Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I have a question for the ladies here who have undergone a d&c for the molar pregnancy. I'm really sorry to have to bring back the terrible memories...

My doctor asked me sign a consent form in case I need a blood transfusion. He says normally with d&c's he doesn't get the patient to sign this particular consent. However, with a potential molar pregnancy there is a rare chance of severe blood lost which will result in the need of a blood transfusion.

Any ladies had a blood transfusion during/after d&c?


I'm so glad you came to the thread, the ladies here are wonderful :hugs:

I had a D&C, though mine was a partial molar pregnancy. I didn't need a blood transfusion. I found the process to be as 'easy' as it could have been. I was so afraid, but really it was all fine. I didn't know at the time that it was partial molar, it was only when the tests were performed. Honestly though the D&C was fine, please don't be afraid :hugs:

Where abouts in the world are you?

Thanks Sarah. I'm in Canada. I think I will be okay - I just think to myself.. this time next week I should be recovered and feeling a lot better.
I feel like I have a ton of questions... I feel like a child.. haha..

did anybody have any adverse side affects to the general anesthesia?? Like during or even after the d&c?

No adverse reactions for me, i think it is very rare, big hugs
No adverse reactions here either, though I did worry :hugs:

Feel free to ask all your questions, we really don't mind - we've all been there :hugs:
i think i was sick during my d&c and i was after but i think Thats because of the morning sickness. I also had to sign something about a blood transfusion but i didnt need one during. I had one when i went to charring cross and it really isnt to bad. Ask away lovely as Ive asked plenty of questions. Its good to ask ladies who have experienced rather than someone who hasnt. Called for on levels and there now 17! Yeah! Xxx
Amazing news Mummy2corban... getting lower and lower!

Okay, I have another af question lol! Were yours irregular after d and c? I had my first af post d and c the end of Aug and it lasted a week like normal then i started spotting on cd18 which lasted a couple of days and I was regular as clockwork I would have seen af on cd28 but didn't see it til cd35, one week late and 13 days later I'm still on... I know this is a stupid thing to be moaning about but i want my cycle back so that when we get the go ahead we can bd at the right times! Xx
I feel like I have a ton of questions... I feel like a child.. haha..

did anybody have any adverse side affects to the general anesthesia?? Like during or even after the d&c?


I felt really refreshed and well rested after I woke up from my GA actually. I was only under for 10 minutes but didn't REALLY wake up for probably 45 minutes after--and I had an oxygen mask on--not sure if that is the norm. When they took me to the recovery floor I think I was more alert than most as the nurse said hello with her back to me and I said HI in a chirper alert voice and she seemed shocked by that and commented that I was very awake lol
i think that the internet does a terrible thing to me. I started googling about GA... and I came along an article about not waking up after a GA. I think the odds are 1 in 50,000 or 30,000

I think I scare myself way too much and that I should stay away from google!
i think that the internet does a terrible thing to me. I started googling about GA... and I came along an article about not waking up after a GA. I think the odds are 1 in 50,000 or 30,000

I think I scare myself way too much and that I should stay away from google!

I think more people post about horror stories that the millions and millions that have great GA experiences--No more google hun!!

AFM--2nd lot of bloodwork today so I should know by Tuesday afternoon what my levels are doing---go away leftover hCG go away!!!
HI Ladies
I have today been diagnosed with a partial molar. I am 7weeks 5 dys today, no heartbeat seen but a large bean shaped snowy white shape in gestational sac with a little dark area on it which they say was the embryo.
They did hcg but results wont be available till monday from the lad on the day of my D and c. they did an in house one which said >5000 which they said was higher than it should be for gestational age (I disagree).
I have had no symptoms no strong morning sickness no discharge or bleeding. How can I really be sure that this is non viable as they say and not perhaps a twin mole. I understand they could not find a heartbeat today.
This is my 6th pregnancy after a live birth and 4 miscarriages and a diagnosis after recurrent miscarriage panel of APS for this pregnancy I have been on Asprin, clexane and progesterone. Please any advise I don't want this ERPC if there is any chance it is OK
HI Ladies
I have today been diagnosed with a partial molar. I am 7weeks 5 dys today, no heartbeat seen but a large bean shaped snowy white shape in gestational sac with a little dark area on it which they say was the embryo.
They did hcg but results wont be available till monday from the lad on the day of my D and c. they did an in house one which said >5000 which they said was higher than it should be for gestational age (I disagree).
I have had no symptoms no strong morning sickness no discharge or bleeding. How can I really be sure that this is non viable as they say and not perhaps a twin mole. I understand they could not find a heartbeat today.
This is my 6th pregnancy after a live birth and 4 miscarriages and a diagnosis after recurrent miscarriage panel of APS for this pregnancy I have been on Asprin, clexane and progesterone. Please any advise I don't want this ERPC if there is any chance it is OK

