Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Raff shame you can't get a scan yet. I guess one advantage is you'll see a lot more :)
I haven't told anyone yet either, I'm 14w on sat :haha:
They only do early scans if there's cause for concern, otherwise they are usually between 10-13 weeks... Feels like I'm back in the tww! I guess that's 99% of what pregnancy is...waiting!
Ugh! Surely the cause for concern is a previous molar and the fact cells could potentially be growing back??? Strange! My EPU insist on early (6-8w) scans for me! Maybe it's because I had chemo?

Well I just had another flood of blood. Just stood up and out it came, loads and loads, completely soaked my bottom half and the floor. That has to be a big percetange of the 5x5 bleed, unless it's got bigger again. Gotta love SCH pregnancies :roll:. Luckily I was at home!
I just tell my dr that charring cross want early scans done and so far I have 6w and 8w scans. Next time I'm going to bypass my dr and call epu see if I can book it myself!

Dano my goodness! Is it scary when that happens? Sounds it. Good job you were at home!!!!

How's everyone?

Wow, they might not know I had a molar pregnancy since it is an new they'd still want an early scan even thought I've had a healthy baby in between? That is news to me! I didn't even call them till I was 7.5 weeks, so it would be my fault too. Does anyone know if that is the case for a PMP?
Raff, I've had early scans with both bubs. With Raph one at around 8 weeks to confirm healthy pregnancy or molar tissue, then checked again at 12 weeks and 20 weeks. I had my doctor check on her machine each appointment (had spotting at 10 weeks). I'd tell them about your pmp, an extra scan is a bonus and reassuring.

Dano, how scary! You are super strong! And congrats on 14 weeks!

I saw the gp today that helped me after pmp before seeing the specialist. It was nice to see her under different circumstances (just needed a referral for Marcy as she was back at my clinic). And nice to show her my 2 healthy rainbows :)
Even before my molar i have had scans around what we think is 8 weeks just to date how far along i am. And since i have had gestiinal that turned to type 2 diabetes i have had alot more scans expeciallt at the end to keep an eye of sizes and everything else.

My husband keeps telling me no more babues just grandbabies cause we have 1 but he never pulls out either. Its really funny. He knows i have a good chance of getting preg again, and he knows i want another, but?????? I know if or when it hppens again he will act unhappy about it but he will warm up to it too. But he also has been saying hes done for along time now with most of the kids. I think deep down hes addicted too. But he will never admit and i wont ever tell him that.

How's everyone doing?

Vicki do you think you'll end up with more than one? Or will you keep going? I'm tempted to have 5 cause I love it all so much! Chris knows I love it but I know he does too!

I figure unless i end up preg with more then one, i will quit with one more, or i wont plan anymore tgen one. They more one has the harder it usually gets. So i womt plan on anymore.

Good luck today! I hope it doesnt bother her too much Laura!

Do you have a time frame Vicki for this next one?

How are all the pregnant ladies going? Jess not long at all!
Well, I finally had my first OB appointment today. Mixed feelings...I'm 8weeks 6 days and I asked the doctor if they'd try to find the heartbeat. They said they usually wait till 10 weeks but they were willing to try. All to say, they couldn't find it. I kind of regret asking as it only gave me something to worry about! Anyway, my first u/s is scheduled for Friday, and I am READY!
Hi ladies, sorry Ive been a bit slack on here lately!!

I hope her needles went ok and she wasn't too fussy!

That sucks they couldn't find the HB Raff, it is very early still tho! Atleast your scan isn't long now :-D how exciting!!!

38 weeks for me today :-D
I'm soooooo ready for our little one to make an appearance now, I feel like I have suddenly just got really impatient :-( I need to try keep busy cos my days are dragging by!
I would like to get preg asap. I am applying for school for jan 2016. And would not want to be oreg after that for the fact that i dont want to take a break after i start.

Becky she screamed during but I soon calmed her down and she's been fine! Bless her. How are your gorgeous bambinos?

Raff I'm sorry they didn't find bubbas heartbeat. It's still early for them to find the heartbeat. Our midwives will try find it at a 16 week appointment but not before as it's difficult to find when so small. Not long till your scan Hun! Fingers crossed xx

Jess as if your so close! How exciting! It's hard not to get impatient. It's hard as you know it's Anyday but what day! I fully expected to go at least a week over with iya but she was only 2 days late. I'm so excited to hear your news and see a picture of your precious bundle!!!!! Eek!

Vicki you've not got long to get preggo to have a bubs before jan 16!!!! Argh! Get loadsa bonking in. I'm aiming for a summer baby next year.... Plan is to try oct, nov and December!

Raff, deffo don't worry about that!! I couldn't even find it myself until about then, with 4 out of my 5 pregnancies i have doppled! I had all the time I needed and knew where to look too! Roll on Friday!

Vicki good luck hun, hope you get that bfp asap! Wish my hubby was as open minded as yours and M2C's! This will be our last, his choice not mine. Mind you it's been such a struggle to even get this far, it's probably sensible.

Jbaby, wow so close! I had ds2 at 38w!! You could pop any minute :wohoo:

M2C glad she was ok, I absolutely dread vaccinations, mine always have bad reactions. Took them until now to recover from the ones they had before xmas!

Still ticking along here. No more blood since the red bleed on Friday. Felling lots of subtle movements and my waistline is expanding :)
Having strong boy feelings now. Was kinda hoping a girl, just for the pure reason it may stop me feeling broody after this one :blush:
Oh... and I'm so stuck on a boys name, but can think of a few girl ones! :haha:
Hello ladies, it's been a while! Random question of the day: Have any of you had much exposure to topical steroid creams or oral steroids for skin problems etc in the past by any chance?
Dano my hubby says I never ask for anything but babies so if that's what I want then it's ok..... But after no.4 he might just say no!!!! Xxx

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