gusto so I'm not sure if I'm back on CD1 or not. My periods are so light that it's hard to tell. Very frustrating. I started spotting from CD8 and I think I've only managed an 11 day LP. Boo.

DH doesn't have his SA results back yet, hoping that'll be tomorrow. We have one month together before he's off travelling with work again so I feel that this cycle is our last shot for a while.

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