First off I am so sorry you are going through this. I worried that my molar pregnancy was incorrectly diagnosed, although they thought it was a 'regular' miscarriage at first. They originally insisted that I go naturally, and after a week and still no proper bleeding I thought they must have got it wrong. I would doubt they have I don't think they say things lighly, but I kept convincing myself that maybe the baby was hiding, even after the bleeding started and I was scheduled for a d&c as the scan showed up a complete mole I still worried it was a mistake. I insisted on scans both whilst miscarriaging naturally and befpre my d&c to double check, and the hospital did oblige but the outcome never changed.

When is your d&c scheduled? Maybe you will start bleeding before this, I know the thought of this is not nice, but at least you know its more likely the pregnancy isn't viable. I am so emotional reading your post as it has brought back all those emotions. Please post as much as you need on this board, Tung and BlakesMom have also both been recently diagnosed, and Tung is awaiting her d&c. You may feel very alone in the real world but you will get support here. Thinking of you :hugs:
Mummy2Corban - that is fantastic news, they considered me normal below 25, so well done, long may they drop well for 6 months ish then hopefully they will start rising :winkwink:

Tung - stay away from google, it isn't worth it and I have found posting on these boards far more productive and realistic.

BlakesMom - good luck on your bloods and please post on Tuesday and let us know your results :flower:
HI Ladies
I have today been diagnosed with a partial molar. I am 7weeks 5 dys today, no heartbeat seen but a large bean shaped snowy white shape in gestational sac with a little dark area on it which they say was the embryo.
They did hcg but results wont be available till monday from the lad on the day of my D and c. they did an in house one which said >5000 which they said was higher than it should be for gestational age (I disagree).
I have had no symptoms no strong morning sickness no discharge or bleeding. How can I really be sure that this is non viable as they say and not perhaps a twin mole. I understand they could not find a heartbeat today.
This is my 6th pregnancy after a live birth and 4 miscarriages and a diagnosis after recurrent miscarriage panel of APS for this pregnancy I have been on Asprin, clexane and progesterone. Please any advise I don't want this ERPC if there is any chance it is OK

Hi hun, sorry you're going through this. I know how you feel. I went for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks 4-5 days... they only found an empty sac. I thought maybe my baby was hiding or too small.. But my doctor insisted it was a blighted ovum. He tried to push me for a d&c right away. I refused. I told him I wanted to wait 2 weeks do one more ultrasound then decide. My 2nd ultrasound showed a bunch of little cysts that looked like grapes.. I was 8 weeks and 4-5 days.

Maybe you should ask for another ultrasound in a few days. Also, I know it's hard to wait a few days.. but Monday is when you get your blood test results right?? Maybe that will bring better news. Is there a possibility that you miscalculated your ovulation time.

The ladies on this thread are really supportive and wonderful. I try to check this thread daily.. I have found that if I ever needed somebody to talk to, this was the place.
Will do Alwilan!!

40yearoldmum so sorry you are having to go thru this. I think denial is one of the first stages of grief and we have probably all wanted to believe the Drs. were wrong with the news of our angels, but remember the Drs. don't want to give you that news either--they aren't benefiting from it--they know the heart ache it causes. If you feel the need to request another ultrasound do it--listen to your heart. I asked right before my D&C and they told me all of the reports were certain there was no chance my miscarriage was misdiagosed--I saw when they went to listen for the heart beat and there was nothing--not even a hint, but still I felt I should at least ask. Good luck Hun--we are all thinking about you during this time!
I have thought about it all night. I do not htink they are wrong in their diagnosis. It was there to see my husband watched intently throughout the whole process and said at no point did he see any flickering at all. Having read the internet all night even a heartbeat would still mean nothing some partials can go on to develop to 14 15 weeks, I so feel for those parents too.

