Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

SWlady, very sorry to read your post. I relate to so much of what you wrote. I also found out at the 12 week scan at the end of August, just when you think you're about to head into the second tri and had had no symptoms of anything being wrong.

Also just got my all clear and started TTC again although AF just turned up for me too. Plus I hear you on how hard it is to have a friend who everything is going right for (although mine just announced her pregnancy to me a few weeks ago). I'm happy for them but ohhh it aches! I can't deal with seeing her. I don't have any advice to give about that because I am usueless at not being affected by it!

Stick around here, everyone's so nice and has been through the same things and more.
SWlady, sorry for your loss and that you find yourself here :hugs: Definitely relate to the sad feelings, my sister in law shared my due date when I was pregnant with my partial molar baby. I'd just finished chemo when she had her healthy baby girl.
It's not all bad though, I have gone on to have two children since :hugs:

I hope your little rainbow comes along very soon x

Jbaby, omg what a beauitful bump you have now! :cloud9:
As for me it's all hanging in the balance AGAIN! Can you believe it?!

Went to the loo this morning, toilet full of blood, then every time i stood up it poured out for about an hour. I went through 3 maternity pads. It's now slowed to a trickle of dark blood. Doesn't feel like a miscarriage, no clots or anything. I'm thinking yet another subchorionic hematoma.
I'm so early with this one though, baby is very vulnerable at this stage, it could easily collapse the sac. I guess what will be will be, no use worrying! Scan in on weds, but I may get one before that if I can get hold of someone.
Dano what a worry! I'm so sorry that your bleeding..... Have all crossed it's not a mc. Have you been able to speak to anyone?

Jess you look fab. How you feeling?

Spring boo to AF! At least those ovulation pains will help pin point ovulation. Fingers and toes tightly crossed for next month.

Lady I'm sorry your joining us. I had a cmp found at my dating scan too. I went on to have chemo but I too have had to healthy children since. I found it all hard but he if ladies that have been in the same boat helps tonnes. Please stick around and we will help as best we can.

I appreciate just knowing that I'm not the only one! None of my friends have had miscarriages, and really only 2 are even ready for kids (and they are already pregnant/had a baby).

Thank you all for your support!
Babys ok, heart pumping and measuring right.
Managed a quick unofficial abdominal scan. ;)
Proper scan on weds. Definitely a SCH causing the bleed. X
That's great you got a reassurance scan and that bub is ok!! Must be a relief!!
Oh my god Dano my heart sank when I read your top post and am so massively relieved to see your update that everything's ok!
Nothing more than spotting today but when I had his with Vincent it would bank up then flood out in one go! Shant be leaving the house without pads for a while lol

Also been extremely close to chucking up this morning, couldn't stand up at one point, all very reassuring! :haha:
..... And the morning sickness begins! As much as I hate it I like it at the same time! Hope you don't get it to bad dano! Xxx
DanO- Oh yes, very familiar with SCH! They stink, but I had two GIANT ones with Emsley and we made fine. But I'll still be praying it all goes smooth from here!

AFM-yes we are TTC again :) :) :) I'll be testing in a little over a week! BFP or not I'm just excited that we are trying!

I've been so anxious this past week. Child Protective Services (CPS) in my town took three babies (newborn twins and a 10 month old) from a couple on false charges of negligence (all because she didn't use steroids on her sons eczema). It's been all over the news, but it is so disturbing! Anyway the trial ended today and the babies are going home!!! Still I can't believe our government has such crazy power to take peoples babies on no bases. They had their kids in state care for two months. There is no getting those precious weeks back. Here's the article:
How's everyone doing this weekend? I'm feeling very impatient these last couple of days. I've seen too many sweet babies and damn it I just want to be pregnant! I'm fed up of waiting, it's so frustrating.
Jbaby almost there.

Dano glad everything was ok praying ot stays good for you.

Swlady, sorry you are going throigh this.

Raff good luck ttc

Spring good luck to you too.

As for me i ended my first cycle like wednesdayish. Ready to see if i ovulate next week.

