Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I'm glad you managed to twist arm, sadly i don't think anything helps them lower quick, but positive energy can only be good, so sending you loads. Try not to worry too much about the cyst they discovered one after my d&c but it turned out to be nothing, and i know they are quite common, but we all still worry x I'm sure if she is overly concerned she would have got you in sooner. When are you expecting your hcg results back? X

I don't even know when to expect the results back--they just said my Drs. office would call--I would image by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest--but I could be wrong...
How is everyone?

Got last wednesdays results..................... 19!!!! Checking me out!! Hhehe. Im soooo close xxx
How is everyone?

Got last wednesdays results..................... 19!!!! Checking me out!! Hhehe. Im soooo close xxx

Wow thats amazing! I'm soooooo pleased for you :hugs:

I hope everyone else is well, I do keep popping in to see how you are doing but I don't get much time to post, I'm so busy at the moment!! Which is good, and as a small business owner a relief tbh. If I can set up and run a new business in this financial climate - and make a healthy profit - I think thats pretty good if I may say so myself :haha: :thumbup:
WOW Amazing news mummy2corban!!! Lovely looking levels!!!

Hope every one is doing well!! xxx
Good news mummy2corban. Blakes mom I'm sure you'll get results soon, which means you can have a goal like mummy2corban. Sarah glad business is going well x no news at this end, other than twin pregnancy is starting to take its toll, thankfully the twins board has been a godsend. Saying that i wouldn't have it any other way. Also finished the girls nursery, so pretty and pink!
Good news mummy2corban. Blakes mom I'm sure you'll get results soon, which means you can have a goal like mummy2corban. Sarah glad business is going well x no news at this end, other than twin pregnancy is starting to take its toll, thankfully the twins board has been a godsend. Saying that i wouldn't have it any other way. Also finished the girls nursery, so pretty and pink!

I think I will call on my lunch tomorrow if they don't call this afternoon. I forgot to ask if the twins were from fertility treatments or all natural (sorry I imagine you get that question a lot!) My Grandfather is a twin (boy/girl) so I have always been fascinated with twins--such a miracle either way!!
They called with my first hCG levels just a few minutes ago---344. That doesn't seem too high so hopefully zero will come soon-ish. Originally they wanted me to do every week for a month and then every month until a year after the D&C--but the nurse said after the 3rd reading they will let me know what the order will be--I'm staying hopeful that means I don't need to be monitored for as long as they originally thought!!
They do sound quite low for your first results, mine were still up in the 10's of thousands. When do you get your next lot drawn? Congrats, I hope it all carries on going in the right direction.

My twins were conceived naturally, and a total suprise to us! We'd even had a scan at 6 weeks to check not a complete mole, they saw 1 heartbeat at the scan, and it was only when I insisted on a private scan at 8 weeks , as I was worried it was another molar pregnancy, that we were told there were 2 babies.
Hi ladies I'm new to this thread. I saw a post by Sarahwoo on another thread about molar pregnancies and I decided to message her. She gave me the link to this thread. Thank you to everybody who posted on here. I'm very happy that I have a place where I can share my thoughts and emotions.. and where we can all support each other.

Here's my emotional roller coaster story. When we got back from vacation in September my period was late. So right when we got home I took a test. Sure enough it was BFP. We miscarried in May of this year. So we were thrilled! I saw my family doctor the next business day. Blood tests confirmed pregnancy... At about 5-6 weeks I started spotting. I told my family doctor... he said spotting is normal. A week later I saw him again and told him the spotting hadn't stopped. He sent me for an ultrasound at 6 weeks 5 days. Ultrasound showed gestational sac and nothing else. The family doctor told me It might be a blighted ovum or it might be too early. Waited 2 VERY LONG weeks before going for my second ultrasound. I prayed that I would see a heartbeat... the report said "suggest molar pregnancy".

And today.. I just saw my OB/GYN - the same one that delivered my son. My d&c is scheduled for Tuesday. The OB/GYN said that from just an ultrasound report you can't really defiantly diagnose it as a molar pregnancy. The chances are high. The only option I have now is just to get the d&c and send the tissue off to be examined.

I"m terrified of the d&c... i asked about he pill. But he said in my situation, it is much safer to do the d&c and try to avoid future complications. Which is true... I don't want it to spread any where else.. I'm so scared of being put to sleep, but I wouldn't want to be awake for it either.

Ladies, do you remember what your hcg levels were? I heard with molar they are supposed to be very high. I haven't really felt nauseous. I haven't thrown up at all. Last blood test my hcg levels were 39,993... and that was at approx 7 weeks.

