Why does it have to be a forum for Military Wives in particular? Is there so much that you need to talk about that other parents wouldn't be interested to join talking about? Wouldn't a Usergroup or thread fit your needs?
I understand that as a Military Wife, there are things you have to cope with and would like to share with those who can relate.
But I think that if the mods agreed to such a board, then there'd be other groups who equally want their own boards, like people with little money, people with a lot of money, people who work in shifts, or those who live in, come from or go to Scandinavia/China/Russia etc..
Like I said, I do understand the need of talking to people who relate, but I don't think that it's only Military Wives who understand, for example, the challenges of raising a child when the partner is absent (most of the time) - a lot of people in the single parenting forum will probably relate as well!