Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Good luck at your scan today dan-o! I'm sure it will all be good :)

I hope this phase does pass quickly for you Becky! Sounds exhausting.......what have I got myself into lol!
Scan went fine! Phew!

Bleed big compared to baby but baby and sac looks well attached. The worry is because it's up top, if it comes away it could bring the baby with it, just have to take it easy and hope it reabsorbs. Vincents was actually bigger, but I was 12w along when his was bleeding out, so it looked smaller in comparison. The one I had in January was located in exactly the same place.

Oh and we got a wriggle! :cloud9:

Next scan 23rd and again 6th. Consultant was good as gold, and has promised a few growth scans once we are past v-day :) no mention of amnio or anything, she just wanted to make sure I had the NT scan booked in and take it from there.
Oh Yay! Wiggling is excellent! So glad it went well. Hope that the bleed does what it needs to and reabsorbs. But less than 2 weeks until the next one :) inhope that one goes just as well xx
Oh jess, they are great until around 2 so lots of opportunities to get used to them before they send you insane ;) just be pregnant with the next one before this age... Wouldn't change it but it has hard does that's for sure!
That is great news Dan-O!!! That's a pic of my scan of Emsley (8weeks I think) with her GIANT sch at the top (kinda carrot shaped). I know it's scary (I remember feeling like I should just be as still as possible) but I have a good feeling about this little bean for you. It all worked out perfectly for us. Very excited for you.

AFM- I'm 8dpo...feeling every early pregnancy symptom there is. Which means it's probably all in my head!!! Gaaah, my hopes are way to high already!


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So happy your scan was great and you got to see bub wiggle!!

Wow Raff that bleed is big!! Goes to show you can overcome anything :)
Fx your symptoms are the start of a BFP!! xx
Cangrats dano. Praying the news stays good for you.

Good luck raff let us know when/if you test.

According to my calender my O day is suppose to be sat. So in my time to be bding now. Trying to.

Well I broke down and took a PT this AM, of course BFN... I'm only 9dpo. All to say I haven't had anymore "symptoms" to obsess over either which was kind of a relief actually. This morning I kind of started to think this isn't going to be the month and I'm actually happy about it in some ways.
THEN, about an hour ago I went to the bathroom (just pee) and when I wiped there was a tiny bit of blood! Now my mind is racing again! Is this implantation??? I never had that with my girls, and I've had zero pinching/pulling uterus feelings since yesterday. Ahhh the TWW! such a roller coaster every time!
The mind games are the worst during the tww. When i get there i am going to try not to let the mind games bug me. It was when i didnt have my periods. That was the worst.

Hi ladies hope everyone is ok. I have been keeping an eye just not got much time to write.
Check out my new ticker ;) xx
Awesome! Congratulations Rach! You are due 2 days after Rachael's birthday :) ooh exciting!
I don't normally write on forums but it's really hard to find information on TTC after having a partial molar pregnancy and I was hoping some of you would have experiences you could share so that I know what to expect.
I guess I better give a wee bit of contextual information, I miscarried from a partial molar pregnancy in 2013, it was horrendous to say the least and very devasting I was rushed to hospital because of the amount of blood I was losing. The morning after I was given a DnC I was13 weeks but had found out two weeks previously that the baby had not grown past five weeks.
After three weeks of recovery due to the blood loss I was able to go back to work, and the day after that the specialist told me I needed to meet her to discuss the findings from the DnC. I was told I had a partial molar pregnancy and you all know the outcome which is weekly then monthly blood tests.
Almost two years on and my husband and I are ready to try again and I am very worried and scared and excited all in the same. What have people's experiences been?
Once pregnant again what referrals or advice did you have from doctors or specialist? Did you have to have a million blood tests to check for normal HCG levels?
Sorry for all the questions it's just that my research has led to nothing and I am curious as to what happens once you are pregnant since there doesn't seem to be any information for the precautions taken by doctors for woman whom have suffered partial or complete molars previously.
I notice it depends on where you live. Some ladies are tested after they had anpther baby but with my complete my dr tested me once i got to 0 no more tests and after i had my daughter after, y molar no tests. Some ladies do both urine and blood i only did blood. I had not seen a specialist either. It went on like all my other pregnancies.

Hi Cherie, sorry you had to go through this. Like Vicki said it depends on lot on where you live and if you had to have chemo but from my experience I initially had hcg tested every 48hrs to check for doubling between 4 and 5 weeks. Then lots of early scans until fully cleared with health bubs at 20week scan. I had 2 different doctors with each of my rainbows but both tended to do this. I think with my daughter (first after mole) I had a scan 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks (i had also had reoccurring losses so they were checking lots) but with my son only 8, 12 and 20weeks plus a couple in my doc office to check after some spotting. At birth my placenta has always been sent off to be check for molar tissue and then a follow up hcg at 6 weeks to make sure it had returned to 0.

It was scary at first and I always found I instantly relaxed once there was no sign of a mole and healthy bubs. I leant to fully listen to my gut too. If it didn't feel right I have stopped dismissing those feelings. For me deep down I always knew when it was a healthy pregnancy (my 2 children). The others (losses) felt different I somehow.
Wish you all the best but feel free to hang around and chat with usall, these ladies are a special bunch and so supportive! Especially during your early pregnancy, it nice to talk to others who actually know how you are feeling xx
Thanks for the pic of your SCH raff, it was quite imposing at that stage! Did it resolve? Or stay all through?
Sorry you got bfn hun, still a little time! X

Rach, omg!! Congrats!!!! :wohoo: that was quick :haha:

I'm fine just feeling very rough, which is awesome lol :haha: got baby on doppler now, heard its little heartbeat today actually (for about 8 seconds before it hid again lol) Spotting on and off which is yuck, but to be expected! X
Hi cherie, so sorry for your loss, welcome to our little group :hugs:

Good luck with TTC, wishing you a speedy bfp!

As for follow up. I have a 6-8w scan at my early pregnacy unit, to check its a normal pregnancy and HCGs a fortnight apart done by Charing cross. I also have HCGs done via Charing cross to track it after each pregnancy has ended. 6 weeks and 10 weeks post delivery or MC. I did have chemo tho, so they watch me a little closer. X

Oh and I see the consultant at 20w after my anomoly scan as they like to double check all is well, before signing me off to a midwife :flower:
Rachie! Congratulations my lovely! What awesome news!

Raff did you test again????

Dano I'm so glad all seems well..... Yay to finding bubs. Feeling awful sucks and is great at the sametime! Hehe! Hopefully doesn't get any worse. When's your next scan lovely?

Becky how are things now? Any better?

Cherie I'm glad you found us Hun. Hope you find us helpful. I had a complete molar with chemo and I'm under charring cross same as Dano so my check ups are the same. I've now had 2 babies after my molar and both times I've been followed the same.

This reminds me that I still need to call charring cross! Oopsy!


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