Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Angelcutie, You are totally not being selfish and you don't sound like you are complaining at all!! It just happened and it's a huge blow. In fact, you need to focus on yourself and your physcial/emotional recovery right now - so please be selfish!!!! I am not sure how I am handling it yet. I felt like I had wrapped my head around the miscarriage although definintely not over it and finding about that I had a partial molar pregnancy has sort of put me back to ground 0. Having to wait so long to TTC again as well as worrying about potential health concerns for me has really thrown me for a loop. And I also feel that no one really understands. I keep thinking about all the lost time in TTC, then thinking I was pregnant for 3 months and now all the months of waiting ahead of me before I can even try again and it gets depressing. We are talking about more than a year of lost time and that assumes everything goes perfectly from here on out. I have officially begun to obsess over my HCG levels and probably won't stop until they are 0 for a while. I am thinking about starting up yoga again (I stopped when I was pregnant because I do hot yoga and not good while pregnant) and laying off the ice cream for a while. Since my D&C I've been digging into the ice cream everynight - :). I guess try to get as healthy as possible both physically and mentally and focus on thinking positively - easier said than done... Hang in there. You are in my thoughts and even though I wish this hadn't happened to you with all of my heart, in some way it helps knowing that you are out there somewhere going through what I am going through. It doesn't feel so lonely.
Kabeth, so sorry you had to join our group. My levels were similiar at the same time after my d and c. The Dr told me this number was good as she had seen higher. They dropped to 200 odd a week later and 0 in 7 weeks. I was told by my specialist that I needed 3 months of negatives. I got those results and then feel pregnant straight away which was a bit of a surprise as we hadn't started TTC. I'm 30 weeks now with a healthy bub. Everyone has a slightly differing journey level wise. We are all here to help answer questions and support xx

Angelcutie, so sorry you are having a hard time. It natural given what you went through yesterday. I had the same feelings and friends stopped actually telling me they were pregnant to protect me which hurt even more. It was hard with a good friend being due at the same time. I knew her journey which made it a bit easier and she had had a hard road. One friend who had suffered a loss too said to me that you did nothing wrong , you could not of changed it. And you didn't or can't. It's a sucky thing that happened that you won't ever get over but you will get to a point where it isn't on your mind all the time. Our journeys to our rainbows are hard but will be worth it and we will be better mums for it. Don't be hard on yourself and push yourself to be fine with this process. Take time for you. Thinking of you x

Excellent news on your scan Raff xx
Raff--I'm so glad to hear baby is growing and heartbeat is nice and high!! Are you doing scans every 2 weeks to monitor the bleed---did I remember that right??

I'm so ready to have this little man--most of the comments from the ultrasound tech just made it seem like he needs to get here sooner rather than later--"look at those chubby cheeks--Can you see those fat rolls--Look at that plump tummy"---I'm so scared I wont be able to have a natural delivery if he gets too big : ( Next appointment is Monday afternoon for my nonstress test and I wondering if they will do an internal exam as well--it would be kind of nice to know if anything is happening down there!!

Laura has your sister had Hazel yet??
Tina, I know the feeling, its like this mad rush at the end to get you to do everything before finishing work. I have a pretty busy 3 weeks ahead of me. Congrats on almost being done. It must be wonderful xx

Megan, sorry to hear you have been sick. Glad you can rest now and prepare for you little precious bub. So exciting, can't wait to see what you have xx

Dano, congrats on another boy. Very exciting. So glad all is looking good with the bub xx

Rachel, loving your photos of Carys on fb, she is beautiful xx

Eleanor, not long now. How are you going?

Has anyone heard from tung/cathy?

Lotte, thinking of you everyday xx

Laura, will you start telling people soon?

Meme, we tried not to get excited until I had my 20 week scan to be safe. My mum had had a cmp before she had me so personally knew and worried lots until I took her to a scan at 15 weeks and she saw a healthy bub. Looking back I think it is everyone's way of being cautious for you and don't want you to have to go through it again. They should get more excited in time. Everyone did for me, except my mil but then I have to tell myself she is just weird, she is more excited and obsess with her niece who is due a day before me than for her own son. But then some people are strange :) I hope it gets better xx
It can't be much longer now Tina. Fingers crossed that Monday they decide to induce you. Have everything crossed you can have him naturally xx
Thanks Jacky! I need to just think positive and I know my time will come. You are so sweet i really appreciate it! Kabeth we are in this together! You are right I am so saddened this happened to you but right now you are the only person I know going through it with me so I'm going to start having to think more like you during this whole process. I need to focus on myself physically, mentally and emotionally. Thanks for your support!!
hi ladies!!!

sounds like everyones doing ok :)

my hpts still negative an got a whopper of a positive opk...never had one where the test line was double the dark of the control!! been a bit busy ;-)

enjoy ur wkends xx
Sorry to hear another lady has joined us. Always glad you find us though! We're all here to help.

Aimze great in the opk! Fingers crossed!

Becky we told a few close friends and family but have told them its still a little hush hush!

Raff so glad to hear bubba is doing so well. I have everything crossed for you.

Tina my sisters waters broke last night at around 11pm she wasn't having contractions but the hospital still asked her to go in. They found hazel had done a poo so hooked her up to keep an eye so decided about 2am to induce labour and if hazel gets distressed they will take her straight for a c-section! Not heard anything since 2am so I'm hoping she is labouring naturally and hazel is ok. Ill update any news if and when I get it. Hopefully bubba isnt to big. How big do they class as to big? My aunt had a growth scan this week at 35 weeks and bubba is already 7lb 6oz! Her twins were only 3lb-4lb!!! Eek!!!

Megan how did your last day go?

Kabeth - so sorry you've had to join us but glad you've found these lovely ladies. We're here to help whenever you need us!

