Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

So i did a poll today with the kids about sex of the baby.
Logan (14) girl
James (11) girl because we have too many ding dongs ( his exact words)
Pierson (9) one of each.
Adam (8) copying his brother said 2 girls
Elliott (6) copied his brother and said 2 girls
Nora (5) girl
Alana (16 months) choose to ingnore the questio and wouldnt answer.


I think alana was the smartest
:hugs: rachie, glad you are home now. Sounds like they are being very thorough, good on them. Good luck for your next scan, fingers crossed it's showing all clear and your bloods continue shooting down to normal. It's so hard having all this on top of a loss, I hope you can take some time out to grieve and heal now xx

Yes it's wonderful not to be wearing pads! I'm still scared of a sudden flood in a public place tho. Yep I'm having a scan on April 1st as they want to check he's ok to leave in. I'll then have another at least every 4 weeks after that (already booked them all in!) I think he's fine myself, and I feel like the bleed is healing. Well that's my gut feeling anyway. I think I have a name but not sure until he's born! I've only got just over 14 weeks left maximum, doesn't sound like a long time to keep him cooking, in the grand scheme of things!
So i did a poll today with the kids about sex of the baby.
Logan (14) girl
James (11) girl because we have too many ding dongs ( his exact words)
Pierson (9) one of each.
Adam (8) copying his brother said 2 girls
Elliott (6) copied his brother and said 2 girls
Nora (5) girl
Alana (16 months) choose to ingnore the questio and wouldnt answer.


I think alana was the smartest

I think boy :flower:
Ahh Dan O it must be a lovely feeling!! Your gut is usually right I've found the last few weeks. Roll on the 1st April :)

Vicki I think boy too

I just rang charring cross and they have confirmed another pmp which sucks but I had already resigned myself to the fact that it was. It's all changed a bit since my last one, like your allowed on contraception now except for the coil and follow up doesn't last quite so long, once they've had a normal blood result they want a wee sample a month later and that's it if it's normal. I think it's still a 6 month wait from normal result. I have read that chance of having a third pmp goes up to 1 in 6 so I asked her but she said for us it's not a medical condition because we have had 2 children, if we'd had 2 in a row and no children then our chances of a third would be high. Apparantly I've been unlucky to have two and the chances of having a normal pregnancy this time is still 99% like anybody else. I know finding out isn't great news but to be honest the thought of not knowing was harder, its like closure now and we can start to move on :) xxx
Sorry rach, yes you needed to know that, but the odds didnt go up like you thought.

I think when its time to find out what it is i should buy a box of ding dongs. Then when whole family is around i can say the baby has or does not have and pull out the box of ding dongs. Cause my husband does not usually go to any apts till the end anyway.

Rachel - sorry the pmp was confirmed. I hope your levels drop really quickly. I'm glad your chance of it happening again are not increased. After i had my two losses, my consultant said I was at no more increased risk of another loss even though I had no living children. They could explain both losses and they apparently were both bad luck. Not sure I believe it though, but it made me feel a bit better at the time. It seems the protocol is more relaxed now so hopefully makes things easier.

Vicki - i think boy! When are you next at the dr? Do you have a scan booked?

Dano - glad the bleeding has stopped - must be nice not to be in pads. So close to viability now too! Wow 14 weeks is nothing!

Laura - how are you? Hope you and your three are well!

Afm, ella has had bad nappies all day :nope: not sure if it is teething or a bug. She has had a cold for the last week, so hoping it is just that. She is good apart from that- seems so clever and smart (not biased at all!) love cuddles with her!

Have not been or scheduled anything yet. Get blood test tomorrow and will hopefully schedule when i get results.


Ps husband thinks girl too.
Rachie I'm sorry it's a confirmed PMP but like you say at least you know so you can process it and hopefully move past it. I'm happy that your odds of having another isn't what you thought. Still a worry though I guess. Got all crossed those levels will be normal very soon. Bugs hugs to you lady xxx

Vicki I'm gonna say girl for now. Goodluck for you bloods tomorrow.

Dano I do believe ladies know! I knew the molar was wrong and the mc but felt sure all was well with the girls. Your boy is a super strong boy! Showing his mummas strength. Be good to start ticking off those milestones! Not long. How are the boys?

Lotte indie has been super poorly.... Had an awful cold which turned into an ear infection and conjunctivitis. she's now only started eating and sleeping properly. Always makes you feel sad when there poorly. Corban caught indies conjunctivitis so no playgroup so far this week. Hoping it's ok by Friday so he can go to his disco. Iya had her jabs but seems ok. Sorry Ella has had a cold. Hope she feels better.

Knowing i will call in an hourish. I am getting so nervous, butterflies in my tummy.
Anyway my husband went from not wanting to talk about baby to naming HER. He shocked me big time when he said i had a dream and this is what we called her... And not knowing numbers i wasnt even tginking about names yet.

Hcg went up to 797 wich means it did double every 1.9 days or every 44.73 hours. Progestrone went down. So i keep doing the nightly progestrone and i go back in a week. So she acted happier that hcg went up but i asked her if that puts me around 5 weeks and she its still early cant really tell by numbers so only way to tell is by u.s. And of course still too early for that. Ugggg.

Great increase Vicki. Hope it continues to go well.

Rach, so sorry its been confirmedbut glad the risk of having it happen again is no higher than as with one. Thinking of you all the time.

Lotte, Laura, I hope your little ladies start feeling better soon! I have 2 poorly bubs too. Both woke up at 3am with temperatures. Not the best weekend to have sick kidies with my hubby working all weekend.

Hope you are all well xx
Ugg jacky hope they feeling better. Lanas been having on and off again fevers i think they are gone. But its no fun especially when dh working all weekend.

Vicki great numbers! Got all crossed x

Becky indie is now better but Iya seems to now be poorly. She's not feeling it. So chesty when she coughs she throws up a whole feed. Was a long night! Doesn't it make you feel awful when your babies are poorly. Hope your two are gonna be ok!

Oh I hope Iya is better soon and no one else gets it. Poor little girl. So hard when they are sick after their feeds. And Its so hard to watch them sick and even worse when there is no sleep happening in the house. If I keep the panadol up both seem a lot better. Its strange having Raph laying on me. He never stops moving so completely out of character. Hopefully they wake up feeling better tomorrow.

Vicki, I hope Lana is passed it all now. How are you feeling? Any sickness yet? How is your daughter in law going with her pregnancy?
Not sickness but nauseas. The other night was coughing and gagging. It just so happens i feeling really nauseas as i type. Ate some fruit special k crisp bars with sprite zero andbit helped for like 5 mins. Hopfully in about an hour tge girls and i will ne laying down sleeping.

Jacky how are they now? I hope they are better!

How is everyone?

Afm I'm ok. Got two questions for you. Firstly what was your bleeding like after your evac? This has been totally different to last week's. I started off with light spotting, like a pad would've lasted all day but the past few days it's gone a bit heavier and it's gone a really deep red colour. I have a scan tomorrow anyway so gonna mention it to Dr then but wondered if it was normal. Second question did anyone else go to the drop in session at charing cross and find it helped? I've been offered a chance to go either next month or in June. Not sure if it would benefit or not. My testing kit arrived today too :( xxx

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