So glad I found this forum...
I found out on July 10th while going in for my 12 week ultrasound (and fully expecting to be able to tell the world that I was pregnant) that there was no heart beat. It was a shock. There were too many "I'm so sorry" moments. Then a few days later I had a D & C, followed by a call from the nurse telling me I had a molar pregnancy. I also had no idea what that was...
I was getting blood and urine tests every other week, then moved back to the US from the UK and had to do weekly tests. It took 3 months, but finally about a month ago I was cleared.
We started trying right away and I experienced odd cramping pretty soon after my regular period. I was hoping it was implantation bleeding, but no dice. Literally the day I got my period (this past Monday), my good friends had their baby and suffice it to say, it's been hard.
I'm so excited for them, but at the same time just want to burst into tears.
I know the chances of having another molar pregnancy are low, but I feel very anxious to get pregnant again, but also worried that I'll have another miscarriage. I'm also struggling with how to be positive about my friends, when really I almost don't want to hear about it...