Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

M2C congrats on the fab scan hun, so pleased for you!! :cloud9:
Lotte lovely you have so much to deal with dont rush yourself. I guess you have so many mixed feelings right now. Just be easy on yourself lovely. During the molar I had so many feelings and thoughts. I felt like a failure as I couldn't give Chris another baby, Corban a sibling and that my body had failed me by playing a cruel joke. It made it worse with all the other feelings too but with time you will work through your feelings and things will be clearer. It is a difficult road but we are all here to support you in anyway we can and I really mean that.

For me having Corban has completed my life. He has made me feel like I'm finally doing what I always meant to do if that makes sense. I love this boy with my whole life! And his part of me and Chris.... And also has a bit of both our dads in him (we both lost our dads to cancer)

Dano I see your team pink! How was the scan?

Almost forgot to update on my most recent scan :dohh:

Bleed next to the sac is still ever present, although I've not actually bled or spotted in 3 weeks now. It's pretty much exactly the same size as it was at my NT scan, but more clotty looking now.
Baby on the other hand is looking fab, and definitely a boy! Didn't pose very well for pics (again) but we got loads anyway, with it being a private scan :)

Cervix looked fine, placenta a little low (might be the culprit of all this bleeding) but she said to wait until 20w as it can often look low at this stage and then move up.

Next scan is at the beginning of December :flower:
Fab news on both scans ladies!!

Lotti i feel like that @ times...i question why! i look at a lady i work with whose never had kids, she has an amazin life. great job, house, husband an has never wanted kids.

i just wonder if you get to a certain age an ask yourself why you didnt then its too late?

for me i feel its what im just "supposed" to do. i really want a mini me an my oh an i see my nephew and how amazing life is with him!!

Dano what do they say will happen with the bleed? Will it eventually work its way out?? Another little boy! How lovely! Have you thought of many names?

Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around, for the most part there wasn't much to share, and then we were out of town for the last few days.

I have my next ultrasound on Friday. I still haven't had any bleeding or even a spot from the hemorrhage. If I hadn't had the 6 week scan I'd have no clue something was wrong. I'm actually looking forward to Friday, hoping it shows the blood is getting reabsorbed.

Dano-congrats on team blue! I'd love some blue on my team!

Lotte-I'm so frustrated for you about the wait for the postmortem. But I just hope you don't give up on TTC. I feel like before my daughter my reasons for having her fell more into the 'next thing to do' list, or my biological clock. But now when I think of her, there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do to keep her. So when I think of my next baby, I know I'd go through all hardships to bring another baby home. Sorry I'm not sure if what I'm trying to say made's hard to put into words.
It's going to happen for you Lotte and Aimze. I'm sorry you're going through this long journey. I think it will change your perspective forever on your children as you won't take what a gift they are for granted. You'll be better moms for it.
Hi Ladies,
I'm so glad I found this website as I just received news that my very first pregnancy is a molar =( I am only 26 years old, and this was our first time TTC and this is what happened. I am so beyond depressed and scared right now. I went in for a routine ultrasound at what I thought was 8 weeks. The dr's there told me I was only 7 weeks and they saw a heartbeat (107 Bpm) They said they needed to send me to elsewhere to get a better scan. Two days later I went and they said they also saw a heartbeat (114 bpm) and the placenta was abnormal. At that point they weren't sure if it was a molar/or pm but they wanted me to wait a week. I just went today and 3 doctors later they believe it is a complete molar as they didn't see a heartbeat anymore. I go in tomorrow to have a D and C and then they will send over my stuff to the pathologist and who ever else. They said my hcg levels were high and were surprised I haven't felt nausea (I haven't even thrown up at all). I am so scared of all this scary stuff contributed with a molar pregnancy like cancer and what not. Who ever would have thought that you try and have a baby and then something like this could happen? The hard part for me is going to be the waiting game as they said the earliest i can try to conceive is 6 months, possibly a year depending on my levels. I need to start getting blood done every week. I am so angry and upset yet I am trying to stay positive. As all of my friends and family begin to start their families, I feel alone and empty inside and can't help but question why why why...I just want a baby now more than ever. Any words of encouragement or hope of people who went through a molar? I need to keep my head up, but it's so hard..
Hello lovely, I'm sorry to read your story but glad you find us. It's a very confusing and difficult time but we are all here to help and all at different stages so one of us can help. Try not worry yourself a out the cancer thing.... It's very rare for it to turn into anything like that and even if it did its very curable. I had a cmp found at my dating scan in August 11. I ended needing chemo which I finished in December. I was told to wait a year after treatment end but decided to try earlier and we are now pregnant with our rainbow. Please let us help you through and ask us what you need too! Take it easy after your d&c and let us know how your doing.

