Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Your levels are looking great. It feels good to see them go down isnt it!
before d&c 255,000
after 92,000
and ill call tommorrow for the two bloods this week!

Ive been having discharge and niggly feelings but i think i might be having period pains right now!! We want another baby badly too so the wait is gonna be extremely hard and when we do get the go ahead we will try not focus on it being baby making sex xx

Yes it does feel good. They told me no cancer so I'm hoping their right. turns out my mother in law knew someone who went to my doctor years ago and she had the same thing I had and got pregnant too soon! she had her baby and died from cancer 8 months later. =/
TryingafterMC I would also think it is unlikely you are pregnant, BUT I was told anything below 25 was considered 'normal'. 4 months after our complete mole, the hubby and I got carried away (we were both drunk) and didn't use anything. I did fall pregnant and was mortified, and phoned the clinic, I thought they were going to tell me the baby would have to be terminated. Instead they offered me their congratulations, and the woman I spoke to said in all her time she had never seen someone whose level had dropped below the 25 start rising again, but I am NOT saying it can't happen. Saying that I do think it is good to wait a few months, I was an emotional wreck, even this pregnancy which has thankfully been ongoing I was a nervous wreck up until my 12 week scan and I still check toilet paper for blood/discharge everytime I goto the loo. So I think it is best to get some strength in the system and enjoying being a couple again, rather than just trying to make a baby. The hubby and I had been trying for over a year without success before our molar pregnancy.
Just so you know, the pregnancy I had at 4 months miscarried and then I fell pregnant the subsequent month and this miscarried too, and the following month I conceived the twins. The miscarriages were totally unrelated to the molar pregnancy.
Good Luck and let us know how you get on.

PS. Well done on fantastic levels x
Yes it does feel good. They told me no cancer so I'm hoping their right. turns out my mother in law knew someone who went to my doctor years ago and she had the same thing I had and got pregnant too soon! she had her baby and died from cancer 8 months later. =/

God this sound horrendous, I would have thought if it was years ago, that maybe her levels weren't being checked when she fell pregnant.
Hopefully your niggles are a period coming x
So be warned the story sounds bad at the start but rest assured all good.

I was walking up the stairs this morning in my pjs and felt a trickle of liquid down my leg. I knew I hadn't peed myself and knew it wasn't discharge :blush:. I went to the loo, and say a bit of coloured discharge and thought hell I'm going into labour and my plug is coming away. I phoned the midwife and she told me to call the labour ward staright away. I was obviously mortified and hysterical, called my Mum to come up, she lives nearly 2 hours away, and told my hubby to come staright back from work. The hospital told me to come straight down, so Lando and I rushed in. They couldn't find the heartbeats on the cardio equipment, so by this stage I was in a right state. Although the midwife and doctor said they sometimes struggle to pick up heartbeats on this equipment at this stage, I thought they were feeding me a line. The Dr then said she would examine me and I might need to go on bed rest or need a stich. Anyway I was examined and was relived when the Dr said my cervix was shut and there was no water up there which they would expect if I was leaking fluid, I was then offered a quick scan to check for the babys heartbeats, which were fine, and PS they looked lovely. :winkwink:
So when the consultant came back in she was like go home, you have nothing to worry about and relax. Infront of my husband I then asked so what was the liquid, and she just smiled and said "you peed yourself, there was also a little while we examined you. Don't worry it is quite common in subsequent and twin pregnancys and the ladies often don't know they are doing it"

What a fool I felt :dohh:, but nonetheless worth all of it to be told the twins are ok.
I actually have my anomoly scan tomorrow, so they will double check babys fluid levels but they really aren't worried.

Also I was measured today and my bump is measuring 33 weeks pregnant, I thought I was big, BUT.....
tee hee! Well best to be checked out and you cant complain at another sneaky peak at the tweenies xx
Awww Alwilan bless you!! So easily done though and def best to get checked!! You're measuring 33 weeks already!! Wow you're doing a great job growing those babies!! Even when I was 39 weeks I only measured 35 weeks!!
Haha, thats quite funny!!
Mummy2corban i hope your results are good today!! xxx
Hello all! Just checking in and catching up with everyone. We've been quite busy adjusting to having this little guy in the house. Luc loves his baby brother so much and is a great helper. Noah is now 1w 3d old. He was a bit jaundice, but that has resolved itself with just a lot of mommy's milk. He is a super eater, wants to nurse pretty much constantly from dinner time until bedtime. It's been great and a huge help to have my mom here and we still have her here for a little under 3 weeks.

