Missed miscarriage

ooh Becky I hope you did catch that egg!!! it would be so exciting... hard to know when you should test though huh!!

AFM they have booked my galbladder surgery for Feb 14!! what a valentines day present hahaha but that's okay I'm happy to have it done before Feb 26 so there should be no risk while prego next time!!!

I hope to see a bfp out of one of you lovely ladies soon!!

Becky sounds awesome to have a long weekend!! enjoy!
I think I'm waiting this one out, the 2 miscarriages I've had, had been after a really weird AF which the doctors have said that they think they are early miscarriages as I'm never late, regular as clock work and these 2 random ones followed by a pregnancy that ended badly. Probably looking too much into it but have decided that I'll only Ttc after I know I've had a normal AF.
I would use OPKs but I know it would end in divorce, it's bad enough when I'm tracking my cycle and I think I'm ovulating, my husband then does not was to do the deed and I ended up getting frustrated. Quite funny but he's very stubborn and hates being told when he must perform, does anyone have romance when TTC?

Good news about the op, not having to wait too long, definately think it deserves double Valentine's present x
Kim - brilliant news about your gall bladder being sooner rather than later! Kate has just commented on the summer sugar babies thread! She is thinking of ttc no 2 as well!!

Mrsnicnac I don't blame you for wanted a normal af first. I think it's very common for men as well as some girls to not want ttc to take over their sex lives and don't like being told when to perform!! Luckily my husband jokes about it but he wants a baby so he gets on with it when told haha!! He's 40 so I don't know if its his age and the fact he really does want more kids asap.

I think I did ovulate, I freaked out last night when I discovered my cervix was low again but a panicked google and I realised th cervix goes high to ovulate and then comes straight back down after so I guess I did ov. It stays low if not pregnant and goes high nearer to af if you are. So we will see!!
Well AF came back a couple of days later so at least I know that was it. No idea what CD I'm on however, will have to do OPKs for weeks!!

Mrs W I soooo hope you get your rainbow straight away!! :hugs:
Well I think I've got my AF too, although I wasn't expecting it for a while yet. It's only been 2 weeks since my mc and 1 week since I stopped bleeding. Oh well I'm just going to wait and see, bug some hope that's it's all returning to normal
Mrs nicnac how was af? That's odd it coming so soon but I know anything can happen after a mc. I really hope the next cycle is back to something more normal for you so that you feel you can ttc again.

How are you doing conina? Was your af ok? You two must be cycle buddies!

Argghhhhhh I'm so hoping my af doesn't come. It's so hard usually when ttc I've wanted a bfp of course but I've always felt I'd be ok if it was a bfn and just try again next month but this time I'm so desperate for a bfp! Everything that has happened has really made me realise how badly I want this. Last time I got my bfp I was thrilled of course but I did moan about feeling sick and so tired but next time I won't, I will welcome every symptom when I'm lucky enough to be growing another miracle.

Hi Mrs W - AF is STILL here!! After me complaining that it came and then went away, now I'm complaining that it WON'T go away! I think it's on its last stages now, hopefully it'll be gone by tonight. It was heavier and longer than usual, but hopefully that's me back on track.

NicNac are you doing OPK's this cycle to see when you O?

Mrs W I have everything crossed for you. What DPO are you on? When can we expect some tests?? We all need some good news on this thread!
What a pain! I hope the witch clears off soon so you can start a new cycle.

According to my ticker I'm 7 or 8 dpo but I'm really not sure! If these were to be symptoms I'd surely be later so either they are and I oved early or they are not! I'm planning t
To test Friday. Sorry pressed post too quick on my phone grrr x
Fingers crossed for Friday xxxxx I agree some good news would be lovely conina I'm so glad (well I'm not but you know what I mean) my AF is so weird. Started Saturday which I thought was odd as its only 2 weeks but I'd had days no bleeding from the miscarriage for a few days. SUNDAY just normal and then stopped. Nothing Monday and then this afternoon started again so I'm now completely confused to which it is.
How odd that both of your afs have been so unusual and at the same time.

