Hi Cherie, sorry you had to go through this. Like Vicki said it depends on lot on where you live and if you had to have chemo but from my experience I initially had hcg tested every 48hrs to check for doubling between 4 and 5 weeks. Then lots of early scans until fully cleared with health bubs at 20week scan. I had 2 different doctors with each of my rainbows but both tended to do this. I think with my daughter (first after mole) I had a scan 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks (i had also had reoccurring losses so they were checking lots) but with my son only 8, 12 and 20weeks plus a couple in my doc office to check after some spotting. At birth my placenta has always been sent off to be check for molar tissue and then a follow up hcg at 6 weeks to make sure it had returned to 0.
It was scary at first and I always found I instantly relaxed once there was no sign of a mole and healthy bubs. I leant to fully listen to my gut too. If it didn't feel right I have stopped dismissing those feelings. For me deep down I always knew when it was a healthy pregnancy (my 2 children). The others (losses) felt different I somehow.
Wish you all the best but feel free to hang around and chat with usall, these ladies are a special bunch and so supportive! Especially during your early pregnancy, it nice to talk to others who actually know how you are feeling xx