Mummy2corbin, great news on your levels dropping so quickly! I'm so glad your treatment is working so well!

TryingAfterMC, have you started your period yet? I also think it super unlikely that you would be pregnant. I hope everything turns out ok.

Alwilan, it happens to he best of us! Almost a week ago, I was standing at hubby's sink in the bathroom in the middle of the night washing my shield after nursing. I had felt a lovely gush (sorry if TMI) of blood when I got up and felt it again. Then I noticed a dripping feeling going down my leg and thought "Oh sh*t, I'm peeing!" and ran to the toilet. I didnt even feel it coming out until it was down my leg!!! Pregnancy does such lovely things to our bodies. On the other hand, it is great to be able to do more than dribble in the toilet. Good luck to you with your scan, I cant wait to hear about your girls!

Kate, I'm sure the birth stories are a bit scary for someone who is pregnant and as far along as you are. Hopefully yours will be nice and calm! I'm so excited with how far along you are! Not much longer now!


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Amanda, Noah and Luc look gorgeous, I'm so glad everything is going well x x

Mummy2Corban - Wow what brilliant levels, so so chuffed for you. x
Gorgeous pics Amanda!!

Mummy2Corban GREAT results!!! Fantastic!!!

Congratulations Mummy2Corban:happydance: time will fly from here on in:thumbup:
Amanda those pics are so beautiful, what a handsome little guy Noah is, you must be sooo thrilled and proud and in awe of him!! I know I would be!
The stories are good though they are getting me prepared lol. I am a bit edgy atm because i saw the midwife a few days ago for booking in appointment at the hospital but it was just that all paperwork and no check on baby, i asked her about it and she said the obstetrician would be doing all that this coming thursday. So im hanging out for thursday as I havent had a scan since 19 weeks and not heard heartbeat since 24 weeks. Even though I am feeling baby plenty i still wonder how my little mr/miss is doing..i keep having horrid thoughts that i guess are related to my pmp. I told trumaine that when the midwife was talking to me about what to bring in when i go into labour it was all so surreal, to me it felt like she was talking to someone else..kind of like an out of body experience! which worries me a little coz i wonder if Im going to go into actual shock when this baby comes, like i dont really believe yet that this baby inside is going to actually come out AND be healthy..Is that strange do you think? To still think this at 30 weeks? Trumaine keeps saying everythings great bub, 20 week scan was perfect and im sure nothing has changed since then...but in my mind I keep thinking what if this hasnt developed properly or that isnt working right etc etc. The diabetes doesnt help, adds to the worry but im handling it ok i think no insulin needed yet..ive also had no chocolate whatsoever for weeks now! i dont know how im still alive!:haha: hope everyone is having a positive day:hugs:
Congratulations Mummy2Corban:happydance: time will fly from here on in:thumbup:
Amanda those pics are so beautiful, what a handsome little guy Noah is, you must be sooo thrilled and proud and in awe of him!! I know I would be!
The stories are good though they are getting me prepared lol. I am a bit edgy atm because i saw the midwife a few days ago for booking in appointment at the hospital but it was just that all paperwork and no check on baby, i asked her about it and she said the obstetrician would be doing all that this coming thursday. So im hanging out for thursday as I havent had a scan since 19 weeks and not heard heartbeat since 24 weeks. Even though I am feeling baby plenty i still wonder how my little mr/miss is doing..i keep having horrid thoughts that i guess are related to my pmp. I told trumaine that when the midwife was talking to me about what to bring in when i go into labour it was all so surreal, to me it felt like she was talking to someone else..kind of like an out of body experience! which worries me a little coz i wonder if Im going to go into actual shock when this baby comes, like i dont really believe yet that this baby inside is going to actually come out AND be healthy..Is that strange do you think? To still think this at 30 weeks? Trumaine keeps saying everythings great bub, 20 week scan was perfect and im sure nothing has changed since then...but in my mind I keep thinking what if this hasnt developed properly or that isnt working right etc etc. The diabetes doesnt help, adds to the worry but im handling it ok i think no insulin needed yet..ive also had no chocolate whatsoever for weeks now! i dont know how im still alive!:haha: hope everyone is having a positive day:hugs:

Oh Kate, totally normal what you are feeling! Experiencing a loss changes you forever and you cant really ever have a worry free pregnancy. Every woman in my rainbow baby group felt exactly the same way. Its hard to believe, to allow yourself to fully believe everything will be totally ok and thus make yourself vulnerable to the pain you felt when you lost Jamari. But it will be ok and in 10 weeks (give or take a week or so) you will be holding and loving your very own rainbow. And dont worry, instinct will take over and you will not be in shock. Big hugs!:hugs:
What a gorgeous boy! Thanks for sharing.

