Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

hi all:) just popping in with my latest news. Just saw the ob and all is looking well with baby:) although bubba is sitting head up!! the ob said there is still time for it to turn, but if it doesnt we would have to discuss options such as a external rotation or c-section etc! I welcome any advice on breech bubbas! lol..i think my lil one is on more of an angle though rather then sitting straight up. cheeky lil monkey! ob was happy with my blood sugar levels and how im controlling it with diet so far. Appointment again in 2 weeks to check babys growth and see if i need to go for a formal ultrasound etc. She said that at the moment baby is measuring right on and my fundal length read the same:thumbup:
My sis in law is due in a few wks and her baby is breech and shes a bit dissapointed becoz she wanted a natural delievery but has to have a c section instead, and becoz she doesnt want an epidural she has to have a general so she will be out to it when baby arrives! Im not worried if i need a c section, although i do want to be awake for it. I dont mind how baby gets here as long as he/she is safe and healthy!
off to my dietician appointment now:) will pop in again soon hope u r all well:hugs:
p.s the ob also mentioned due to my previous partial molar pregnancy they will be sending my placenta away this time for testing...Amanda and Sarah did you get this done too?

Gald you had a great appt, Kate! No, I didnt have any testing on my placenta. It wasnt offered to me. Honestly, You have been much more closely monitored than I was and I would be happy about that if I were you. Did the Dr say what they were testing for?

Its good that baby seems to be transverse rather than totally breech. yes, still lots of time for him/her to turn, but if s/he is transverse than s/he is likely in the process of turning already. Check out the website for tips on different positions you can do to encourage baby to turn head down. Also, try placing ice packs (or a bag of frozen veggies on the top of your belly (supposedly baby will try to turn away from the cold) and if you can manage it, place a heating pad on the bottom of your belly at the same time. Another site to check for tips is and more info at Good luck!:flower:
Img sorry ladies... I have been so busy, it was DD's birthday yesterday and we had a party at the house so I havent stopped the past couple of days lol! Well i did a test on wed and there was nothing, but DH said yesterday that i should do another 1 cause iv been forgetful... any excuse to poas! So did 1 last night, which was not the best time to. Nothing came up, but i left it and had a look at 4 this morning and theres a really faint line! I know it could be evap but i always look at the test a few hours later and have only had a faint line when I have been pregnant with this test! I haven't got anymore so will have to wait til next week, but i sent off my sample to charing cross yesterday so will ring them and they will know if theres a rise in levels or not. sorry about the essay lol!

Mummy2corban those levels are looking great! i bet you are so pleased :D Xx
I'm glad you are ok, did your daughter enjoy her party? I have never had evap lines either, whenever they have appeared late I've been pregnant, but i know they do happen. Good luck and let us know what happens next week x
hi all:) just popping in with my latest news. Just saw the ob and all is looking well with baby:) although bubba is sitting head up!! the ob said there is still time for it to turn, but if it doesnt we would have to discuss options such as a external rotation or c-section etc! I welcome any advice on breech bubbas! lol..i think my lil one is on more of an angle though rather then sitting straight up. cheeky lil monkey! ob was happy with my blood sugar levels and how im controlling it with diet so far. Appointment again in 2 weeks to check babys growth and see if i need to go for a formal ultrasound etc. She said that at the moment baby is measuring right on and my fundal length read the same:thumbup:
My sis in law is due in a few wks and her baby is breech and shes a bit dissapointed becoz she wanted a natural delievery but has to have a c section instead, and becoz she doesnt want an epidural she has to have a general so she will be out to it when baby arrives! Im not worried if i need a c section, although i do want to be awake for it. I dont mind how baby gets here as long as he/she is safe and healthy!
off to my dietician appointment now:) will pop in again soon hope u r all well:hugs:
p.s the ob also mentioned due to my previous partial molar pregnancy they will be sending my placenta away this time for testing...Amanda and Sarah did you get this done too?

Gald you had a great appt, Kate! No, I didnt have any testing on my placenta. It wasnt offered to me. Honestly, You have been much more closely monitored than I was and I would be happy about that if I were you. Did the Dr say what they were testing for?

