Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Capri i really cant help, cause even though i had a complete mine was unnormal. My dr was very suprised the d&c results came back as molar. My levels were normal not high at all. They went down in a month on thier own. Which you should have them tested weekly till 0 then monthly for 3 months for what i understand, but since i did not show normal signs the dr just tested till it was 0. My dr told my 1year after totry again, his partner said 6-12months depending on how fast they go down.

You dont want to try again till its down cause it makes it hard to tell if its the pregnancy or molar growing back. I got preg around a year but not by choice. I had one depo shot and it lasted a year in my body.

Praying for you, keep us updated.

And yes i had my rainbow baby and she is healthy.

Also alana is starting to stand without holding on. Growing up so fast.

Thank you all so much for your responses. You have really put me at ease and it's comforting to know other people have gone through such a rare preg. I am at the age that all my friends are getting preg but none of them can relate to my situation or even no what a molar preg is. I can't really talk with them about it. It's very uplifting to hear that many of you have gone on to have normal preg and gives me hope. My BHCG started out extremely high my obgyn who did the d and c called me today to tell me my last two blood work showed 1000 and then the most recent was 10-he said I'm not in the clear yet but its declining. I'm glad to hear that it was nothing I did to cause this I guess it's just the unlucky roll of the genetic dice :S I will def.stick around in this support group you girls are great! Thanks again for putting my heart and head at ease. I'm nervous to start trying again when the time is right as I don't want to experience this again but I know as I continue to read your stories of success and positive outcomes in your future preg it will give me the courage to try again. Just curious do any of you know if I went the fertility route if it would prevent this happening again? Happy New Year to you all! xo
Capri, sorry you have come to join us. Miscarriage is hard enough but when its a molar pregnancy its even harder. But welcome to our group. Like the others I had a partial molar pregnancy (baby gets 2 sets of male dna so had 3 sets of chromosomes and placenta forms the mole - completely random like a complete mole). I had to wait 6 months from d and c or 3 months of negatives. My levels were negative I'm 6 weeks and I was pregnant again with my daughter quite quickly after the ok (within days lucky timing). She was born a week before the date we found out about the mole. I've since gone on to have a son in August.
I remember feelings exactly the same as you. It does get easier as the days go on but I found I didn't 'get over it', I just learned that it was now a part or me that makes me truely know how blessed I am especially with my 2 beautiful children. I now can talk about it openly without breaking down.
Remember nothing you have done could have prevented this xx
Happy new year everyone! Here's to a wonderful 2015 filled with rainbows and healthy pregnancies!

I had a little breakthrough on the 3rd.child front... Hubby has stopped saying no outright and has said lets not have a baby or be pregnant in 2015. I'm happy with that :) and take that as one step closer to ok lets have another. He is right though, 2 bubs in 2 years is enough for now ;)

Hope you are all well. Thinking of you all always xx
Happy new year everyone!! <3

Capri so sorry for your loss hun :hugs: wishing you a speedy recovery and wait time xxx
Jackyb that's great news hun, phew!

Spring, how's it going?

M2C how's your little brood?

Vicki any news on the cycle front?

Jbaby, can't believe how close you are now! Hope everything is still going smoothly and your are not too exhausted.

Rachie scan soon isn't it?

As for me, had another bleed late last night. Just flooded out with no warning all over my clothes, stupid SCH :hissy: I've been really ill with the same flu vincent had as well, all in all, quite a tortuous xmas really lol! :haha: ah well hopefully next year will be better, and with a new addition :)

NT scan next week, can't wait to get that out of the way. I'm not expecting the best odds due to my age and previous chromasomal loss, but if baby looks good then I'll be happy with that :D
Gosh that must be scary when that happens Dan-o! Can't believe you are nearly 12 weeks :) fx for good news at ur NT scan!

I am doing great :-D can't believe how good I actually feel still......don't get me wrong, I do get uncomfortable and tired but I feel better so far than I thought I would at this stage! I've probably jinxed myself and will feel horrible from now on lol!

I am off to a pregnancy day spa on Saturday :-D can't wait. Also started to pack my hospital bag.....thought I better get onto it so I'm not rushing at the last minute!
Expecting AF any day now. Or not.... muahahaaa! Trying to keep my anticipation under control so as not to be crushed in the next couple of days.

Sorry to hear you had another stressful bleed Dano. Best of luck for the next scan, I'm rooting for you and baby-Dano!
Hopefully AF stays away Spring!!! My fingers are crossed for you :)
Capri I'm so so sorry your joining us. I had a cmp in 2011. I had to have chemo to reach zero. Since then I've had 2 beautiful healthy girls so there's light at the end of the tunnel. Did you say your numbers are 10? That's great news if they are.

Dano I'm sorry about your bleed! Scary stuff! Hope bubs is ok. Fingers crossed with the nt scan always a nerve racker. Hopefully your numbers are all fine and dandy. Hope the results come through quick. How was Christmas? Did the boys have fun?

