i have just asked for this for christmas!!
i know! hubby getting annoyed at me ( apparently i have expensive taste, and we cant have everything!!) now am majorly sulking lol
Hello everyone
Just back from first midwife appointment. She confirmed due date as 21 July. I'll see her again on 29 December and should have my first scan w/c 4 January.
My DS is 14 tomorrow so we're not telling family about the baby until his birthday has passed. Want to keep the focus on him for his birthday.
OH very excited and just about accepted he is going to be a Daddy. He is a fantastic step-father to my DS and I have no doubt he will be a brilliant Dad to this one too.
Feeling really positive and excited.
Off to work now - will have to spend the journey thinking of reasons why I'm so late in!!
Pip x
Thislife, ME TOO! I've been up most of the night, my stomach has been cramping so bad. ugh I just hope it passes soon. Its just stomach pains from gas/constipation, but its so severe I am miserable! I just keep hoping its normal and nothings wrong!
I ate applesauce ..that helped a lot, although stomaching it was difficult. I read that I couldn't use my heating pad because it would raise my body temp too much and could harm the LO ? I am addicted to it, and its been the hardest thing for me to give up, but I haven't used it! Would be glad to know if they are safe to use!?
I feeel so happy now i got a 'pregnant 3+' on a digi and a mega strong line on a FRER! that can only be good right?? how do i get the midsummer dreamers on my sig? also how do u arrange them nicely and not one under each other please?? sorry im a bit blonde sometimes haha! xxx
I'm watching "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" on TLC, and wondering, "Why can't we have these issues?"
These women have no symptoms what so ever, they LOSE weight, no MS, no nausea, no cramps. On the other hand the symptoms mean LO is healthy, but still!