Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Oh Rach, I'm so so sorry. I hope it goes well today. Thinking of you always. Praying it all goes well and nothing else is needed and its all over soon xx
Lotte, hope Ella gets better soon. We also have colds here too. So hard to watch the little ones miserable!

Vicki, its good that it has doubled. It all just may have happened later than you expected. Implanatation can happen up to a week after fertilisation so would make it very early still. Good luck.
I think what i need to do, is set a different date to look forward to instead of next thursday like ok my birthday is in june or my paid 1 week vacation is in june so the tme between now and next week seems alot faster cause i looking forward to something months away from now.

Vicki its doubling time not numbers, I think your good!!! Late implanter/late ov, so many variables! I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it either. I would hazard a guess that your first beta was probably more like 8/9/10dpo xx

Lotte how is your LO?

M2C are you fully recovered from the mastitis now?

Rach, thinking of you, hope all is resolved easily with the retained placenta today :hugs:

Things not too bad with me, just keeping my head down and counting down the days until baby is viable and I get my steroid shots for his lungs. My bleeding has settled and got much darker, mainly just been brown. He's definitely grown, I can feel his movements all the time now and he's getting stronger with it <3 I also feel better in myself, no longer pasty white and drained looking lol! X
Sounds like a good idea Vicki! Anything that makes the week go faster is always good.

Rachie be thinking of you today xxx
Dano so pleased things seem to be a little better! Each day your creeping closer to the viable point. He sounds like a strong boy!

Mastitis cleared up in a few days with antibiotics! Thank goodness!

Thanks dano i think by calender was 12 but of course that could always be off a day or two. I know we had sex 13 and 8 days before pos. So thinking maybe the 13 days did it then adding in the 5-10 days to implant. I wouldnt have been so stressed if nurse didnt make it soyndvthey way she did. But either way told my boss cause was having dizzy spells at work the other night.

Hope you ladies don't mind me posting this:

13/03/2009 :angel: PMP 12w4d :angel: still haven't forgotten you little one <3
Dano happy that he is staying strong for you been wooried about your bleeds har long do you have left for viability?
Thanks dano i think by calender was 12 but of course that could always be off a day or two. I know we had sex 13 and 8 days before pos. So thinking maybe the 13 days did it then adding in the 5-10 days to implant. I wouldnt have been so stressed if nurse didnt make it soyndvthey way she did. But either way told my boss cause was having dizzy spells at work the other night.


All sounds perfect and the dates marry up exactly as the sperm would have survived between the two dates as well! Are you getting a scan in 3 weeks or so? :flower:

Dano happy that he is staying strong for you been wooried about your bleeds har long do you have left for viability?

The big hospital nearest to me (southmead from one born every minute) will possibly help me from next weekend if he's over 500g. He's viable on the 28th officially at all hospitals (UK have a 24w rule) and I'm booked to get his steroid shots on the 1st April, plus a growth scan. If any problems in week 23 I will get there the shots then. X

Ps. our local SCBU will take him if he's born after 28w and no major complications. That's the milestone my consultant has given me to definitely get past!
Good luck Dano. Thinking of you and your super strong little boy. So glad that you are looking better and the bleed seems to have slowed. Hoping by next scan things have settled down xx
Yes here we consider 24 weeks viable but i know a few people who have had 23 weekers and they are fine as toddlers now. I volunteer at onevof our hospitals in the neonatal intensive care unit or nicu. Not sure how you label it.

I usually get scans about at 8 weeks so i hoping but they havent even said well lets go ahead and schefule your first apt at tgis time. They want to see how my numbers are in a week. I think. So i will try and stay level headed for a week then say ok lets schedule my apts. I see my endcronolgist every 2 weeks now for awhile. For type 2 diabetes.

Hugs dan o. I hope the next 2 weeks fly for you!

Thank you everyone today went shit! I was told to ring at 8 to check for a bed was told countless times to ring back and was finally asked to come in at half 12. was nil by mouth since midnight so was starving at this point. Got to hospital told to wait in day room because my bed hadn't been made up half 1 my Dr comes in to the day room to tell me they won't be doing it today because there were no spaces in theater or emergency theatre. He refuses to do it over the weekend because of the risk of bleeding with pmp and my history chance of blood transfusion is higher and the nearest blood bank is cardiff 100+ miles away. I have to phone again Monday morning and have been told 99% sure I'll have it done!! Why so many set backs, it seems that everything that could go wrong so far has genuinely not sure how much more I can take!! I just want all the physical shit over so I can get on with the emotional side. Sorry for moaning so much guys just soo fed up, plus it only really hit dh yesterday what was going on so he's not in a great place today, I actually thought he was gonna punch the Dr lol. Xxx
So sorry Rach, not what you want to happen at all. Thinking of you this weekend and hope that Monday produces a successful surgery. Praying for the best. Again so sorry this is happening again for you hun xxx

Oh and you are not moaning at all. You are being amazingly strong, I would have lost it all by now x
Dano - gentle hugs for yesterday. I used to walk past Southmead hospital everyday when I lived in Bristol! Although i hope he stays put for a while yet! Have you a name for baby yet?

Rach - hugs to you - sorry yetserday was rubbish. I hope you go in monday and it gets sorted. Dont feel you are moaning - we are here for you.

Vicki - the numbers look good!

Laura - how are you - i want to upload a new picture of my little one - wetook some last weekend.

Afm, ella is ok. Got a bit of a nasty cold and cough but it well in herself - i.e. Being miss bossy boots :haha: was up before five coughing this morning poor love.

Hopefully going to buy some felt today to make some flowers for nanna (my mum) for tomorrow!

Rach, :hugs: omg I totally relate to this as exactly the same happned to me!! (I was about 10 weeks post initial D&C tho) I was rescanned, retained products with flow, extended bleeding, I spent all day in a gown waiting to go in for my second D&C it was so frustrating! Charing cross told them not to D&C me last minute, and that they would continue to monitor me instead, as the retained products can be quite deep into the womb lining, almost placenta accretia style. I went up to Charing Cross to be sorted out properly a few weeks later. It wasn't so bad and they really know their stuff. I hope this isn't the case for you and a second D&C sorts it, but if not you will be ok, promise xxx

Huge :hug: coming your way, hang in there hun, you are doing really well, especially considering you have all this crap going on right after losing your precious angel xxxx

Ps. Any hcg results yet?
Thank you everyone. Dan o and Vicki how are you feeling??

DH got the sickness bug yesterday so thats all of us now, hopefully it will do one lol. It's mother's day here, it's been lovely. My girls helped make me tea and toast in bed, I had a peaceful soak in the tub while daddy took them to get me something and come back with new shoes, flowers and a HUGE bar of galaxy, my fave lol! I also had a card of Meghan that she made in school saying 'I love you because you give me lots of cuddles' it as so cute I had a tear. She is turning into the most loving little girl, I am so proud of them both. Carys is a little emotional lately, kind of reminding me of the hulk without the green bit lol. Hubby also cooked me a roast dinner which I never get because I work every Sunday so today has been a good day. Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I hope you've all had a wonderful day, you totally deserve it!!

I haven't had my HCG results yet but will ask tomorrow. Does anyone know if its normal to do a second evac for possible molar?? I looked on charing x and it says they don't recommend it and their choice of treatment is chemo. It has me worried! Not sure if mine would be classed as persistent trophoblastic disease because it's only been two weeks?? xxx

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