Tina - good luck for Monday, not long to go now! Can't wait to see your little man

Jacky - hope the next 3weeks go quickly for you, you looking forard to being finished?

Laura - Hope your sister and her baby are doing well, and hope your well too!

Aimze - great news on the OPK! Got my fingers crossed for you.

Angelcutie - Sending you big hugs :hugs:

Well I'm officially on maternity leave and it feels so nice, 6 weeks to myself to get ready for bubs (unless he/she decides to arrive early!) My last day was lovely, I work with my OH and everyone at work had clubbed together and brought us some lovely suprise gifts which was really sweet and made me cry! Getting really eager to know if we're having a boy or girl now - this is the first time its been hard being team yellow!
Laura--I hope your sis is holding Hazel and both mom and babe are doing well!! I'm not sure how big would be too big for me. Blake was 4lbs 12 oz and at my 14 week appointment when I was pregnant with him they said I had a nice large birth cavity, but then when I actually delivered him I had a different midwife and she said I couldn't have handled a much larger babe which was kind of odd since things were suppose to be pretty spacious down there LOL This time again they said there is adequate room so they wanted me to go full term. I guess we will find out in a few weeks LOL
She was fully dilated a few hours ago but I've not heard anymore since! She had an epidural as it was getting to much for her. Hoping there both ok! Been clock watching and looking at my phone all day!!!! Well hopefully bubba isnt gonna be to big. Blake was teeny bless him! Did you have to buy mini clothing for him? My aunts hospital seem to think if she reaches full term bubba will be 12lb but they haven't said about inducing her early or c-section. I can't believe how close you are now! Xxx
We did have to get preemie sized clothes for Blake--didn't bothering getting them out for this little man as I think newborn size should be small enough. That is a bummer about your Aunt. It seems like Drs/midwifes don't often like to induce early but then why make someone go late and end up needing a c-section because of the size of baby--there are added risks with either situation but induction over c-section seems to make more sense to me...
Bless Blake! A mini one! Fingers crossed little mans not to big. They seem to be sure baby is gonna be big so its silly they don't seem to have a plan in place. My sister had her baby at 4.45pm she weighed 8lb 6oz. She had foreceps after pushing for 1hour and a half. They had to take hazel off as she was in shock. They took her back to my sis and partner at about 10pm. She's hopefully coming home today. Went and had cuddles yesterday morning and she is just beautiful!

How are all you ladies? Did you all have good weekends?

I didnt test a few days ago for a couple days. Now wondering if i would have gotten a darker line or not? Doubt it but makes me wonder,

How is everybody

Angelcutie, How are you feeling today? Any better? I am feeling like every week is going to be an eternity until I can get another blood test and then once I do get the results I will just end up disappointed that my number isn't lower. Trying to stay positive but hate having no control over this whatsoever!
hi ladies...

vicki have you ever temped? im curious about trying but scared i'll get addicted!!

kabeth when is your next test? i sent my urine to sheffield an hav a blood test wed so results on friday!! really hoping this one is negative..last was 11 two weeks ago but looks like its got a little stuck in the low numbers..

so iv decided to try some silly wive tales....going to look into baby asprin and royal jelly...hopefuly they'll give me some proper eggs!

Hi Kabeth! Some days are better than others. How are you doing? I think about you always! The day of the d and c I was ok, the day after I cried, the next day I was ok, then yesterday I cried, I guess I'll just be going back and forth for a while. I finally just gave in and told my family because I couldn't bare the pain of one more person asking me when my husband and I were going to start having kids. I hate explaining it, it's so much more complicated than just having a miscarriage and the thought of the "c" word is leaving me with so much anxiety and fear for my health. Still waiting on the pathology results, hoping its just a PM and not a CM, getting my first blood drawn on Wed post d and c (have no idea what my levels were to start off with). I'm going to feel like you once this process starts and just becoming depressed if they don't come down fast enough. =( Not looking forward to this journey as it has only just begun. I think once we hit zero it would be like a weight lifted off our shoulders and then the true count down begins. When was your d and c again? How are you coping with everything? xoxoxo
btw if you have a private email i would love to send you a story of someone I emailed who had a CM pregnancy and how great everything turned out for her, i keep rereading it whenever i feel so lonely as well as all of the success stories these lovely ladies have posted about
No aimze i havent temped before. Right now schedule is so crazy if it doesnt happen by end of my school semester or havent even started period yet i may. I can usually tell when i am ovulating. And i dont think i have yet. I took the depo shot 2 wks after my d&c because i didnt know what i knew now. My dr told me to wait for a year. I decided i am not going to wait. My shot should have worn off beg of oct. Now dealing with the side effects of it not wearing off as fast.

Bless Blake! A mini one! Fingers crossed little mans not to big. They seem to be sure baby is gonna be big so its silly they don't seem to have a plan in place. My sister had her baby at 4.45pm she weighed 8lb 6oz. She had foreceps after pushing for 1hour and a half. They had to take hazel off as she was in shock. They took her back to my sis and partner at about 10pm. She's hopefully coming home today. Went and had cuddles yesterday morning and she is just beautiful!

How are all you ladies? Did you all have good weekends?


I turned in my birthplan and mentioned several times I was worried about needing a c-section or baby being too big, etc so at least they know my fears. Hazel was a pretty good sized girl--how is your sis doing?? Are they home yet?? my BP was high at my appointment today so I have to do a 24 hour urine collection and then a blood draw tomorrow when I turn in my wee--should have results by Wed/Thurs as to if everything is OK or if we do need to schedule an induction. I'm suppose to have 5 more work days but I end up with such swollen feet by the end of the work day I think I would rather just be done at this point!! Going to cram as much as possible into my next two days and then maybe induction on Thursday or Friday??

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