Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

Im sorry to hear more new ladies joining i hope we can help in anyway we can. I have a meeting with my doctors at charring cross tuesday and will be asking if my wait once chemo has finished can be reduced....aslong as the chemo is out of my system and my levels stay normal i dont see why not?? Its always worth asking your doctors for advice.

Alwilan....your girls are beautiful,,,bought a little tear to my eye xxx you look great too xxx
Alwilan - Your girls are beautiful!!! Congrats hun!!!!

Mummy2Corban - I read on on Alwilan's post above that you are going through chemo. How is that coming along? Is it because the cells spread and the hcg levels didn't go down?

Having done another night of research I find that ICSI may not stop a partial mole, the sperm can also split into two, Can you believe it. I would need to have ICSI, PGD and FISH to avoid molar altogether and all of those procedures come with a price. On one example 11 were harvested the two remaiming blasts were transfered and no pregnancy was achieved. I feel stunned again, I feel so sick of this whole thing, I have changed so much over the last 28 months and each loss has changed me again, I am a different person, I am depressed, I can't stand my husband, and I am preoccupied with this whole thing, my little boy does not suffer but I should be thinking about him constantly, I am jealous, I have no friends because they are all, yes all pregnant or just had a second and I am jealous.
I don't know how to come back from this, I feel the only thing that would help is a baby, yes, I suppose replace all the lossses, It feels I have gone through so much and don't have one and am changed in a negative way for ever,i feel the only change back would be a baby but cannot face this all aghain
HI Guys,
This is my first ever post on BnB but I have been reading the boards for a while.
I'm not even sure I belong here to be honest, but I need some support because I honestly feel like I'm going mad.

So the background is, at a 7 week scan bubba was fine, had heart beat and was measuring the right size. A week and a half later I had another scan (this was done privately and was really just so we got another chance to see baby). At this scan they found the baby had no heartbeat, so next day (31/8) I had to go to my EPU to talk options. I decided to go for the D n C and had that the following monday (5/9). I bleed for a couple weeks after and was still getting really strong positive tests so I went back to EPU (20/9) to have a scan to make sure there was no retained products. They also did my HCG which came out at 2000. Two days later I had HCG retested and it came out at 1,800. They thought this was because of retained products, so I had my second D n C on 26/9. They said I should then get a neg preg test within 2 weeks. Two weeks later (10/10) I take test - its still a very strong positive!

So go back for another scan (which showed nothing left)and more HCG tests. This time (over 5 weeks from first DnC) they came out at 750. Two days later at 680.

In the meanwhile they have send the products from the Dnc's to Charing Cross to check whether there is anything not quite right with the pathology. I also had an MRI scan which should

In the meantime I just feel like I am falling apart. I am 6 weeks on from the DnC and still have HCG of almost 700. I just feel like I can't move on until my HCG comes back to normal.

I am sorry for this novel, and I'm sorry if I don't belong here - but I don't actually know who else to turn to.

Thanks for listening
Lotte xx
Lottie I'm so sorry to read of your loss :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Do you know how long the results from charing cross will take? it could be a PMP, I can totally understand how you must feel totally stuck just waiting. On the positive side your levels are dropping - slowly but they are dropping. I was a good 9 weeks before my levels were normal - they dropped on there own and for most of that time I had no idea anything was wrong so I had no tests done inbetween.

Is so hard, I'm glad you posted though as hopefully we can all support you along :hugs:
Lotte you are more than welcome to be here, it does sound like it could be a partial. I wouldn't be backwards at coming forward, and would chase your results. It is a horrible time and you do feel like you are in limbo, but it is better that they are trying to understand your miscarriage, so you can plan the future and ensure you have no further problems x please post whenever you are down and we will respond. ( weekends are usually quieter)
Thank you so much Sarah. It means a lot that you took the time to reply.

I have also send urine and blood to charing cross and my dr said he would chase it if we hadn't heard by the end of the week. So i am hoping that i will hear quickly.

I suppose if its not a PMP then i don't understand why it would be taking so long for my HCG to fall. I don't know.

I suppose i just need to be patient.

Once again thanks for your support.

Lottie xx
40yearoldmum, I'm so sorry you are so down. I felt so desperate and alone after my molar and subsequent miscarriages and everyone around me seemed to be pregnant, and my emotiins became so confusing. The main thing that got me through was my hubby and little boy, but i did become rather isolated. Try not to get too down hopefully your consultant will have some positive news. I have been on this board for nearly 6 months, and seen lots of women post here, sadly, but only 1 lady i know has had a recurrent molar pregnancy, most of us have gone on to conceive x try not to give up all hope, i know how lonely and desperate you must feel, but try and make the most of us, your cyber friends x
Lottie thats what we're here for, we have all been there and its a very lonely place - we are all here for each other on this thread - from all over the world but all with something in common that no one else in real life seems to understand.

It does sound like it could be PMP . . . . . but please don't think that thats the end of the world because REALLY its not. Honestly, there is light at the end of the tunnel - and you WILL get your rainbow baby :hugs:
Thanks Alwilan.
I'll see what this week brings!

Thanks again Sarah. I know a PMP isn't the end of the world but I suppose I'm frightened. I don't really know what the implicatios are and how long my levels will take to get back to normal.

This thread seems great. I was so scared about putting a post here, but you have made me feel so welcome. Thanks guys!