I think my husband and I have accepted the fact that we're not going to have this baby... I just really need closure now.. and the d&c will help it... We're still very sad. I asked my husband how we got "so lucky" 2 m/c in a row... this one being a molar... Then again, I am of Southeast Asian background so the chances are supposed to be higher...

Before I read Sarahwoo's post, I didn't feel like I wanted to try again. I felt terrified of m/c again. She gave me hope.

Sorry for the long post!
Im sorry to hear your story but im glad you have found us. There are many ladies in this thread and there all at different stages so we can all help in some way or another. I had my dating scan and i thought i was around 10-11 weeks and my levels were 255,00 but i didnt start feeling sick all day until around 7-8 weeks. Please dont be afraid of the D&C i was nervous too but once i was in the room the nurses talked to me so much i didnt really pay attention and the next thing i now i was waking up!!

My levels as of last week are 19

This is a very difficult time and we all totally understand. I had a very hard day today i would have nearly been 20 weeks then i think of the wait but i take it for what it is and when you read the other ladies stories who have had babies or are currently pregnant it really does help.

We are all here for you xxx
Im sorry to hear your story but im glad you have found us. There are many ladies in this thread and there all at different stages so we can all help in some way or another. I had my dating scan and i thought i was around 10-11 weeks and my levels were 255,00 but i didnt start feeling sick all day until around 7-8 weeks. Please dont be afraid of the D&C i was nervous too but once i was in the room the nurses talked to me so much i didnt really pay attention and the next thing i now i was waking up!!

My levels as of last week are 19

This is a very difficult time and we all totally understand. I had a very hard day today i would have nearly been 20 weeks then i think of the wait but i take it for what it is and when you read the other ladies stories who have had babies or are currently pregnant it really does help.

We are all here for you xxx
Im sorry to hear your story but im glad you have found us. There are many ladies in this thread and there all at different stages so we can all help in some way or another. I had my dating scan and i thought i was around 10-11 weeks and my levels were 255,00 but i didnt start feeling sick all day until around 7-8 weeks. Please dont be afraid of the D&C i was nervous too but once i was in the room the nurses talked to me so much i didnt really pay attention and the next thing i now i was waking up!!

My levels as of last week are 19

This is a very difficult time and we all totally understand. I had a very hard day today i would have nearly been 20 weeks then i think of the wait but i take it for what it is and when you read the other ladies stories who have had babies or are currently pregnant it really does help.

We are all here for you xxx

I'm sorry you had a hard day. *hugs** I too have my days.. there are some days where I feel strong and confident that things will be okay. But some days I just want to cry. My husband and I tried our best to prepare ourselves for the 2nd ultrasound just incase we didn't see a heartbeat.. but yet.. i don't think anything can prepare anybody for this..

There will be better days.. and you are right, hearing other women who are pregnant now after a molar pregnancy really is great. It gives me hope again.
Hi Tung, i am so sorry you are going through this, please don't give up hope. We struggled to conceive, then had the molar pregnancy, followed by 2 miscarriages and now we're pregnant with twins, so anything is possible. My subsequent miscarriages.had nothing to do with the molar. Don't give up hope, i nearly did and it was so upsetting. I know the d&c is scary, i was petrified, but you will then be able to move on and know for sure whether it was a molar, and like you said not worry about bits breaking off. Sending you my best wishes x
Hi Tung, i am so sorry you are going through this, please don't give up hope. We struggled to conceive, then had the molar pregnancy, followed by 2 miscarriages and now we're pregnant with twins, so anything is possible. My subsequent miscarriages.had nothing to do with the molar. Don't give up hope, i nearly did and it was so upsetting. I know the d&c is scary, i was petrified, but you will then be able to move on and know for sure whether it was a molar, and like you said not worry about bits breaking off. Sending you my best wishes x

Thank you!! Congrats on the pregnancy with twins!! I'm so happy for you!! I know our 2nd baby will come... it just takes time. It's just I feel very impatient... and I really want to be pregnant now. Especially when I see a pregnant women on the street. I wish I was soo badly!

However, I keep reminding myself that I have a lot to be thankful for. I have 1 beautiful healthy toddler and a wonderful husband...

This thread is wonderful and very helpful!
I have a question for the ladies here who have undergone a d&c for the molar pregnancy. I'm really sorry to have to bring back the terrible memories...

My doctor asked me sign a consent form in case I need a blood transfusion. He says normally with d&c's he doesn't get the patient to sign this particular consent. However, with a potential molar pregnancy there is a rare chance of severe blood lost which will result in the need of a blood transfusion.

Any ladies had a blood transfusion during/after d&c?

I have a question for the ladies here who have undergone a d&c for the molar pregnancy. I'm really sorry to have to bring back the terrible memories...

