Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I feel this is one of the few places where people may understand what Im going thru!
I feel so depressed :( It seems like no one is excited that Im pregnant again, when my sister in law was pregnant everyone talked about it non stop but it seems like with me no one hardly says a word other than talkin about my health or worrying something will go wrong :'( its becoming very discouraging as Im already having my own hard time with worrying ect. but what hurts the most is my mom and dad I feel like the dont even care and my mom is constantly talkin about all that could go wrong or this test or that test. Why can't this just be a happy time? Its not fair I just want to throw myself on the floor and throw a fit!

Lovely to hear from you meme. I guess people are just scared to talk to you or just worried. Have you tried talking to them about it? Telling them that your already having a bit of hard time so there support and positivety would be very much appriciated!

How have you been feeling? Sickness? Will you be finding out the sex of bubba???

Megan boo to being poorly! Hope your feeling better now! YAY for maternity leave!!!!!! Its a strabge feeling leaving work but make the most of some lay ins and relaxing! I found it difficult to sleep at the end so had some lovely lay ins! WOO! Its amazing watching your tummy move everywhere isnt it! I wonder if bubba will arrive on its due date?!?! Have you thought of any names? Im soooo excited for you lovely

Again tears in my eyes I am so grateful I found you ladies! Thank you so much for your encouraging words I know this group will help me get through this journey! I am so happy to hear there is light at the end of this dark tunnel! 4 hours away from my d and c, that will be the first part of this process, I just want it over with :/
I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I feel this is one of the few places where people may understand what Im going thru!
I feel so depressed :( It seems like no one is excited that Im pregnant again, when my sister in law was pregnant everyone talked about it non stop but it seems like with me no one hardly says a word other than talkin about my health or worrying something will go wrong :'( its becoming very discouraging as Im already having my own hard time with worrying ect. but what hurts the most is my mom and dad I feel like the dont even care and my mom is constantly talkin about all that could go wrong or this test or that test. Why can't this just be a happy time? Its not fair I just want to throw myself on the floor and throw a fit!

Lovely to hear from you meme. I guess people are just scared to talk to you or just worried. Have you tried talking to them about it? Telling them that your already having a bit of hard time so there support and positivety would be very much appriciated!

How have you been feeling? Sickness? Will you be finding out the sex of bubba???


Hello ladies - so sorry I have been MIA for so long, its been hectic at work and home and then both OH and I have been suffering from a rather nasty sickness bug. All is going ok with me though, I finish work tomorrow for maternity leave and I cannot wait! Bubs is getting bigger and stronger everyday (judging from the kicking my insides are getting) and I think I'm finally starting to believe I'm going to have my rainbow.

Lotte - So sorry you have to wait until Jan hun, you have been so brave and I have been thinking of you lots :hugs:

Laura - Yay for the great scan! So pleased for you!

Dano - Glad your scan went well and congrats on being team blue!!

Raff - Good luck for your next scan hun

Angelcutie - Sorry to hear your story but glad you have found this wonderful supportive group of ladies. I'm 25 and had a pmp and D&C back in Dec '11, I agree with the other ladies if you saw a heartbeat it sounds like you had a pmp but they should be able to tell you more after your D&C. All of your emotions are normal, I went through them all as well it so hard to see the light but i found it helped to embrace each emotion and try and set myself small milestones so I wasn't looking at such a long end goal. I hope all goes well for you today :hugs:

MeMe - Sorry you feel like no one is excited you are pregnant, I felt this too when I first found out. My mum wouldnt let me tell my little sisters until I was 20+ weeks as she was scared something would go wrong (she did have 5 losses though the latest at 23weeks) I found that the later I get in my pregnancy the more excited people are getting, I think its because they don't want to cause you anymore upset if the worse was to happen. Have you tried talking to them about it?

Sorry If I have missed anyone - haven't had a chance to read back over all I have missed yet!