Its good that baby seems to be transverse rather than totally breech. yes, still lots of time for him/her to turn, but if s/he is transverse than s/he is likely in the process of turning already. Check out the website for tips on different positions you can do to encourage baby to turn head down. Also, try placing ice packs (or a bag of frozen veggies on the top of your belly (supposedly baby will try to turn away from the cold) and if you can manage it, place a heating pad on the bottom of your belly at the same time. Another site to check for tips is and more info at Good luck!:flower:

Yes Amanda Im very happy that they are sending off my placenta..i didnt ask why but i will next appointment, my guess is that they are checking for any cells etc that are abnormal or cancerous?:shrug: i will ask and let everyone here know! Thanks so much for the website and advice, Im going to take a look now! Im not too concerned if baby doesnt turn, i would probably feel less anxious having a c section just coz delivering jamari may bring with it anxiety for a natural delivery this time, id be scared i couldnt push baby out in time etc etc...but in saying that it'd be good to go natural too..i will keep you updated:thumbup: hows ur precious little man going? Cant believe he's here!!:kiss:
Img sorry ladies... I have been so busy, it was DD's birthday yesterday and we had a party at the house so I havent stopped the past couple of days lol! Well i did a test on wed and there was nothing, but DH said yesterday that i should do another 1 cause iv been forgetful... any excuse to poas! So did 1 last night, which was not the best time to. Nothing came up, but i left it and had a look at 4 this morning and theres a really faint line! I know it could be evap but i always look at the test a few hours later and have only had a faint line when I have been pregnant with this test! I haven't got anymore so will have to wait til next week, but i sent off my sample to charing cross yesterday so will ring them and they will know if theres a rise in levels or not. sorry about the essay lol!

Mummy2corban those levels are looking great! i bet you are so pleased :D Xx

Well, now I bet you are even more confused! Good luck, I hope we are waiting on another rainbow baby soon!:hugs:

Happy Birthday to your little girl!:flower:
Any more news on rachieroo? How is everyone else?

Just called for last Thursdays results.... 37 so they have gone up by 2 :cry::cry::cry: Im now just really worried! I feel sick! She said it can happen but until i get my next results they cant really say whats happening. It could just be a blip and i have my fingers crossed it is but i still worry xxx:hugs:
Any more news on rachieroo? How is everyone else?

Just called for last Thursdays results.... 37 so they have gone up by 2 :cry::cry::cry: Im now just really worried! I feel sick! She said it can happen but until i get my next results they cant really say whats happening. It could just be a blip and i have my fingers crossed it is but i still worry xxx:hugs:

Oh, I am so, so sorry!:hugs: I know why you are worrying, but please try not to worry too much as that is such a small increase and your levels are so low if could be just one of those things. I bet they will be back down when you get your next set of results. :flower:
Thank you! Im sure your right but i just worry. Dont wanna end up with the other chemo and also dont wanna delay baby making delay anymore than i have too. Fingers crossed for when i call wednesday xxx
I totally understand. You have been through so much already. I will be thinking about you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Good luck on Wednesday!
Mummy2corban, i can understand you must be worried, I'm sure it'll be fine, but will keep fingers crossed for you anway. Sending you big hugs x :hugs:

Rachieroo any more tests done x
Hi all~~can I join your group?? I had a D&C done on Sept 21st and my midwife called with my Pathology report today which showed I had a partial molar pregnancy. I have an appointment on Friday to see the Dr. that did my D&C and will probably know more after that appointment (Will start blood draws to check for lowering hCG levels)--are any of you ladies newly diagnosed with a partial molar pregnancy?? How far along were you when baby died?? My baby grew wings at 10 weeks 6 days. I haven't ever heard of this before and don't know of anyone that has experienced this. Thank you all in advance!!! *TINA
Hi I'm so sorry for your loss, you are ofcourse more than welcome here and you are.not alone in not knowing anything about it, and it is overwhelming when you are first told. I had a complete molar and am pregnant again, but there are several ladies on here who have had molar pregnancies in july and august. When do you expect your first hcg results as that is the key thing, so you can start counting down until you can ttc again. Please feel free or cry to us, we have all been there and know how complex a range of emotions you go through. Thinking of you and sorry once again x
Hi all~~can I join your group?? I had a D&C done on Sept 21st and my midwife called with my Pathology report today which showed I had a partial molar pregnancy. I have an appointment on Friday to see the Dr. that did my D&C and will probably know more after that appointment (Will start blood draws to check for lowering hCG levels)--are any of you ladies newly diagnosed with a partial molar pregnancy?? How far along were you when baby died?? My baby grew wings at 10 weeks 6 days. I haven't ever heard of this before and don't know of anyone that has experienced this. Thank you all in advance!!! *TINA

Hi Tina. Welcome to our group, I'm so sorry for your loss and need to seek us out. My loss was a pmp in June 2010, but there are several newish diagnosed women here. We are all at different places in our mp/pmp journeys, but all of us know just how you are feeling right now. MP and PMP can be so confusing and honestly, many Drs seem to know very little about it. I hope we are able to be of knowledge and comfort to you. :hugs:
Firstly update... definate bfn :( af arrived over the weekend so that's rubbish lol! also had an appointment today with my gynae at the fertility clinic, so got myself all worked up and when we got there he just said he didnt really know why we had been referred to him by 2 separate people and that charing cross will take care of all my followup so that was a pain... on a much better note had second set of results today and they were normal too!