I've gone from being sure I'm preggo to being sure af is on her way. Sigh. I just feel so down today for some reason. I had been enjoying the tww and feeling positive but the confusion and everything got too much today. It's still so soon after my mc and I think I've got ahead of myself getting excited. So now I just feel sad. Xx
That's completely understandable, it's horrible not knowing what's happening. I know I hate it, I'm so used to being in control and this is one thing that we are not in control of :-( no matter if we are doing all the right things and want it badly. Hang in there remember it's going to take small steps, also those bloody hormones don't help.
HI Mrs W, how you feeling? I read on one of the other posts that AF reared its ugly head. Hope everything is ok. I was doing fine until a friend announced on face book her pregnancy, due 2 weeks from my due date. Hit me a little as I hadn't been expecting to see the announcement.
Anyway hope all is ok
Hey mrs nicnac, thank you for your message, yes af arrived a few days ago. I had already come to terms with the fact I wasn't pregnant as I had so many bfns so I was glad she came on time meaning I can move on to the next cycle. Just planning what to try this cycle now and hoping for the best!

Oh I'm sorry about your friends news upsetting you, I know exactly how you feel. My best friend and 3 of my closest friends are all pregnant and the most recent announcement devastated me. I actively avoid my best friend at the moment as I dread seeing her with a bump, she was 3 weeks behind me. It's so hard so I really understand how you've been feeling.

How are things apart from that? Xx
HI, it's horrible isn't it, although I obviously feel excited fir the other person I'm struggling when anyone's due date is neat to mine. I'm ok when the dates are no where near. I know I'll be fine once we ttc again, I'm just waiting on the next AF (feel like I'm wasting my life away) still find it odd it arriving 2 weeks after the mc, although I thought I was 12 weeks I'd never had a scan as the operation was an emergency and no real time to scan me, they just needed to stop the bleeding asap. I asked the doctor the following day how far I'd been and she said there was nothing in my notes. I think next time I really want a scan before the 12 weeks, it would be devastating to heat there was no heartbeat but I Don't want to go through that again, I've only just started to realise how serious the situation was and worry a little about what might have happened if i had not trusted my instincts and gone into A&E and stayed at home instead.

I am sorry your AF arrived I was really hoping that you would have good news and kept checking on the Friday to see if you had posted. Hopefully everything was ok and you can start tracking properly, are you doing anything? At the moment I'm just taking my pre natal vitamins, am going to try and stop caffeine and also going to try and up the exercise (well start the exercise)

Conina did you AF eventually stop? Mine was not what I expected, early and very light.

Have a good day everyone
It did but (TMI) I had like brown CM for ages. I'm totally confused this cycle, I'm not sure I o'd at all, if I did it was either really early or really really late! And the way AF arrived and then left for a couple of days, I wasn't even sure when I should be counting from. I think it's safe to assume there won't be a BFP this cycle for me anyway!

Although my af came at the usual time, mine was pretty light too, nothing like they used to be. I'd heard they could be really heavy after a mc so was glad I didn't have that.

Af has nearly gone now so planning this next cycle. I'm going to drink grapefruit juice to increase cm and I've ordered conceive plus. I take pregnacare conception already. I did buy evening primrose oil as I'd heard its good for cm but then I read it can delay ov and I'm not risking that! So ill save that for another cycle.

I'm the same and it's only really anyone with a edd near mine or after that's upset me. People I already knew were pregnant hasnt been as bad.

I'm hoping to have early reassurance scans next time as well. I'd really struggle to get to 12 weeks worrying the same might happen again. Is that an option for you?

It sounds like it was a very good thing that you rushed to hospital when you did. It sounds like it was quite traumatic for you. I agree it was very hard for me to hear the baby had no heartbeat. I was devastated. But I did have time to come to terms with it before I decided what to do next and then actually had the miscarriage.

It's my gramps funeral today so a very hard and sad day. Just want it to be over so I can start to move on to happier places hopefully cx
Conina, mine was similar too. I don't think I ov-ed last cycle. I'm temping this time so ill know for sure x
HI, I am so sorry to read about your gramps funeral, how devastating. I hope the funeral went as well as expected. I only just realised that I never responded, been a very manic week. How you feeling now? Are you feeling more positive about trying again? I know the longer I leave it the more worried I'll get. Not sure now's the right time as I've had a disagreement with oh about working. I want to drop from full time to part time as we're both working all day and both bringing at least 3 hours work home at night. By the time it comes to the weekend we are both ready to drop. I think that's why this miscarriage hurt more than the last as I had thought it would allow us that stop and thunk time. He thinks we can't do it financially so I've now got a bee in my bonnet that I need to make as many savings as possible to prove we can. I do all the cooking so beans on toast from now. Anyway hope you are having a nice relaxing Saturday x
Contains how weird, I'm hoping by next Friday I get my AF (how weird that I actually want it) so then I know my cycle is back to normal as that will put me back to a 28 day cycle.

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