Lottie x x
Welcome Lottie! I joined this thread last week. I'm scheduled for my d&c tomorrow and feel very nervous. But you are right the ladies here make you feel very comfortable and welcome.

Like Sarah said, your levels are dropping and there will be a light at the end of this tunnel.. for ALL of us!! =) I'm becoming more optimistic now.

Ladies, I have decided that after i recover from tomorrows procedure, I will go get a hair cut and start taking care of myself again. For the past 4-5 weeks, I've been up and down emotionally. I haven't put on make up.. I broke out in acne.. AND after tomorrow... I'm going to try to be happy and just trust that when the time is right, I will become pregnant again.... Easier said than done.. But I am determined to try
Tung that's a great idea! Get your hair done, get your nails done, treat yourself :thumbup:
Agree with Sarah, brilliant idea, a bit of positivity goes a long way, and if you feel better on the outside, it doesn't take away the pain on the inside but it eases things and gives you some more confidence. I tried to take that approach whilst waiting to TTC, and although I definately had my down days, my husband and I got closer again - we'd been trying for a year before the molar and our lives just revolved around me getting pregnant - it was nice to be a couple again.

Good Luck tomorrow, thinking of you and :hugs:
Hi Tung! Nice to meet you. Good luck tomorrow. Its such a good idea to treat yourself. You really deserve it.

Hows everyone else today? Alwilan i saw from your profile you are expecting twins- congratukations! When are they due?

Hopefully i should here from my dr tomorrow about my mri scan - although i'm not too sure what they were looking for......

Have a good evening guys
X x
Agree with Sarah, brilliant idea, a bit of positivity goes a long way, and if you feel better on the outside, it doesn't take away the pain on the inside but it eases things and gives you some more confidence. I tried to take that approach whilst waiting to TTC, and although I definately had my down days, my husband and I got closer again - we'd been trying for a year before the molar and our lives just revolved around me getting pregnant - it was nice to be a couple again.

Good Luck tomorrow, thinking of you and :hugs:

I agree - my hubby and I need to get close again. Do you ladies ever feel bad that you haven't had sex lately? I can't remember when the last time I had sex with my husband was. Probably 3 weeks ago.. because i've been spotting on and off.

I know that I will still feel down some days, even if my physical appearance looks better. But I think it's a start...

Thank you for the support ladies!
Agree with Sarah, brilliant idea, a bit of positivity goes a long way, and if you feel better on the outside, it doesn't take away the pain on the inside but it eases things and gives you some more confidence. I tried to take that approach whilst waiting to TTC, and although I definately had my down days, my husband and I got closer again - we'd been trying for a year before the molar and our lives just revolved around me getting pregnant - it was nice to be a couple again.

Good Luck tomorrow, thinking of you and :hugs:

I agree - my hubby and I need to get close again. Do you ladies ever feel bad that you haven't had sex lately? I can't remember when the last time I had sex with my husband was. Probably 3 weeks ago.. because i've been spotting on and off.

I know that I will still feel down some days, even if my physical appearance looks better. But I think it's a start...

Thank you for the support ladies!

I think it had been over a month--a few weeks before my d&c and then a few weeks wait after that DH and I went without sex, and of course not wanting to you condoms I was convinced it would be awful, but I must say they make condoms way better these day--it had been years since we last used those lol Have fun getting your hair done!! I have a hair appointment coming up in a few weeks--can't wait!!
Hooray! I am so relieved :happydance:- my result today came back as totally normal!! I didn't make the 56 days post op but however, my previous test to today was 60 days post op (which is just how my tests worked out) and I was 0.36 (normal is 0.35 or below) so I'm kind of thinking now it could have well been that on day 56 which is pretty damn close to normal!! My latest test was 74 days post op so it's not like I'm weeks and weeks behind. My thinking now is that as long as they stay normal (still on fortnightly tests which is good) then i'm going to throw caution to the wind and start TTC at 6 months post op which is December. Does anyone think this is really silly or would you be inclined to do the same? (bear in mind I'm 38 in April!)
I feel a bit guilty because I've only really written posts asking for help and advice for myself rather than commenting on other people's so hopefully I'll be a bit more active on that side of things now. You have all been a great help. Many thanks xx

Hello newby here or Stacey as i am known - congrats on your normal levels - i know how you feel as I am 40years old and my levels were normal straight away and was told that my 6 months was October however the hosp didnt send my test away and so they have put me back to December but i feel ok to start trying now so have decided that this month is the month for me so dont feel bad or guilty you know your body - good luck xstacey x
Welcome to the forum ladies... its unfortunate that we all have to meet this way!

Well I have had a rubbish couple of days... since I had my d and c almost 3 months ago, i have only had 2 weeks off from bleeding... I have been feeling like rubbish lately, so tired and run down and yesterday in work I almost passed out and was shaking so I went to the drs today, I'm being tested for anemia and have been put on iron for now! She is hoping that my body is out of tune and if my hb levels are low iron will bring it up and stop me being anemic and therefore stop the bleeding (not sure how that works) but if I'm not anemic and my hb is normal then they will have to do more investigations into why I'm still bleeding! :( I'm feeling so crap all I want is this bloody nightmare (literally haha) to end and its just dragging out now... sorry for the moan! Xxx
So sorry rachieroo--Anemia does so very likely so hopefully they got it right and starting the Iron already will be a quick fix!!

AFM--2nd lot of Blood work came today. I went down from 344 to 108!!

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