Becky awesome news on the baby no.3 break through!!!! Yay! So pleased. I want to be able to drink for my birthday this year so baby no.4 we will start ttc maybe October!!!! Hehe!!!!! How was Christmas? Are the littlies ok?

Spring are you gonna test early? Or wait till AF is due? I'm hoping you get a BFP...... Fingers and toes crossed for you my lovely!!!!!

Jess! 35 weeks! Can't believe it!!!! You'll soon have bubs in your arms. I'm gonna guess girl! Eek! Did you say you'd chosen names?

Rachie how's you Hun?

Raff you ok?

Lotte hope your still checking in! Miss you! Hope all is well.

Sorry I've been missing! Do try catch up. Been so busy with Christmas! Had chris at home so not really had time to post. All has been going great! Had Iyas 6 week check 2 weeks ago (was early because of Christmas) she wads 11lb 11oz (91st centile) and was 60cm (99th centile) gonna be a big girly! Christmas was just so lovely! Corban had such a great time.... Indie didn't really get it but still had fun!

Yes we have chosen Layla Louise for girl and Koby Jace for boy. Not 100% on spelling of either yet many ways to spell Layla and Koby!! Lol

Had bad cramping all day yesterday which freaked me out a bit. Went to bed at about 7pm and they have gone this morning so hopefully they stay away!
Like cramps or contractions? Love both names. When preggo with indie Cody was in the running for a boys name. Eek! I'm so excited for you. Do you have any feelings what you might have? Xxx
Hope you enjoyed the day spa Jess! Both lovely names. Can't wait to see what you have. I got lots of cramping with both bubs for last month or so. As long as its not regulate and the pain increases. One tip midwife said to me was have a shower or warm bath, false labour pains should disappear. If you are worried give the maternity wing at your hospital a call. They are more than happy to help and get questions all the time :) hope you keep feeling comfortable!

We had a great Christmas Laura, so exciting when they have fun :) was lovely to have Marcy get so much enjoyment out of it all. My family spoilt her rotten of course... Hope she doesn't think that's normal!

Dano good luck with your scan. Have everything crossed xx

Spring hope af stays away and its bfp!

I still can't believe my little girl turns 2 in 2 days! Ite gone too quickly! We had a party for her friend today. I was so disappointed I couldn't go after waking up sick but was nice for Rich to take her.
Well the cramps have stayed away today so I'm guessing they were false contractions!?

Yes I have a feeling I will have a boy :)

Day spa was amazing! So relaxing!!
Dan o sorry about the bleed. Fingers crossed everything goes well at your scan

They are lovely names jess.

I had my scan on Tues. I wrote a comment here the other day but got distracted lol. I thought I was 6+1 but they dated me as 5+6. No heartbeat and the start of a fetal pole but I have a retroverted uterus so she said it makes it harder to see. I've also got a cyst in my left ovary which is a good thing apparently. They were all really positive about it all but I felt so deflated by it all that hubby Dr Googled it and it seems really normal. I'm back in on Friday when I should be 7+2 and they should see more. So fingers crossed :) happy new year every one :) xxx
Rachie when I went for my first scan with iya I only had a sack and yolk at 6 weeks. Worried me loads as at 6+2 with indie there was a heartbeat. Two weeks later though there was a mini blobby iya so I'm sure all is well and it was just a bit early xxxx
I started my period yesterday so right now looking at 34 days with it being cycle 2 in about 2 years no way i can predict if it will even itself out. Just wait and see. This cycle gonna try to not use opk and just use my thoughts on predicting. Always been better that way then opks.

I found a bottom front tooth and a top side tooth in alanas mouth. On top of her standing, clapping and waving. She is growing up fast. She is a cutie just thinking about her make me wanna wake her up and cuddle with her, but she was crabby before bed so i wont.

Rach, cyst is normal. They told me it shows what ovary you ovulated from and it helps to support the pregnancy along with the yolk until the placenta takes over. Sorry you didn't see a heart beat at your scan. With Marcy my scan at 6weeks didn't show on either. I hope Friday's scan shows a wiggling little bubba! Good luck xx

Vicki, hope this month is it for you. Exciting you have a stander! She will be walking in no time!

Good work Laura on another healthy bubba! Its great that she is growing well. You are tall so I would expect she would be a tall bubs!
Jess I'm thinking girl for you. Only because everyone I know but 1 (and Laura) has just had boys (everyone but 1 in my mums group has had a boy second!). Someone has to break the boy cycle! Not long now :)
Rach - I'm sure you will see more at your next scan :) that's good you don't have to wait too long!

Becky - hehe I am so excited to see who's predictions are correct! We have a guess jar going from my baby shower - the guests payed $2 to enter what they thought the gender, date and weight would be and the winner gets all the money in the jar haha it's gonna be so fun to see who wins!!

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