Lady sorry you had to join us. But welcome (seems weird welcoming someone under the circumstances). I remember those I'm sorry moments at my 12 week scan too (i was 14 weeks). Was so hard not having any signs things were wrong. My good friend was due 2 days before me so was hard to see her have her baby. I was actually 3 months pregnant when she did which helped a bit but was still very hard. Once I had my little girl it got a lot easier. She is very special to us and my daughter's good friend. They will actually start school together despite 6 months difference. Ttc is exciting though, the first step to getting to move forward on the journey to your rainbow. I hope you find the support here you need on that journey. Great group of ladies here!

Dano, thinking of you! I hope it all turns out ok and the scan Wednesday goes well xx

Laura, great to sed you on here. You are doing well! I have one less and still get on here less than you! How is your gorgeous new little one settle in? How is Indie taking it?

Jess, beautiful bump!

Raff,good luck ttc!

Sorry if I have missed anyone or anything.

At the moment, having a hard time with the toddler. Think we have hit terrible 2s... She is taking forever to go to sleep during the day and at night (and she has always been excellent). The last week its been 2-3hrs of trying during the day. She is so tired by won't stay still or in bed to go to sleep (its like she is anxious) and same at night. I've had to put the toilet training off (she was doing so well too) because it all too much now. I'm not sure if she is sick again. She is not listening at all to me and I feel like all I do is yell and tell her off. Its to the point its dangerous to take her out as I can't be sure she will listen when she needs to to stay safe. Hoping it changes soon. We have an appointment to sort out allergy testing tomorrow. I'm kind of hoping there is something she is eating that might explain the sudden change in behaviour. Any hints to coping with this behaviour? Struggling a bit at the moment :(
That sounds so hard Jacky, hopefully some one with some experience will be along to offer some advice soon.
Yes jackyb, we had exactly the same! Sidney was pretty damn bad at that age :devil: we have a similar age gap between our kids. It was most definitely a phase though, boundary testing mainly. He was much harder work than the baby.. how on earth did I ever find it hard work with just one? :rofl:

Then 'the baby' became 'a toddler' and the roles became reversed!! Now Vincent is the naughty one (and about 3 times worse than his older brother ever was!)!
And Sidney is generally good and easy to placate, despite not being and entirely 'straight forward' child!

It was utter madness, just muddle though and I bet the sleep will come back. I used the put back to bed technique supernanny used. Daytime naps may fizzle out tho, ours did but that's just growing up I guess.

Potty training was a complete nightmare for us, 6 months of pots tipped on floor, dilberate accidents, true accidents, poo in pants, and a whole lot of can't be bothered accidents. I was worn out. He was stressed out. My carpets actually need replacing as a result. Then suddenly.. he did it all on his own in a few days, even overnight :dohh: never looked back and the potties are all packed away now (thank God)

Backpack with reins helped the not listening, only had to use it for a few weeks. Very annoying phase that one.

You'll be on to the next phase before you know it I bet! We went out a lot, buggy walking every day, soft play, toddler groups when available.

Next time your kid has tipped a pot of wee on the floor, ripped the curtains down, had 17 meltdowns, got lost in the supermarket and refused to sleep until 1am, all in the space of 24 hours, have a bloody good laugh about the craziness of it all! It always made me feel a whole lot better! :hug:
Scan tomrrow at 8.50 (going alone, hubby doing school run with LO!) then consultant after.
Worried about the scan showing an inevitable mc due to the bleed or another chromasome problem, but excited in case this is my rainbow at last! Eeek!
First of all, Dano all the best today for your scan. Thinking of you and going along with you in spirit!

Secondly, thank you so much! You made me laugh! And feel instantly better about it all. So glad to hear its a phase and I'm not alone! I will definitely try those tips! We try to get out for walks as much as possible as everyone is safely contained in the buggy/pram. Fresh air is meant to help sleeps too. Definitely agree, babies are the easy one. Looking back I don't know how I ever thought it was hard!
Massive hugs for today, be thinking of you. I hope that everything looks great and the bleed is under control x
Thank you again for knowing the right things to say... We are off for a walk to ward off the yuck feeling from lack of sleep. Tag teaming children are ganging up on us to convince my hubby that 3 is never going to happening!

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