Thanks Ladies! I talked to my mom about it alittle bit this morning and she said Im blowing it out of proportion? Which I guess stemmed this post as I just feel so hurt.:cry: I knew at first everyone would worry i mean I did and still do, but we went to my drs. app. last week and my mom went with me and when we heard the heartbeat she didnt smile or get excited or anything? :shrug: and then she just went on to talk to the dr. about the mole again! :dohh:

but I was pretty sick with all day sickness until about 11 weeks no vomiting *well only twice* just felt rubbish. Other than that things have been great I even bought a doppler. We are finding out the sex hopefully the first week of Dec. :)
will be praying for you, I was very nervous, but it all went smoothly and I didnt have any pain at all, but it was a relief to get it over with and then move on to the next step!
Angel--you are probably in recovery by now from the D&C--I hope it went OK for you. For me since I didn't have any bleeding before and was still having pregnancy symptoms, it was a relief to see the bleeding after the D&C and felt like a symbol that things were moving forward. I was told on a Friday that babe didn't have a heart beat and the D&C was the following Wednesday--waiting out those days was HORRIBLE for me!!

Meme I know how you feel. I actually didn't tell my mom until I was 12 weeks along as I knew she would be like your mom sounds--nervous, worried, hold back the excitement. First thing she said was that we didn't wait (as she knew my Dr. had originally recommended a 1 year wait). She then asked if I had told my Dad--I told her no I was telling her first and she told me to just wait until fathers day which was another 3-4 weeks away---OK MOM!! I was lucky enough to have VERY excited in laws tho that made me feel special and loved so that was nice. I held back telling my co-workers until I was 16 weeks, but my boss and 1 co-worker knew--it was kind of fun that way cuz it was like our own little secret! I hope as the weeks go on and the more preggo you look the more and more excited everyone gets for you. You deserve to feel the love and excitement with your rainbow babe!! Hopefully your mom does better now that you brought it to her attention--that was a good decision to get it off your chest and out in the open about how you are feeling!!

Laura so glad to hear the 12 week scan went well and you have a official due date now!!

Dan-o--Congrats on 2x's blue---I'm right there with you!! I hope we have GREAT daughter in laws some day LOL

Raff. I was getting worried about you!! Good luck tomorrow with the ultrasound--I have one tomorrow morning too : )

Becky--I'm sooooo ready for this maternity leave to start--what about you lol...

Meghan--congrats on your maternity leave being almost here now too!! Will your Hubby get time off when baby is here??
I received the pack from Charing cross today and on the letter it said 'almost normal' so I suppose that's reassuring. No lotte I haven't done a hpt, I'm a little scared to just I case it is positive lol.

Lotte definitely give yourself time I agree with Dan o maybe ntnp for a few months tovtake the pressure off.

Dano and Laura fantastic news with the scans so glad they went well.

Tina hope the scan is more relaxed :)

Megan hope your all feeling ok now. Can't believe your 33 weeks already.

Meme congratulations! I know exactly what you mean my mum was like that. I looked at it as I know you want them to be happy for you but they seen what you went through and you are their baby they don't want that for you again so are worried. Hopefully they will get better as the weeks go on.

Angelcutie welcome to the group. The ladies here are fab. At least with the d and c over with you can't concentrate on healing yourself physically and emotionally. Xxx
I'm ready to be done too!! I still feel like I have a HUGE list of things I need to wrap up before I am gone. This week I had a co-worker out sick on Monday and another out on Wed. afternoon---come on guys---Don't they know I have stuff that HAS to be finished?!?
Hi girls thanks for your kind words! D&c is done and I feel so good that it's over! I have some bleeding and I have some pills to take but I just feel like my journey has now officially begun, now that it's out of me! Crossing my fingers for a full recovery soon! How is everyone else doing??
Glad to hear your out honey. Just take it easy for a few days if you can. Xxx
Rachie good news on your box saying almost normal! Hopefully this sample will have you back below 5! Did they take your placenta?