I have a thought and wonder if i am clutching at straws. I read that molars are rare to recur however advanced maternal age and recurrent miscarriage can increase those odds, I am 41 and this is my 6th pregnancy with once gorgeous little boy as my very first pregnancy. Anyway, Would harvesting my eggs now or IVF with ICSI and then freezing be a viable option I am so very worried because I will be 42.5 come 'All clear' and could not go through this risk again.
Sorry I havent been on here for ages ladies...I feel so bad! I hope you are all doing well xxx

Welcome to all the new ladies who have arrived too *hugs* im so sorry that you have to go through this too :-( xxx
I have thought about it all night. I do not htink they are wrong in their diagnosis. It was there to see my husband watched intently throughout the whole process and said at no point did he see any flickering at all. Having read the internet all night even a heartbeat would still mean nothing some partials can go on to develop to 14 15 weeks, I so feel for those parents too.

I have a thought and wonder if i am clutching at straws. I read that molars are rare to recur however advanced maternal age and recurrent miscarriage can increase those odds, I am 41 and this is my 6th pregnancy with once gorgeous little boy as my very first pregnancy. Anyway, Would harvesting my eggs now or IVF with ICSI and then freezing be a viable option I am so very worried because I will be 42.5 come 'All clear' and could not go through this risk again.

Do they know what may have caused the other miscarriages?? It seems like harvesting and going with IVF or ICSI would reduce the risk for a recurrent partial molar as the information that I was given was that the egg was fertilized with 2 sperm to cause the abnormality---so that would be controlled in either situation I believe. Even if there was say a genetic abnormality either option could be used to select only viable eggs right?? I don't know much about genetic counseling, but had a co-workers niece with myotonic dystrophy select only "healthy" eggs and now has a healthy 6 month old daughter--she didn't know she had that disorder until her twins were born with it and her daughter passed away at only 1 month old and her son is handicapped--so they were thankful for IVF and genetic counseling for growing there family.
I have thought about it all night. I do not htink they are wrong in their diagnosis. It was there to see my husband watched intently throughout the whole process and said at no point did he see any flickering at all. Having read the internet all night even a heartbeat would still mean nothing some partials can go on to develop to 14 15 weeks, I so feel for those parents too.

I have a thought and wonder if i am clutching at straws. I read that molars are rare to recur however advanced maternal age and recurrent miscarriage can increase those odds, I am 41 and this is my 6th pregnancy with once gorgeous little boy as my very first pregnancy. Anyway, Would harvesting my eggs now or IVF with ICSI and then freezing be a viable option I am so very worried because I will be 42.5 come 'All clear' and could not go through this risk again.

Hi, I don't think it is a bad idea to enquire about harvesting a couple of eggs like BlakesMom has said.
I would say the all clear date can be misleading at the beginning, BlakesMom was told it would be a year, but I think she said after discussing it with her doc they reduced it to 6 months. Another lady Amanda only had to wait the regular 3 months, I think she is in California. Here in the UK we are told to wait 6 months this can vary if you need Chemo, but Mummy2Corban who is going through chemo and has achieved fantastic levels is still hoping that her date is brought forward. I also believe Amanda has said in a previous post, they will take into account maternal age, and therefore might consider bringing your all clear date forward. This is obviously a little in the future and depends on how your levels decrease, BUT don't lose all hope. x :hugs:
I hope you don't mind me posting this, but this is a copy of my post on the multiples twin bump board, a chance to see my face, and ever expanding tummy and my beautiful girls..........

Thank you for all the V Days congratulations. It has never felt like such a milestone in my previous pregnancies, but I feel really happy and proud of myself and my daughters.

Below is a pic of my 24 week bump, and 2 pics of my beautiful girls. We had a 4d scan today, I don't get the proper photos till monday but these are a couple I snuck on my mobile. Twin 1 first, followed by Twin 2. Twin 1 was being far more accomodating showing us her gorgeous face. They also estimated weights at 1lb8oz and 1lb7oz respectively - which I thought were quite good. Also I have been hoping for a natural delivery and the girls have been breech/transverse until now, but Twin 1 was moved head down, I know its early days, but at least a possibility x


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  • Twin 2 24 Weeks.jpg
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