Raff so good to hear from you! Hopefully your scan Friday shows less blood. Let us know how it goes!! How are you feeling otherwise? Any sickness?

hi angelcuti....i had a pm in july and only found this site last month. all the ladies are amazing so your in the right place!!

i had A mmc in july and it wasnt till 8 weeks after they said it was pm.

one thing that did stand out is then saying its a far as im aware anytime there is a heartbeat its pm??

i hope everythung today goes ok hun xx
I am so sorry for your loss. I thought that complete molars never develop enough for a heart beat. Partials can. But every where i read said that completes dont. As previous poster said they complicatios are rare. There are great ladies on here for support. When will you get lab results back?

Keep us posted and come back for support.

I had mine back in june i should have been according to my cycle 10 wks but only measuring 8 by blood and u/s. I never had amy of the symptoms of it except it was a complete.

I did not test this morning cause i was out of opk. I really wanted too. I will try to go buy some more tomorrow but it depends on how busy i get.

Hi angelcuti, I am so sorry for your loss. Welcowe to our group. This is a place of wonderful support. For me its my keep.sane place and I hold such a special place in my heart for all the wonderful ladies here who have helped me through this year. As mentioned cancer is very rare and many of us have had our levels drop without needing any treatment. It sounds like you had a pmp especially having seen a heart beat and a little bub. Ask whatever question you need and make sure you let us all know how you are doing. Wishing you all the best with your d and c. Again so sorry you have to experience this. I had mine in Jan this year and are now due at the same time in Jan with my rainbow. And it will happen for you too xx

Great news on your scans Dano and Laura!

Good luck with yours Raff xx

Lotte and Aimez, so sorry you are both feeling that way. All my love. I had a point too where I questioned it all too. For me I kept thinking about the end and how beautiful it will be to hold my own baby. Something that my hubby and I made out of love. To me that thought alone and the ultimate love I will feel as a mum has made all the heart ache worth while. Lotte it will happen love, you will be a wonderful mum as you are friend, support and person. You too Aimz. Don't give up hope. Maybe taking a break from ttc and not.preventing might take the pressure off you.
Tina, I have as long left of work as you do to go. The countdown is on!
I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I feel this is one of the few places where people may understand what Im going thru!
I feel so depressed :( It seems like no one is excited that Im pregnant again, when my sister in law was pregnant everyone talked about it non stop but it seems like with me no one hardly says a word other than talkin about my health or worrying something will go wrong :'( its becoming very discouraging as Im already having my own hard time with worrying ect. but what hurts the most is my mom and dad I feel like the dont even care and my mom is constantly talkin about all that could go wrong or this test or that test. Why can't this just be a happy time? Its not fair I just want to throw myself on the floor and throw a fit!
Wow! Thank you all for responding I am over joyed with tears in my eyes that I found this group! I told the dr yesterday how is it a CM if 2 drs last week saw a heartbeat? They said it may have not been a real heartbeat? So confused :( anyways I go in today for the d and c...I'm really nervous, hoping the dr gets everything and doesn't leave anything behind. Sometimes I find myself ok with this as i tell myself there are worse things in life and sometimes I cry outloud asking god why did this happen. The hardest part is the wait and what seems like the lOngest journey of my life ahead of me. My dr told me I'm still young and I will get preggo again not to worry.. Easier said then done. I want to fast forward this yr already I'm so devasted, anxious and scared. Is this normal? How can I see the positive in this, how do you ladies get through this?
Hi MeMe I am new here so I'm not sure of your full story but it looks like you had a CM and now you are pregnant? I think a Big CONGRATS is in order! I think your family may just be nervous about what you went through and are scared you may go through it again Which is why they aren't saying too much. However, having gone through what you did they should be providing you with words of encouragement and share in your joy. You have given me hope that there is life after a CM! Enjoy this moment and your baby because soon you will be holding a healthy baby and all of this will be in the past. I look forward to that moment myself :)
Hello ladies - so sorry I have been MIA for so long, its been hectic at work and home and then both OH and I have been suffering from a rather nasty sickness bug. All is going ok with me though, I finish work tomorrow for maternity leave and I cannot wait! Bubs is getting bigger and stronger everyday (judging from the kicking my insides are getting) and I think I'm finally starting to believe I'm going to have my rainbow.