I felt pretty good yesterday after the d&c, knowing it was done..but now i'm feeling depressed all over again, now the real waiting game begins..i dont want to start obsessing over my hcg levels, i dont even want to know what they are to tell you the truth, i'll just think about it non stop..the dr is calling me back to tell me when this process of getting my blood drawn begins usually a FB addict, i cant even log on without thinking of all the happy people with their perfect pregnant bellies and their kids blowing up my newsfeed..i feel like such an awful person-not to mention being a teacher doesn't help as i look and see all of these parents who dont even take care of their children, yet seem to keep popping them out..all i wanted was one and this is what happens... but now i feel so behind in this whole thing..i know it's not a competition by any means, but knowing where you would have been and where you aren't anymore, is just a knife through my heart..all of these people getting pregnant after me when i would have been due in june of next year..of course i want to be happy for them but i would lie if i didnt say i was jealous =( this is such a punishment to wait..everyone says "oh you're so young" yes i know that but it doesnt change the now part of it all...having the dr tell you to wait 6months - a year is a punch in the gut...i hope i get out of this funk but i'm just beginning this process and feel so anxious to get preggo, how will i ever survive this waiting game?!?
Oh honey you will survive this! I promise you will come through it. It's not the easier of paths but you will get there. I found myself getting angry and extremely upset over bumps and babies and I felt bad for feeling that way but I kept reminding myself its part of this process. You have a pregnancy and within a breath its taken away and your faced with this. As I had chemo I had twice weekly bloods but it helped me know my wait would begin once my levels were negative. It's a little way into the future but when my AF returned I kept an eye on my cycles and done opks and just got to know my ovulation signs so I was ready to go when we started to try again! Any feelings you have are totally normal lovely and as I've said many times before we are all here and know exactly those feelings your feeling!!! Be easy on yourself lovely.

Hi everyone. Thank you for sharing your stories. They have been extremely helpful to me over the last 24 hours since I learned that I had a partial molar pregnancy. I found out a little more than 2 weeks ago at my 12 week ultrasound that the baby had stopped growing at around 9 weeks. I had a D&C one day later and the test results revealed a partial molar pregnancy. My hcg levels 2 weeks after the D&C were 1734. Does this sound really high? How long did it take everyone to get down to 0? Having to wait several months until after my levels fall to 0 is another blow that I am sure you all have dealt with as well. I was hoping my levels would drop quickly but this number threw me for (yet another) loop. Thanks so much for your thoughts!
Angelcutie- I know exactly how your are feeling. I think six months ago I had almost an identical post. Molar miscarriages feel far worse than 'normal' miscarriages. I actually deactivated my FB for about 5 weeks, and even now I check it very infrequently. I still struggle with feeling as happy for my pregnant friends, even finally being pregnant again myself! They all seem to have babies with not a worry at all, but the truth is, I don't really know their journeys to have babies...miscarriage and infertility aren't exactly FB topics people post much. It will get easier, and the time somehow passes. And when you need assurance of that, come here!

Kabeth-so sorry you've had to join our group. I think my hcg was around 1700 two weeks after the D&C as well! It only took me 6 weeks to hit zero. I hope your levels drop quickly!

afm-I had my ultrasound this morning. There was a lot of good news! The baby's healthy and even measured a day ahead (8w 2days) and the heartrate was 161 bpm. The bleed was still there, unchanged :( but the good news is that is did not grow, so I'm not actively hemorrhaging. And as far as the location, it is at the complete opposite side of the placenta, so it isn't affecting it at all. So for the most part I feel really encouraged. I'm still on 'pelvic rest and minimal activity' but just so thrilled to have some emotional relief! JOY!
you're right Rafferty, thanks for the encouraging words...i keep finding myself obsessing about all the what if's..what if my hcg levels dont go down, what if it turns to be cancerous, what if i can't get pregnant again, what if i had tried to conceive on a different month, day, minute..what if, what if, what if...i can't stop. I just want a baby so bad i'm so afraid i wont get there, it seems so far away and i'm so depressed right now =( i want to deactivate my FB account as well i think i am going so broken inside, so so broken...
Thanks so much, Rafferty. I am so happy to hear that you are expecting again. It must be so exciting! How long did your doctor tell you to wait to try again after your levels reached 0? My doctor is saying 3 months but I've seen a lot of posts saying 6 or 12 months is the norm.

Angelcutie, I am feeling the same way. Having trouble even being around my pregnant sister right now. Although I have been thinking about some friends/acquaintances who have seemed to wait a while to have kids or waited along time between kids and I find myself wondering if they hit some roadblocks along the way too. I guess we don't always know what goes on in other people's lives.
Kabeth you're right, i just started thinking about how we dont know the stories of every person and what hardships they may or may not have went through to get their miracle..i guess im being selfish and just want mine now..i never ever heard of a molar pregnancy and no one around me apparently has either so no one knows how to approach me on it. how are you doing with all of this? im sorry to anyone if im just on here complaining about my sob story, i know we are all going through it/have gone through it and i honestly dont know what i would do if i didnt stumble upon this site, i know there is hope so thank you to everyone

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