My doctor asked me sign a consent form in case I need a blood transfusion. He says normally with d&c's he doesn't get the patient to sign this particular consent. However, with a potential molar pregnancy there is a rare chance of severe blood lost which will result in the need of a blood transfusion.

Any ladies had a blood transfusion during/after d&c?


I'm so glad you came to the thread, the ladies here are wonderful :hugs:

I had a D&C, though mine was a partial molar pregnancy. I didn't need a blood transfusion. I found the process to be as 'easy' as it could have been. I was so afraid, but really it was all fine. I didn't know at the time that it was partial molar, it was only when the tests were performed. Honestly though the D&C was fine, please don't be afraid :hugs:

Where abouts in the world are you?
Hi tung... I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I found that coping with what i was going through was made much easier when I knew I had support from these brilliant ladies! I understand what you mean when you say you are impatient and that seeing other pregnant ladies is difficult... I don't know about anyone else but its hearing news of friends and relatives being pregnant that I find hardest.
I also had a partial molar so there was no need for a transfusion for me, although I did have 1 just after delivering my daughter and it was nothing to worry about! as is the d and c, the hardest bit for me was when i woke up, i got very tearful as for me it meant that it was definitely the end! Silly i know! Hopefully the ladies here will help you through as they did with me, any questions just ask :) Xx
They do sound quite low for your first results, mine were still up in the 10's of thousands. When do you get your next lot drawn? Congrats, I hope it all carries on going in the right direction.

My twins were conceived naturally, and a total suprise to us! We'd even had a scan at 6 weeks to check not a complete mole, they saw 1 heartbeat at the scan, and it was only when I insisted on a private scan at 8 weeks , as I was worried it was another molar pregnancy, that we were told there were 2 babies.

This Friday will be my next draw--fingers crossed levels will be going in the right direction!!
I have a question for the ladies here who have undergone a d&c for the molar pregnancy. I'm really sorry to have to bring back the terrible memories...

My doctor asked me sign a consent form in case I need a blood transfusion. He says normally with d&c's he doesn't get the patient to sign this particular consent. However, with a potential molar pregnancy there is a rare chance of severe blood lost which will result in the need of a blood transfusion.

Any ladies had a blood transfusion during/after d&c?


Hey Tung!! My name is Tina and I think I am the newest member to the thread beside you. I am 3 weeks today from my D&C, and last Friday started my weekly blood draws to check for lowering hCG levels. I had a very positive experience with my D&C and felt MUCH better after it was done. Every time I would go to the bathroom I would fear that I would be starting to miscarry after we found out my baby grew wings @ 10 weeks 6 days. It was discovered at my 12 week scan that was @ 11weeks 6days. (Sept. 16th). Those were probably the worst 5 days of my life "waiting" for my miscarriage to happen--which also having tons of nausea/vomiting and feeling very tired all the time--those pregnancy symptoms were hard to handle when it seemed my body should have known the pregnancy was over. Unlike Rachiroo waking up from the D&C I felt relief that it was over--seeing the blood (Which was minimal!) made it final and I knew that all I could do now was move forward. After the D&C the pregnancy symptoms went away and I felt like myself again physically--and each day I'm emotionally feeling better. I wasn't given my partial molar diagnosis until AFTER the pathology results were back--my midwife told me it was a missed miscarriage because a molar pregnancy would have been seen on the ultrasound--well she spoke too soon!!

I didn't have to sign a consent form for a transfusion--it was on my pre-surgery consent but not gone over. I was asked during my "pre surgery" phone interview if I would be opposed to a transfusion tho highly unlikely I would need one--so I guess verbal was enough. But they didn't think molar pregnancy at that point either.

Best of luck and as everyone said we are here to help you and answer questions--these ladies have been great to me so far!!! :hugs:
I have a question for the ladies here who have undergone a d&c for the molar pregnancy. I'm really sorry to have to bring back the terrible memories...

My doctor asked me sign a consent form in case I need a blood transfusion. He says normally with d&c's he doesn't get the patient to sign this particular consent. However, with a potential molar pregnancy there is a rare chance of severe blood lost which will result in the need of a blood transfusion.

Any ladies had a blood transfusion during/after d&c?


Hi, I had a complete molar, where I believe chances of too much blood loss are highter, but I didn't have any adverse symptons following the op, and didn't need a blood transfusion. I found the worst part waiting for my slot, my hubby had to stay at home and loo after my toddler, so I would say if no-one can be there, take some magazines, books etc.. incase you have a bit of a wait. I also get scared having generals, but the nurses and staff were wonderfully sympathetic x :hugs:

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