Lotte - So sorry you have to wait until Jan hun, you have been so brave and I have been thinking of you lots :hugs:

Laura - Yay for the great scan! So pleased for you!

Dano - Glad your scan went well and congrats on being team blue!!

Raff - Good luck for your next scan hun

Angelcutie - Sorry to hear your story but glad you have found this wonderful supportive group of ladies. I'm 25 and had a pmp and D&C back in Dec '11, I agree with the other ladies if you saw a heartbeat it sounds like you had a pmp but they should be able to tell you more after your D&C. All of your emotions are normal, I went through them all as well it so hard to see the light but i found it helped to embrace each emotion and try and set myself small milestones so I wasn't looking at such a long end goal. I hope all goes well for you today :hugs:

MeMe - Sorry you feel like no one is excited you are pregnant, I felt this too when I first found out. My mum wouldnt let me tell my little sisters until I was 20+ weeks as she was scared something would go wrong (she did have 5 losses though the latest at 23weeks) I found that the later I get in my pregnancy the more excited people are getting, I think its because they don't want to cause you anymore upset if the worse was to happen. Have you tried talking to them about it?

Sorry If I have missed anyone - haven't had a chance to read back over all I have missed yet!
Hi MeMe I am new here so I'm not sure of your full story but it looks like you had a CM and now you are pregnant? I think a Big CONGRATS is in order! I think your family may just be nervous about what you went through and are scared you may go through it again Which is why they aren't saying too much. However, having gone through what you did they should be providing you with words of encouragement and share in your joy. You have given me hope that there is life after a CM! Enjoy this moment and your baby because soon you will be holding a healthy baby and all of this will be in the past. I look forward to that moment myself :)

Thanks! Yes I did have a CM. I got my BFP in March had some spotting on and off finally dr. would see me at the end of April and couldn't find heartbeat on doppler and so I had an ultrasound and nothing was on the ultrasound but a "cluster of grapes" had my DNC May 1st levels went negative June 11th rised again in July *un known reason as they went up and then right back down* then got a suprise BFP Sept. 1st Im almost 15 weeks and have had two ultrasounds and everything is great :) I think that is why its so frustrating that my family is acting this way bc Im already was past where i was with my CM and we have seen the baby twice! I understand their fears as I have them to but I just want them to treat me like they did my sister in law and be excited! :wacko:
Wow! Thank you all for responding I am over joyed with tears in my eyes that I found this group! I told the dr yesterday how is it a CM if 2 drs last week saw a heartbeat? They said it may have not been a real heartbeat? So confused :( anyways I go in today for the d and c...I'm really nervous, hoping the dr gets everything and doesn't leave anything behind. Sometimes I find myself ok with this as i tell myself there are worse things in life and sometimes I cry outloud asking god why did this happen. The hardest part is the wait and what seems like the lOngest journey of my life ahead of me. My dr told me I'm still young and I will get preggo again not to worry.. Easier said then done. I want to fast forward this yr already I'm so devasted, anxious and scared. Is this normal? How can I see the positive in this, how do you ladies get through this?

There is so much to take in, in the first days weeks and so many emotions to deal with. I had so many different emotions even months after! Once i got my head round things you can start telling yourself that things will eventually work out. It always helped me in the ealry days coming on here and talking to ladies pregnant with there shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I also kept telling myself i WILL have my rainbow and every single one of those feelings i had will be worth it all! I promise you will get there and like i said before we are all here to support you through!!


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