Someone told me once, that it's not possible for the shots to cause autism because the proportions of those who've had the shots and are autistic do not match those who do not have their shots and are autistic. There should be a much higher rate of autistic people in the group that have had their shots, vs. the group that didn't get their shots, but that's not the case. It's interesting how people totally and fully accept that shots make babies tired, eat poorly, and get craby for a day or two, but there isn't an acceptance one way or the other of autistic causation. Enough babies get tired, eat poorly and get craby from the shots because it causes those things! If it caused autism then with 95% (or more in some areas) of the population vaccinated, then there would be some very high rates. Yes, people say there are high rates, but the rates in vaccinated vs. non vaccinated are the same, which I find interesting.