Levels 77 last wednesday! Still going down! Yay! They did say they might start slowing down as the numbers get lower.

Did everyone have a good weekend?

No chocolate!! Your doing great for a preggers lady with no chocolate....tee hee xxx
What a gorgeous boy! Thanks for sharing.

Levels 77 last wednesday! Still going down! Yay! They did say they might start slowing down as the numbers get lower.

Did everyone have a good weekend?

No chocolate!! Your doing great for a preggers lady with no chocolate....tee hee xxx

Wow your levels are really coming down well!!! Are you still receiving any treatment?

We had a good weekend, busy though! I run my own small business dressing venues for weddings and we had one on Thursday, two on Saturday and one today! So I now have about 200 chair covers to wash! :haha:
Mummy2Corbin, great news! I am so glad your levels are going down so quickly!

Sarah, you busy bee! Its good to know some industries are doing well, though!

Kate, do you like dark chocolate? Just get the darkest you can find and the sugar content will be low. Also, we have a pretty decent selection of sugar free chocolates here in our grocery and drug stores. Have you tried any? I'm not sure I could be a good as you are!
Still having treatment have to reach below 5 then ill have another 6 weeks after that. On my 3rd cycle out of 4 for this 6 weeks.

That sounds like a whole lotta washing! Glad your busy though xx
MummytoCorban you are so brave:hugs: keep up that positive attitude you are inspiring!:)
Sarah, WOW 200 chair covers, i bet well worth the business tho:thumbup: hows little Oliver going? We have Oliver on our list of boys names! lol but i dont think i should steal it! hehe we also have Orlando on there is that a bit too crazy?
YES life without chocolate is not nearly as fun! n thanku Amanda I will check out some dark chocolates! I have tried a few of the diet ones, and let me tell you they taste nothing like chocolate:nope: lol they are more of a nutty plastic taste! I honestly am going to overdose once bub is here, on chocolate that is!:haha: i have all these ones in mind I wwant to eat! Rocky road, caramel, strawberry, snickers! argh! YUM!!:haha:
MummytoCorban you are so brave:hugs: keep up that positive attitude you are inspiring!:)
Sarah, WOW 200 chair covers, i bet well worth the business tho:thumbup: hows little Oliver going? We have Oliver on our list of boys names! lol but i dont think i should steal it! hehe we also have Orlando on there is that a bit too crazy?
YES life without chocolate is not nearly as fun! n thanku Amanda I will check out some dark chocolates! I have tried a few of the diet ones, and let me tell you they taste nothing like chocolate:nope: lol they are more of a nutty plastic taste! I honestly am going to overdose once bub is here, on chocolate that is!:haha: i have all these ones in mind I wwant to eat! Rocky road, caramel, strawberry, snickers! argh! YUM!!:haha:

Orlando is not crazy it is a brilliant name. Our youngest is Lando, and Orlando, Landon and Lando are all derived from each other.
Hubby and I were mucking on one night about names we liked and we both thought of Harrison Ford, which got us onto Star Wars characters and hey presto Lando, we said it as a joke and then realised we both loved it. We considered changing it to Orlando or Landon but decided to stick. Everyone who knows us says Lando is a brill name after the inital Star Wars shock and everyone also says now they think of our son first and the Star Wars charcter 2nd. He is unique and people will remember him because of his name and I hope this gets him far in life.
PS, My Dad, although were not Catholic, is always at pains to point out there was a Pope Lando, and it is a popular name in the Italian aristocracy (we are also not Italian!) Bless him, he hates to say his daughter named her son from a star wars character :haha:

PS Thinking of you and not eating Chocolate, never craved this before this pregnancy, but loving it this time around, going to cry if I get GD. Not too long now and hopefully everyone will buy you chocolate as a job well done :thumbup:

The old wives tale of savoury for boys and sweet for girls is so true in my case. All my other pregnancies I became a total crisp addict!

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