Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Jess I'm just so excited for you! Love the sound of the bets... Whose gonna win the pot of cash!

Vicki sorry AF turned up. After my molar my ovulation pains were pretty strong so I knew that way. I didn't use opks with iya and the next one i won't unless it takes a little longer. Goodluck for this month.

Becky I'm hoping she will be a super model then she can pay for a boob job! Hehe! Once I've breast fed 4 I think they will need it! Hehe! ;)

Ha ha... I think I will need one after 2... Just not the same anymore!

Thanks. She is having a lovely day and big sleep as we speak! Its like Christmas but you dont have to share! Me, I'm sort of getting used to the fact my little girl is growing up... Slowly!
It also seems that once you are 2 you don't want to wear nappies anymore... If only it was as simple to actually go to the toilet instead everytime... Interesting few weeks ahead!
It will be interesting to see who wins... Ok I'm saying girl, 29 Jan, 7 pound 4oz. (about a week early and average size bub I reckon :))
Yeah mum, i usually have very strong ovulation symptoms and even though i got alot of positives before my period this time i never felt like i od so i gonna try to listen to my body this this time and mot waste the money. My body is usually more accurate then the opks.

It will be interesting to see who wins... Ok I'm saying girl, 29 Jan, 7 pound 4oz. (about a week early and average size bub I reckon :))

Good guess :) I like the date.....hoping bub comes early!!
I think about that size too!
Woah, a lot of posts since I last checked! CD33 today, no sign of my period but test was negative so I'm out. Ugh, I hate TTC!

A year and a half after we both decided to try for a baby and still no closer to actually having one. Sorry everyone, I've got the grumps 😔
Jess I'm gonna say 2nd feb (my dad's birthday) 7lb 2oz and a boy! Hehe! Eek!

Vicki sounds like you do better trusting your body. Sometimes I think opks leave to much guessing. Fingers crossed.

Spring how many days past O are you?

Becky I love your pic on fb. Marcy is just gorgeous! Beautiful girl! I look at Corban sometimes and can't believe how big he is. He starts school in September and I'm hating that thought. Boo hoo!!!

Dano how's things?

Had our 8 week check today and all is well. Got the mini pill so no baby no.4 just yet! Gotta stay strong and not ttc earlier than our plan! Wanna drink for my birthday in august so no ttc before then!!!!! Haha!

AF arrived today but as it happens, I'm suddenly grateful.

I've just realised the cause of an ongoing illness I've had for many years. The good news is that I will be able to make a full recovery. The bad news for me is that it will take up to three years and I'm not sure I could handle being pregnant at the same time, as recovery symptoms are pretty awful and I'm suddenly looking at having to give up work whilst I get better. I think TTC is on hold again.

I'm still going to stick around here to keep up to date with you all though!
Spring sorry you may have to delay TTC, but great news you have made a breakthrough!

Jbaby, I'm saying my birthday just for fun. 7th feb. 7lb 2oz :D

M2c yay for 8 week check up! I read that and thought how can she be 8w, but the. remembered you were in the novemeber group! December seems to have evaporated lol!

Jackyb, sounds lovely! Bless her! Vince next, he's two in April!! :shock:

Vicki I didn't use any methods at all this time, my opks never arrived in time, just bd whenever and that was it! Fingers crossed same for you hun!
As for me, I graduated from 'the green room' aka EPU today. :yipee:

Pics behind spoiler xx

Had my nt scan, all good, baby measuring 12 1/2 weeks. Official EDD 18th july, just 8 days after Sidney's birthday!!!
Sorry to hear you have to put TTC on hold but I'm glad you have found out more info!

Dan-o 7th Feb is my guess too :) and yayyyyyyy for a great scan!! Congrats I'm so happy for you!!
Spring sorry about ttc but hopefully you'll fell better with your break through xx

Dano awesome news! Another one close to a birthday! I was ok with iya being born close to corbans birthday until it got close! I was worried I'd be in hospital for his birthday but she came just before! Lovely scan picture will you find out bubbas sex?

So indie has decided that she wants to go poo in the toilet! She's not asking to do a wee but yesterday afternoon and this morning she asked to do poo poo toilet! Yay! Hope this continues!

Wonderful Dano! So happy for you xx

Happy 36 weeks Jess!

So sorry you have to put ttc on hold spring. I hope you feel amazing and have a full recovery xx

Hope it continues Laura! Would love that in my house! Right now we want to wear knickers but are refusing to go to the potty or toilet. Aaah the tantrums over wearing nappies but then she gets so upset over accidents. Any hints?
With Corban he didn't really care so I could keep nappies on him. He didn't wear pants till I was happy he had got the hang of it. Indies not really to interested but at least it's a start! Hmmm I'm not sure what to do. Indigo can be a monkey like that at times and it's hard to battle with them. Are there any knickers you could get a liner for? Help absorb the wee?! Xxx
Spring sorry you have to put it on hold but happy you found out about the sickness to get it treated.

I was in the hospital getting induced with son #4 on sons #3's first birthday. So glad they dont remember things at that age. Cause he was in his crib alot that day.

Hi ladies! Just checking in...still pregnant! I think I'm 7w3days. Not a ton of symptoms but my abdomen feels huge, I've popped out so fast! We still haven't told any family, I want wait till I see a heartbeat....which is going to be a while, my first appointment isn't even until the 19th and it usually takes another week to get an ultrasound. Oh well, time is actually going fast, feels like I just got my BFP yesterday!
Raff will they not scan you early? Hope your scan comes round quick! How have you been feeling? Xxx

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