Mummy2corban i know it must be hard not to worry but it probably is just a blip... I'm sure its nothing to worry about!

Tina welcome to the group, I am so sorry for your loss, I was recently diagnosed with a pmp in july and understand the confusion you are feeling. The ladies here are brilliant, they are so supportive so if you ever need any questions answered or just to have a rant this is the best place for it! xxx
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome--It has been hard to leave all of my "Due in April" groups and come this direction : ( My widwife didn't want to do bloodwork last week when I saw her, but the pathology results weren't back, so they probably should have then we would have at least had 1 set in by now. This Friday will be my appointment with the Dr. who did my D&C so bloodwork will begin. How were you all diagnosed with you mp/pmp??
Rachieroo - I am sorry, but you will get your rainbow baby, and 1 more month means you have had another month to heal physically and psychologically.

Tina, I was initially told I no longer had a viable pregnancy after a scan and some brown bleeding, I was advised to miscarry naturally at home. The bleeding did not start for about 2 weeks, by which time I was suffering badly from morning sickness, the docs and midwives said this is normal?! Once I started bleeding I bled very heavily I phoned docs and hospital 3 days in a row explaining blood loss was too heavy, but again told to get on with it! I was going through towels is less than 5 mins, I eventually insisted on a scan, when they spotted the complete mole, which had grown substantially by then I was rushed in for a d&c the next morning. Due to its appearance they could pretty much diagnose what it was, but it was another month before I got the official pathology report. No one was keeping an eye on my hcg levels so I kept pestering the docs and hospitals to do weekly blood work, until I came under the care of Dundee. ( In the UK, we are reffered to 1/3 specialist centres, Charring Cross, London - Sheffield - Dundee). I was then required to send weely urine samples till my hcg dropped below 25, then it went to fortnightly then monthly. I was told because I reached <25 by the 8th week after d&c which is quite rare in the case of complete moles I could start TTC 6 months from date of op. I fell pregnant at 4 months, hubby and I were drunk and not careful, but sadly this and my subsequent pregnancy miscarried early, 7 weeks and 4 weeks respectively. This had nothing to do with my molar pregnancy. I then fell pregnant again with twins, and am now 22 weeks into this pregnancy. It has been such an emotional journey, and I still struggle to come to terms with my molar pregnancy. It has become easier since my due date has passed. The other thing that makes it difficult is I am yet to meet another woman in the flesh who has suffered from a molar pregnancy, and this is where this group has been a lifeline to me. The first few months of this pregnancy were a constant worry, but knowing there were a group of ladies who understood all my worries was such a help.
We all have slightly different stories, but we do all get the emotional rollercoaster and loneliness from lack of understanding from the medical profession and sometimes friends & family.

Good Luck with your bloodwork.
Sorry to hear your news rachieroo but i think like Alwilan said its gives you a little longer to heal. I look forward to hearing your rainbow baby news soon though :) xx

My story goes a little like this...... On the 10th Aug i went in for my dating scan only to discover no baby :( but a mass of stuff. The ultrasound lady passed my scan pics on to the doctor were he said it looked very much like a complete molar pregnancy. They also done my bloods and my hcg was 255,000. I stayed in 2 nights and waited for an mri then on the 13th Aug i had my d&c. I had very little bleeding for the first few days then it got heavier and heavier, i was passing tissue and clots and having extreme contraction like cramping so after the 3rd night of going back to hospital they scanned me again and took my bloods the scan showed either left overs or regrowth and my hcg was 92,000 i had to go to charring cross to start chemo. I had a blood tranfusion at charring cross then on the 26th aug i started my chemo. My levels since have been great apart from last wee they went up from 35 to 37 so im waiting till 3pm to get mondays results! Fingers crossed they have gone down again!

Im sorry to hear you are having to experience this too but as the ladies have said we are all hear to help. Plus because we are at all different stages it all helps.....specially those ladies who have recently had or a pregnant with there rainbow babies. I find it extremely hard seeing pregnant ladies and new babies but i know as hard as it is there is light at the end of the tunnel and we to will be holding our rainbow babies xxxx

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